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1、注重策略 指导学法 单词组块记 词汇轻松学 普通高中英语课程标准对学生词汇的八 级要求即高考要求: 学生学会使用3300个左右的单词和400500个 习惯用语或固定搭配;运用词汇理解和表达 不同的功能、意图和态度;在比较复杂的情 况下,运用词汇给事物命名、进行指称、描 述行为和特征、说明概念等。 中学英语词汇教与学的现状 语言学家Harman曾说过,“如果说结构 是语言的骨骼,词汇就是最重要的器官和 血肉。” 词汇量的大小直接决定一个人语言水平的 高低。离开了高效率的词汇学习,语言知 识的掌握就无从谈起,通过听、说、读、 写进行交际的能力也必将成为无源之水、 无本之木。 背记词汇使高中生痛苦万

2、状,耗时低效, 且易忘。 教学方面存在的弊端: 、词汇教学方法乏味,缺乏语境。单元词 汇教学不分主次,不分顺序,平均分配时间。词 汇讲解过于集中,在整个词汇教学过程中,基本 上是以教师讲授为主,而且往往是词典搬家,例 句过泛,学生一直处于被动地位,除了记笔记, 极少积极参与。 、生词复现率太低。新教材话题多,范围广 ,故生词重现少,除了老师在课堂上的讲解之外 ,学生很少有机会再接触。 、词汇检查手段单一。检测手段不外乎默写 、听写、口笔头翻译。 中学英语词汇教与学的现状 学生在在学习方面存在的症结: 、记忆方法不当。学生没有掌握读音规则和构词法则而 死记硬背,造成记词汇难,学习枯燥乏味,进而失

3、去兴趣, 知难而退。 、目标不明。学生孤立地为记单词而记单词,为完成任 务而强记,并且是一个单词一个意义的强记,忽视单词搭配 或语境中有较多的不同意义与用法,造成要么记不住,要么 记过就忘,所记词汇随着任务的结束而消失。 、母语定势心理。学生常用汉语词汇的词性、释义等来 规范英语词汇,用汉语的语言习惯来表达英语,阻碍和干扰 对英语词汇的学习。 、复习巩固不及时。由于学生未能主动去复习、巩固 已学词汇和短语,长期束之高阁,待再见到时,差不多已是 生面孔。随着所学词汇的不断增多,“被遗忘的角落”也逐渐 扩大。 鲁迅中学学生英语词汇学习策略问卷调查 “完全不符合的的实际情况”、“基 本不符合我的实际

4、情况”、“有点符合我 的实际情况”、“大部分符合我的实际情 况”和“ 完全符合我的实际情况”。 词汇学习观念(分项平均分:3.3) 1我只掌握教师所教的单词的含义,其他搭配或意义我 无暇顾及。(,) 2. 我结合实际运用所学单词。(,) 3. 我主要结合上下文学习单词。(,5) 认知策略(平均分:3.13.6) 记忆策略(分项平均分:2.8 3.6 ) 猜测词义策略(分项平均分:3.4 4.5 ) 调控策略(平均分:3 4.3) 计划策略(分项平均分:3.7 4.6 ) 监控策略(分项平均分: 2.63.5 ) 调节策略(分项平均分:3.1 3.9) 资源策略(平均分:2.5 3.7 ) 交际

5、策略(平均分:2 3 ) 词汇教学是整个英语教学过程中的 一项繁重而艰巨的任务。 词汇教学与语音教学、语法教学、句型教 学、课文教学、口语教学、阅读教学等都 有着密切的关系。 词汇教学或学习应符合以下要求: 揭示词汇的音素、结构、性质和搭配规律 ;在词义不同的语境或情境中,让学生去 感知和认识其不同的意义;经常阅读简易 读物,扩大词汇量,培养猜词能力和获取 信息处理信息的能力;依据学生不同的交 际需要和学生的生活实际,安排相应类型 的语言活动或设计专题交流活动,培养学 生运用目的语的能力;提高复现率,形成 词汇的永久记忆。 学法指导贯穿始终,激活学生学习策略; 词汇教学渗透过程,强化学生运用能

