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1、九年级第一轮复习,七(下)unit6 topic1-2,学习目标,掌握There be 句型的用法 复习重点句型,单词及短语 练习巩固知识点,语法一:There be 句型,1、表示某地存有某物/某人 eg:There is a study next to my room. There are 61 students in our class. 注:There be 中的be动词形式与be后面紧跟着的名词在人称和数上一致。即be后面的名词为单数/不可数名词时,be用is.若为名词复数时,be用are.另外,若There be 后面有多个名词时,采取就近原则。 eg:There is a lam

2、p,a computer and some books on the desk.,there be与 have的区别,have常表示“某人拥有某物” eg:I have a nice bike. 我们学校有5000学生。 There are 5000 students in our school. 瓶子里有一点水。 There is a little water in the bottle. 你有一个可爱的妹妹。 You have a lovely sister. 我叔叔有一个带有花园的大房子。 My uncle has a house with a garden.,2.There be +s

3、b/sth+doing sth 表示“某人/某物做“,eg:There are many old people living here. There is a girl singing in the park. 3 There will be =There is/are going to be “将会有“ 语法二:表示方位的介词 in, on, behind(在后面), under(在.下面), near(在.附近), next to/beside(紧挨着), in front of(在.外部前面), in the front of(在.内部前面),in the center of(在.中央/

4、心), on the right/left of(在.右/左边), at the back of(在.后面).between.and(在两者之间),重点句型,1.Whats on the desk? 桌上是什么? 此句型通常对there be句型提问 eg:-Whats in the tree? -There is a bird in the tree. 2.There is something/nothing wrong with my fan. 我的风扇出毛病/没毛病。 There is something wrong with . .出了毛病 3.What kind of home do

5、 you live in? 你住在那种类型的房子里?,4.-Whats the matter?/whats wrong?/whats the trouble?whats up? 怎么了? -My fan doesnt work. ( 我的风扇坏了) 5.The traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high. 交通拥挤并且消费水平高。 6.Why not do ?= Why dont you do ?为什么不做?,重点单词及短语,1.on the first floor 在一楼 on +the +序数词+floor 2.on the wall i

6、n the wall 在墙上 在墙里 3 in the tree on the tree 在树上(外来的) 在树上(树上长的) 4.put it/them away 把它/他们收起来 5.get/receive a letter from sb= hear from sb 收到某人的来信,6.look for 寻找的过程 find 寻找的结果,eg:Tom looked for his pen everywhere,but he didnt find it. 7.one / it one 指同类中的一个 it 指同一个物体 eg:Your hat is so beautiful that I

7、want to have one. 8.call sb for help 向某人求助 9. right now= at once =right away立刻,10.get sb to do sth= ask sb to do sth 让某人做某事 get to get+adj 到达 变得. 11.在.的末端 at the end of 12. 和.玩 play with 13. 照顾 look after =care for= take care of,短语,14 .talk loudly 大声说 副词loudly修饰实意动词talk 15.a room for two people 一个适合

8、两人居住的房间 16.live with sb live in +地点 17.在电脑上 on the computer,18.hear of/about 听说 hear from sb 收到某人的来信 hear that 听说 hear sb do sth 听到某人做某事 hear sb doing sth 听到某人正在做某事,19.enjoy+sth 喜欢/欣赏. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做. enjoy oneself 玩的开心 20.close to 离.很近 close. v. close. adj. closed.adj 关闭 近的,亲密的 关闭的,单项选择,( )1.T

9、here _little salt.I have to buy some. A.be B. am C.is D. are ( )2.-Can I use your e-dictionary ? -Sorry.I dont have _ A.it B. this C. that D. one ( )3.There is a big apple tree_her house. A.in front B. in front of C. in the front of D. at the front of,( )4.-_in the bags? -There are some apples in them.,A.Whats B. Whatre C.What have D.What has ( )5.When I passed the museum, I heard a little boy_in it. A. cry B.to cry C. crying D. cries ( )6.You should keep your eyes _when we play this game. A. to close B. closed C. close D.closing,Thank you for listening! see you!,


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