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1、1. be born on/in 出生于 2. be in good health 身体健康 3. meet your ability requirements 符合你的能力要求 4. be skillful at 熟悉 5. communicate with 与交流,相关短语,6. have some related knowledge about 关于有一些相关的知识 7. be informed of 获悉;听说 8. be skilled at 熟练于 9. fill in the form 填表 10. on the website 在网站上 11. upload a photo o

2、f life 上传一张生活照,12. website maintenance 网站维护 13. warm-hearted and patient 热心和耐心的 14. in my spare time 在我的空余时间 15. ability of communication 交际能力 16. teamwork spirit 团队精神,1. Im willing to work for your company. 我愿意为贵公司工作。 2. Would you please tell me whether I can get the job? 你可以告诉我我能否得到这个工作吗? 3. The a

3、pplicants are supposed to have relevant experience. 申请者应该具备相关的工作经验。,相关句式,4. Dont hesitate any more; its now or never. 不要再犹豫了; 机不可失, 时不再来。 5. I am writing to ask about your work.我写信来询问你的工作状况。 6. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.我期待不久收到你的来信。,1. 招聘广告的写作属于应用文, 写作时往往使用被动语态和第三人称使文章显得客

4、观、公平。 2. 考生在写应聘信的时候要注意写作语气, 不能口气狂妄, 但要有自信。 3. 无论招聘广告还是应聘信, 都涉及到对应聘者的要求, 因此考生要多掌握表示技能技巧的短语句子,写作过程中才能显示出语言的多样性, 避免过分单调。,假如你是李华, 你看到了“第26届世界大学生运动会”组委会招聘志愿者的广告,请根据下列内容用英语写一篇自荐信。 内容略,写作内容 1. 你的基本情况和条件; 2. 询问的内容。 Dear Sir, Im glad to see your advertisement. Many thanks, and Im expecting your early reply.

5、Yours, Lu Hua,参考范文 Dear Sir, Im glad to see your advertisement. Im willing to be a volunteer for the 26th Universiade to be held in Shenzhen. I was born on March 28th, 1993, and I am in good health. I think I can meet your ability requirements because I am skillful at communicating with foreigners i

6、n English.,Besides, I can drive and have some related knowledge about sports and computers. Would you please tell me whether there will be any training before the Universiade and how I will be informed of the result? Many thanks, and I am expecting your early reply. Yours, Li Hua,(1) 应聘 _ (2) 符合应聘的要

7、求 _ (3) 关于的笔试 _ (4) 体检 _,能力提高,1. 短语翻译,meet the requirements of application,apply for,a physical examination,a written exam on sth.,(5) 对感兴趣 _ (6) 适合这份工作 _ (7) 擅长于做某事 _,be good at/be skilled at/be capable of/ have good performance in,show great interest in/be greatly interested in,be fit for this job

8、/be qualified for this job,(8) 团队精神 _ (9) 期待你的答复_ (10) 截止日期是 _,the deadline is.,teamwork spirit,look forward to your reply,2. 翻译句子 请用适当的高级表达或优美句型等将下列中文句子翻译成英文。 (11)贵公司在6月30日的报纸上登载的招聘记者的广告引起了我极大的兴趣, 我希望能到公司供职。,(11)Your advertisement for a reporter on June 30th newspaper arouses my interest a great de

9、al and I hope to offer my service at you company.,(12)你们在昨天的广州日报上登载的广告非常有吸引力。我认为自己非常适合做这份工作。 (12)Your advertisement in yesterdays Guangzhou Daily is very attractive and I believe it is fit for me. (13)我能够在学习、兼职工作和课外活动之间合理安排繁忙的时间。 (13)I can arrange time properly for my study, part-time jobs and extra

10、curricular activities.,(14)在暑假期间, 我曾到一家公司工作,获得了很多有关外贸的第一手资料, 并且, 学会了怎样与不同兴趣和不同背景的人进行沟通。,During my summer job in a company, I gained a great deal of first-hand knowledge about foreign trade and learned how to communicate with people of different interests and backgrounds. /During my summer, I worked

11、in a company, where I gained a great deal of first-hand knowledge about foreign trade and learned how to communicate with people of different interests and backgrounds.,(15) 我的英语和法语的流利程度是一流的。,(15) My fluency in English and French is first-rate. / I can speak English and French fluently.,假定你是英文早报的编辑,

12、 你需要招聘兼职小记者在暑假做暑期工, 请根据下列内容用英语写一则招聘广告。 写作内容,参考范文 The English Morning Post is looking for part-time young reporters who can work in this summer vacation from July 25th to August 25th. The applicants are supposed to be out-going, good at communicating with others as well as devoted. Besides, not only

13、must the applicants have high speaking, listening and writing ability in English but also be skilled at attaining information through micro-blogging.,The successful applicants who have excellent performance in this job can get a certificate of “Outstanding young reporter”. Anyone who is interested i

14、n it can fill the form on the website and then upload a photo of life. Dont hesitate as the deadline for your application is June 10th and the result will be announced on line on June 31st.,精华点评,本文的第一个亮点是词汇的丰富, 表示“擅长于”, 作者使用了不同的词组表达: be good at(第一句), have high ability in, be skilled at(第二句)和have ex

15、cellent performances in(第三句)。本文的第二个亮点在于句型的多样性。如第二个句型使用了not only.but also的倒装句型, 第三句(The successful applicants that have excellent performances in this job.)和第四句(Anyone who is interested in it.)使用了定语从句, 最后一个句子使用了祈使句。,假定你们学校的学生会招募志愿者为学生会网站做定期维护, 你对此非常有意愿, 打算写一份自我介绍的申请信。请根据以下内容完成这份自我介绍。,写作内容 1. 表示对志愿者工作

16、的兴趣; 2. 你的基本情况和自我介绍; 3. 表示自己能胜任的信心, 期待答复。,参考范文 I am writing to inquire about the opportunity to do the website maintenance for the Students Union. I am a student from Class Two, Senior One, who is warm-hearted and patient and willing to serve my fellow students in my spare time.,I believe my strong

17、ability of communication and my teamwork spirit can qualify me for the job. Whats more, I have experience of making and maintaining website. I trust that I am capable of doing the work well and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.,精华点评,本文的写作难度不大, 但是考生要注意英语地道的表达。比如说,在表达“使我更胜任这份工作”, 有考生会表达为make me qualified for, 这个表达没有错, 但是就不如qualify sb. for sth.更地道和简练。另外考生可以多使用高中所学的高级词汇, 比如说表达“有能力做某事”, 考生可以考虑用be capable of代替be able to do。,Thank you !,


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