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1、2019/8/9,1,Cities of the UK,Urbanized nation,1% of its population engage in agriculture,2019/8/9,2,1. London,Situated on the Thames River near its mouth Capital city of UK The history can be traced back to 1st century,2019/8/9,3,Central London,Present-day London includes 33 boroughs,the City of Lond

2、on,the City of Westminister,districts in the West End,Important companies and streets in the City of Londan 1. Lloyds: a famous insurance company,2. Threadneedle Street: most financial activities,Bank of England,Bank of England,2019/8/9,6,3. The Tower of London, On the bank of the river at the easte

3、rn boundary of the City of London; built by William the Conqueror, used as a military fortress and then as a prison; public museum of arms and royal treasures,4. The Newspaper Industry,Concentrated in the Fleet Street,5. The East End Street, to the east of the City of London and the Tower of London

4、Times and other papers moved to quarters at the Docklands in the East End,the British people celebrated the Queens 80th birthday .,September, 2006, one year after the occurrence of Hurricane Katrina, a scripture of Virgin Maria holding Christ with the Script and stars appeared in New Orleans。,Famous

5、 for crimes,A building in the east end street,6. Southwark, around the southern end of London Bridge disreputable entertainment center of brothels, bars, and theatres outside of the Citys jurisdiction., was the location of Elizabethan theaters, which was restricted because they were considered the p

6、laces of vice. the Globe Theatre,7. The mayor of London Lord Mayor of London Not salaried Elected from among successful businessman,The City of Westminster, about two miles upstream from the City of London, Englands political center of power, Westminster model,1. Westminster Abbey,built by Edward th

7、e Confessor in the 11th century, used for such state occasions as coronations and royal funerals. giant mausoleum, more than 3000 notable people buried there Poets Corner: burial ground for famous English poets, Chaucer,2019/8/9,17,2. Houses of Parliament,New Palace of Westminster,Across the street,

8、3. New Scotland Yard,First used as a guest house to receive Scottish envoys; Later became the headquarters of the London police.,Not far away from the Houses Of Parliament,4. The Street of Whitehall,Lined with office buildings of the most important ministries of the English government; In the newspa

9、per, Whitehall refers to the English government,Near the parliament building,5. Downing Street,No.1, Downing Street: the English prime ministers official residence Many media use it to mean the prime minister.,Branching off from Whitehall,6. Buckingham Palace,Farther away from Downing Street,7. Hyde

10、 Park,about one quarter mile and contains a long lake called the Serpentine,A few minutes walk from the Palace,1). Speakers Corner,came into being in the 1860s; set aside by the government as a haven of liberty where protesters could let off steam free from interference; regarded as the epitome of B

11、ritish freedom of speech,The northeast corner of the park,Marxist speaker,2). Trafalgar Square,Built in dedication to British naval commander Viscount Horatio Nelson; A popular site for large-scale political demonstrations,Not far away from the Speakers Corner,3. The West End,center: Londons shoppin

12、g and entertainment hub 1). Oxford Street the busiest shopping area,To the west and north of Trafalgar Square,2) .The Soho district,The Royal Opera House, most of Londons 40 or so major theatres, the large movie houses, hundreds of restaurants, cafs, and bars,3). Bloomsbury,The citys traditional int

13、ellectual center, with its concentration of bookshops and homes of writers and academics. British Museum The University of London,In the northern part of the West End,Birmingham,The second largest city; Sprung up during the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century because of its proximity to rich r

14、esources of coal and iron ore; Black country; Well known for its production of automobiles, electrical equipment; The University of Birmingham,To the northwest of London,Manchester,The center of textile industries ; Witnessed the fierce struggle of the Charter Movement in the mid-19th century; The V

15、ictoria University of Manchester The Manchester College of Technology,To the northwest of Birmingham,Liverpool,The second largest seaport in Britain ; Makes a large variety of products: machines, machine tools; The University of Liverpool,To the west of Manchester,Edinburgh,The capital of Scotland,

16、Well known for the University of Edinburgh A port city,Belfast,Capital city of Northern Ireland,Cardiff,Capital city of Wales,Rover,2019/8/9,39,2. Chemicals and chemical-based product manufacturers The British chemical industry has grown faster than all other British industries , except electronics.

