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1、科技英文 寫作 的 要領,董 崇 選 中山醫學大學應用外語系教授 懂更懂學習英文網站負責人 http:/dgdel.nchu.edu.tw,引言: Introduction,A.科技英文寫作的英譯是: 1. Science Skill English Writing 2. Science Technology English Writing 3. Science and Technology English Writing 4. Scientific Technological English Writing 5. Scientific and Technological English Wr

2、iting 6. Academic English Writing,A.科技英文寫作的英譯是:,7. Technical English Writing 8. Writing Technical English 9. Writing Science and Technology English 10. Writing English of Science and Technology 11. Writing English for Science and Technology 12. Writing Scientific and Technological English,引言:Introdu

3、ction,B. 何者為科技英文? 1. For health one should drink pure water, not alcohol. 2. Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. 3. The conclusion Einstein arrived at was the equation: E = MC2. 4. The word “morphemes” contains three morphemes: two bound morphemes (“morph-“ and “-eme”) and one free morpheme (“

4、-s”). 5. Concerning the origin of knowledge, rationalists believe in innate or a priori truths while empiricists claim that all knowledge springs from sense perception or experience.,B. 何者為科技英文?,6. Marx and Engels formulated the principles of dialectic materialism. They maintained that economic stru

5、cture is the basis of history, and determines all the social, political, and intellectual aspects of life. 7. We found calcium levels to be decreased by RA and D3 but increased when AG1296 was given in addition to RA or D3. 8. Quantum of Solace is the 22nd James Bond film by EON Productions, release

6、d in the UK on 31 October 2008. 9. Quantum phenomena are particularly relevant in systems whose dimensions are close to the atomic scale, such as molecules, atoms, electrons, protons and other subatomic particles. 10. The aerostructures are for horizontal stabilizers, engine nacelles, fan cowls, etc

7、.,C. 誰最適合教科技英文?,1.科技學門的教師? 2.英文科系的教師? D. 科技英文術語 如何習得? 1.由科技教師 2.由科技教材 3.由科技刊物 4.課堂內與課堂外,E. 一般 英文用語 如何習得?,1. 使用英文者 (師友、他人) 2. 英文教材、教學節目 3. 英文報章、刊物、廣告、包裝 4. 英文廣播、電視節目、網路 F. 科技人 寫英文 的 困難 1. 詞彙不夠 2. 語法不明 3. 知識背景問題 4. 練習機會太少 Learn to write by reading & knowing ones own problems.,G. 華人寫英文的錯誤,1. 用字不精確 2. 不

8、合語法 (時態、冠詞、介詞等) 3. 照中文習慣翻譯 I have prepared some disserts for you. You cannot compare apples and oranges. No drinks and food in class.,H. 科技英文 有不同語法嗎?,1. estrogen receptor alpha 或 the estrogen receptor alpha (Room 10 或 the Room 10) 2. As a transcriptional regulator, p53 is . 或 As transcriptional regu

9、lator, p53 is . (as a professor 或 as professor; as president 或 as a president) 3. P53 is capable of activating various target genes. 或 P53 is capable of the activating of various target genes. 或 P53 is capable of activation of various target genes. 4. Here, we report that ERalpha inhibited . 或 Here,

10、 we report that ERalpha inhibits . (. that the earth rotates 或 rotated) 5. . in diverse biological processes, such as apoptosis. 或 . in diverse biological process, such as the apoptosis. 6. p53-mediating transcriptional repression. 或 p53-mediated transcriptional repression. (a snake-biting person 或

11、snake-bitten person; a snake-biting bird 或 snake-bitten bird),The Structure of a Thesis or Paper,A doctorate dissertation, an MS thesis, a term paper, a journal paper, a conference paper, etc.each has its required length, format, and content. Before writing, you need to know the type of work you are

12、 writing and the required length, format, and content of the work. 1. Title 2. Abstract 3. Key words and phrases 4. The Main Body of the Text 5. Notes 6. Bibliography (References) 7. Appendix or Appendices,The Main Body of the Text,1. Introduction 2. Review of literature 3. Material(s) 4. Method(s)

13、5. Work done (in lab and/or elsewhere) 6. Result(s) or finding(s) 7. Discussion 8. Conclusion(s) and suggestion(s),Two Ways of Writing the Title,A. Sentence (Subject + Predicate): 1. Dietary Vitamin E and Selenium Significantly Prevent the Contagion of Bird Flu 2. Dietary vitamin E and selenium sign

14、ificantly prevent the contagion of bird flue B. Phrase (Noun and Modifiers): 1. (A) Numerical Investigation into the Effectiveness of Multi- Element Pressure Screen Rotor Foils 2. A numerical investigation into the effectiveness of multi-element pressure screen rotor foils. 3. (The) Cyclic Behavior

