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1、Could you please clean your room?,Unit 11,Section A,do the dishes,sweep the floor,fold the clothes,What chores do you do every day?,swept,wash the dishes,make the bed ones,take out the trash,What chores do you do every day?,clean the living room,do the laundry,wash the clothes do the/some washing,Wh

2、at chores do you do every day?,do chores / housework,make the bed,do the laundry,do the dishes,take out the trash,sweep the floor,clean the living room,fold your clothes,洗餐具 拿出垃圾 扫地 洗衣服 铺床 叠衣服 打扫客厅 做家务,do chores / housework,1.After dinner, you need to _. 2. After the washed clothes are dry, you need

3、 to _ . 3. If the dustbin is full, you have to _. 4. If there is lots of dust on the floor, you have to _. 5. After you get up in the morning, you need to _. 6. If your clothes are dirty ,you need to _. 7. If your bike is dirty, you have to _.,do the dishes,fold your clothes,take out the trash,clean

4、 the floor,make the bed,do the laundry,clean the bike,What other chores do you know?,go shopping,make/cook dinner do the cooking,babysit the child,clean the windows,wash the car,wash the dog,do the dishes do my homework do chores do the laundry do the shopping do some reading,make your bed make brea

5、kfast make dinner make tea make a cup of coffee,Could you please.?,make the bed,fold the clothes,sweep the floor,take out the trash,clean the room,What chores should I do?,1. Sweep the floor , Peter!,2. Can you sweep the floor, Peter?,3. Could you please sweep the floor?,Which is the most polite(礼貌)

6、 one?,could,I could run fast when I was a child.,Could you help me?,can 的过去式,礼貌的请求(情态动词+do),Could you please sweep the floor?,Could you please sweep the floor? 请你好吗?,这里的could 不是表示一般的过去式,而是用来表示委婉地提出请求。,Could you please do sth?,Language points: 1. could表示请求,语气委婉,显得有礼貌。 E.g. Could you please clean your

7、 room ? 你可以打扫你的房间吗? 肯定回答:Yes , I can .是的,我可以。 Yes , sure / Yes , of course . 否定回答:Sorry , I cant . I have to do my homework . 对不起,我不得不做作业。 另外Would you mind doing sth .也可表示请求。 e.g. Would you mind cleaning your room ? 你介意去打扫你的房间吗? No , Id like to .不,我很乐意。,1. 你能倒一下垃圾吗? 当然可以。 2. 你能洗下衣服吗? 不行啊,我得先完成作业。,Tr

8、anslation:,Could you please take out the trash? Yes, I can. /Yes, sure./ Of course./Certainly,Could you please do the laundry? Sorry, I cant. I have to do my homework first.,Complete the sentences A: What are you going to do today? B: _(去购物). 2. A: I think you should help me more with the chores. B:

9、 Sorry I cant. I _(我得洗盘子).,I am going to do some shopping,I have to wash the dishes,3. A: Could you please help her wash her car now? B: Sorry, I cant .I am busy. _ (我得洗衣服) 4. A: Is Helen busy? B: Yes. _ (她得去喂猫). 5. A:_ (我能看一下你的票吗)? B: Of course. Here you are.,I have to wash my clothes,She has to fe

10、ed the cat,Could I look at your ticket, please?,用情态动词can, cant, may, must, mustnt , neednt, could 填空。 1. - _ you come and play with us now? - Im afraid I _. I _ do the cooking. I _ come later. 2. - _ we clean the windows today? - No, you _. You _ clean them tomorrow.,Could,cant,must,can,Must,neednt,

11、can,Find 4 chores should be done,Listen. What kind of shores do Mom and Peter do? Check( )Mom or Peter.,take out the trash,do the laundry,Could you please take out the trash?,Yes, sure./ No problem!,Sorry, I cant. I have to .,pairwork,make the bed,fold the clothes,do the dishes,Sorry, I cant. I am d

12、oing .,sweep the floor,2a Listen. Peter asks his father if he can do four things. What does his father say? Check () “yes” or “no”.,Why does Peters father say “no”?,Peter:Hey,Dad! Dad:Yes? Peter:Could I _tonight? Dad:I guess so .But dont_ Peter:Could I stay out_. Dad:No,you cant .You _tomorrow, reme

13、mber? Peter:Oh,Yeah.Well ,could I_? Dad:Sorry,but I need it.I have to go to _ Peter:Could you _downtown. Dad:Sure.,go to the movies,stay out late.,until 11,have a test,use the car,a meeting.,give me a ride,Could I stay out late?,Could I use the car?,Sorry, you cant. I have to go to a meeting.,Could

14、I get a ride?,No, you have a test tomorrow.,Yes, you can.,Ask for permission politely.,3a Fill in the blanks with “make” or “do”.,A: I hate(dont like) to chores. B: Well, I hate some chores too, but I like other chores. A: Really? Do you like to the laundry? B: No, I dont. Its boring. A: I agree. Do

15、 you like to your bed? B: No, not really. But I like to the dishes, because its relaxing. And I like to breakfast, because I like to cook.,do,do,make,make,do,agree/disagree (v.),agreement /disagreement(n.),agree with sb./ sth.(同意某人/某事),eg. I agree with you.,I dont agree with you. =I disagree with yo

16、u.,agree to do sth 同意去做某事,Eg . I agree to build a new flyover in front of my house.,do chores do the laundry do the dishes make the bed make breakfast clean the bike clean the room fold the clothes take out the trash sweep the floor,Do you like doing chores?,Do you hate doing chores?,Why?,Like,Hate,