6、力. 方法指导篇 一、揭示规则,培养学生的认知策略 1、读音规律,有据可循,音形结合,拼写流利. 掌握音标拼读规则,学会听其音能拼其形,见其形能 发其音 形成从单词到发音的自动化反应 tion、ssion、tian、ture、ar 等等。 促进学生内化语言规则,消除对单词拼写的恐惧感 对于发音特殊的音形不一的单词须特殊处理,对比记 忆如enough , thought , through , thorough , cough ,dough ,plough 2、明确词义,知晓词性,构词法则,扩展延伸 利用同根词。如transport,transportable ,transportation,p

7、orter,portable, portability,import, importer, export, exporter, report, reporter 等等。 利用构词法。派生、合成法和转换法 混合:brunch, motel, Oxbridge, multiversity, smog, sci-fi等 缩略:VOA, UN, UNESCO等 二、激发思维,丰富学生的联想策略 1、谐音联想,趣味万象,读音意义,直接沟通 radar雷达,poker扑克,bowling保龄球 ,tank坦克,talk show脱口秀, carnation康乃馨。 Spain西班牙,Holland荷兰,I

8、taly意大 利 camellia山茶花“可美丽了”, 2、拆词组词,趣味记忆,分解组合,其乐无穷 单词分解法。例:bankroll “银行”“滚动” 的是资金,oasis 噢!“好象”是绿州, handout“手”伸“出来”要救济品。 合成排列法。如waiting-room, reading- room, classroom, bedroom, dining- room, living-room。 如实际名词后缀的-age bandage, carriage, marriage, package, passage, postage, shortage, storage。 相似单词组合排列法。

9、例:bubble, babble( 嘴里)“冒泡泡,”“喋喋不休”, noble,Nobel“高贵的”“诺贝尔奖”。 a villa in the village村里的别墅, carve a carp on a card在卡片上雕刻一 条鲤鱼。 中心词词组归纳法。如以out为中心构成的动 词词组和名词词组: break out, call out, carry out , come out, be out, jump out, pick out, point out, set out, keep out, let out, give out , die out, cross out, leav

10、e out, figure out, think out, put out, work out, go all out, help out, take out, turn out, try out; out of date, out of sight, out of mind, out of trouble, out of danger, out of breath, out of work, out of patience, out of order等。 3、同义反义,区别识记,事物范畴,分类记忆 归纳同义、反义词。如burst into tears (burst out crying)与b

11、urst into laughter (burst out laughing), succeed (success)与fail (failure)。 理顺事物范畴。如year(年)和yearly(年刊), season quarter,(季), quarterly(季刊), month(月), monthly(月刊), fortnight(半月 ), fortnightly(半月刊),week(周), weekly (周刊), day(日), daily(日刊)。 总结不规则动词变化表. AAA型:cutcutcut , putputput AAB型:beatbeaten ABB型:build

12、-built-built , digdugdug ABA型:come-came-come, runranrun ABC型:fall-fell-fallen, rise- rose- risen iau型:beginbeganbegun drinkdrankdrunk等等。 ABB/CC light- lit- lit/ light- lighted- lighted ABB/BC strike-struck-struck strike- struck-stricken 同音异形异义词的对比。如:there adv.(那儿), their pron.(它们的), strait n. (海峡),

13、straight adj. adv.(笔直), steal v.(偷),steel n.(钢), flower n.(花),flour(面粉) meat n.(肉)meet v.(遇到) 同形异音异义的对比。如:tearn.(眼泪)v.( 撕,撕粹), leadv.(过生活;领导;通向;引导)n.(铅), permit n.(许可证),(准许,允许), present n., adj.(礼物;现在的;出席的)v.(介绍 ,呈现;赠给), live adj.(活的,实况播送的;通上电的)v.(活 ,居住,过(生活). 形近音异意不同的对比。 如:aboard, abroad accept, ex

