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1、英语听力、阅读理解,听力、阅读复习,阅读技巧与练习,passage,word,sentence,paragraph,meaning,structure,topic sentence,Structure of a Reading Material,Enlarge vocabulary,from textbooks from English newspapers from English websites from guessing the meaning of the words,Guess the Meaning of the Word,Word,根据定义,解释 根据构词法 根据同义词,反义词

2、关系 4. 根据对比,转折关系,5. 根据同位语关系 6. 根据因果关系 7. 根据上下文线索 8. 根据生活常识,Guess the Meaning of the Word,根据定义,解释 猜词,A calendar is a list of the days, weeks, months of a particular year.,日历,Guess the meaning of the word,But sometimes, no rain falls for a long, long time. Then there is a dry period, or drought.,干旱,根据定

3、义,解释 猜词,Guess the meaning of the word,根据构词法,When a wise person misuses his wisdom, he will do great harm to society.,误用,错用,Guess the meaning of the word,misunderstanding;,impossible encouragement,根据同义词,反义词关系,If you agree, write “Yes”; if you dissent, write “No”.,不同意,Guess the meaning of the word,根据对

4、比和转折关系,Although the early morning had been very cool, the noonday sun was tropical.,hot,but, however, yet, otherwise, though,Guess the meaning of the word,热的,根据同位语关系,Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1874 in Edinburgh, Scotland. His father was an expert in phonetics, the study of the sounds of langu

5、age.,语言学,_,_,Guess the meaning of the word,根据因果关系,because , since, as, so, so that, such that,All his attempts to unlock the door was futile, because she was using the wrong key.,徒劳的,_,Guess the meaning of the word,_,根据上下文线索,The weather in Hawaii is always mild. It is pleasant and warm. There is usu

6、ally a light wind to cool the air.,适度的,Guess the meaning of the word,根据生活常识,In old days, when girls from rich families were married to their husbands, they expected to bring with themselves a large quantity of dowry.,嫁妆,Guess the meaning,Practice,He had been getting better, but during the night his

7、condition deteriorated.,变坏,Guess the meaning of the word,_,Scientists predict that there will be 6.3 billion people in the world in the year 2005.,预测,Guess the meaning of the word,_,Mr. Brown is a gentleman who is always punctual for all his classes, but he arrived over 10 minutes late yesterday mor

8、ning.,守时的,准时的,Guess the meaning of the word,_,_,_,She did not hear what you said because she was completely engrossed in her reading.,全神贯注,Guess the meaning of the word,_,_,We like our new house because it has a few elms planted in the backyard which give us shade and keep the house cooler.,能遮阴凉的一种树

9、;榆树,Guess the meaning of the word,_,_,_,The nurse was on the night shiftfrom midnight to 7 a.m.,值夜班,Guess the meaning of the word,_,_,She asked the hairdresser to trim her hair because it was too long.,修剪,Guess the meaning of the word,_,_,_,The noise was so faint that it was impossible to be sure wh

10、at it was or even where it came from.,微弱的,Guess the meaning of the word,In the strong wind, the beggar shivered with the terrible cold.,发抖,Guess the meaning of the word,Although people in many countries consider raw meat delicious, we Chinese people seldom eat any meat that is uncooked.,生的,未煮熟的,Gues

11、s the meaning of the word,_,_,Dr. Smith is recognized as one of the founders of ethnology, the study of animal behavior.,生态学,Guess the meaning,_,_,Sentence structure,Analyze the sentences,1. 找出句子主要成分 2. 根据固定句型,简单句 并列句 复合句,Analyze the sentences,找出句子主要成分,He went out.,主语(部分),谓语(部分),简单句,Analyze the sent

12、ences,找出句子主要成分,We learn English.,主语,谓语,宾语,Analyze the sentences,并列句,and, but, or, so, yet, for, while,During the 1840s, Marx met Engels, another revolutionary writer, and they became close friends.,_,Analyze the sentences,My grammar is improving, but my listening is poor.,Analyze the sentences,并列句,_

13、,The two concerts cost 4 million dollars, but 7 million dollars were collected from ticket sales and a further 7 million dollars came from radio and TV companies.,Analyze the sentences,_,_,并列句,复合句,Analyze the sentences,When he came in, I was doing my homework.,主语,谓语,宾语,状语从句,Analyze the sentences,复合句

14、,Analyze the sentences,The foods that you buy in hamburger restaurants are high in fat, sugar and salt.,找出句子主要成分,I guess she also showed that she was very interested in working for our company.,Practice,找出句子主要成分,This chance discovery ended a 12-day search by the Library Company of Philadelphia for a

