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1、,职 业 英 语 项 目 写 作 学校: 系部: 专业: 班级: 小组成员: 2014年6月18日,The flight reservation 航班预订 L: China Southern Airlines Company,good morning. May I help you? 李:中国南方航空公司,早上好。我可以帮您吗? Z: Yes. Id like a round-trip ticket from Shenyang to London, leaving on Saturday, the June 14th and returning on Friday ,the June 20th

2、. 曾:是的。我想要从沈阳到伦敦的往返机票,周六离开,14日,周五返回,20。 L: One moment please. Yes , We have one flight leaving Shenyang at 6:25 p.m. June 14th. 李:请稍候是的,我们有一个航班在6月14日的6点25分离开沈阳。 Z: Thats very good. 曾:那很好。 L: OK. And returning from London,there is one flight at 10:00 p.m. June 20th. 李:好的。从伦敦回来,有一个航班是6月20日下午10点的。 Z: T

3、hats OK . How much will the ticket come to? 曾:没关系。机票会是多少钱? L:33970 ,how would you like to pay? 李:33970,您想怎样付款? Z: Can I pay at the check-in desk where I pick up my ticket? 曾: 我可以在登机柜台拿到我的机票的时候支付么? L: Yes, but you will have to confirm this reservation at least two days before the departure time. 李:是的

4、,但您需要确认这个预订在出发前两天的时间。,Z: OK , thats no problem. 曾:好的,没问题。 L: Could I have your name ,please? 李:可以告诉我您的姓名吗? Z: My name is Helen ,thats H-E-L-E-N. 曾:我的名字是海伦,这是H-E-L-E-N。 L: OK, your name is Helen ,thats H-E-L-E-N. 李:好的,您的名字是海伦,这是H-E-L-E-N。 Z: Yes ,thats right.,曾:是的,没错。 L: And whats your ID card number

5、 and phone number , please? 李:请告诉我您的身份证号码和电话号码是什么,好么? Z: My ID card number is 2134-5687-0101-2233, phone number is 13514239133. 曾:我的身份证号码是2134-5687-0101-2233, 电话号码是13514239133。 L: Your ID card number is 2134-5687-0101-22339, phone number is 13514239133. 李:您的身份证号码是21345687-0101-2233, 电话号码是13514239139

6、。 Z: Yes ,thats right. 曾:是的,没错。,The flight reservation 航班预订,L: OK ,now you have been booked ,Miss Helen. The flight to London leaves at 6:25 p.m. June 14th,and your arrival in London will be at 3:25 p.m. June 15th,local time. The flight number is CZ6315(six three one five) turn to CZ303. 李:好吧,海伦小姐,您

7、已完成订位。飞往伦敦的航班是在6月14日6点25分。 您将于当地时间6月15日下午3:25到达伦敦,班机号码是CZ6315转向CZ303。 Z: OK. 曾:好的。 L: The flight returns to Shenyang leaves at 10:35 p.m. June 20th,and your arrival in Shenyang will be at 11:40 p.m. June 21th, the flight number is CZ2304 turn to CZ6302. 李:返回沈阳的航班是6月20日下午10点35分起飞,您将于6月21日11点四十分抵达沈阳。

8、班机号码是CZ2304 转CZ6302。 Z: Thank you. 曾:谢谢。 L: You are welcome. 李:不客气,The flight reservation 航班预订,Business Trip Checklist 商务旅行清单,Business Trip Checklist 商务旅行清单,Travel planLondon,First day,Second day,Beef pudding(牛肉布丁) Welsh cheese(威尔士干酪 Irish stew beef(爱尔兰炖牛肉) Fish and chips(鱼和薯条) Steak& Kidney Pie(牛排和

9、腰子饼) The butterfly fish(蝴蝶鱼),Living(居住地),Apex City Of London Hotel(先端伦敦市酒店) about 232.4/day.,Food(食物),and so on.,Tower Guan Ming is “Her Majestys Royal Palace and Fortress, the Tower of London.“ Served as a fortress, armory, treasury, mint, palace, observatory, shelters and prisons, especially the u

10、pper classes held prisoner. (伦敦塔的官名是“女王陛下的宫殿与城堡,伦敦塔”曾作为堡垒、军械库、国库、铸币厂、宫殿、天文台、避难所和监狱,特别关押上层阶级的囚犯。),Travel planLondon Tower of London 伦敦塔,Travel planLondon British Museum 大英博物馆,British Museum is the worlds oldest and most comprehensive museum grand scale, is the worlds largest and most famous museums.

