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1、计算机学院 物联网工程专业本科培养计划物联网工程专业本科培养计划Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Internet of Things一、修业年限及授予学位名称四年;工学学士、Length of Schooling and DegreeFour years for the Bachelor of Engineering.二、培养目标“物联网工程”专业致力于培养建设物联网系统所需要的专业人员,特别是涉及相关网络结构与通信协议、软件体系结构与中间件、计算平台、应用开发与服务的设计与开发工程技术人员。本专业学生将在传感技术、网络通信、移动计算、计算机方面应

2、具备扎实的理论基础和专业知识;在计算机系统平台、海量信息与实时信息处理、应用系统开发与集成等方面有较强的设计能力,并具备良好的技术创新与工程实践能力的高级专业技术。本专业毕业后,既可继续深造,攻读本专业或相近专业的硕士学位。亦可在学校、科研机构、企事业单位、政府机构等部门从事物联网相关的教学、研究、产品开发、设计、维护、管理等工作。、Educational ObjectivesThe specialty of the Internet of Things aims to train the professionals of building systems of Internet of Thi

3、ngs, especially the engineers who are responsible for designing and developing the relative network structures and communication protocols, software architectures and middleware, computation platforms, applications and services. The students of this specialty will have strong theoretical base and pr

4、ofessional technologies on the aspects of sensors, network communications, mobile computing and computers. They also have the strong ability of designing and integrating computer systems, real-time information processing and application systems. Also they will be good at innovation practicing. After

5、 graduation, students can make further studies for the masters degree of this specialty or other related similar specialties. They can also be engaged in the related works of Internet of Things such as teaching, research, product development, design, maintenance, and management, etc in schools, scie

6、ntific research institutions, enterprises, and governmental departments, etc.三、培养规格及要求本专业学生以学习计算机网络理论与技术、无线传感网技术、无线通信技术和大规模信息处理及分析技术为主,兼学微电子技术,嵌入式系统技术,同时加强数学和物理基础。在强调理论的同时,重点加强学生实际能力的培养和锻炼。明确要求“物联网工程”专业学生在本科四年学习中应学习和掌握的知识和技能有:1 系统地学习本专业的基本理论和方法;2 了解本专业的发展动态;3 具备计算机体系结构、硬件原理、网络技术等基础知识;4 具备从事物联网系统工程设计

7、和应用实施的能力;5 系统地掌握计算机软件与技术的基本方法;6 具备良好的心理、外语、身体、科学实践、社会知识等综合素质。III、Skills ProfileStudents majoring in this specialty will learn theories and technologies of computer networks, wireless sensor networks, wireless communication and large scale information process and analysis. Besides, they will also lea

8、rn microelectronics, embedded systems with strong background of mathematics and physics. Students will not only master theories, but also get training from much hands-on experience.In the four years program, students majoring in Internet of Things are expected to gain the knowledge and skills as fol

9、lows: 1. Learning basic principle and methods of this specialty systematically;2. Understanding development and trend of this specialty;3. Mastering fundamental knowledge of computer architecture, hardware principle and network technology;4. Ability in engineering design and application of Internet

10、of Things;5. Mastering the basic methods of computer software and technology systematically;6. Comprehensive attainment in psychology, foreign language, health, scientific and society practice.四、主干学科和主要课程主干学科:计算机科学与技术主要课程:程序设计基础、离散数学、数据结构、物联网通信技术、计算机网络、操作系统、嵌入式系统及应用、物联网体系结构、物联网控制原理与技术、RFID原理与应用、传感器原

11、理与应用、传感器网络原理及应用、物联网数据处理、物联网应用系统。IV、Major Disciplines and CoursesMajor Disciplines: Computer Science and Technology.Main Courses: Fundamental of Programming, Discrete Mathematics, Data Structure, Communication of IoT, Computer Network, Operating System, Embedded System and Application, Architecture o

12、f IoT, Principles and Technologies of Control in IoT, Principles and Applications of RFID, Principles and Applications of Sensors, Principles and Applications of Sensor Networks, Data Processing of IoT, Application System of IoT.五、研讨型课程物联网数据处理、物联网应用系统V、Seminar CoursesData Processing of IoT, Applicat

