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1、本科生毕业论文(设计)册作者姓名:富博指导教师:张增臣所在学部:经管学部专 业:国际经济与贸易班级(届):2014届1班二一四年五月十日学位论文原创性声明本人所提交的学位论文河北省家具出口贸易研究,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的原创性成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。本声明的法律后果由本人承担。论文作者(签名):指导教师确认(签名):年 月 日年 月 日学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解河北师范大学汇华学院有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交学位论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权河北师范大学汇华学院可

2、以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或其它复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。(保密的学位论文在 年解密后适用本授权书)论文作者(签名):指导教师(签名):年 月 日年 月 日河北师范大学汇华学院本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编 号:2014230702017 论文(设计)题目: 河北省家具出口贸易研究 学 部: 经管学部 专业: 国际经济与贸易 班级: 2014届1班 学生姓名: 富博 学号: 2010510355 指导教师: 张增臣 职称: 教授 1、论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务在国际经济全球化的进程中就会出现贸易问题,研究河北省家具出口贸易的现状,分析河北省家具出


4、贸易的影响,并就其影响做较为客观的正面和负面分析,对其负面影原因并针对问题提出解决思路4、主要参考文献1瞿积,亭刘东.中国家具产业比较优势分析J.山东林业科技,2003(3):51-52 2田朝华,陈建成,张元.中国家具业的发展沿革与进展J.绿色中国,2004,(3-4) 3黄淑琴.中国家具业存在问题及改进措施J.中国林业,2004,(8):39-4011张春宝,缪东玲.中国木质家具出口贸易影响因素实证分析j.林业经济,2010(10):101-1045、计划进度阶段起止日期1论文选题,文献搜集,填写毕业论文任务书,论文开题2013.11.142013.12.282资料整理,调研,进行毕业论文

5、的初稿写作2013.12.292014.03.233对初稿进行修改,进行毕业论文的二稿写作2014.03.242012.04.114进一步修改论文,并最终定稿2014.04.122014.04.285论文答辩、填报毕业论文的有关资料2014.04.292014.05.18指 导 教师: 年 月 日教研室主任: 年 月 日河北师范大学汇华学院本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 经济管理 学部 国际经济与贸易 专业 2014 届学生姓名富博论文(设计)题目河北省家具出口贸易研究指导教师张增臣专业职称教授所属教研室国际经济与贸易研究方向国际投资课题论证:本文通过对国内外关于河北省家具出口贸易做出研究,


7、究的方法如文献研究法、实证研究法和统计法等,充分利用各种主要期刊、理论书籍、专业论文及网络进行资料的收集和调查研究。进度计划:2013.11.142013.12.28:毕业论文选题,文献调研,填写毕业论文任务书,论文开题;2013.12.292014.03.23: 收集资料,阅读相关书籍,进行毕业论文的初稿写作;2014.03.242012.04.11:对初稿进行修改,二稿写作;2014.04.122014.04.28:进一步修改论文,并最终定稿;2014.04.292014.05.18:论文答辩、填报毕业论文的有关资料。指导教师意见:指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 教研室主任签名:

8、年 月 日河北师范大学汇华学院本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述包括国内外研究现状、发展趋势、存在问题、参考文献依据,对文献资料进行概括、分析(不少于1000字)。曹康在国际经贸2007中国家具出口贸易现状及对策分析中阐述中国家具产业发展迅速,家具出口贸易也呈不断上升的趋势,过快的增长趋势已显露出国际贸易的后患。为进一步促进家具产业的持续健康有序发展,针对目前所存在的问题,提出了相应对策。黄淑琴在中国林业2004中国家具业存在问题及改进措施阐述世界家具市场情况、家具消费情况和发展趋势,以及我国木质家具在国际贸易中的状况,在此基础上,经过SWOT(优势、劣势、机遇、挑战)分析,得出我国木质家具缺乏国




12、进家具产业的持续健康有序发展,针对目前所存在的问题,提出了相应对策。 中国家具业20多年的迅猛发展引起了世人瞩目,尤其是入世后,随着一系列开放政策的实施和家具关税的逐年降低,中国家具出口额以两位数的增长速度递增,引起世界家具行业的广泛关注。我们自身也意识到单凭劳动力成本优势来抢占市场,已经力不从心了。因此,认真分析当前我国家具生产及出口现状,发现其中存在的问题,及时采取相应措施,对促进我国家具产业健康、快速、持续发展,是有一定现实意义的。一、中国家具出口贸易分析1.出口总量分析据统计,从1997年开始,中国家具出口几乎保持着30%左右的增长率。2002年中国已成为世界家具生产第六大国,占全球家