17、 The pharmaceutical industry is particularly successful, with the worlds second and third largest pharmaceutical firms (GlaxoSmithKline and Astra Zeneca respectively) being based in the UK and having major research and development and manufacturing facilities.,3. Other important sectors of the manuf

18、acturing industry include: Food, drink, tobacco, paper, printing, publishing and textiles.,Service industry: Tertiary industry,The service sector is the dominant sector of the UK economy, a feature normally associated with the economy of a developed country. This means that the Tertiary sector jobs

19、outnumber the Secondary and Primary sector jobs combined.,2019/8/9,42,British Trade,a major role of foreign trade in the British economy. Overseas commodity trade alone accounting for about one sixth of the countrys national income. an importer of food and an exporter of manufactured goods.,2019/8/9

20、,43,British Finance,The UK has had an expanding export business in financial service, which has been influenced by a mixture of unique institutions, light regulation, and a highly skilled workforce. Important financial cities in the UK London: the worlds financial center Shares and bonds: London Sto

21、ck Exchange Insurance: Lloyds of London Central bank: The Bank of England Business banks Barclays Bank, Citigroup and HSBC There are now over 500 banks with offices in the City and Docklands, with the majority of business in London being conducted on an international basis. Edinburgh: the fifth larg

22、est financial centre in Europe the Royal Bank of Scotland (the second largest bank in Europe), HBOS (owners of the Bank of Scotland) and Standard Life Insurance.,The UK: A financial empire,The Bank of England( the central bank) founded in 1694 nationalized in 1946 Its role: a public institution and

23、instrument of government control,2019/8/9,45,The UK: A financial empire,Major banks in the UK with Bank of England as the central bank HSBC Bank London Royal Bank of Scotland Edinburgh Barclays Bank London HBOS Edinburgh Lloyds TSB London Standard Chartered London Alliance & Leicester Leicester Nort

24、hern Rock Newcastle upon Tyne Co-operative Bank Manchester,2019/8/9,46,Pound sterling: A symbol of nationalist character (1),Pound sterling: The symbol of the UK Units of the sterling Coins 1 penny 2 pence 5 pence 10 pence 20 pence 50 pence 1 pound 2 pounds 5 pounds (commemorative only) Notes 5 poun

25、ds 10 pounds 20 pounds (seldom) 50 pounds (rarely used),2019/8/9,47,Pound sterling: A symbol of nationalist character (2),Joining the single currency, EURO: still a long way to go 1. The Labor Party and Gordon Brown promised to hold a public referendum. 2. Public opinion polls have shown that a majo

26、rity of Britons have been opposed to joining the single currency for some considerable time. 3. The main opposition party, the Conservative party, are opposed to membership. Three of 25 member countries of EU do not join EURO: The UK Sweden Denmark,2019/8/9,48,Regional GDP variation,Regional variati

27、on The strength of the UK economy varies from region to region. GDP, and GDP per capita is highest in London. The following table shows the GDP (2004) per capita of the 12 areas. Rank Place GDP per capita in Euros 1. London, England 44 401 2. South East England 31 300 3. East of England 27 778 4. Sc

28、otland 27 669 5. South West England 27 348 6. East Midlands, England 26 863 7. West Midlands, England 25 931 8. North West England 25 396 9. Yorkshire and the Humber, England 25 300 10. Northern Ireland 23 319 11. North East England 22 886 12. Wales 22 567 ,American Economy - a strong one,the United

29、 States of America has the largest economy and the most important market in the world.,2019/8/9,51,Introduction,General: Currency United States Dollar (USD) Fiscal year (财政年度) 1 October - 30 September Trade organizations NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement ), WTO (World Trade Organization), O

30、ECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) and others,2019/8/9,52,US Monetary Systems,Federal Reserve Bank: the central bank,2019/8/9,53,US Monetary Systems,Central bank: Federal Reserve Bank The Federal Reserve Banks more commonly known as the Federal Reserve or simply the Fed is

31、the United States central bank, charging with ensuring the stability and flexibility of the nations monetary and financial systems. The Federal Reserve: structured to be independent within the federal government. The Federal Reserve System following its Congressional charter; the Chairman of the Boa

32、rd of Governors reports to Congress; but the Feds decisions being independent of both the Congress and the President of the United States. its roles and responsibilities: To guide monetary policy for economic stability. To regulate and supervise banking institutions in the U.S. To provide financial

33、services to banking institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign official institutions; as well as to play a major role in operating the nations payment system.,2019/8/9,54,US Dollar Coins,Coins,2019/8/9,55,US Dollar Notes,1 dollar: George Washington (1st) 2 dollars: Thomas Jefferson (3rd) 5 dolla

