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1、几个小提醒,15周:交快速阅读; 15周周六12月17日全国大学英语四级考试,带齐该带的物品。 16周:开始第8单元;每组交至少2次小组活动的文字资料。,1、结构:审题与列提纲或者打腹稿的重要性; 2、连接与过渡:段间、句间与句内均非常重要; 3、提炼句子:平时多学习模仿书本以及课后学到的长句子、好句子; 4、注意用词:换用关键词,尽量不重复;应用具体生动代替笼统乏味的词汇。,对策,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,The icemen, like blacksmith only survive in literature.,Before

2、we catch our breath, the space age arrived.,Every idea gives birth to new ones, and each of them has a dozen of children.,送冰的人就像铁匠一样只有在文学作品中还能读到。,我们尚未有喘息的机会,太空时代便到来了。,每一个想法都引发很多新的想法,继而引发更多的想法。,There is a limit to everyones ability to adapt.,It is a method that ignores religion, race, nationality, ec

3、onomics, morality, and ethics.,人的适应能力是有限的。,这是一种无视/超越宗教、种族、民族、经济、道德和伦理的方法。,All we need to do is lower the cost of converting sea water into fresh water.,我们所要做的就是降低把海水转变成淡水的成本。,Science would lead them to a new era of endless prosperity and happiness.,科学将带领他们进入一个无限繁华无限幸福的新时代。,措词炼句(二),掌握“三要素”,写出精彩句。,在基本

4、句子的基础上添加上一些从属结构,这些结构分别表示 三个方面的内容,称为“三要素”。 性质要素:对所描述的东西进行总的定性、评价等。形容词、副词、介词短语、分词短语等可以充当此类要素。 细节要素:描述一个事物的具体方面。分词短语、介词短语、数量词、独立主格结构等常被用来充当细节要素。 比较要素:通过比较、联想等,进一步确定该事物的性质。like、as等词及while从句、定语从句等常可担当比较要素。,以下面三个句子为例,你怎样通过增添“三要素”使其表达内容丰满? 1. Students sat in the classroom. 2. E-mails connect friends. 3. We

5、 have facts.,掌握“三要素”,写出精彩句。,1. These curious students sat in the classroom, 性质要素 listening to their teacher attentively, like a group of soldiers. 细节要素 比较要素 2. As a bridge, e-mails connect intimate(亲密的) friends 比较要素 性质要素 when they are apart. 细节要素 3. We have sound facts based on reality, 性质要素 细节要素 wh

6、ile they have groundless rumors(谣言) based on illusions. 比较要素,以下是增添后一种可能的写法,请比较。,在语法正确的基础上,灵活使用“三要素”扩句能使 句子更准确、更地道、更高效。 提示:精彩句并非每句均包含“三要素”,当用一个或 两个要素足以表达准确、丰满时,不必为了凑 够“三要素”而画蛇添足。,具体的一些技巧,1. 适当用被动代替主动,这样能更客观的 反映事实, 句子开头不要总是用we / I 。,eg. We should pay attention to this problem.,Attention should be paid

7、 to this problem.,Youd better say,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,所以,我们应该采取一些有效的手段。这样,我们才能增强服务行业的竞争能力。,Now you try,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,So we should adopt some effective ways and in this way we can enhance the competitiveness of the service industry.,It is, therefo

8、re, high time that some applicable approaches were implemented by the service industry. Thus, its competitive edge will be sharpened effectively in the wake of the enhancement.,Youd better say,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,2. 善于使用插入语,比如说把副词、连 接词等,作插入语放在中间,一般放 在主语、动词或者助动词后,两边分 别加上逗号。,例如

9、:however / therefore / for example / I believe 做插入语放在中间,一般放在动词,助动词后,两边分别加上逗号。,eg. Other individuals, however, take the attitude that ,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,3. 一定要学会换词,换形象,具体的代 替太宽泛的。(考试中一般不要出现 good, bad , many, thing, think, people, opinion 等等),eg. Many people think we should s

10、tudy hard.,A vast majority of college students take it for granted that study should be taken seriously.,Youd better say,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,I never forget the very exciting day when my mother bought me a computer as birthday present, which attracted me a lot, so I searched a

11、 lot of useful information I had expected, and enjoyed many wonderful classic music. That night I was sleepless, feeling that the whole world belonged to me.,我从来没有忘记令人激动的那天,我母亲给我买来电脑作为我的生日礼物。我深深地被它所吸引,于是搜索大量我想要的有用信息,听了好多古典音乐。那晚,我一夜无眠,感觉整个世界属于我了。,Now you try,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE

12、.,I never forget the exceedingly thrilling day when my mother bought me a computer as birthday present, which exerted a tremendous fascination on me, so that I indulged myself in googling an army of useful information I had expected, and enjoy a sea of melodious classic music. That night I was sleep