16、发展。例如,在2003年7月,美国14个州的27家家具企业对从中国进口的木制卧室家具提起反倾销诉讼;2004年11月9日,美国商务部对此做出仲裁,中国125家应诉家具企业中,109家获得8.64%的平均税率,6家获得0.79%16.7%的单独税率,大大降低了产品在国际市场的竞争力。因此,中国家具企业应尽快优化出口市场结构,开发新产品,新客户,积极开拓多元化的海外市场,加大对欧盟、东南亚等国家和地区的出口,规避反倾销的贸易壁垒。在企业自身积极开拓新市场的同时,家具行业协会应该积极发挥作用,不断为家具企业提供海外市场信息。 2.品牌意识欠缺,遭遇创新“瓶颈”我国家具出口以木制家具为主,对木材的消耗


18、间缩小,遭遇“微利”时代由于国际原木和国际石油价格的上涨,使得中国家具生产和运输成本不断提高,出口市场上的恶性竞争,又抬高了国外进口商的讨价还价底线,大大缩减了出口商的利润空间,从而构成对中国家具贸易增长的不利因素。要改变中国家具出口无序竞争,相互压价的现状,一方面应该实现中国家具产业的规模化经营,提高家具企业的经营实力;另一方面,家具行业协会应充分发挥作用,及时了解各会员企业的情况,及时通报各出口市场的基本情况、国际家具市场行业行情及预警信息,整合家具企业在出口时的议价能力,以推动中国家具出口步入有序、协调、健康的可持续发展道路。Furniture export trade situatio

19、n in China and CountermeasuresIn recent years, the rapid development of Chinas furniture industry, furniture exports also showed a rising trend, the rapid growth trend has shown the troubles of international trade. To further promote the sustained and healthy and orderly development of the furniture

20、 industry, the problems for the current proposed countermeasures. Chinese furniture industry 20 years of rapid development has aroused worldwide attention, especially after the accession, gradually reducing implementation and furniture along with a range of tariffs and opening up policy, Chinas furn

21、iture exports grew at double-digit rate of increase, causing the world furniture industry widespread attention. We also realize that their mere labor cost advantage to seize the market, has been insufficient. Therefore, a careful analysis of the production and export of Chinas current status of furn

22、iture and found problems promptly take appropriate measures to promote the health of Chinas furniture industry, rapid and sustainable development, there is a certain practical significance. I. Analysis of Chinese furniture exports 1 Analysis of total exports According to statistics, since 1997, Chin

23、ese furniture exports maintained a growth rate of almost 30%. 2002 China has become the worlds sixth largest furniture production, accounting for 7.9% of the global furniture production; 2004 Chinese furniture exports topped $ 10 billion, second only to Italys second-largest exporter. 2006 Chinese f

24、urniture exports about $ 17 billion, becoming the worlds largest exporter. After accession to the WTO, Chinas furniture industry after adjustment, the use of cheap labor price advantage, sustainable supply of timber resources and increasing labor productivity, making Chinese furniture exports form t

25、he high-speed growth. 2 export structure. At present, Chinas furniture industry, including wooden furniture, upholstered furniture, metal furniture, plastic furniture, glass furniture and rattan furniture and other categories, among which the majority of wooden furniture exports. Therefore, wooden f

26、urniture, for example, to analyze the structure of exports. Its export structure, among other wooden furniture, wooden frame with wooden bedroom furniture Desks and still is the main Chinese furniture exports. Among them, the proportion of seats with wooden frames in total exports remained relativel

27、y stable from 1997 to 2004 an average of 24.92% of the share; bedroom with wood furniture grew rapidly from 1997s 12.37% to 22.27% in 2004. Wood office furniture and kitchen furniture, wood furniture in total exports subordinated position. Among them, a kitchen with wooden furniture share decline ra

28、pidly, down from 10.65% in 1997 to 6.18% in 2004; office wood furniture is relatively stable, with an average annual maintained at 4.73%. Furniture exports in solid wood as the main raw material of wood furniture predominate. 3 export market analysis China furniture export trade, the share of the na

29、tions largest, Chinas furniture exports to the United States continued to maintain approximately 30% of the growth momentum, accounting for almost half of total U.S. global imports of furniture. For example, in the U.S. the proportion of wooden kitchen furniture imports accounted for 63%, of which 1