34、rs: Abraham Lincoln (16th) 10 dollars: Alexander Hamilton (One of founders) 20 dollars: Andrew Jackson (7th) 50 dollars: Ulysses S. Grant (18th) 100 dollars: Benjamin Franklin 500 dollars: William McKinley (25th) 1000 dollars: Grover Cleveland (22nd) 5000 dollars: James Madison (4th) 10000 dollars:

35、Salmon P. Chase (U.S. Treasury Secretary under President Abraham Lincoln; Chief Justice of the United States),2019/8/9,56,Introduction,the largest national economy in the world. a mixed economy in that private firms make the majority of the microeconomic decisions while being regulated by the govern

36、ment. The U.S. economy maintaining a high level of output per person Maintaining a stable overall GDP growth rate, a low unemployment rate, and high levels of research and capital investment,Features of American economy,a free enterprise system Active in building roads and in the field of education

37、The important role of the US government in the US economy The farmers efficiency in the production of grain The sale of the armed forces to other countries,2019/8/9,58,Primary industry American agriculture,2019/8/9,59,Agriculture: natural advantages,The United States is blessed with fertile soil, an

38、d a good climate for its agriculture. About one-fifth of the land area is farmed. Some 394 million acres are harvested cropland, and about 890 million acres are permanent pastureland. Most of the important crop-growing areas in the United States are in the central plain region between the Appalachia

39、ns and the Rockies. Others are in the Atlantic coast plain and the great basins west of the Rockies. Agriculture is a major industry in the United States and the country is a net exporter of food.,2019/8/9,60,Agriculture: historical development,In the U.S., the spread of farms from the colonies west

40、ward along with the settlers. In cooler regions, wheat being the crop of choice when lands being settled, leading to a “wheat frontier” that moved westward over the course of years. After passing the “wheat frontier” through an area, more diversified farms including dairy cattle generally taking its

41、 place. the plantings of cotton and herds of beef cattle in warmer regions In the early colonial south, the common phenomenon of raising tobacco and cotton, especially through the use of slave labor until the Civil War. In the northeast, the use of slaves in agriculture until the early 19th century.

42、,2019/8/9,61,Agriculture: historical development,Slave labor in the southern plantations,2019/8/9,62,Agriculture: development,The introduction and broad adoption of scientific agriculture since the mid 19th century leading to a large improvement in the USAs economic growth. the establishment of a la

43、nd-grant university in each state (with a mission to teach and study agriculture) and a federally-funded system of agricultural experiment stations and cooperative extension networks which place extension agents in each state.,2019/8/9,63,Agriculture,Crop duster,2019/8/9,64,Agriculture: products Top

44、 twenty agricultural products by production,Rank product mass (tonnes) 1. Corn 256,904,992 2. Cattle meat 11,736,300 3. Cows milk, whole, fresh 78,155,000 4. Chicken meat 15,006,000 5. Soybeans 65,795,300 6. Pig meat 8,574,290 7. Wheat 63,589,820 8. Cotton lint 3,967,810 9. Hen eggs 5,141,000 10. Tu

45、rkey meat 2,584,200,Rank product mass (tonnes) 11. Tomatoes 12,275,000 12. Potatoes 20,821,930 13. Grapes 6,125,670 14. Oranges 10,473,450 15. Rice, paddy 9,033,610 16. Apples 4,241,810 17. Sorghum 10,445,900 18. Lettuce 4,490,000 19. Cottonseed 6,072,690 20. Sugar beets 27,764,390,2019/8/9,65,Agric

46、ulture: livestocks,Top five livestock industries in the United States 1. Dairy Cattle 2. Beef Cattle 3. Swine (also called hogs or pigs) 4. Poultry 5. Sheep,2019/8/9,66,Agriculture: natural advantages,Different agricultural belts,Belt of cheese: Northeast and the region around the five Great lakes T

47、he belt of wheat: the western part of the great central plain The belt of corn: south of the Great Lake The belt of cotton: the whole southeast section,2019/8/9,68,Industry: an introduction,a leading manufacturing power in the world The US manufacturing: highly diversified and technologically advanc

48、ed. Main industries: petroleum, steel, motor vehicles, aerospace, telecommunications, chemicals, electronics, food processing, consumer goods, lumber, mining.,American Industry,Three industrial sections: A: the northeast section: the center of industries, the Industrial Northeast, consisting of of t

49、he national manufacturing and processing industries Detroit: the center of the automobile industry Pittsburgh: the center of the steel and iron industry,General Motors Company,also known as GM, is a United States based automaker with headquarters in Detroit, Michigan. By sales, GM ranked as the largest U.S. automaker and the worlds second largest for 2008. GM had the third highest 2008 global revenues among automakers on t


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