15、 historical treasurea 120-page diary kept 190 years ago by Dekorah Logan, a woman who knew everybody in her day.,找出句子主要成分,This chance discovery ended a search ( a diary kept by Logan),固定句型,1. There is no time left. 2. It is easy to learn English. 3. We think it easy to learn English.,固定句型,4. It is h

16、e who loves music. 5. She did up the button in such a way that one at the bottom was not done up.,固定句型,Paragraph,The position of the topic sentence,At the beginning In the middle At the end No topic sentence,Rats are still almost as big a danger to people as they were long ago. They still spread dis

17、ease and eat crops. Much of the hunger we have today is caused by rats. They eat half of the grain harvested in the world.,topic sentence,_ _,On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin. Everyone was astonished to see him. There was just one problem. Merlin had no way to

18、 stop his roller skates. He rolled on and on. Suddenly, he ran into a huge mirror that was hanging on the wall. Down fell the mirror, breaking to pieces. Nobody forgot Merlins grand entrance for a long time!,_,topic sentence,When you throw a ball up into the air as fast as you can, the ball reaches

19、a point where it seems to pause for a moment, and then it comes down. When a bullet is shot straight up, it will travel much faster and higher than a ball, but it, too, will come down. Whatever goes up must come down. We have always thought this to be true. An airplane may climb to a height of seven

20、teen miles and then travel far and long. Yet it does not stay up forever. Finally, like everything else, the plane must come down.,_,_,_,topic sentence,The states in the northeast are known as New England. They are small in area. Even so, several of these states have many people. Most of the people

21、live in southern New England. Many live along the Atlantic Coast.,Brief introduction to New England.,topic sentence,Passage,阅读技能训练,主旨概括 细节理解 推理判断 语意猜测,2. From the passage we know that_. 3. What is the authors main purpose? 4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?,1. The main idea

22、 of the passage is _?,主旨概括题,Some supermarkets have a special way of getting people to come to the bakery counters. Sometimes they spray a “cake smell” into the air. At other times they spray the fresh smell of baking bread. These smells are enough to make peoples mouths water. The customers then rac

23、e madly to the counter to buy cake, bread, rolls, and other baked goods!,主旨概括题,The main idea of the passage is _. A. what cake smells like B. why bakeries make money C. how people are attracted to bakery counters D. what bakery counters in supermarkets sell,_ _,主旨概括题,利用What, who , how, how many, how

24、 much提出问题,细节理解题,The Family History Library is open to the public every day except Sunday and some holidays. Visitors are invited to use its books and other materials. Library officials say it is one of the most popular places for visitors in Utah. About two thousand four hundred people use the libra

25、ry each day. Normally how many visitors does the library in Utah receive in a week?,细节理解题,Normally how many visitors does the library in Utah receive in a week? A. 2,400. B. 3,000. C. 14,400. D. 16,800.,_,细节理解题,推断分析题,1. What do we know about Frank? 2. We may infer from the passage that _. 3. Which o

26、f the following words best describes ? 4. What is implied in the passage is that_?,推断分析题,JINTAN, JIANGSU: The 20 students18 boys and 2 girls had a thousand reasons to be proud of themselves. They had just climbed their way to the top rung out of 4 million students taking part in the Fifth National H

27、ua Luogeng Gold Cup Mathematics Contest on Tuesday evening. The 20 Gold medal winners are all primary and middle school students under the age of 14.,推断分析题,Many of the problems are of college level and these pupils can figure them out. It is just unbelievable! said a teacher from Guangdong province.

28、 Named after Chinas most famous mathematician, Hua Luogeng, the contest started in 1986, one year after his death. In less than 10 years, it has been recognized by the State Education Commission as the countrys biggest and best contest of its skill.,It can be inferred from the text that the teacher

29、from Guangdong province_. A. felt proud of the gold medal winners B. wondered if the students were honest C. thought that the problems were too difficult for the students D. believed that the twenty winners could go to study at university,_,推断分析题,对文章的体裁,来源作出判断,This passage might be taken out of a bo

30、ok dealing with Where did this passage most probably appear?,Do you always understand the directions on a bottle of medicine? Do you know what is meant by “Take only as directed”? Read the following directions and see if you understand them. “To reduce pain, take two tablets(药片) with water, followed

31、 by one tablet every eight hours, as required. For night-time and early morning relief(缓解疼痛) take two tablets at bedtime. Do not take more than six tablets in twenty-four hours.,对文章的体裁,来源作出判断,This text is most probably taken from a _. A. textbook B. newsreel C. doctors notebook D. bottle of medicine