30、6% have come from China, 4% from Italy, 3% from Germany. Secondly, Hong Kong is Chinas second largest furniture export market, but its share declined. Japan is also China furniture export market occupies an important position, its share is declining. Britain, Australia does not occupy the main posit

31、ion of Chinese exports, but has shown a rising trend. Second, Chinas furniture exports problems and countermeasures With the increasing competition in the market, profit space is constantly reducing furniture exports, down from the previous 30% to 40% of net profit to 10% to 15% of Chinas furniture

32、exports main issues are also increasingly exposed, Measures should be taken to actively respond: 1 export market is too concentrated, encounter barriers Chinese furniture exports are too concentrated in the U.S. market, which will induce the importing country could become one of the important reason

33、s for furniture anti-dumping complaint filed, thereby reducing the ability to resist risks furniture industry is not conducive to long-term development of the furniture trade. For example, in July 2003, the U.S. 14 states 27 furniture companies on imports of wooden bedroom furniture from China antid

34、umping proceedings; November 9, 2004, the U.S. Department of Commerce to make this arbitration, China 125 should v. furniture companies, 109 to get an average tax rate of 8.64%, and 6 to obtain a separate tax rate 0.79% 16.7%, greatly reducing the product in the international market competitiveness.

35、 Therefore, the Chinese furniture industry should optimize the structure of export markets as soon as possible, the development of new products, new customers, and actively explore diversified overseas markets, increase exports to the EU, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions, to avoid anti

36、-dumping trade barriers. In their own and actively explore new markets, the furniture industry associations should play an active role, and to provide information to the furniture business in overseas markets. 2 lack of brand awareness, experience and innovation bottleneck Chinas furniture exports w

37、ooden furniture, huge wood consumption, the level of technical requirements are relatively low, coupled with the design level lags behind the developed countries. In the rapidly growing domestic market demand stimulated many domestic furniture companies across the low threshold, blindly follow the t

38、rend of imitation, a small factory fake companies, fake foreign manufacturers, similar enterprises mutual imitation of the situation on the furniture styles . Chinas furniture exports caused serious product homogeneity, the main export products to middle and low products, and originality of their pr

39、oducts with the nationalization and internationalization design characteristics are very scarce. This way, easily lead to foreign intellectual property litigation. Therefore, Chinas furniture industry in the production chain must have a sense of innovation, and the international nature of the nation

40、alization of the design concept of integration, develop their own brands. This requires our government departments and industry associations to increase intellectual property protection efforts; put more money into product design and R & D department; train more furniture designers. 3 export profit

41、margins shrink, suffered profit era Due to the rise in international oil prices and the international timber, making Chinese furniture production and transportation costs continue to increase, cut-throat competition on the export market, but also raised the foreign importers bargain bottom line, gre

42、atly reduced the profit margins of exporters, which constitutes unfavorable factors of Chinese furniture trade growth. To change the Chinese furniture exports disorderly competition, lower prices of the status quo, one should realize the scale of operations of Chinas furniture industry, furniture in

43、dustry to improve operating strength; on the other hand, the furniture industry associations should fully play its role, to keep abreast of all member companies situation, and timely information about the basic situation of the various export markets, the international furniture market prices and wa

44、rning information industry, the integration of furniture enterprises in the export of bargaining power, in order to promote Chinas furniture exports into the orderly, coordinated and healthy road of sustainable development. The economist,2010,10:25-26本科生毕业论文设计河北省家具出口贸易研究学 部:经管学部专业:国际经济与贸易班级:2010级1班学

45、 生:富博指导教师:张增臣论文编号:2014230702017目 录中文摘要、关键词 1绪论2(一)论文设定的背景及目的2(二)论文的研究方法2(三)论文的结构及研究内容2一、河北省家具出口贸易现状3(一)河北省家具发展概述3(二)河北省家具出口现状4二、 河北省家具出口存在的问题4(一)受多重因素影响订单严重下滑5(二)综合成本上涨企业利润下降5(三)产品同质化现象严重品牌意识缺失6(四)企业管理不科学竞争力不强6(五)家具设计人才缺失不重视产品开发7(六)国际品牌大举进入国内企业面临挤压7三、河北省家具出口对策8(一)政府的扶持作用8(二)行业协会的服务作用9(三)企业提高家具生产质量及设计水平9(四)企业应积极实施品牌战略10(五)加大新兴市场开发力度10(六)关注相关法律法规采取应对措施11结论 12参考文献


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