13、ion System of IoT.六、使用双语教学的课程数据结构、算法分析与设计、面向对象程序设计、计算机网络、JAVA程序设计VI、Bilingual Courses Data Structure, Algorithm Analysis and Design, Object-oriented Programming, Computer Network, Programming in Java.七、课程体系的构成及学分、学时分配和最低毕业学分课程类别学时/周数学分学分比例必 修通识教育基础84853学科大类基础17611专业主干57636集中实践环节28周17选 修文化素质1926通识教育基

14、础1207.5学科大类基础805专业选修48830.5集中实践环节4周2最低毕业学分168VII、Hours/Credits of Course system and Minimum Graduate CreditsType of CourseHours/WeeksCreditsPercentage (%)Required CoursesBasic Course in General Education84853Basic Course in General Discipline17611Major Courses in Specialty57636Internship and Practic

15、al Training28 weeks17Elective CoursesCulture Elective Courses1926Basic Course in General Education1207.5Basic Course in General Discipline805Selective Courses in Specialty48030.5Internship and Practical Training4 weeks2Minimum Graduate Credits168八、集中实践环节及要求1、电子实习完成简单的电子产品安装,初步熟悉电子元器件、安装及焊接方法;了解和学习基于




19、络方面的综合性应用课题,较全面地锻炼学生综合运用专业知识解决实际应用问题的能力和培养学生的团队协作精神。5、毕业设计针对教师科学研究中和实际应用系统的物联网工程问题,综合应用所学物联网技术的基本理论、方法和工具,有效地解决科研或实际应用问题,同时全面培养学生从事科学研究的基本能力和从事软、硬件及网络工程的应用开发的能力。VIII、Practical Training and Requirement1. Electric practiceStudents are required to assemble simple electric products, understand Electroni

20、c Component and method for installation and soldering. Learn how to install and solder the integrated circuit based on chipsets and blocks.2. Required Internship and Practical Training1) Course Project of object-oriented programming: Students are cultivated to master the method of object-oriented pr

21、ogramming and use C+ language for software development. With systematical experiment demo and practice guidance, students can use method of object oriented programming and C+ language to develop simple software system independently.2) Course Project of Computer Network: Students are cultivated to ma

22、ster the principle of network, to strengthen the ability of network programming with Socket API by building a client-server application system.3) Course Project of Principle of Computer Organization: Students are cultivated to master the design of CPLD/FPGA application and usage of EDA software, to

23、obtain the comprehensive understanding of computer system, organization and mechanism, to improve the ability of the design and development of computer hardware system.4) Course Project of Design of IoT Engineering: Students are cultivated to master the skill of building an IoT from the aspect of en

24、gineering so they can design an IoT system.5) Course Project of Operating System: Students are cultivated to understand the function components of operation system, to master the methods of the design and implementation of operating system by building a real operating system with the basic functions

25、6) Course Project of Embedded System and Application: Students are cultivated to master the usage of the embedded hardware platform and software emulator to develop an application of the embedded system with the functions of the control and calculation.3. Selective Internship and Practical Training1

26、) Course Project of Principles and Applications of Sensors: Students are cultivated to design a wireless sensor system, master the working mechanism of a wireless sensor network, and understand the technology of coverage, localization, data aggregation, event detection and intelligent sensing.3) Cou

27、rse Project of Database System: Students are cultivated to use the theory of database system, the knowledge of E-R model and the SQL language to design and implement a database application system.2) Course Project of RFID Technologies and Applications: Students are cultivated to understand the princ

28、iples of RFID and how it reads and writes so the students can design a prototype using RFID technology.4) Course Project of Design of IoT Engineering: 5) Innovation courses: according to the requirement of this university, the major is set with innovation courses. The purpose is to strengthen the in

29、novative ability of students, based on the platform of SRTP and discipline competition. The innovation courses can widen students way for practical training and serving for society. Students are guided to join in scientific research lab and activities of all kinds of discipline competition. Students

30、, who gain good achievement in innovation activity, are rewarded with several credits according to related documents of this university.4. Professional Internship With the comprehensive project concerning system, software and network, students are cultivated to make use of their overall major knowle

31、dge to solve practical problem and learn how to cooperate with others in a team. 5. Graduation design For a project in the research work of tutors or practical application system, students are cultivated to apply the basic principle, method and tools of Internet of Things, solve some problems in sci

32、entific research or practical application. In addition, students can be trained in scientific research or application development of software, hardware and network engineering.九、教学安排指导表(一)必修课Required Courses课程类别Type of Course专业Specialty课程编号Course Code课程名称Course Name总学分Credits总学时Hours课内学时Hours课外实践Pra

