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1、第一单元知识重点 go to the movies/go to a movie 去看电影 surf the Internet 网上冲浪 the result of/the result for 的结果 as for 至于,关于 want to do sth=would like to do sth想要做某事 want sb to do sth= would like sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 be good for 对什么有好处 be bad for 对什么有坏处 be good at 擅长做某事,keep healthy/stay healthy/keep in good h

2、ealth保持健康 try to do sth 努力做某事 eating habit 饮食习惯 look after/take care of 照顾,照料 get good grades 取得好成绩 help sb with sth在某方面帮助某人 help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事 the same as 与相同 be different from 与 不同 healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式,第二单元知识重点 Whats the matter?/ whats the trouble?/ whats wrong? 你怎么了? have a sore thr

3、oat 嗓子疼 have a fever 发烧 have a stomachache 胃疼 have a toothache 牙疼 have a cold 感冒 lie down and rest 躺下来休息 hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的茶,When did it start? 什么时候开始的? traditional Chinese doctor 传统中医 be/get stressed out 有压力的 balanced diet 平衡的饮食习惯 Its +adj (for sb) to do sth 做某事(对于某人)是的 I hope you feel better

4、soon. 我希望你尽快康复。 see a dentist 看牙医 be /get tired 感到劳累 western country 西方国家,1.去野营 2.照顾我妹妹 3.去山中徒步 4.离开 5.回来. 返回 6.自行车之旅 7.观光 8.去钓鱼 9.将某物租给某人 10. 从某处租某物,go camping,babysit my sister,go hiking in the mountains,go away,go back/get back,go bike riding,go sightseeing,go fishing,rent sth to sb,rent sth from

5、 swh,1.向某人询问某事 2.因而出名 3.作为而出名 4.决定做某事 5.考虑做某事 6.计划做某事 7.忘记做某事 8.完成做某事 9.在某物上花费时间金钱 10.花费时间金钱做某事,ask sb about sth,be famous for,be famous as,decide to do sth,think about doing sth,plan to do sth,forget to do sth,finish doing sth,spend timemoney on sth,spend timemoney doing sth,1.离开去某地 2.给某人展示某物 3.将某物

6、寄给某人 4.你假期打算去哪? 5.你假期打算做什么? 6.你打算和谁去? 7.你打算呆多长时间?,leave for swh,show sth to sbshow sb sth,send sth to sb,Where are you going for vacation?,What are you doing for vacation?,Who are you going with?,How long are you staying?,1.乘公共汽车 2.乘火车 3.乘出租车 4.乘地铁 5.乘小汽车 6.乘飞机 7.乘船 8.骑自行车 9.步行,第四单元重点,take the bus/b

7、y bus/on the bus,take the train/ by train/on the train,take the taxi/by taxi/in the taxi,take the subway/by subway/on the subway,take the car/by car/in the car,take the plane/by plane /by air/on the plane,take the boat/ship / by boat/ship/on the boat/ship,ride the bike/by bike/on the bike,walk/ on f

8、oot,1.到达某处 2.花费某人时间或金钱做某事 3.决定于,取决于 4.担心 5.你怎样去学校的? 6.花费多长时间? 7.从你家到学校要多远? 8.我乘公共汽车去学校。,get to arrive inat reach,It takes sb some time money to do sth,How long does it take?,worry about,How do you go to school?,depend on,How far is it from your home to school?,I take the bus to school. I go to schoo

9、l by bus.,第五单元重点 1.为考试而学习 2.上钢琴课 3.帮助某人做某事 4.去看医生 5.不得不做某事 6.去商业街 7.网球训练 8.在校队 9.足球比赛,study for a test have a piano lesson help sb do sth go to a doctor/see a doctor have to do sth go to the mall tennis training on the school team football match,1.一整天 2.顺便来访 3.与某人讨论某事 4.保持安静 5.你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?当然,我愿意去。

10、6.感谢你的邀请。,the whole day/all day,come over to,discuss sth with sb,keep quiet,Can you come to my birthday party? Sure ,Id love to.,Thanks for asking./Thanks for invitation./Thanks for inviting.,第六单元重点 1.在某些方面 2.看起来相同 3.看起来不同 4.both的位置 5.喜欢做某事(enjoy) 6.让某人开心 7.嘲笑某人 8.擅长做某事 9.对感兴趣,in some ways look the

11、same look different both放在be动词后,实意动词前 enjoy doing sth make sb laugh laugh at sb be good at sth be interested in sth,1.让某人做某事(ask) 2.依我看 3.在某方面击败某人 4.和某人相处的好 5.一样是没有必要的。 6.他从不停止讲话。 7.超过 8.我比我的姐姐更冷静。 9. 和一样 10.使某人做某事(make),ask sb to do sth in my opinion beat sb in sth be good with sb Its not necessary

12、 to be the same. He never stops talking. more than Im calmer than my sister. asas make sb do sth,写出下列单词的比较级,11.difficult,2.quiet,3.serious,4.smart,5.outgoing,6.athletic,7.calm,8.wild,9.friendly,17.thin,10.beautiful,1.funny,12.good,13.bad/ill,14.many/much,15.little,16.happy,funnier quieter more serio

