中考一轮复习学案(八下unit2、unit8) .doc

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1、中考一轮复习学案(八下unit2、unit8)一考点透视:1. 熟记单元的单词,并能在具体的语境中熟练运用一些高频词汇(各种词性变化)。2. 牢记常用短语、句型,并能利用短语、句式进行口头、笔头的造句和作文。3. 总结语法:如何给别人提出建议或意见的常用句型,并能在实际情景中运用。2 夯实基础:【一】添枝加叶(词汇大闯关)1. argue(v)(n)_ 常用短语(1)._(2)._2. surprise(v)(adj)令人惊奇的_(adj)感到惊奇的_ed结尾的形容词常用于句型_at /to do _(n)意为_常用短语(1)._(2)._试写类似词interest_练一练:(1).你总是让我

2、吃惊。You always _ _ .(2).使我们吃惊的是这个男孩钢琴弹得如此好 _ _ _,the boy plays the piano so well.(3) .听到青海玉树发生地震的消息,我们感到很吃惊。 We _ _ at the news that an earthquake happened in Yushu,Qinghai.3.辨析besides /except/but 的用法区别except 意为_含有_之意,常用于含all /everything/everyone 等的句子中besides 意为_含有_之意,其前常有other /another/any other/a f

3、ew等词。But表示_用法同except,常与nothing/none/no one 等词连用。链中考:(1)All of us went to the park_Bob,He had to look after his sister. A.besides B.except (2) 除英语外,你还懂别的语言吗?Do you know any other language_English?(3)盒子里除了一张明信片什么也没有。There is nothing _ a postcard in the box 4.free(adj)(n)_5.include(v)(prep)_6.win(v)(n)

4、_7.person(n)(adj)_8.special(adj)(adv)_9.sleep(v)(adj)(1)睡着的_构成常用短语_(2)困倦的_10.clear(adj)(adv)_11.suggest (v)(n)_12.写出名词复数:mouse_ child_scarf _/_【二】妙笔生花(短语大串联)1.不让.进入_2.不时髦的;过时的_时髦的,流行的_3.打电话给_4.向某人借某物_向某人要某物_给某人买某物_把某物借给某人_把某物归还给某人_5.将.与.作比较_把.比作._6.赠送,分发_8.胜于_9.取得进步_10与.交朋友_11.对.感兴趣_12.入睡_13.相处,进展_【

5、三】锦上添花节节高(句型熟用)1.I need to get some money to pay for the summer camp 译为:_其中pay 构成的常用句型有(1)_(2)_2. 我不知道该怎么办。译_其中“特殊疑问词(what/which/Where/when/how.)+ 动词不定式”相当于疑问词引导的从句。Eg:I dont know how I can use the computer(变为简单句)_Did your father tell you when you would leave for Canada?(同义句)_温馨提示:what to do /how to

6、 do it 用法区别_3. I think Erin should tell her friend to get different clothes.译为:_其中tell “告诉,讲述”后可接动词不定式作宾语补足语即_意为_其否定结构为_意为_-_类似用法的词还有_、_、_、_等链中考:Before going to the History Museum ,our teacher told us _the public rules. A. Obey B. to obey C. obeying D. obeyed4. She always says that these children ma

7、y find it hard to think for themselves when they are old .句中“发现做某事对某人来说.”句式结构为_其中it为形式宾语,真正的宾语为后面的动词不定式。发现.正在做某事_他发现一只小狗正躺在树下。He found _ 链中考:All of us find _necessary to take exercise every day A.that B. it C. this D.them5. 我想对于一个六岁大的孩子来说,狗是比较合适的宠物。译_其中_是一个合成形容词,由_构成合成形容词只能作定语,中间的名词为单数,且词与词之间要用连词符。译

8、:我弟弟是一个八岁大的男孩,_链中考:What a pity! Liu Xiang didnt win _hurdles A.110-meter B. 110-meters C. 110 meter 6. In the USA,some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy them gifts.译为_7. 其中rather than 意_是个连词词组,用来连接两个并列成分,表示在两者中进行选择,意思是:是A而不是B,宁愿A而不愿B。rather than 可以用于_“宁愿做

9、.而不愿做.”和_宁愿.而不愿.两种固定结构。链中考:They preferred _(walk) rather than _(ride) a bike她宁愿要小的那个而不愿要大的。She would _the big one.【四】枝繁叶茂,硕果累累(语法总归纳) (一)(1)_征求他人意见 / (2)_向他人提出建议(3)_时常用的句型有 (4)_ (5)_ (6)_ (7)_(二)肯定回答:_常用的答语有_ 否定回答:_(三)语法专练:.用括号里的动词的适当形式填空。1.-Would you like _ ( have ) a look at the new TV set ? -Yes,

10、 Id love to .2. Its so hot . Lets _( swim) in the river.3.-I dont like watching TV .- How about _( play) soccer ?4. -Im free today . Shall we _( go) to the park ? - All right .5. We should _(encourage) children to do things by themselves .6. You had better _( take) exercise every day .按要求改写句子。1. Why

11、 dont you buy a birthday cake for your father ?(改为同义句) Why_ _ a birthday cake for your father .2. Youd better turn off the radio . (改为否定句) You_ _ _ turn off the radio .3. Shall we go to school by bus ? ( 改为同义句) _ you _ to go to school by bus .4. Lets go to play tennis .( 改为同义句) _ _ going to play ten

12、nis?5. What about the sweater ? _ do you _ _ the sweater ?三强化训练、直击中考(中考模拟演练)1.-What should I get my mother ? -_ get her a scarf ? A. Why dont B. Why not C. Why not you D. Why to2.Tomorrow is our English teachers birthday ._ give her some flowers. A. How about B. Let C. Lets D. Why not 3. -Would you

13、like to go out for a walk with me ? -_, but I have to finish my homework first . A. Thats OK B. Yes, I do C. Id love to D. Of course not 4. -Lets go out and play basketball for a while .-_. A. Thats a good idea B. Youre welcome C. It doesnt matter D. Thats all right 5. - Shall we go hiking tomorrow

14、? -_ . The radio says it will rain. A. Sure B. Thats a good idea C. Im afraid we cant D. All right 6. -Would you like some more rice ? -_ . Im full . A. No, thanks B. Yes, thank you C. Id love to D. Yes , please.7. Your father is sleeping . Youd better _ . A. not to wake him up B. not wake him up C. not wake up him D. not to wake up him5


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