33、ctice开课学期Semester理论课Theory实验课Experiment上机Operating通识教育基础课程Basic Courses in General Education“形势与政策”教育Studies of Current Social Situations 2323201000920中国近现代史纲要Outline of Modern Chinese History23232104033330大学英语 (1) College English (1)3484016110019745高等数学 (II-1)Higher Mathematics (II-1)58080125000110

34、体育 (1) Physical Education (1)11632167001420军事课(含军事训练、军事理论) Military Course (Including Training and Theories)232323周101000220思想道德修养与法律基础Ethics and Rudiments of Law23232 204033430大学英语 (2)College English(2)3484016210019035大学物理 (II-1) College Physics (II-1)3.55656210019565高等数学 (II-2)Higher Mathematics (

35、II-2)69696225000710体育 (2) Physical Education (2)11632201021230毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论Overview of Theoretical System of Maoism and Chinese Characteristics Socialism34848304033530大学英语 (3) College English (3)3484016310002040大学物理 (II-2) College Physics (II-2)46464310020815大学物理实验College Physical Experiment1

36、.52448325000810体育 (3) Physical Education (3)11632301001030马克思主义基本原理Marxism Philosophy348484通识教育基础课程Basic Courses in General Education04033630大学英语 (4) College English (4)3484016410029830概率论与数理统计 (I) Probability and Mathematical Statistics (I)34848425000910体育 (4) Physical Education (4)116324通识教育基础课程小计

37、Sub-total of Basic Courses in General Education538487282403周学科大类基础课程Basic Courses in General Discipline15011035电路原理 (III)Circuit Principles (III)3.556528218007440离散数学 Discrete Mathematics46464215001305模拟电子技术实验 (II) Experiment of Analog Electronics Technology (II)0.5816315015630模拟电子技术 (III)Analog Ele

38、ctronics Technology (III)348483学科大类基础课程小计Sub-total of Basic Courses in General Discipline1117616424专业主干课程18001930面向对象程序设计Object-oriented Programming348401616318020830物联网通信技术Communication Technologies of IoT34848318007540脉冲电路与数字逻辑Pulse Circuit and Digital Logic4645616418001035数据结构Data Structure464561

39、616418010340算法分析与设计Algorithm Analysis and Design3.55656518002240计算机网络Computer Network4645616518007835操作系统Operating System3.556481616518001140计算机组成原理Principle of Computer Organization4645616518008835嵌入式系统及应用Embedded System and Application3.5564816718021435传感器网络原理及应用Principles and Applications of Sens

40、or Networks3.55648166专业主干课程小计Sub-total of Major Courses in Specialty36576512804848必修课程学分合计Total of Required Courses100160014043444848(二)选修课Elective Courses课程类别Type of Course专业Specialty课程编号Course Code课程名称Course Name总学分Credits总学时Hours课内学时Hours课外实践Practice开课学期Semester理论课Theory实验课Experiment上机Operating文化

41、素质Culture文化素质教育选修课Culture Elective Courses6192192通识教育基础选修Basic Elective Courses in General Education18000435程序设计基础Fundamental of Programming3.556403220118006730高等代数Advanced Algebra34848118013705新生研讨课Seminar for fresher11616101000520逻辑学Logics23232210021020复变函数Complex variables functions23232310021220

42、数学实验Mathematics Experiment23216324通识教育基础选修课程小计Subtotal of Basic Elective Courses in General Education13.5216188322420通识教育基础选修课程对学生的最低学分要求为Minimum Credits of Basic Elective Courses in General Education7.5120学科大类基础选修Basic Elective Courses in General Discipline18000325计算机科学与技术概论Conspectus of Computer S

43、cience and Technology2.54040118002030多媒体技术Multimedia Technologies3484016518009330JAVA程序设计Programming in Java2.5403216518008235Linux操作系统Linux Operating System2.54032166学科大类基础选修课程小计Subtotal of Basic Elective Courses in General Discipline1016013648学科大类基础选修课程对学生的最低学分要求为Minimum Credits of Basic Elective

44、Courses in General Discipline580专业选修Selective Courses in Specialty18017620 物联网工程导论 Introduction of IoT Engineering23232218020720 物联网体系结构 Architecture of IoT23232318005630 信息安全数学基础 Mathematics Basis for Information Security34848318010835汇编语言程序设计Assembly Language Programming2.5403216418020530物联网控制原理及技术Principles and Technolog


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