15、and Seismic Design of Bolted Flange Plate Steel Moment Connections 4. (The) Effects of Dietary Vitamin E and Selenium on the Prevention of Bird Flu,Present or Past Tense?,1. The purpose of this paper (is, was) to (thesis, dissertation, report, article) 2. The purpose of this research (is, was) (stud

16、y, investigation, analysis, survey, inquiry, experiment) 3. The . method (is, was) used in the process. 4. Participants (are, were) five graduate students. 5. The researchers (design, designed) their own instrument for the experiment.,Present or Past Tense?,6. The present study (investigates, invest

17、igated) 7. The study also (finds, found) that 8. The findings (或 results) (reveal, revealed) that 9. With the findings, we (conclude, concluded) that (suggest/suggested, propose/proposed) 10. Based on the results, two implications (can, could) be thought of as helpful to (conclusions, applications,

18、suggestions, proposals, recommendations) 11. We (hope, hoped) that in the near future ,Perfect or Progressive Aspect,1. Previous studies (showed, have shown, were showing, are showing, had shown) that while (machining, machined) hardened steels, the tool can lengthen its life by various cutting tech

19、nologies. 2. However, engineers (are still studying, have still studied) the issue of diminished tool life, since they (are meeting, have met) with numerous problems in developing high-speed and high-performance cutting technologies. 3. Recently, there (was, has been) a report that a certain company

20、 (was experimenting, had experimented) with some lubricators. 4. They (found, have found) that chipping and adhesion (are, have been) the dominant tool damage modes and lubrication can significantly lessen the damage, especially when the tool (cuts, is cutting, has cut) hardened steel.,Active or Pas

21、sive Voice?,1. This paper (aims, is aimed) to 2. In this paper, we (aim, are aimed) to 3. This theory (can apply, can be applied) to a number of practices. 4. We (can apply, can be applied) for any information or help. 5. The results (indicate, are indicated) that 6. The findings (consider, are cons

22、idered) to be of great value. 7. The data (gathered, were gathered) from several sources. 8. We (obtained, were obtained) the data using the assay. 9. (Shown, Shows) here is a case study of 10. Here we (present, are presented) a case study of 11. Over the last few decades, many papers (have devoted,

23、 have been devoted) to 12. Recently, many papers (have focused, have been focused) their studies on ,Active or Passive Voice?,13. This drug (induces, is induced by) sleep. 14. Sleep (induces, is induced by) this drug. 15. Great efforts (have made, have been made) to find out 16. The investigation (b

24、ases, is based) on the idea that 17. Little (knows, is known) about the reaction of A to B. 18. It (knows well, is well known) that this compound is not soluble in water. 19. It (suggests, is suggested) that we (should) experiment with electricity. 20. It (suggests, is suggested) that the ion is det

25、achable. 21. From the discovery we (can conclude, can be concluded) that 22. From the discovery it (can conclude, can be concluded) that 23. (List, Listed) below is a series of 24. They (imply, are implied) that ,Indicative or Subjunctive Mood,1. It is found that the methodology (can, could) be used

26、 to . 2. We suggest that the method (is, should be) used for this machining. 3. From the experiment we (can, could) see that this tool (may, might) be useful in . 4. This result leads us to the idea that we (will, would) have a better result if we (have used, had used) the right method. 5. These res

27、ults lead us to the conclusion that we (have, had) not used the right method, and that if we (have, had) used the right method, we (will, would) have had very different findings. 6. It is estimated that a 50% increase (will, would) benefit all of them. 7. Although a rough estimation (can, could) be

28、made, it (may, might) not be accurate to use the formula in a thermomechanical model.,C or UC, Sg. Or Pl.?,1. Due to their low thermal (conductivity, conductivities), high (abrasion, abrasions) of cutting (edge, edges) and (tendency, a tendency) to crack during machining, titanium aluminide (alloy,

29、alloys) are notoriously difficult-to-cut (material, materials) when using conventional (e.g. turning, grinding, drilling, milling) cutting (operation, operations).,C or UC, Sg. Or Pl.?,2. Despite their low (machinability, machinabilities) TiAl alloys find (niche, niches) (application, applications)

30、(area, areas) in the (manufacture, manufactures) of complex shaped (component, components) for (aerospace, aerospaces) (gas, gases) (turbine, turbines) (engine, engines).,C or UC, Sg. Or Pl.?,3. Based on (generic design, a generic design) of (aeroengine component, an aeroengine component), this pape

31、r investigates the (response, responses) of (TiAl alloy, a TiAl alloy) to abrasive waterjet (AWJ) cutting (process, processes) (variable, variables) in order to speed up (generation, a generation) of high-integrity (surface, surfaces).,With or Without “a(n)” or “the”,1. (Abrasive, The abrasive, An a