13、less, feeling that the whole world belonged to me.,Youd better say,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,新世纪的到来使计算机越来越流行。随着科学技术的发展,计算机进入当今社会,已成为一种时尚,并且吸引着越来越多的人。毫不夸张地说,我们已经大规模地被这股潮流所淹没。,Now you try,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,Youd better say,The dawn of the new century witnesse

14、d the increasing popularity (more and more popular ) of computers. Coincident with (with) the advancement (development) of science and technology, computers pouring into / flooding into/ swarming into (entering into) the current (now) society as a fashion are appealing to (attracting) growing indivi

15、duals ( more and more people) . It is no exaggeration to say we have been submerged by them, in large measure!,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,For a start(To begin with) , we can, freely, search desired information at any moment . Little by little, our knowledge will be well enriched, an

16、d our horizons will be greatly broadened. Additionally, we can get huge recreations online by chatting, playing games, or delivering (send) email.,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,There is no denying that, however, computers can function in the disservice of (do harm to ) human beings, in

17、 a way, especially the growing violence , porn pictures, AV-films emerging (appearing) on the screen , which leads quite a few(相当多的) net citizens to copying.,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。 Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,As a classic proverb goes that no garden has no weeds ( Every coin has two sides). Computers do p

18、lay a positive (important / good) role in the development of people lives, despite a slice of (a part of ) unfavorable (bad) impacts ( effects / influences). We should, therefore, take advantage of the fruits and avoid the opposite facet (aspect).,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,an army

19、of; an ocean of; a sea of; a multitude of; a great number of; many a; a vast/great majority of; lots of/ plenty of; many, if not most;,many,a slice of; quite a few; several,some,harbor the idea that; take the attitude that; hold the view that; it is widely shared that; it is universally acknowledged

20、 that;,think,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,用many, if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。,eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that.同理用most, if not all ,代替most.,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,individuals, characters, folks,positive, favorable, rosy,promising,pleasurabl

21、e , excellent, outstanding, desirable, (people, persons), good,dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse(有害的), harmful, bad,若想用bad做表语,则可用 be less impressive, 如下页示例:,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,eg. An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls

22、/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive.,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,affair; business; matter, thing,shared, common,reap huge fruits, get much benefit,for my part; as for me; a

23、s far as I am concerned; from my point of view; from my own perspective; personally speaking; in my opinion; in my eyes; my point is, I think,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,exceedingly; extremely; considerably; remarkably; dramatically;, very,hardly unnecessary; hardly inevitable ., nec

24、essary; evitable,capture ones attention; appeal to sb., attract ones attention,give rise to; give birth to; lead to; result in; trigger;,cause,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,bear/keep in mind that,remember,frown on sth.,be against, disagree with sth.,to name only a few; as an example; f

25、or instance; a case to the point is; the first case that pop into my mind is;,for example,next to/virtually impossible,nearly impossible,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,代替so表达因果关系,因此,所以,as a result, consequently, therefore,Whats more, furthermore, besides, on the other hand,and表示此外,还有,ge

26、nerally speaking, on the whole, in general, in a word, in conclusion, in short, to sum up,代替so用来总结篇章、下结论、归纳、概括,However, nonetheless, nevertheless,代替but,while等连词转折,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,Model Test 5,Part I: Writing. 网上提交。 Part II: Fast Reading (Skimming and Scanning) 1-7: NYNN Y

27、NNG 8. the Olympic games 9. Olympia, Greece 10. One Moment in Time Part III: Listening. 自行练习。 Part IV: Reading Comprehension Section A: 47-56: J-I-D-A-K-O-H-F-B-M Section B: 57-61: CADCB 62-66: DCABD Part V: Cloze 67-71: BDACC; 72-76: DCDAC; 77-81: BCBAA; 82-86: DBBCC,Model Test 5,87Having failed (i

28、n) an important examination 本题的第一个考点是分词短语作状语,分词的动作先于谓语动词的动作,所以分词要用完成时。第二个考点是,“考试失利”或“考试不及格”要用动词fail。 88lest it (should) go wrong 此句的考点是“以免”的用法,其表达是“lest”,后面的从句要用虚拟语气,即一般是“should+动词原形”,但 should常省略。 89never occurred to him 本题的考查点是句型It occurred to sbthat的否定用法,表示“出人意料,没有想到”。 90(has) laid the foundation of 本题的考查点是短语“为打下基础”的表达方式用lay the foundation of,注意动词lay是非规则动词,过去式和过去分词均用laid。 91were strongly impressed upon my memory 本题的考查点是短语“铭刻在记忆中”的表达方式用be impressed upon ones memory。,lets get down to business and wish you success!,具体内容请参考邮箱里的文字课件。Laura Lv Qingxia from ZUFE.,


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