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1、英语课堂教学的分析,海南师范大学外语学院 2009. 11. 7,TTR英语教师培训 主题七 (Topic 7),内容提要 1. 课堂教学分析的基本途径 2. 课堂教学评价与话语分析案例 Lesson 1, Unit 7 (J2A) 3. 课堂话语分析的定义、种类与功能,基本分析方式 4. 课堂决策分析的基本内容 5. 课堂教学分析的目的与教师反思,课堂教学分析的基本途径,教学目标分析(Teaching-objectives Analysis) 教学过程分析(Teaching-procedure Analysis) 课堂话语分析(Classroom-discourse Analysis) 课堂

2、决策分析(C. Decision-making Analysis),Teaching plan for Lesson 1, Unit 7, J2A How do you make a banana milk shake? Learning Objectives : Words & Expressions: learn and practice the words and phrases used to give instructions when making a banana milk shake: shake, pour/ put.into, peel, cut up, turn on,

3、blender etc. Structures & the use: learn and practice the imperative sentences in instructions for making a banana milk shake with the following verb phrases: peel bananas, cut up the bananas, put the bananas into the blender, pour the milk into the blender and turn on the blender Language & learnin

4、g skills: (1) Listen to identify and to note down the right instructions for making a banana milk shake with the transition phrases, e.g., first, thennext finally (2) Practice giving the instructions orally & following the instructions with quick responses. Others: Knowing the drink “shake” and how

5、to make it with Ss own hands . Vocabulary-oriented lesson: (注意、理解、记忆),Teaching Procedures,Step 1 Greeting and leading-in (介绍) (1) Greet the students and talk about milk shake with the following questions: (Realia: a box of milk, banana milk shake, some bananas, a blender, a knife, a glass) “Whats th

6、is?” (Bb: shake) “Do you often have banana milk shake?” “Do you like it?” “How does it taste?” “Do you know how to make it?” “What do we need if we want to make it?” (Bb: milk, bananas, a blender etc) (2) Task instruction: To learn how to make a banana milk shake.,Step 2 Watch and learn (Presentatio

7、n) (注意) T. demonstrates how to make a banana milk shake with her self- instructions: first, peel the bananas, then, cut up the bananas, then, put the bananas into the blender, next, pour the milk into the blender and finally, turn on the blender (Bb: peel, cut up, pour/put into, turn on), Ss watch,

8、listen and say the verbs after the T. (了解) T. gives short instructions with 5 pictures ( peel, cut up, put into the blender, (with teaspoon) pour into the blender, turn on the blender) and Ss listen and see if the teacher put the pictures on Bb in right order (T. deliberately mixed them. (识别) Ss say

9、 the 5 verbs (peel, cut up, pour/put into, turn on) on Bb aloud by actions. (操练) Ss write the 5 verbs in the blanks in the pictures (1a). (确认),Step 3 Listen & do (practice through listening) (理解) 1-2 Ss respond to the teachers instructions(complete ones)by action (make a banana milk shake as the T.

10、did), the rest of Ss describe what they are doing with Ts Qs: How do they make a banana milk shake, first, then, then, finally? (注意) (2) Ss read the instructions in the box (1b on Page 41) and get ready for listening to the dialogue between 2 boys who are talking about how to make a banana milk shak

11、e. (预测) (3) Listen to the dialogue and number the instructions. (理解记录) (4) Listen again and read the script after the tape, underline the instructions and then check the numbers. (理解检测) (5) Report the correct order of the instructions by saying them one by one in chorus. (归纳),Step 4 Action Chain (尝试

12、的思维方式:记忆) 1. Work in teams: Ss do the action chain as follows: A: How do you make a banana milk shake, first? B: Peel the bananas, then? C: Cut up the bananas, then? D: Put the bananas into the blender, then? E: Pour the milk into the blender, then? F: Turn on the blender, finally? G: Pour the milk

13、shake in a glass and drink it. (小组操练),2. Volunteer groups demonstrate their action chains in the order, the rest of Ss listen & assess. If they find something wrong in the order or the transition words (first, then or next, finally), they can stop the action by saying: (集体展示) 3. Class Action chain:

14、each team plays the role as above and say how to make a banana milk shake together. (分享) 4. Ts comments on the teams work in the competition. (评价),课堂话语 (Classroom Discourse),教师话语所占课堂学时70%到80% (Nunan, 1991),教师的课堂话语使用是否得当直接关系到能否有效帮助学生建构知识(有利于学生学习,符合学生认知规律)。,1. Introduction discourse(内容介绍话语): 介绍该课的主要内容

15、、目的或介绍话题及背景知识的主要话语; 2. Instructions(课堂指令话语) 组织教学时说的话,如介绍教学活动的步骤、要求等;宣布活动开始、结束等; 3. Language input(语言输入话语) 为学生提供的语言输入,如示范、举例、领读、叙事。 4. Construction discourse(知识建构话语) 帮助学生思考和建构知识的话语,如提问、讲解、反馈等。 5. Classroom-management discourse(课堂管理话语) 维持正常课堂教学秩序和调动学生参与时使用的话语。,课堂话语分析要点,1. 教师尽量使用参考性问题,尽量减少展示性问题,以利于鼓励学生

16、独立思考、表达真实思想,接近真实交际; 2. 反馈时教师主要应对学生发言的内容做出反馈和评价,只要学生使用的语言形式不影响正常交际,一般不针对语言形式进行反馈; 3. 教师在解释、提问和发出指令时,应根据需要进行适当地重复或语言调整,比如重新措辞、简化、使用口语化语言,使用自然停顿、等待等交际手段,给学生留下思考的时间; 4.尝试与学生进行意义协商,根据需要请学生澄清和重复,鼓励学生插话或提问; 5.自然转换交流话轮,尽可能让每位学生都有交流机会。,课堂决策,According to Richard (1990), the following are 4 main factors of the

17、 effective classroom teaching:,l Classroom Management (课堂管理) l Teaching Structure (教学结构) l Learning Tasks (学习任务) l Grouping of Learners (学生组合),课堂管理,课堂管理是教师有效组织和调动学生开展各种课堂教学活动和课堂交往的方式 ( the way Ss classroom behavior, movement, and interaction are organized and controlled to bring about effective lear

18、ning in the classroom.),为了有效地管理课堂、维持正常秩序,教师对活动和交流的时间、速度、程序(如提问的方式、反馈、对学生反应和学习效果的预测)等要进行精心策划。,教学结构,教学结构是教师根据学生感知语言的自然逻辑来结构各种课堂教学活动的方式,它涉及学生的学习动机、个人体验和对自我对学习的监控与反思 (Structuring is the way by which teaching activities are sequenced according to the logic and structure that students can perceive the lan

19、guage naturally. ),对课堂活动清楚的教学目标和对学生清楚的了解,教师才可能了解各种活动之间的关系以及为什么。,学习任务,教师需要考虑完成任务时学生的: 思维方式 (response mode:thinking ways); 交流方式 (interactional mode) 任务的复杂性 (task complexity) 从而决策任务的类型、结果的检测形式、可用策略和材料。,学习任务是教师根据教学目标、内容、学生的学习需要和实际能力设计出来的各种课堂教学活动。 (Tasks are the learning activities that the teacher devel

20、ops to attain particular learning objectives in terms of students needs and abilities. ),学生组合,学生组合是教师根据任务/课堂活动的性质和学生的特点(能力、学习方式、个性等)安排的活动组织形式。 Grouping is the way to organize students when they carry out tasks.,为此,教师要决定组合的人数、组员的号码、小组中每人(包括组长)的具体职责、交流的内容、说话的顺序、组际之间、个人与全班之间交流的方式等。,教学分析的目的,1. 评估性分析 (1)

21、Objective Analysis (2)Procedure Analysis,2. 诊断性分析:反思的前提 (1)Decision-making Analysis (2)Classroom discourse Analysis,教学反思的方式,Teaching Journey(描述主要的课堂教学事件:自己对事件的看法、体会,并通过描述推测教师的教学动机或教学信念,如语言观、学习观、教学观、学生观等。) Reflection Report (反思自己的主要教学问题:问题发生的具体情况、对学生当时造成的影响、对教学问题及其原因的分析、解决问题的想法等 ) Action-research Report (报告教学研究过程与结论:研究主题及原因、调查过程与结论、调查分析与讨论,行动方案与效果、进一步研究计划),谢谢聆听!,


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