【湘少版】英语四年级上册:Unit 3 Look at that elephant教学设计(精修版).doc

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1、湘少版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit3 look at that elephant课时:第1课时 年级:四年级(上)教学目标:1、 能听懂、会读一些动物词汇(elephant、monkey、tiger、bird)及简单的描述性形容词。2、 能掌握句型“look at,Its”教学重点:用本课中的形容词描述动物。教学难点:能用本课句型口头描述事物(如动物)的特征。教学准备:单词图片、小动物玩具、教学磁带、幻灯片。教学步骤: Step1 warmer 1、 Greeting the class as usually.2、 Sing a La-La Song.Step2 Presentation 1

2、、 教师从包中取出一些动物玩具及教师做一些动物的动作,从而引入课题。2、 利用幻灯片教学四个动物单词及描述性形容词(lephantbig , monkeynaughty , tigerStrong , birdbeautiful)Step3 practice1、 words by pictures actions2、 have is to read words3、 practice does actions is Say EnylishStep4 practice1、 教师创设情景,教学句型:look at this ., Its.; look at that.,Its.;2、 Practic

3、e is to read these sentencesStep Text1、 Let is watch video、Listen 2、 Teach is to read by screen3、 Practice is to read (opening books)4、 Ask is to say English sentences (look at ., Its.;)Step6 Lets chant 1、 Teach is to chant some happy sentencen to master the key points.2、 教育学生要爱护、保护动物。Step7 Homework1、 Listen to the tape 2、 Read pent A .Step8 Blackboard Design 3、look at that elephant Elephantbig Look at this monkey , Its naughtyMonkeynaughty Look at this bird , Its beautifulTigerstrong look at that elephant, Its bigBird beautiful look at that, Its strong


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