32、,_,Summary,整体理解 细节理解句子结构,句意理解,词语意义的理解 3. 不影响语篇整体理解的难句和生词可以忽略,Homework,Remember to read at least 2 passages every day. Try to use the skills mentioned in the class.,语意猜测题,Tom Brennan was working in a Philadelphia office building when he noticed a black bag. The bag contained a book. Most of the diary

33、 is a record of big events in Philadelphia The adventure of the lost book began September 4 when Cory Luxmoore arrived from England to deliver the diary of his ancestor (祖先) to the Library Company ,语意猜测题, On returning to his hotel, Luxmoore was shocked to realize that he had left it in the taxi.,语意猜

34、测题,Without any delay, Green began calling every taxi company in the city, with no luck. Tom Brennan received a reward (奖励) of $ 1,000, Philadelphia gained another treasure for its history, and Luxmoore told reporters, “Its wonderful news. Im on high.”,What did Cory Luxmoore mean when he said “Im on

35、high”? Im rich. Im famous. Im excited. Im lucky.,_,语意猜测题,For thousands of years, man enjoyed the taste of apples. Apples, which are about 83 percent water, grow almost everywhere in the world but the hottest and coldest areas. Among the leading countries in apple production are China, France and the

36、 United States. There are various kinds of apples, but a very few make up the majority of those grown for sale. The three most common kinds grown in the United States are Delicious. Golden Delicious, and McIntosh.,Apples are different in color, size , and taste. The color of the skin may be red, gre

37、en, or yellow. They have various sizes, with Delicious apples being among the largest. The taste may by sweet or tart (酸的). Generally, sweet apples are eaten fresh while tart apples are used to make apple plesauce(苹果酱). Apple trees may grow as tall as twelve meters. They do best in areas that have v

38、ery cold winters. Although no fruit is yielded during the winter, this cold period is good for the tree.,The word yielded in the last sentence means _. A. improved B. increased C. produced D. sold,C,A bike tour and race will be held on Aug 26 and 27. At 5:30 am, the riders will leave Tiananmen Squar

39、e and ride the first 35 kms as a training leg. Then the next 55 Kms leg from Yanjiao to Jixian, will be the first competition.,The underlined word “leg” probably means _. A. race B. practice C. part of the training D. part of the tour,D,善于抓住句子中的核心词 ,从一个句子迅速地扫视到另一个句子,进行连贯性理解,Would you like to do some

40、 shopping together with me? If you are free, please ring me back to tell me about it.,Would you like to do some shopping together with me? If you are free, please ring me back to tell me about it.,After a long time Mum came back. Her eyes were shining. She quickly put the mop back and took my hand.

41、As we turned to go out of the door, Mum bowed to the nurse and said, “ thank you.” Outside, Mum told me, “ Dagmar is fine. No fever. “You saw her, Mum?”,“Of course. I told her about the hospital rules, and she will not expect us until tomorrow. Dad will stop worrying as well. Its a fine hospital. Bu

42、t such floors! A mop is no good. You need a brush.”,Which of the following words best describes Mum? A. strange B. warm-hearted C. clever D. hard-working,C,One of the most important weapons used during the Second World War was not a weapon used against people, but rather a drug used against disease.

43、 The wartime use of penicillin saved thousands of lives. In the First World War, for example, pneumonia was responsible for eighteen percent of all the deaths in the United States army. In the Second World War, the rate went down to less than one percent.,_ _ _ _,topic sentence at the beginning,In a

44、ddition, penicillin was instrumental in keeping wounds from getting infected and in helping to speed the healing process of those wounds that did become infected.,T.S.: At the beginning,We think of a flood or an earthquake as a natural disaster. To many of natures animals, however, the greatest disa

45、ster is the coming of large numbers of humans. When settlers came from the East to Americas great western plains, they killed millions of bison, poisoned the prairie dogs, and shot the coyotes. All this upset the areas balance of nature. For the animals, it was worse than a flood or earthquake.,_,_,

46、topic sentence in the middle,The lack of movement caused the muscles to weaken. Sometimes the weakness was permanent. So the player could never play the sport again.,减弱v.,永久的adj.,Guess the meaning of the word,弱n.,Teachers should be good at the method of persuasion and education.,劝说,说服,根据构词法,Guess the meaning of the word,For children six to twelve years old, give half the amount (量). For children under six years old, ask your doctors advice. Reduce the


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