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1、Welcome to Rizhao Group13,Mu Chun Ma Shengfeng,Name: Rizhao City Chinese name: 日照市(ri zhao shi) Administrative Division: 2districts(Donggang,Lanshan) 2counties(Wulian,Juxian) Population: 2,800,000 Area: 5,310square kilometers Seat of the City Government :198, Beijing Lu, Donggang District, Rizhao Ci

2、ty,Brief introduction,1. Physical Geography(自然地理) 2. Historical and Cultural Celebrities(历史文化名人) 3. Specialties(特产) 4. Scenic Spots(旅游景点) 5. Dining &Lodging(餐饮食宿) 6. Shopping (旅游购物) 7. Honored Titles (荣誉称号),content,1 Physical Geography,Location: Situated in the southeast of Shandong Province, Rizhao

3、 is adjacent to the Yellow Sea in the east, and bordered by Linyi in the west, and Qingdao and Weifang in the north. It also shares a boundary with Lianyungang of Jiangsu Province.,The map of Shandong,The Map Of RIzhao,2 Historical and Cultural Celebrities,A number of celebrities are from Rizhao. Li

4、u Xie, the author of the first Chinese literary theoretical works-Wen Xin Diao Long as well as the famous Chinese literary critic in South and North Dynasty finished his remarkable works in Dinglin Temple on Fulai Mountain of Ju County; it is the hometown of Jiangshang , the famous politician and st

5、rategist of Western Zhou Dynasty . And Dr. Samuel Ting, the world famous physicist and Nobel Prize laureate,刘勰(Liu Xie),Liu Xie Wen Xin Diao Long 刘勰.doc,Jiang Shang,丁肇中(Dr.Samuel Ting),3.Specialties,1. Cuttlefish egg (乌鱼蛋) 2.gingko/gingkgo/ginkgo(银杏) 3.green tea(日照绿茶) 4.black pottery (日照黑陶) 5.XiShi

6、tonge(西施舌),Cuttlefish egg Cuttlefish egg is the particular marine titbit, which is long in history and famous both home and abroad. It is said to have been tribute for emperors. 乌鱼蛋为日照独有的海珍品,历史悠久,驰名海内外,相传为封建帝王御膳佳品。,Ginkgo,Worldwide, Ginkgo is an extremely popular herb that millions use for better he

7、alth. It is sometimes called an anti-aging herb because it has been proven to increase blood circulation to the entire body, especially the brain, increasing mood, mental alertness, memory, and overall stamina, which are the very functions that diminish as we age. “The NO.1ginkgo tree in the world”

8、stands in Rizhao.,Rizhao Green Tea,The output of tea is the biggest both in Shandong Province and north of River Huai in China. The unique climate and natural conditions of Rizhao produce green tea of high quality, which features a thick leaf, a strong aroma, durable soaking, and high nutritious val

9、ue.,Black pottery,Black pottery is an important symbol of the Longshan culture.It has a history of over 4,500years. Two urban sites have been found Rizhao, Yao Wang Longshan culture sites such as the city nearly at the site. In Rizhao, black pottery has evolved into a cultural industry, where China

10、will also build black pottery museum.,XiShi tonge,Xishi is a famous beautiful woman in ancient China. The shell of Xishi tongue is thin a nd crisp, with a fan like shape. The clam taste delicate and delicious. 西施舌为日照海域产珍贵海蛤,外壳形态俊秀,斧足形扁似舌,洁白如玉,被誉为“西施舌”,蛤壳内经体丰满,肉质鲜嫩,味道鲜美。,4.Scenic Spots,In Rizhao, the

11、re are Olympic Water Sports Park, Wulianshan Mountain Scenic Area, Fulaishan Mountain Scenic Area and the world-largest Cliff Carvings with Chinese characters of Rizhao. Rizhao also has the largest green tea base and bamboo zone in the northern area of Yangtze River,Located in the new district of Ri

12、zhao City in Shandong Province, Wanpingkou Scenic and Historic Interest Area is quickly becoming a popular tourist destination on Chinas golden coastline. It has moderate climate with an average temperature of 12.6C (54.7 F). Ideally located near the National Ocean Forest Park of Rizhao, it is in cl

13、ose proximity to Shanhaitian Holiday Resort (to the north) and Rizhao Arboretum (to the west).,Wan Ping Kou,Located in the golden ocean line in the northeast of RizhaoCity, Shanhaitian Tourism and Vacation Zone borders the base of World Sailing Championship in Wanpingkou in the south and National Oc

14、ean Forest Park of Rizhao in the north. It is a picturesque land blessed with fresh air, blue sea, clear sky and gold sandy beach. Lying in the deep and calm harbor, it is rich in negative oxygen and free of the industrial pollution and typhoon attack. Environmentalists have honored it as one of the

15、 best places to live.,Shanhaitian,Address: east of Culture Road, Wulian County, Shandong Province. Phone: 0633-5231708 Fax: 0633-5231708 Price : 50yuan Hours: 7:30-21:30 Level: AAAA,Wulian Mountain,Huaxianzi park,Address: west of Yingbin Road,Donggang District Phone: 0633-5204208 Price: 20yuan,5.Din

16、ing &Lodging,Rizhao Liangyou Grand View Hotel is close by the National Water Sports Training Base. It is north to the Wanpingkou Seaside Scenic Area and the fantastic lighthouse square. Thus, the location is excellent. The transportation is very convenient. From the hotel to the airport, it is only

17、180km; to the railway station, it is only 2km; to the downtown, it is 2km.,6.Shopping,GuiHe Plaza 207 YanTai Road Telephone: +86 (633) 222-2277 Fax: +86 (633) 222-2777 Shandong Province Rizhao. P.R. China 276800,service Wulianshan Scenery Administrative Commission :5231708 Fax:5213108 Donggang Distr

18、ict Tourism Bureau: 8253982 Ju County Tourism Bureau: 6228654 Fax:6212456 Shanhaitian Tourism & Recreation Zone Tourism Bureau: 8312246 Fax:8314835,7.Honored Titles,The UN Habitat Scroll of Honor; National Sanitary City; Fascinating City of China; National Pilot City of Circular Economy; National Ecological Demonstration Zone; National Garden City ; Rizhao has also been regarded as one of the cities that are most suitable for peoples living in China.,Thank You!,


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