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1、全民英檢GEPT 中高級 由初試到複試,GEPT Study Group,- General: How to prepare for the oral and writing tests? - How to do Chinese-English translation? - Composition: Task and Reminders - Error Correction and sth. For Fun,全民英檢GEPT 中高級 由初試到複試,Keep listening and reading English (input). Take notes, expand your vocabu

2、lary -and use it! (output). Think in English(make it a habit). Practice the different oral and written question types.,Composition (2),Thinking in English Translation and Writing,Chinese-English Translation: What is required?,5 (1)內容能充分表達題意,(3)文段(text)結構及貫性甚佳;(2)用字遣詞、文法、拼字、標點及大小寫幾乎無誤。 Idea Expressio

3、n Syntax (Sentence Construction), Language (wording, grammar tense; active/passive, spelling, punctuation, capitalization) Express the ideas in English in correct and colloquial English. Fluency and Coherence (later),Translation: Basic Principles,不要逐字翻譯。No word-for-word translation. Find the dynamic

4、 equivalents(活譯). Get the ideas and then express them in your own words(colloquial English). Why? Chinese and English are different languages with different syntactic rules (句法sentence structures; collocation) and semantic fields (語意).,Translation: Basic Principles e.g.,e.g. 這種皮包很多見(x) “seen frequen

5、tly.” Such type of handbags can be found everywhere. Such type of handbags is a dime a dozen. e.g. 選對、用對字:提高了安全性: (x) “raise” “lift” increase, improve, enhance; spend, take, cost 的區分; travel, trip. (while traveling, during the trip/journey/voyage) e.g. 活用句型:從前的人出遠門既不方便又危險。 (x) People in the past wer

6、e inconvenient and dangerous to have a long trip. It was + adj + for sb + to have a long trip; Going on a long trip was adj for sb.,中英文語法對比,e.g. (1) Tense: 他本來要去的,最後關頭又改變了主意。 He had wanted to go, but changed his mind at the last minute. e.g. (2) Impersonal Passive (used in objective language in scie

7、ntific reports and news reports) 坊間很多產品都宣稱有美白作用,其實多數誇大其詞,若民眾真的想要美白皮膚,建議還是找專業醫師諮詢,針對個人狀況規劃診療計畫。 Many skin products on the market are said to have whitening functions, which are actually undue exaggerations. To lighten and whiten ones skins, it is suggested that one seek doctors advice to design a med

8、ical plan based on ones personal conditions.,ref: 1, 2,Impersonal passive: some more examples,1. 虛主詞general situation It is believed that 有人認為 It is generally considered that 大家(一般人)認為 It is well known that 大家都知道(眾所周知) 2. 動詞用法: Nuclear powers danger to health, safety, and even life itself can be sum

9、med up in one word: radiation. (用一個字來概括) 3. emphasis placed on the action or the object but not human subject as agent. Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially about the dreadful consequences of taking up the habit.,(source.),Translation: 中英文語法對比,e.g. (3) order of ideas in a s

10、entence: 時間副詞adv的位置、子句的使用; 我原本打算一月去曼谷,後來不得不延後,令我非常失望。 (x) I wanted to go to Bangkok in January, but I had to put it off, and it was disappointing. (loose sentence) I had to put off the visit I wanted to make to Bangkok in January, which was quite disappointing. It was a keen disappointment when I ha

11、d to postpone the visit which I intended to pay to Bangkok in January. Which is the two is better? It depends on the context (development of the main idea).,Translation:中英文語法對比,e.g. (4) 子句的順序;時間、因果的排列: 英文:可變化 中文:則”原因在前,結果在後,條件在前,結果在後” e.g. 要是你沒說那話就(主詞?)好辦了。 Things would have been easy if you hadnt s

12、aid it. e.g. (4) 冠詞、單複數 e.g. 飛機的發明不僅縮短了旅行時間,也提高了安全性。 e.g. The invention of airplane not only shortens travel time, but also improves (whose?) safety. The invention of airplane shortens the time needed for such a travel, and increases its safety.,(source.),Chinese-English Translation: What to avoid?

