【仁爱版】七年级下册:Unit 6 Our local area Topic 1 Section B示范教案(精修版).doc

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1、仁爱版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit 6 Our local area Topic 1 Section BSection B needs 12 periods. Section B需用12课时。The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。. Aims and demands目标要求1. (1)Learn the names of home items:lamp, clock, table, key, window(2)Learn other new words and phrases:talk about, near, under, in fro

2、nt of, put away, thing, dad, chair, door2. Go on learning the structure of“There be” and the prepositions of position.Whats on your desk? There is a lamp, a computer, some books and so on.3. Learn to look after ones own things.Put it away, please.You must look after your things. Teaching aids 教具录音机/

3、挂图/实物. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:6分钟)复习There be句型, 导入1a。1. (在黑板上呈现一张漂亮的两层楼挂图, 有书房、卧室、厨房、餐厅、客厅、卫生间、花园,复习There be句型。)(把图拿走, 要求学生凭着记忆, 描述这张图, 采用竞赛的形式, 可小组竞赛, 也可以个人为单位竞赛, 教师给予奖励, 激发学生的学习热情。)(竞赛规则如下:参赛者只能在规定的两分钟内描述这张图, 说对一句, 得一分, 谁得的分最多, 谁就获胜。)T: Look at the picture for one

4、minute. Then Ill take it away. You need to say as many sentences as possible about it in two minutes.Example:Theres a study on the second floor.Theres a garden in front of the house.There are some flowers in the garden.The living room is next to the dining room.2. (利用1a的挂图, 引导学生复习There be句型, 并引入新单词和

5、新句型。)T:Now, lets look at the picture. What can you see in it?S1:I can see a sofa.T:Oh, I see. Its near the desk.S2:I can see a family photo.T:Can you see a clock on the wall? Its near the photo.T:Whats on the desk?Ss: There is a lamp, a computer, some books and so on.T:We can also say, “There are so

6、me books, a lamp, a computer and so on.” Is there a clock on it? Ss:No, there isnt. (让学生通过观察去发现规律。)(板书)(1) Whats on your desk?There is a lamp, a computer, some books and so on.(2) Is there a clock on it?Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.(3) Its near the desk.Explain the phrase: talk about.Step 2 Prese

7、ntation 第二步 呈现(时间:6分钟)呈现1a。1. (让学生听1a的录音, 回答下面的问题。)T:Listen to 1a and answer the questions.(板书)(1) Wheres the sofa?(2) Whats on the desk?(3) Where is the clock?(核对答案。)2. (让学生再听1a,注意语音和语调。) T: Please listen to the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3. (让学生根据语音和语调分角色朗读1a。)T: Pl

8、ease work in pairs, and read the dialog in roles.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)巩固1a, 完成1b。1. (让学生合上书本, 看1a的挂图, 描述Jane的书房, 巩固There be句型。)T:Please close your books and look at the picture in 1a. Then describe Janes study. OK?2. (根据1a, 两人一组谈论自己的书房/卧室, 并完成1b。让学生理解under。)T:Now, Ill give you some min

9、utes to talk about your study/bedroom Then act out your dialogs in pairs.Example:S1:Whats in your study?S2:There is/are S1:Is there a/an ?S2:Yes, there is./No, there isnt.3. (让学生根据1a所学,试着用几句话来描述一下自己的书房、卧室) T:According to la, try to use some sentences to describe your study, bedroom Step 4 Practice 第

10、四步 练习(时间:15分钟)通过练习, 完成2, 3, 4。1. (1)(让学生看2的图, 听录音, 完成2。让学生掌握生词table, key, put away, dad和thing。)T:Look at the pictures in 2, and listen to the tape and finish 2.(2)(听完录音, 核对答案。)T:Who can tell us your answers?S1:“on, There are, keys”.S2:“behind, Theres, away”.T: Thats right.(3)学习下列句子。(理解即可)a. I think

11、theyre Judys.b. Dont put them there. Put them away, please.c. You must look after your things.2. (可以用课前准备好的实物, 让学生用There be句型回答。)(方案一)(教师从书包中取出香蕉藏在身后,导出新句型。)T:Are there any bananas in my bag?Ss:No, there arent. They are behind you.T:How many bananas are there?Ss:There are two.T:Well done!(出示一个装有很少水的

