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1、gamasutra salary survey 2014 The game industry is inherently prone to change, volatility, and disruption. But in 2013, we began to see the chaos of prior years settle down just enough to allow game makers to familiarize themselves with the current reality. Whereas 2012 showed us an industry in flux,

2、 2013 was a year of identifying and dealing with transition. These transitions affected the way game developers make a living. How so? Most obviously, we can no longer consider the democratization of game development an emerging trend - lower-barrier game development is now a fact of life. While thi

3、s created the opportunity for many people to make and release games, it also invited a flood of games onto app stores and digital PC storefronts, making it difficult for anyone to actually find - let alone pay you for - the game you made. In triple-A game development, 2013 was a year in which salari

4、ed employees adjusted to a release slate made up of even fewer games than the year prior, and competed over fewer jobs, as large publishers came to terms with the transition, often resorting to layoffs. And we also transitioned to a new generation of game consoles, the initial success of which left

5、companies scrambling to serve a market that has proved meaningful even through all of the industrys fluctuations and changes. So here are some of the top-line statistics: In 2013, salaried game developers in the U.S. earned an annual salary of $83,060 on average, which is down slightly compared to l

6、ast years $84,337. Fourteen percent of our respondents said they were laid off during the course of the year, which is 2 percent higher than 2012. But 60 percent said their salary increased between 2012 and 2013, versus 32 percent who said their pay stayed the same, and 9 percent who said it decreas

7、ed. Despite the fact that making video games is hard, general sentiment surrounding a career in game development is positive, with 45 percent saying they agree that the game industry is “still a great place to work in” (flat year-on-year), with 19 percent “strongly agreeing” (down from 24 percent).

8、The remaining respondents were in strong disagreement to neutral with that statement (only 3.1 percent said they “strongly disagree,” flat from the previous year). Forty percent said they were satisfied with their current career path, with 18 percent “extremely satisfied,” 29 percent “somewhat satis

9、fied,” and 13 percent “unsatisfied.” In the write-in answers to the open question, “Do you have anything to say about the game industry in 2013?”, answers indicated that game developers are well-aware of the challenges that the industry poses, which include: long work hours, job instability, shiftin

10、g business models, the fact that good games are hard to make, and cultural issues such as sexism. But underneath most of these worries, there is an undercurrent of enthusiasm that revolves not around salary, but around loving games, and creating games. Thats why people stick with this industry. Of c

11、ourse, enthusiasm doesnt put food on the table. Heres how game developers earned their living, and how much they made, in 2013. 01 3 years36 years6 years Artist or Animator Lead Artist/Tech Artist Art Director Artist and Animator salaries per years experience and position 100K 90K 80K 70K 60K 50K 40

12、K 30K 20K 10K 0K $55,547 $71,029 $87,576 $110,000 $82,230 $50,000 % Average Gender Represented Salary Men 91% $76,054 Women 9% $55,909 % receiving additional income 76% Average additional income $15,192 Type of additional compensation received Annual bonus 35% Project/title bonus 25% Royalties 8% St

13、ock options/equity 23% Profit sharing 13% Pension/Employer contribution to 401K 37% Percent receiving benefits 97% Type of benefits received Medical 94% Dental 91% Vision 80% ALL ARTISTS AND ANIMATORS Years experience in the industry Gender stats 3 years36 years6 years Programmer/Engineer Lead Progr

14、ammer Technical Director Programmer salaries per years experience and position 100K 90K 80K 70K 60K 50K 40K 30K 20K 10K 0K % Average Gender Represented Salary Men 95% $93,977 Women 5% $79,318 % receiving additional income 77% Average additional income $16,534 Type of additional compensation received

15、 Annual bonus 46% Project/title bonus 17% Royalties 5% Stock options/equity 31% Profit sharing 14% Pension/Employer contribution to 401K 37% Percent receiving benefits 94% Type of benefits received Medical 93% Dental 89% Vision 78% ALL PROGRAMMERS AND ENGINEERS Years experience in the industry Gende

16、r stats $71,855 $79,877 $94,583 $116,151 $135,781 $103,789 Programmers continue to be among the highest-paid in the game industry. The average U.S. programmers salary in 2013 was $93,251, compared to $92,151 in 2012. That salary is bested by business and legal, and this year, audio (the latter has a

17、 much lower sample than programming, and more easily skewed by high-paid outliers). Average pay for U.S. programmers with less than three years experience was $70,637 in 2013, compared to $74,008 in 2012. Average salary in the 3-6 year experience range was virtually flat at $83,695 from $83,243, and

18、 the 6 years-plus category went up, to $113,177 from $111,281. Canadian programmers averaged $81,660 vs. $70,712 in 2012, while European programmers made $47,312, compared to $43,914 in the prior year. Out of all job categories, the programming and engineering discipline is the most heavily skewed t

