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1、1、我们想与你们研究一下发展贸易的可能性。 2、我们之间建立贸易关系将对双方有利。 3、从-获悉你公司专门经营-,现愿与你公司建立业务关系。 4、承-的介绍,获悉你们是-有代表性的进口商之一。 5、我们愿在平等互利、互通有无的基础上与你公司建立业务关系。 6、如能得到贵方具体询价,则甚表谢意。 7、我们对贵方的新产品-甚感兴趣,希望能寄来贵公司的产品目录及价目表。,1. Our purpose is to explore possibilities of developing trade with you. 2. Establishing business relationship betwe

2、en us will be to our mutual benefit. 3. We learn from - that your firm specializes in - and would like to establish business relationship with you. 4. Through the introduction of - we have leaned that you are one of the representative importers of - 5. We are willing to enter into business relations

3、hip with your firm on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchanging what one has for what one needs. 6. We shall be glad to have your specific inquiry. 7. We are interested in your new product- and with the hope to have a catalogue and price list.,Chapter 3 Inquiries and Replies,Introduction

4、First Inquiry & reply General Inquiry & reply Specific inquiry & reply,乌克兰(基辅),bee pollen (蜂花粉),royal jelly (蜂王浆), (蜂胶) capsule(胶囊),fresh royal jelly (鲜蜂王浆),lyophilized royal jelly powder (蜂王浆冻干粉),中文名称: 10-羟基-2-癸烯酸 中文别名: 蜂王酸; 王浆酸; 英文名称: 10-hydroxydec-2-enoic acid 英文别名: 10-HAD; 10-HDA,蜂群在不同的外界和内在条件下生

5、产的鲜王浆,不但理化性质有些差异而评价其质量的重要因素之一-10-羟基-2-癸烯酸的含量也有所不同。,raw propolis (天然蜂胶),propolis powder (蜂胶粉),propolis liquid (蜂胶液),装饰面料的范围很广,用于装饰用的,国外通称furnished fabric,decorate fabric指家具布、台布、床上用品、餐桌用的桌布等用于装饰的布,而我们特指的装饰面料一般为:窗纱、窗帘及沙发布三类。,FOB是离岸价,即在货物上船前的所有费用由卖方承担。 CFR (cost and freight)是到港价,即在货物到达收货人港口之前的海运费陆运费费用由卖

6、方承担 CIF是包括保险费的到港价,即卖方不仅要承担到达收货人港口前的海运费陆运费,还要承担保险费。,彩色/染色纺纱织布、染色布、印花布和 涤棉布(T-terylene C-cotton),即期信用证的特点是受益人签发即期汇票,银行见票即付。,食品配料和添加剂,品名 Products Name 鲜蜂王浆(2%) Fresh Royal Jelly(2) 蜂王浆冻干粉(9.0%) Royal Jelly FD Powder(9.0%),规格 Specification 10-HDA2.0 10-HDA9.0,性能描述 Characteristic 淡乳黄白色,有特征性气味 Light milk

7、yellow white, with characteristic odor 淡乳黄白色粉末,有特征性气味 Light milk yellow white powder, with characteristic odor,蜂王浆系列产品 Royal Jelly Series,mesh-粉体单位“目”,Ash-含灰量 Glucose-葡萄糖 Sucrose-蔗糖 Fructose-果糖 Arsenic-砷 Chloramphenicol-氯霉素 Aerobic bacterial count-好氧细菌含量 Coliform bacteria-大肠菌群 Molds and yeastes-霉菌和酵

8、母菌 Pathogenic bacteria-致病菌,ppm-parts per milliom 百万分之(几) 浓度单位 ppb-parts per billion 十亿分之(几) cfu-colony forming units 菌落形成单位(每克 含有的细菌群落总数) mpn-most probable number 最大可能数,Each student set up a company with name, product list with prices, etc. Establish business relations with another students company

9、in the same line : Apparel/clothing, Food & Beverage, Office & School Supplies, Luggage/Bags & Cases, Gifts & Crafts,etc. (FYI) - Each pair of business partner write inquiry and reply and correct the letter of each other.,中国对外贸易经济合作企业协会 (China Shippers Association),简称“外经贸企协”,成立于一九八九年。本协会是由原对外贸易经济合作部批准,经国家民政部注册登记,具有法人地位的社会团体。目前,本协会由商务部主管。,HACCP的全称是 Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point,即危害分析关键控制点。它是一个以预防食品安全为基础的食品安全生产、质量控制的保证体系,由食品的危害分析(HA,Hazard Analysis)和关键控制点(CCPs,Critical control Points)两部分组成,被国际权威机构认可为控制由食品引起的疾病最有效的方法,被世界上越来越多的国家认为是确保食品安全的有效措施。,


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