13、us smarter more outgoing more athletic calmer wilder friendlier,more beautiful more difficult better worse more less happier thinner,第七单元重点 1.削苹果皮 2.切苹果 3.把放入中 4.打开搅拌机 5.把倒入里 6.一片面包 7.在的顶部 8.混合 9.把放在上,peel the apples cut up the apples putinto turn on the blender pourinto a slice/piece of bread on th

14、e top mix up puton,1.把加入里 2.关闭电视 3.把声音调大 4.把声音调小 5.你怎样做香蕉奶昔? 6.你需要多少牛奶? 7.你需要多少苹果? 8.一匙 9的食谱,addto turn off TV turn up turn down,How do you make a banana milk shake?,How much milk do you need? How many apples do you need? a teaspoon of a recipe for,第八单元重点 1.去水族馆 2.照相 3.和某人闲逛 4.获奖 5.得到某人的亲笔签名 6.开车兜风

15、7.在水族馆 8.在的尽头 9.在下个休息日,go to the aquarium take a photo/take photos hang out with sb win a prize get ones autograph go for a drive at the aquarium at the end of on the next day off,1.买纪念品 2.学校的郊游怎么样? 3.看了一场关于的电影 4.海豚表演 5.户外水池 6.起得晚 7.在学校的郊游中 8.做某事玩的开心 9.在未来 10.进行庭院销售,buy a souvenir how was your schoo

16、l trip? watch a movie about sth dolphin show outdoor Pool sleep late on the school trip have fun doing sth in the future have a yard sale,2.游泳比赛 3.淋湿 3.buy 4.sleep 5.think 6.bring 7.take 8.eat 9.see,swimming competition get wet bought slept thought brought took ate saw,1.clean 2.is/am 3.are 4.meet 5

17、.study 6.help 7.read 8.talk,cleaned was were met studied helped read talked,第九单元重点 1.你什么时候出生的? 2.我是1990年出生的。 3.他是什么时候出生的? 4.他是1990年一月一号出生的。 5.Mary什么时候开始学习英语的? 6.她打嗝多久了?,When were you born? I was born in 1990. When was he born?,He was born on January 1st ,1990.,When was Mary start learning English?,H

18、ow long did she hiccup?,1.学不嫌早 2.开始做某事 3.在她四岁时 4.国家队 5.停止做某事 6.学习做某事 7.哼唱歌曲 8.成为一名演员 9.参加,You are never too young to start doing things.,start doing sth/to do sth, begin to do sth when she was four/at the age of four national team stop doing sth learn to do sth hum songs become an actor take part in

19、,第十单元重点 1.当你长大后你想干什么? 2.我想成为一名专业篮球运动员。 3.你将怎么做呢? 4.我将每天练习打 篮球。 5.练习做某事 6.当我长大后,我要去做我想做的。,What are you going to do when you grow up?,Im going to be a professional basketball player.,How are you going to do it?,Im going to play basketball every day.,practice doing sth,1.找一份业余工作 2.存钱 3.同时 4.举办艺术展 5.全世界

20、 6.将某物寄到某处 7.你打算去哪里工作? 8.到目前为止我还没确定。 9.学习演奏一种乐器 10.组建足球队,find a part-time job save some money at the same time hold art exhibitions all over /around the world send sth to swh where are you going to work Im not sure yet. learn to play an instrument make a soccer team,1.取到好成绩 2.收到来信 3.同某人交流 4.制定新年计划 5

21、.搬去某地 6.明年 7.从到 8.欢迎会,get good grades get/hear from communicate with sb make a New Years resolution move to swh next year fromto welcome party,第十一单元重点 1.扫地 2.整理床铺 3.倒垃圾 4.叠衣服 5.洗碗 6.打扫客厅 7.晚归 8.搭顺风车 9.憎恨做某事,sweep the floor make ones/the bed take out the trash fold the clothes do the dishes clean the

22、 living room stay out late get a ride hate to do/doing sth,1.洗衣服 2.买一些饮料和零食 3.给某人借某物 4.向某人借某物 5.去商店 6.照顾 7.带他散步 8.洗他的碗 9.给某人某物 10.忘记做某事,do the laundry/wash the clothes buy some drinks and snacks lend sth to sb borrow sth from sb go to the store look after/take care of take him for a walk wash his bo

23、wl give sb sth/give sth to sb forget to do sth,1.你能做某事吗? 2.最好的电台是哪个? 3.它有最舒适的座位。 4.它有最友好的服务。 5.它有最新的电影。 6.它有最大的屏幕。 7.它是最便宜的。 8.它是最贵的。 9.它在城市最繁华的地段。 10.它离家最近。,Could you please do sth? Whats the best radio station? It has the most comfortable seats. It has the friendliest service. It has the newest mo

24、vies. It has the biggest screen. Its the cheapest. Its the most expensive. Its in the most fun part of city. Its the closest to home.,1.它是最流行的。 2.服装店 3.我能问你一些问题吗? 4.做调查 5.巨大的成功 6.的价格 7.削价 8.他无伴乐跳舞。 9.你认为谁是最滑稽的演员?,Its the most popular. clothing store Can I ask you some questions? make/do a survey a great success the price of cut prices He danced without music.,Who do you think is the funniest actor?,1.最无聊的 2.最乏味的 3.最大声的 4.最好的 5.最差的 6.最漂亮的 7.最有创造力的,most boring dullest loudest best worst most beautiful most creative,


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