11、大英博物馆是世界上历史最悠久、规模最宏伟的综合性博物馆,也是世界上规模最大、最著名的博物馆之一. British Museum was built in 1753, 1759 opening to the outside world. Rome Museum Front Gate on both sides of the cylindrical 8 thick and high, the top of each column is a triangle top, engraved with great relief. 大英博物馆始建于1753年,1759年对外开放。博物馆正门的两旁各有8根又粗

12、又高的罗马式圆柱,每根圆柱上端是一个三角顶,上面刻着一幅巨大的浮雕.,Travel planLondon Westminster Cathedral 威斯敏斯特大教堂,Westminster Cathedral is a national Anglican church in London. (威斯敏斯特大教堂是伦敦的国家级圣公会教堂。),Travel planLondon Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫,Buckingham Palace is the Royal palace. Construction of the city of Westminster in London

13、, in Londons James Park west. There is more room. Ectopic built ImperialGarden square and wide. Buckingham Palace is a national celebration and royal welcome ceremony held for site is an important tourist attractions. Every British history celebrates or is a time of crisis, here is the British peopl

14、e an important meeting place. 白金汉宫是英国的王宫。建造在英国伦敦威斯敏斯特城内,位于伦敦詹姆士公园的西边。宫内有六百多个厅室。宫外建有宽阔的广场及御花园。白金汉宫是英国国家庆典和王室欢迎礼举行场地之一,也是一处重要的旅游景点。历史上每逢英国欢庆或是危机时刻,这里也是不列颠人民一处重要的集会场所.,Travel planLondon Windsor Castle 温莎城堡,Windsor Castle is one of the royal palace.(温莎古堡是英国王室的行宫之一。)St Georges Chapel is the building of t

15、he Windsor Castle classical, Gothic architecture luxury, with meticulous gorgeous stained glass known, there are 10 British royal burial at the Albert Memorial Chapel next to St Georges Chapel, built in the early 1240, as the late Perpendicular style of the Gothic chapel, in 1863 into the Prince Alb

16、ert Memorial chapel。 圣乔治礼拜堂是温莎城堡的建筑经典,豪华的哥德式建筑,以细致艳丽的彩绘玻璃着称,有10位英国王室埋葬于此爱伯特纪念礼拜堂紧邻圣乔治礼拜堂,初建于1240年,为晚期垂直式样的哥特式礼拜堂,在1863年改建为爱伯特王子的纪念礼拜堂。,Dear Smith, First of all, on behalf of company, I would like to thank you. Thank you for my business trip as my guide. With your help, I have a deeply understanding

17、of London, which is of great help to our company. Second, thank you very much for your company to me in London; I enjoyed the short stay in London which is both pleasant and memorable. In London ,you took me visit the Big Ben 、Tower of London and other places ,so let me to know more of London cultur

18、e .You took me to eat snacks that I now also very miss .I hope you can come to Chinese Shenyang and let me try hospitality of a host .I will take you to the famous scenic spots in Shenyang, for example, the Shenyang Imperial Palace, Zhang Shuai Fu and Belling .I can also take you to eat special snac

19、ks in Shenyang .I hope you can come soon Shenyang. Finally, thank you, once again, for helping me in London .I wish you happy every day. Sincerely, Helen,Letter of Appreciation,感谢信 亲爱的史密斯先生, 首先,我代表我们公司向你表示感谢,感谢你在我的商务旅行中做我 的向导。在你的帮助下,我对伦敦有了更深刻的了解,这对我们公司 有很大的帮助。 其次,我非常感谢你在伦敦对我的陪伴。我很享受和你在伦敦的那段 时光,既开心又难忘。 在伦敦,你带我参观了大笨钟,伦敦塔和其他的地方,让我了解了更 多的伦敦文化。你带我去吃的伦敦小吃直到现在我都十分怀念。我希 望你能来中国沈阳,让我略尽地主之谊。我将带你去沈阳著名的景 点,例如:沈阳故宫、张氏帅府、北陵等。我也将带你去吃沈阳的特 色小吃。我希望你尽早来到沈阳。 最后,再一次感谢你在伦敦对我的帮助,我希望你开心每一天! 真诚的, 海伦,感谢观看,


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