14、cept, expect, inspect affect, effect,afford alone, along , lonely flash , flesh , fresh better,bitter ,butter Invent, invite , visit medal, model,modal , modern, metal, mental 同音同形异义的对比。 如:I saw a fly fly into the room a moment ago. As soon as I ran into the workshop, I ran the machine quickly. Dont

15、 rock that baby on the rock while playing that rock music. 单复数意不同的对比。 如:good(好处)与goods(货物), glass(玻璃)与glasses(眼镜), wood(木头)与woods(森林), arm(手臂)与arms(武器)等等。 顺口溜记忆法 过程渗透篇 三、设置情境,促进学生的交际策略 1、识词辩义,不离句文,置于情景,心明意清 利用语境。 My parents are presenting the peasants present with pleasant presents at present. The b

16、oy laying the table lied that the hen lying there had just laid two big eggs. The sleeping child is sound asleep now, so when he is awake, he wont feel sleepy. 辐射思维。 Today is my birthday. When I came home with a light heart(adj.轻松的), my parents were busy preparing dinner. The light in the room was p

17、oor (n. 光线), so I turned on the lights(n.灯). Now our room was bright with all the lights on. ( n. 灯)Soon dinner was ready. My father turned off the lights(n. 灯)and lighted(v.点燃)the candles on the cake which lit up (v.照亮,使明 亮)the room. Light music(轻音乐) was played. I prayed for my dream and when I ope

18、ned my eyes, the lights(n. 灯) were on again. In my mothers hand lay a present. It was a light(adj.轻的) silk scarf with a light (adj.浅色 的,淡色的) blue flower in the middle. How beautiful it was! How happy I was! 欣赏阅读。 (1)欣赏特殊的句型和句式。 It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face t

19、o face. Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence. (2)欣赏文中的精彩词语和句子。如: The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all. (3)欣赏描写特定场景和特殊心境的词语与句式 。有些作者选用某些特殊的句型或句式来增强文章

20、的感染力,从而更好地表达情感。如Jack London 关于对地震的描述:Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed. San Francisco is gone. Nothing is left of it but memories and some houses far from the centre of the city. Its businesses are gone. The factories, hotels and palaces are all gone, too.There was no s

21、topping the fires. There was no way to organize or communicate. A list of buildings undestroyed was now only a few addresses. A list of brave men and women would fill the library. A list of all those killed will never be made. (4)美文诵读 Life is a great joke most of the time; however, the problem is th

22、at most people treat this joke very seriously. Life is given to us for enjoying and having fun, while we all see lots of sorrow and unhappiness around us. The amazing fact is that most of this sorrow and unhappiness is our creation. We make most mistakes in life due to our greed. However, in all thi

23、s run we miss many beautiful moments of life. 2、巩固词义,感知用法,小组讨论,实际运用 英语解释。 单词、词组、句子 如M8 Unit 3 Inventors and Inventions 1.Youll know if I succeed by the size of my bank balance. 2. All really big discoveries are the result of thought. 3. Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the wood. 4.

24、Bell was an inventor all his life. 5. The day is coming when telegraph wires will be laid on to houses just like water or gas. disasters 头脑风暴。 Unit 5, Volcanoes M5Unit 5, Volcanoes M5 学生能说出很多相关的词汇:earthquakes, floods, droughts, typhoons, hurricanes, fires, volcano eruptions, storms, snow storms, san

25、d storms, thunder storms, landslides, avalanches(雪崩,山崩),mountain torrential (山体滑坡), torrents rain(山洪,暴雨), tsunamis. 接下来还可利用联想找出许多与natural disaster 有“牵连”的动词、词组等。 还可由这些现象想到各种原因与结果, 再由结果联想到相应的人为原因, 针对这些现象可采取哪些措施等等。 自然灾害的词,教师在黑板上表出关联词 群。 natural disaster 学生能说出很多相关词汇 :earthquakes, floods, droughts, typho