19、owards men, who make up 95 percent of total programming respondents. PROGRAMMeRS AND eNGINeeRS $93,251 avg. salary Visual artists are the people who make video games appealing to our eyeballs. On average, game artists in the U.S. made $74,349 in 2013, down from $75,009 in the prior year. Salaries fo

20、r U.S. visual artists with under three years experience dropped to $50,463 from 2012s $55,682. Visual artists with 3-6 years experience saw an average salary of $59,942, down from $64,619. While less-experienced visual artists average salaries dropped, professionals with over six years experience sa

21、w a boost in average salaries to $86,743, up from last years $76,653. In Canada, visual artists made an average of $62,663 in 2013, down slightly from $63,227 in the year prior. Europe-based visual artists averaged $41,280 vs. $40,776 year-over-year. From a gender perspective, visual arts are heavil

22、y skewed toward men, who make up 91 percent of respondents. Theres also a significant gender wage gap, which amounts to over $20,000. ARTISTS AND ANIMATORS $74,349 avg. salary 42% 6 yrs $113,177 35% 36 yrs $83,695 23% 3 yrs $70,637 10% 3 yrs $50,463 33% 36 yrs $59,942 57% 6 yrs $86,743 02 03 3 years

23、36 years6 years Game Designer Creative Director/Lead Designer Game Designer salaries per years experience and position 100K 90K 80K 70K 60K 50K 40K 30K 20K 10K 0K % Average Gender Represented Salary Men 87% $74,448 Women 13% $70,000 % receiving additional income 77% Average additional income $13,860

24、 Type of additional compensation received Annual bonus 40% Project/title bonus 29% Royalties 9% Stock options/equity 28% Profit sharing 11% Pension/Employer contribution to 401K: 30% Percent receiving benefits 95% Type of benefits received Medical 95% Dental 93% Vision 85% ALL GAMe DeSIGNeRS Years e

25、xperience in the industry Gender stats $53,000 $65,516 $68,654 $77,768 $101,944 3 years36 years6 years Associate Producer Producer/Project Lead Executive Producer Producer salaries per years experience and position 100K 90K 80K 70K 60K 50K 40K 30K 20K 10K 0K % Average Gender Represented Salary Men 7

26、8% $84,151 Women 22% $75,726 % receiving additional income 83% Average additional income $12,798 Type of additional compensation received Annual bonus 46% Project/title bonus 25% Royalties 7% Stock options/equity 25% Profit sharing 14% Pension/employer contribution to 401K 43% Percent receiving bene

27、fits: 95% Type of benefits received Medical 94% Dental 91% Vision 86% ALL PRODUCeRS Years experience in the industry Gender stats $59,079 $73,500 $93,160 $126,833 $61,912 Game designers hold perhaps the most romanticized career path in all of video game development. But 2013 showed that their pay on

28、ly outranked one discipline: quality assurance. On average, a salaried U.S.-based game designer made $73,864 in 2013, down from $75,065 in 2012. For designers with less than three years experience, the average salary in 2013 was $50,625, down from $55,313 the year prior. Designers in the 3-6 year ra

29、nge made $65,385 on average, up from $63,639, while designers with over six years of experience averaged $86,563, down from $92,583 in 2012. Canada-based designers made $60,435, up from $56,576 in the prior year, and European designers averaged $39,626, down from $43,600 year-over-year. Gender balan

30、ce shifted 2 percent year-over-year in favor of women, who made up 13 percent of all game designers polled. As for the gender wage gap, men were paid about $4,500 more on average in the U.S. GAMe DeSIGNeRS $73,864 avg. salary A good producer is essential in keeping a project focused and on track. Pr

31、oducers in the U.S. averaged an annual salary of $82,286 in 2013, down from $84,127 in 2012. Per years of experience, producer salaries were down across the board. Those with under three years of experience averaged $50,192, compared to $63,472 in 2012, a $13,000 drop. Producers with 3-6 years exper

32、ience averaged salaries of $70,833 in 2013, down from $77,077. Those with more than six years experience made $92,853 on average, down from $95,976 in 2012. In Canada, producers averaged $68,000 annually, down from $76,875. Europe-based producers made $56,274 on average vs. $54,167 the prior year. T

33、he producer discipline had the highest percentage of women, who made up 22 percent of all salaried U.S.-based producers who responded to the survey. They were still paid $8,400 less on average, however. PRODUCeRS $82,286 avg. salary N/A 49% 6 yrs $86,563 39% 36 yrs $65,385 12% 3 yrs $50,625 9% 3 yrs

34、 $50,192 61% 6 yrs $92,853 30% 36 yrs $70,833 A good audio person can turn a good game into a great one. There are actually relatively few salaried audio professionals, as a lot of these jobs are contracted. That means we didnt have many respondents for this category even less than last year. Howeve

