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1、Oxford English,Period 6,More practice Culture corner Project,Oxford English,Unit 2,Module 1 Social communication,Body language,学习目标,1 认读和理解单词contact, friendliness, understanding, Westerner, lie. 2通过分析事件的因果关系,加深对篇章内容的理解。,More practice,1,Where can we find this article? What is this article about?,From

2、 a website.,/9kBntCkt/,A Read this online article about eye contact and answer the questions below.,1 What does eye contact mean? 2 Why is eye contact the key to communication? 3 If you do not use eye contact in Western countries, what may happen? 4 Do Asians use eye contact as often as Westerners?

3、5 What kind of eye contact is impolite in many countries?,It means looking into another persons eyes.,Because it can show feelings such as friendliness, interest and understanding.,Westerners may think that you are not listening.,No, they dont.,Watching other people, especially strangers, for a long

4、 time is impolite in many countries.,/9frendlInRs/,/4VndR9stCndIN/,/9westRnR(r)/,You do not use eye contact.,You look away.,In many Asian countries, you look down when talking with an older person.,You watch a stranger for a long time.,Read the article again and identify the cause and effect.,B How

5、can you tell a persons feelings through his/her eyes? Discuss this with your classmates.,2,Culture corner,What are they doing? When do people usually use this way?,People usually shake hands when they greet each other.,They are shaking hands.,Read the article on page 30 and complete the table below.

6、,People hold their own hands together and raise them to their faces.,People often shake hands.,People kiss each other on the cheek.,Do you know any other ways of greeting people? What are they?,Project,3,Think about and discuss the following questions.,Do you know of any voluntary groups? What are t

7、hey? Have you joined any of them? What kind of people do voluntary groups often help?,A In groups, discuss the goal of your voluntary group. Use the questions below to help you.,B In groups, brainstorm and discuss the name and slogan for your voluntary group. Use the conversation below to help you.,

8、C How will you achieve the goal of your voluntary group? In groups, think of some activities and list at least three in the table below.,D Choose a representative and introduce your voluntary group to the class. Use the information in A, B and C and the expressions below to help you.,4,Self-assessment,H,Homework,1. 各组设计并制作一份介绍本组拟组建的志愿队的宣传海报。 2. 选择性完成练习册第29至32页Integration的练习。,


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