26、ons, hurricanes, fires, volcano 英汉对比。 汉语 英语 我的英语好。 Im good at my English. 我的生活好。 Im living a happy life. 我的身体好。 Im in good health./ Im fine/ well. 我的视力好。 I have a good eyesight. 我的生意好。 I have good business./ Im getting on well with my business. 四川发生大地震。 A strong earthquake happened /took place/ occu

27、rred in Sichuan. A strong earthquake hit / struck Sichuan. Sichuan was struck/ hit by a strong earthquake. 搭配差异。英语中有许多同义词在与其他词使用的 规则上或在适用的句式和位置分配上往往有约定俗 成的“习惯用法”,如果将它们所组合的词组或句子排 列起来加以比较,学生对它们的概念就会更清楚。 如:gain (fame, honour, experience, respect); earn (wage, a living, bread, admiration); win (a prize,

28、 a war, a match, a victory)等。 beat (sb, a team, a class, a school, an army. ) defeat (sb, a team, the enemy) 复用举例。To win the battle, the soldiers, who were by no means easily beaten, were encouraged to gain all their strength to defeat the enemy, and drive them out of the country for good. Their bra

29、very earned them great reputation and admiration. 一句多译。 他是班上最好的学生。 He is the best student in the class. He is better than anyone else / any other student in the class. He is better than any of the other students / all the other students in the class. Nobody else in the class is as good as he. 话题讨论。

30、话题讨论是词汇理解与运用的突破口。教材中每一 单元都有一个中心话题以及相关词汇。因此,教师 课前要有效导入,引出重点词汇,课中要围绕重点 ,以话题为主线,理顺逻辑,层层推进。 例:M8 Unit 2 Cloning What do you know about cloning? (definition, kinds of cloning, benefits, questions, etc.) Retell the procedures of sheep cloning Is cloning good or bad? Welcome to Shaoxing 编者点评: 作者以饱含深情的文笔介绍民

31、美丽的绍 兴。优美的风景,深厚的文化底蕴,诱人 的小吃,传统与现代交融的城市建筑,这 就是历史文化名城绍兴。在这里,你不仅 可以感受到繁荣与忙碌,也可以享受到“ 偷得浮生半日闲”的悠然与闲适。文章过 渡自然顺畅,恰到好处地使用了复合句及 高级词汇,显示出作者深厚的语言功底。 高二(16)班 陈晓伊 Shaoxing is not what can easily be ignored even by the most demanding visitor. Located in the north of Zhejiang Province with a population of over fou

32、r million people, it is the destination of thousands of visitors who come every year to experience the culture and history of one of the charming historical cities in China. The most exciting thing about Shaoxing is how much there is to see, eat and do there. For the fans of Luxun, the best choice i

33、s the Former Residence of Lunxun. Lunxun, who was honoured as the soul of the nation, is not only the pride of Shaoxing but also the pride of China. A trip to the Tomb of Yu the Great is a history lesson. So is Fushan mountain. For sightseers, the East Lake is like a beautiful landscape painting. Be

34、sides, Lanting Pavilion is known as the paradise of calligraphy. In addition, the City Square, covering an area of several hundred square metres, is in the centre of the city. Its worth your visit. You will be fascinated by both the modern buildings and the old constructions. Drifting along the smal

35、l rivers, you can not only enjoy the view of the citys prosperity but also experience the peaceful life. If you are a person who is interested in all kinds of delicious food, its right for you to visit Shaoxing. There are a number of local products. Have you ever heard of the yellow wine made from t

36、he special water from Jianhu Lake? Have you tasted tofu which has a special smell? Have you tried the beans flavoured with aniseed? If not, try them! Once you drink the wine, youll never forget its unique taste. When you eat the smelly tofu, you will fall in love with it. If you try the fennel beans