32、brasive) waterject machining is one of (most, the most) promising non-conventional machining processes for (difficult-to-cut, the difficult-to-cut) materials because of (reduced, the reduced, a reduced) mechanical and thermal damage to (workpiece, the workpiece) surfaces produced using this techniqu

33、e.,Which Preposition to Use?,1. To obtain insight _ the mechanism involved _ FOH- induced apoptosis, we compared the gene expression profiles of A and B _ microarray analysis. 2. The shape profile geometry (of, at) the clad deposit is important (for, to) thermomechanical modeling. 3. It may not be a

34、dequate to predict the profile geometry (over, from) a wide range of varying process parameters. 4. The present investigation deals (with, in) the cross-sectional shape profile geometry modeling. 5. Based (on, in) the methodology, an estimation of . can also be made (at, of) ones convenience. 6. Fas

35、tener holes, (in, to) which the fatigue cracks initiate (from, for) stress concentrations, are plastically expanded using a mandrel pulled (through, across) the hole. 7. SLS of polymers has found use (in, over) a wide range of industries ranging (from, with) aerospace to medicine.,Pt or PP,1.Opium i

36、nduces sleep. Sleep is induced by opium. The opium is (sleep-inducing, sleep-induced). The sleep is (opium-inducing, opium-induced). 2.Selective laser sintering (SLS) is a (manufacturing, manufactured) process which has (emerging, emerged) from numerous other technologies as the (leading, led) proce

37、ss (considering, considered) viable for rapid (manufacturing, manufactured). 3.This research has (investigating, investigated) the use of a novel method of (interpreting, interpreted) a differential (scanning, scanned) calorimetry curve to indicate the level of (melting, melted) within semicrystalli

38、ne selective laser-(sintering, sintered) parts.,Transition Expressions,Including: also, besides, moreover, further, furthermore, in addition, similarly Contrasting: but, yet, still, however, nevertheless, instead, all the same, on the other hand Summarizing: so, therefore, thus, hence, accordingly,

39、consequently, in consequence, as a consequence, as a result 1. Farnesol induces apoptosis in various carcinoma cells. _, the mechanism by which it mediates the effect is not yet fully understood. 2. We found UO126 inhibited the induction of ER stress response genes. _, knockdown of the MEK1/2 effect

40、ively inhibited the cleavage of caspase-3. 3. Cells receiving AG1296 showed decreased G(1)-G(0) arrest. We _ provide evidence that certain sets of differentiation markers can be enhanced.,From Sentence to Phrase,1. The process models. a modeling process The deposition is fused. fused deposition A fi

41、nite element analysis model was developed to simulate the fused deposition modeling process. 2. The model is considered. The model coupled thermal and mechanical phenomena. The model (which is) considered coupled thermal and mechanical phenomena. 3. The scan speed is the most significant factor. The

42、 factor affects part distortions. The scan speed is followed by the layer thickness. The scan speed is the most significant factor affecting part distortions, followed by the layer thickness. 4. We compare the simulation results. The results are from the two models. our comparison of the simulation

43、results from the two models Our comparison indicates that . Our comparison of the simulation results from the two models indicates that . 5. The deformed blank can be divided into three regions. The regions have different deformation patterns. The deformed blank can be divided into three regions wit

44、h different deformation patterns.,Phrase, Clause, or Sentence?,1. We identify the mechanism. through the mechanism Lactogens protect beta cells. against DEX-induced death We identify the mechanism (which, through which) lactogens protect beta cells against DEX-induced death. 2. These findings will e

45、nhance something. the ability to optimize and predict something the properties of the SLS process an area which is critical when producing end-use parts particularly when considering demanding applications such as in the aerospace and automotive industries These findings will enhance the ability to

46、optimize and predict the properties of the SLS process, an area which is critical when producing end-use parts, particularly when considering demanding applications, such as in the aerospace and automotive industries.,Errors Often Found (I),1. Dr. Wang indicates that A is B and implies that C is D.

47、(suggests, says, states, believes, supposes, thinks, assumes, claims, holds, maintains, asserts, avers, affirms, postulates, etc.) 2. The reason is (because) he does it. I know the reason he failed. The reason is that he does it. I know the reason why he failed. The reason is his doing it. I know th

48、e reason for his failure. 3. Put together, I found them . Examining closely, the parts are . Put together, they were found . Examining closely, we find the . 4. combine x and y; link x and y; separate a and b; differentiate c and d combine x with y; link x to y; separate a from b; differentiate c from d 5. suggest you to go; hope you to come; fear him to know suggest that you (should) go; hope that you will come; fear that


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