13、Chinese English,e.g. (5)句構 (ref. 1, 2) - 英文句子的主詞不一定是中文的主詞 (虛主詞) 1.今天好熱?! 2. 你需要知道如何和人相處。(e.g. “It is necessary ”) 主詞和動詞的搭配:在那個年代許多國家爆發戰爭哪個是主詞? In that era, wars broke out very often between countries.,Chinese-English Translation: What to avoid? Frequent Errors,Avoid frequent errors: (x)He suggests m

14、e to take more vegetables. (x) Discuss about; mention about transitive verb Avoid awkward sentence - 少用名詞多用動詞 - Her depression was because she thought she was not physically appealing to the opposite sex. She felt depressed because Avoid blunt responses in oral English esp. 句構和語氣 (客氣的否定)我不能久待、這不是真的否

15、定的位置 I cant stay any longer. This is not true. I dont think I can stay any longer. Im afraid I have to go. I dont think this is true.,Stumbling blocks! Proper Nouns, or four-word idioms (成語),2006年,國際經濟合作與開發組織針對15歲學生所做的國際評比中,台灣學生在數學素養方面拔得頭籌,居世界之冠。 (a try) In the international evaluation done to 15-ye

16、ar-old students by the International Economic Cooperation and Development Organization in 2006, Taiwanese students were ranked no. 1 in math among the students from all over the world. (published) In 2006, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developments Programme for International Student

17、 Assessment, which compared 15-year- olds, ranked Taiwanese students number one in the world in mathematics. (source: http:/.tw/en/show_issue.php?id=200939803006e.txt&table=3&year=2009&month=3 ),Chinese-English Translation: Fluency and Coherence,Writing Develop the main idea by paragraphs Writing an

18、d Translation Coherence and Cohesion Each should be coherent (連貫; with a logical sequence of ideas) the sentences are well structured, well linked together, not repetitive) achieved thru key words, transitions, parallelism and other sentence patterns to foreground the main idea.,Chinese-English Tran

19、slation: Fluency and Coherence e.g.,e.g. The invention of airplane shortens the time of travelling and increases the safety of persons(unclear). GapThe dream that travel (V-ing) to the Moon would be carried out because of the speedy development of technology. (add pronouns; 凸顯因果關係) and increases its

20、 safety. Considering the speedy development of these technologies, the dream of traveling to the Moon would not be impossible to carry out.,Guided Writing (60%),Main Idea & Task Task may include not just reading, but also summarizing, responding to a text and discerning the purpose of the timed writ

21、ing. Despite the time needed for “reading and summarizing,” try to give a Thesis Statementby leaving a space at the end of the first . Try to pick up what you can handle. (Traffic plan? Media education? Propagation? tax policy) If the task is too difficult, start from yourself (giving your own examp

22、les, or suggesting what you can do). The bar graph peak hours include the morning rush hours.,Task -summarizing,(one example) According to a statistical data sample in 1999, the traffic accidents happened frequently during 2 pm to 2 am, and reached the peak after 6 pm. Not until 2 am did the acciden

23、t number decline and fall below 10. However, the number rose again from 6 am to 10 am.,Writing: Frequent Errors,word usage: make + adj or 原形Verb faulty comparison - Another reason is that people are more fatigued than the day. Another reason is that people are more fatigued than they are during the

24、day. there are + verb: There were forty accidents happened from ten p.m. to next days two a.m. There were forty accidents happening from ten p.m. to next days two a.m. Forty accidents happened from ten p.m. to next days two a.m. redundant: According to the graph it tells us The graph tells us The fo

25、llowing are my opinions on those accidents. omit,Writing: Frequent Errors (2),wording 1The main reason may be there was not enough lighting on the roads. (But there is usually lighting on the streets in the evening; the problem is the lack of natural light, right?) The main reason may be there was n

26、ot enough lighting on some roads. One reason is that, without sunlight, the visibility is lower, which prevents the drivers from seeing the road clearly. wording 2-They usually hurry to work in the morning or to go home after work so that they are easy to word choice: tend tobe unwary. “tend to” can

27、 also be used when you want to modify your statement to avoid sweeping generalization.,Error Correction: tend to, learn, graduate,Learn I have learned English. (x) I have been learning English. OK I have learned how to play tennis. (the skills) Graduate - Tom has just graduated with distinction in psychology. Tom graduated last year. Tom was graduated(授予學位) from Yale in 1980. Tom has graduated for one year. (x) See more explanation here.,Learning with fun!,InsideStory Flashcards http:/ Engrossed: aborbed in something The cat was completely engrossed.,


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