17、B: I dont like doing the dishes because its boring.,Make a list of the chores you do.,clean the bike,do the dishes,clean th roomse,fold the clothes,take out the trash,sweep the floor,cook the dinner,like,be outside,dont like,boring,A: I like cleaning the bike because I can be outside.,Section B,1a W

18、hat can teenagers ask their parents to do? What do parents ask their teenagers to do? Write “parents”or “teenagers”next to each phases.,1a,What can teenagers ask their parents do? What do parents ask their teenagers to do? Write ” parents ” or “ teenagers ” next to each phrase.,buy some drinks and s

19、nacks borrow some money clean your room invite my friends to a party go to the store use your CD player take out the trash make your bed,borrow借(入) borrow sth. from sb.从某人处借到某物 lend借(出) lend sth. to sb.=lend sb. sth.把某物借给某人 e.g.: 他昨天跟我借了本字典。 He borrowed a dictionary from me yesterday.,我能跟你借点钱吗? Coul

20、d I borrow some money (from you)? 你能借我你的自行车吗? Could you lend me your bike? =Could you lend your bike to me? =Could I borrow a bike (from you)?,Students can _ two books from the library. 2. Can you _me your car this evening? 3. He has no money, so she always _ him some. 4. How much did you _to pay fo

21、r this?你买这东西得借多少钱?,borrow,lends,borrow,lend,Now make sentences using “could“and the following phrases . (1)go to the movies去看电影 (2)stay out late在外面呆得很晚 (3)use the car使用汽车 (4)get a ride去骑车 (5)use your computer使用你的电脑 (6)borrow some money借些钱 (7)invite my friends to a party. 邀请我的朋友参加晚会,(8)go to the stor

22、e去商店 (9)use your CD player使用你的CD播放器,PAIRWORK,Model conversation 1:,Parent: Could you make your bed? Child : Yes, I can. Parent: Could you make your breakfast? Child : No, I cant. ,PAIRWORK,Model conversation 2:,Child: Could I borrow some money? Parent: No, you cant. Child: Could I take out the trash

23、? Parent: No, you cant. ,2a,Listen and check the things in activity 1a that you hear.,buy some drinks and snacks borrow some money clean your room invite my friends to a party go to the store use your CD player take out the trash make your bed,2b Listen. What is Sandys mom going to do? What is Sandy

24、 going to do? What are Sandy and Dave going to do? Fill in the chart.,invite my friends,borrow some money,buy drinks and snacks,clean her room,use the CD player,move the good chairs,clean the living room,Pair work,2c,A : Could you take out the trash?,B: Yes, sure. /No, I cant. I have to do my homewo

25、rk first.,go to the store buy drinks and snacks do the dishes clean the living room take out the trash,You are having a party. Ask your partner for help. Talk about these things.,Nancy, Thanks for taking care of my dog. Could you please do these things every day? Take him for a walk. Give him water

26、and feed him. Then wash his bowl. Play with him. Dont forget to clean his bed. Have fun! See you next week. Thanks, Thomas,3a,Thomas asks Nancy to take care of his dog.,He wants Nancy to,What does Thomas ask Nancy to do ?,Dont forget to,take care of his dog take him for a walk give him water feed hi

27、m wash his bowl play with him clean his bed,Take him for a walk.,Play with him.,Then wash his bowl.,Dont forget to clean his bed.,Give him water and feed him.,Complete the chart.,Dave, Mom says I can have the school party at my house. I need some help. When you come over on Saturday, could you help

28、me sweep the floor? Thanks, Sandy,Could you clean the living room with me? And I need to move the good chairs to the bedroom. Could you help me move the good chairs to the bedroom?,3c,Imagine you are going to move to a new house. Write an e-mail to a friend and ask him or her for help.,Dear Rosa, Im

29、 going to move to a new house! I need some help. Could you help me,Self check,hate take care of work on use forget,1. I doing the dishes. Its too boring. 2. Im going to my English project and then meet my friends. 3. My mom gets really angry when I to clean my room. 4. Can I your dictionary, please?

30、 Mine is at home. 5. Could you my cat when Im on vacation?,hate,work on,forget,use,take care of,Dear Li Ming, My parents and I are going on vacation tomorrow. I went to your house, but you werent in. I need some help. Could you please feed my dog? And could you ,Useful expressions: 1.do the dishes 洗

31、餐具 2.sweep the floor 打扫地板 3.take out the trash 倒垃圾 4. make the bed 铺床 5. fold your clothes . 6. clean the living room 打扫客厅 7. stay out late 在外面呆得很晚。8. use the car 用一下车 9. get a ride 搭车 10. work on 从事、忙 11.have a test 有个考试 12. do chores 做家务,13. hate some chores 讨厌做一些家务。 hate sweeping the floor . 讨厌扫地

32、。 14. make breakfast 做早餐。 15. do the laundry 洗衣服 16. do the shopping = go shopping 购物 do some washing = wash some clothes . 洗衣 服。 do some cleaning = clean the house . 打扫卫生。 17. borrow (money ) from sb . 从某人那儿借(钱). 18. buy some snacks 买一些小吃 19. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 invite sb to a party 邀请某人到晚会去。,20. I disagree with you . 我不同意你。 21. Thanks for taking care of my dog . 谢谢照顾我的狗。 22. take the dog for a walk 遛狗。 23. wash the bowl 洗碗 24. be in 在家be at home . 如:You werent in yesterday . 昨天你不在家。 25. have some favors to ask you . 有一些事求你帮忙。 Would you please do me a favor . 你能帮我个忙吗?,


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