12、瓶子,导出新句型。)T:Now, please look at my hand. Whats in it?Ss:There is a bottle in it.T:Is there any water in the bottle?Ss:Yes, there is.T:How much water is there?Ss:Only a little.(板书)How many+可数名词复数形式+are there ?There areHow much+不可数名词+is there ?There is(方案二)(教师出示三个香蕉。)T:Now, please look here. Whats in

13、my hand?Ss:There are three bananas.(将香蕉装入书包中。)T:Are there any bananas in my bag?Ss:Yes, there are.T:How many bananas are there?(在句子下面画线,以示注意。)Ss:There are three.T:Well done, boys and girls!(再用oranges, books等可数名词进行pair work或chain drills。操练后,让学生归纳How many+可数名词的复数形式+are there? )(教师边说Oh, weve talked so

14、long. I think you must want to drink a little water.边把一个装有一点水的杯子,递给一个学生,示意他/她作答。)T:Is there any water in your cup?S:Yes, there is.T:How much water is there?(句子下面画线。)S:Only a little.T:Excellent.(身体语言,竖起大拇指。)(再用milk, tea等不可数名词进行pair work或chain drills。操练后,让学生归纳How much+不可数名词+is there? )(板书形式)中的对话How ma

15、ny+ + there ?中的对话How much+ + there ?3. (让学生看3的图片, 完成3。让学生掌握生词window和model。)T:Lets go to 3. There are eight pictures in it. First, read the dialogs below Picture 1 and 2 by yourselves for one minute.(一分钟以后)T: Now, lets look at Picture 1 and 2. Make new dialogs according to Picture 1 and 2.(两分钟以后, 挑选两

16、组表演。)T:Ill choose two pairs to act them out.G1:A: Whats near the window?B: There is a guitar near it.G2:A: Are there any books on the shelf?B: Yes, there are.(让学生模仿3、4, 完成对话。)T: Read the dialogs below Picture 3 and 4, and make similar dialogs.G3:A: Whats in the tree?B: Therere some birds in it.A: Ho

17、w many birds are there? B: There are three.G4: A: Is there any milk in the glass?B: Yes, there is.A: How much milk is there?B: Only a little.4. (看4的图片, 两人一组编对话。让学生掌握生词river。)T: Please look at the picture in 4, then work in pairs and make new dialogs like this:Dialog 1: S3: Whats in the picture?S4: T

18、here are some dogs in it.Dialog 2: S5: Are there any monkeys in the tree?S6: Yes, there are.S5: How many monkeys are there?S6: There are three.(要求学生用同样的方法编对话, 完成4。)T: Pay attention to the differences between in the river/tree and on the river/tree.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)通过活动培养学生实际操作能力。1.

19、(找找看。课前把一些实物, 如铅笔、尺子、书包、小刀等放在教室的不同位置, 让学生找到物品并说明某地有什么。)Example:S1: Where is the pencil-box?S2: Its on the desk.S1: Whats under the desk?S2: There is a pencil, a ruler, a knife and two pens.S1: S2: (在开展以上对话活动时, 要求学生特别注意in, on, next to, in front of, behind等介词的使用, 重点练习Whats on/in/next to?There is/are)2

20、. (方案一: 让学生两人一组用图文形式介绍自己家里某一房间物品的摆放。其中一名学生画图, 另一名学生配文字说明, 并站在讲台前向学生们描述。)Example:My StudyTheres a family photo on the wall of my study. A clock is next to it. There is a desk and a chair in the study. Whats on the desk? There are some books and a computer. Theres a football under the chair. Behind the desk, theres a cat. Do you like the study?(活动结束后, 由学生们选出最佳搭档, 教师给予鼓励和表扬。)(方案二: 两人一组活动, 其中一名学生用文字描述某一房间, 另外一名学生画图。 最后, 把图展示出来, 由学生们选出最佳搭档, 教师给予鼓励表扬。)3. (家庭作业。)(让学生根据4中的图片写一篇小短文。不少于60字。)T:Write a short passage according to the picture in 4. (at least 60 words)教学反思:_


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