35、r, full-time audio professionals in the U.S. averaged $95,682, up from $81,543 (again, there was a smaller pool of respondents, so the results are more easily skewed). Audio professionals with 3-6 years experience averaged $60,227, down from $68,167, while those with over six years experience earned

36、 $118,750 on average, up from $98,846. Unfortunately, we didnt gather enough responses for entry- level salaried audio professionals. We also didnt have enough respondents to accurately determine Canadian and European averages. Of all U.S. salaried audio professionals polled, 91 percent were men. Th

37、is discipline saw the highest average additional income on top of salary, at more than $32,000. 3 years36 years6 years Sound/Audio Director Audio Professional salaries per years experience and position 100K 90K 80K 70K 60K 50K 40K 30K 20K 10K 0K % Average Gender Represented Salary Men 91% $98,500 Wo

38、men 9% $67,500 % receiving additional income 84% Average additional income $32,135 Type of additional compensation received Annual bonus 41% Project/title bonus 22% Royalties 19% Stock options/equity 13% Profit sharing 31% Pension/Employer contribution to 401K 41% Percent receiving benefits 94% Type

39、 of benefits received Medical 94% Dental 91% 401K/Retirement 82% ALL AUDIO DeVeLOPeRS Years experience in the industry Gender stats Quality assurance plays a vital role in players experience with a game, but it is perennially the lowest-paid job category in the game industry. The average salary for

40、a QA professional was $54,833 in 2013, which is actually up from $48,611 in 2012 (but still lower than all other disciplines). QA professionals with 3-6 years experience averaged $48,426, up from $44,167 in the year prior. Those with over six years experience made $62,885 on average, down from $65,0

41、00. We werent able to garner enough responses for full- time entry-level QA. QA staff in Canada averaged $36,500, vs. $41,731 in the year prior. Europe-based QA staff made $31,346 on average, compared to $31,000 in 2012. Men made up 88 percent of all salaried U.S.-based QA staff polled. This discipl

42、ine was the only one in which women were paid more than their male counterparts, by more than $2,200. % Average Gender Represented Salary Men 88% $54,576 Women* 12% $56,786 % receiving additional income 72% Average additional income $7,904 Type of additional compensation received Annual bonus 43% Pr

43、oject/title bonus 14% Royalties 5% Stock options/equity 26% Profit sharing 10% Pension/employer contribution to 401K plan 35% Percent receiving benefits: 90% Type of benefits received Medical 88% Dental 86% 401K/Retirement 83% ALL QA TeSTeRS Years experience in the industry Gender stats AUDIO PROFeS

44、SIONALS $95,682 avg. salary QA TeSTeRS $54,833 avg. salary 3 years36 years6 years Tester QA Lead QA Tester salaries per years experience and position 100K 90K 80K 70K 60K 50K 40K 30K 20K 10K 0K $65,500 $38,833 $60,417 N/A N/A N/A $109,500 6% 3 yrs $60,000* 33% 36 yrs $60,227 61% 6 yrs $118,750 12% 3

45、 yrs $49,643* 45% 36 yrs $48,426 43% 6 yrs $62,885 04 05 This category includes the people whose job it is to keep a company organized and, in the best scenarios, financially healthy. This includes people who are executives, executive managers, community managers, legal staff, human resources, IT, c

46、ontent acquisition and licensing, and general administration staff. This is typically the highest-paid discipline, and 2013 followed tradition. The average salary for business professionals in the game industry is $101,572, down slightly from $103,934 in 2012. Business professionals with less than t

47、hree years experience made $69,853 on average in 2013, compared to $67,348 in 2012. Those with 3-6 years experience averaged $81,042, down from $85,081 from a year prior, while businesspeople with over six years experience made $120,000 on average, down from $128,819 in 2012. Canadas game industry b

48、usinesspeople averaged $81,250 in 2013, up from $78,750. Europe-based business staff made $57,500, down significantly from last years average of $72,652. bUSINeSS AND MANAGeMeNT $101,572 avg. salary AVeRAGe SALARIeS U.S., CANADA, AND eUROPe (across all levels of experience, by discipline, given in U

49、SD) U.S. CANADA* eUROPe* OVeRALL $83,060 $71,445 $46,232 Programmer $93,251 $81,660 $47,312 Art and Animation $74,349 $62,663 $41,280 Game Design $73,864 $60,434 $39,626 Production $82,286 $68,000 $56,273 Audio $95,682 $83,928 $66,666 QA $54,833 $36,500 $27,500 business $101,572 $81,250 $57,500 *Most Canadian respondents were from Quebec (42%), British Columbia (28%), Ontario (20%), and Alberta (5%). *Most European respondents were from the United Kingdom (21%), Ge


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