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1、被动语态主要用于以下场合:,一 、不知道谁是动作的执行者,或没必要指明谁是动作的执行者。 Printing was introduced into Europe from China. 二、需要强调或突出动作的承受着或事件本身不必指明谁是动作的执行者时。 The injured were allowed home after treatment. At last an agreement was arrived at. 三、为了强调动作的执行者而用 by 修饰时。 The window was broken by the boy who lives next door.,四、在文章标题、广告、

2、新闻等中。 Girls wanted.(广告标题省略了助动词are) It is reported that many have been lost in the earthquake. 五、当动作执行者不是人时。 We were shocked by the news of his death. Such things are only eaten by animals.,一些特殊的被动结构: 1、带情态动词的被动结构: The problem must be solved soon. 2、带不定式的被动结构: The room is going to be painted. The hom

3、ework needs to be done with care. 3、短语动词的被动结构: The baby is looked after carefully.,4、带复合宾语的动词在改为被动语态时,一般把主动结构中的宾语改成主语,宾语补足语保留在谓语后面: We always keep the classroom clean. The classroom is always kept clean.,5、有些动词形式上是主动结构,但表示被动的意思。 (1)一些不及物动词: Class begins.(上课) 某些动词只能做不及物动词,如 occur, happen , fall, go,

4、break out, take place等,其主动形式表被动 Eg. When did the accident occur ? May 4th Movement took place in 1919. It happened yesterday evening.,(2)具有及物意义的不及物动词,如 sell, read, feel, write, wear, wash, open, clean, cook, keep, cut, fill, blow, measure, lock, run, record, begin, shut 等。 The book sells well. The m

5、achine runs well. Your composition reads well. The pen writes smoothly. This coat wears well.,有的动词同时兼有及物和不及物的功用,当用作不及物动词时其主动结构所表达的被动意义和其作及物动词时在被动结构中所表达的被动意义的意思大致相同: My jacket has worn out. My jacket is worn out.,有的及物动词构成的被动语态,与其作不及物动词时构成的主动表被动有细微的含义差别: The cloth does not wash.这块布不经洗。(是由于布本身的内在特性,质量差

6、或其他原因) The cloth is not washed. 这块布没有被洗。(与布本身的特性没观) These shoes do not sell. 这些鞋销售不了。 These shoes are not sold.这些鞋尚未出售。,(3)表示状态特征的连系动词,如 look, feel, smell, taste, sound, prove, appear等主动表被动 The roses smell sweet. Cotton feels soft. Good medicine tastes bitter.(良药苦口) Your sentence does not sound righ

7、t. What he said proved to be correct.,(4)某些动词以物作主语时,其进行时也可以表示被动意义。 The dinner is cooking. The book is printing. The house is building. Preparations are making.,6、下列情况主动句不能改为被动句。 1)谓语是及物动词leave, enter, reach, suit, benefit, lack等。 2)谓语动词是不可拆开的短语动词take place, lose heart, belong to, consist of等。 3)宾语是反身代词、相互代词、同源宾语 、不定式、动名词、抽象名词。,7、 据说 It is said that 希望 It is hoped that 据推测说 It is supposed that 必须承认 It must be admitted that 有人会说 It will be said that 有人相信 It is believed that 众所周知 It is well known that,


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