37、, youd like to have more. Shaoxing is such a lively and charming city to visit with something for everyone. Im sure it will be a feast for your eyes and your mouth as well. Welcome to Shaoxing. 3、词汇教学,过程体现,听说读写,反复运用 单元词汇教学应分轻重缓急,保证突出重 点,分散难点,在不同的活动中处理词汇 。如在听力中的词汇应在听力练习过程中 教学,阅读中的词汇要在阅读过程中体现 。 词汇学习主题

38、化(theme based), 语境化(contextualized) 在听、说、读、写各项技能训练之前,通过有效导入,明 确地将要学习或复现的生词呈现出来,便于学生在具体的 语言练习操作中学习掌握。 模块小结中单词均为主题相关。 (Vocabulary: Words to learn; Words to revise) 词汇练习与各项技能训练紧密结合,不孤立训练单词 Vocabulary and listening Vocabulary and speaking Vocabulary and reading Vocabulary and grammar Vocabulary and writ

39、ing Unit 3 M8 Listening on P26 听力渗透。 A telephone interview Brainstorming Predicting Who is the inventor? What did he invent? What might the problem be? make telephone calls dial a number phone / telephone sb, call / ring sb up, give sb a phone/ call/ ring, make a call answer the phone, pick up the r

40、eceiver call / ring back, hang up, hang off, ring off get through hang on The line is busy / engaged. Can I speak to ? Is that speaking? Is Bob there? Yes, this is speaking. / speaking./ Speaking./ Its Bob here. Whos that? This is Hold the line, please. Im sorry, but this phone is out of order. Sorr

41、y. He isnt here right now. Ill ring him up again. Hang on, please. Just a moment, please. I cant get through. Can I ring back later? I must ring off now because a living British inventor called James Dyson ? Pre-listening the words you hear washing machine drum refrigerator carpet cleaner bicycle co

42、urt Task 1 Listen for the 1st time and tick the words you hear. Listening Speaking Apply for a job Just a moment, please. I cant get through. Can I ring back later? I must ring off now because Hold the line, please. Im sorry, but this phone is out of order. Sorry. He isnt here right now. Ill ring hi

43、m up again. Hang on, please. Useful information 交际运用。 Speaking Apply for a job Ring up one of James engineers to ask what kind of person he needs and make a list of the skills they need. WB Ex2 P64 阅读依托。 猜测词义:模块6 Unit 5 The power of nature 在Reading task中有很多生词都可以根据上 下文或构词法来猜测。pack, fountain, fear, fl

44、ood属于词性转换,此处为动词, overflow, sandbag, underneath, backpack 属于合成词汇,lead, sink属于一词多义现 象,lead此处为名词,指“系狗用的带子或 绳索”,sink为名词,意思是“污水坑”。 课文复述 1.What were the problems? How did they decide to deal with? snakes make home remove them without hurting Find out some details 2.Were there any powders to remove them? W

45、hat did she decide to do? 3. What possible methods did she think of? Which did she choose finally? 4. What tools were used to catch the snakes? 5. What were the 3 creative steps to catch the snakes alive? How did they work? 6. What has she done with her invention? Is it easy to get a patent for inve

46、ntion? Why? no ready productsonly powders set about researching decide on 3 possible ways: removing attractingcooling; choose the third one: cooling them to sleep easy to catch a bowl and ice cubes, a bucket and a small net 1) to put the frozen bowl over the snakes habitat in the morning, two hours

47、later, less active, abruptly disappear intoconvenient 2) to put in the evening, overnight, sleepy, bite 3) to put in the evening carry a net to collect them the next morning, monitoredpassive, go according to plan apply for a patent, not easy, valid, truly novel, different from everybody elses Retel

48、l the text: the problem of the snakes 突出重点。 Replace the following with the words and expressions in this text. 1. give sb a ring 2. experience 3. occasionally 4. do sth so well that people notice and admire you 5. begin to do sth thoroughly 6. suddenly, quickly and without warning 7. expecting, firm belief that sth will happen


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