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1、,How was your day off?,Unit 8,Section B 1a-2c,No.16 Middle School,watch TV with friends,help mon (and dad),sleep late,take a class,go for a drive,go camping in the rain,go for a drive,drive a bus,go camping in the rain,rain heavily,sleep late or go to bed late,go for a drive,drive a bus,go camping i

2、n the rain,rain heavily,sleep late or go to bed late,Group work: Discuss the differences:,watch TV with friends,watched,last night,help mom (and dad),last weeked,helped,sleep late,this morning,slept,take a class,last Saturday,took,go for a drive,on the last day off,went,go camping in the rain,last m

3、onth,went,The rules of the past form,1,visit watch cook,2,decide live improve,3,carrycarr study-stud worryworr,5,go have- see- eat buy take win hang- wake-,4,stop- stop shop- shop plan- plan,ed,ed,ed,d,d,d,ied,ied,ied,ped,ped,ned,went,had,saw,ate,bought,took,won,hung,woke,Clap clap clap ,clap our ha

4、nds. I say go , you say went. Go go go , Buy buy buy, Take take take, Is is is , I say see ,you say saw. See see see, Have have have, Eat eat eat, Are are are, Hang hang hang,went went went .,saw saw saw.,had had had.,took took took.,ate ate ate.,were were were.,bought bought bought,was was was.,hun

5、g hung hung,e. help mom and dad ( ),b. sleep late ( ),d. take a class ( ),a. watch TV with friends ( ),c. go for a drive ( ),1a,Rank the activities(1-5).(No.1 is the activity you dislike most.),A: On my next day off , I dont want to That sounds boring/terrible/awful/tiring B: Oh, really? But I think

6、 that sounds fun/good/interesting/relaxing A: What do you want to do on the next day off? B: . But I dont want to .,Pairwork,Talk with your partner about the activities for the next day off.,listen,What did Tina and Tony do on their last day off? Check ( ) Tony or Tina.,Tony,Tina,2a,Listen again:,Wh

7、o said these things about their day off?,It was really boring.,The weather was terrible.,Sounds like a busy day off!,Can you believe it?,2b,Tina _an awful day off. She _camping ,but the weather _ terrible. It _ all day long. Then she_ for a drive. It was really boring. Tony also _ a terrible day off

8、. He _ for the math exam, so he _ late. Then he got up at 12 oclock and _ to his friends house. But his friend wasnt there. Finally, he _his mom and dad _ the yard.,Finish the passage: Tinas and Tonys day off,had,went,was,rained,had,studied,slept,went,helped,clean,went,What did she (Ms Zhu) do on he

9、r last day off?,slept late,10am.,cleaned the room,cooked lunch,watched TV,went shopping,went for a drive,Ms Zhus last day off Last Sunday, She _ until 10 am.in the morning. After getting up, first she_, then she _ . After lunch, she _ . Afer that she _.Finally she _ in the evening. What a relaxing d

10、ay she had!,Memory Challenge,(记忆大挑战),slept late,cleaned the room,cooked lunch,watched TV,went shopping,went for a drive,Work in pairs to talk about your last day off.,pairwork,A: What did you do on your last day off? B:I(what,when,where) A: How was it / What was it like? B: How about you? A:I B:How

11、was it / What was it like? A:,good great fun interesting relaxing exciting wonderful fantastic . bad terrible busy awful boring tiring,It was Thats too Sounds Sounds like a day off!,climb Dongfang Mount.,go skateboarding at Peoples Square,walk along Ci Lake,do homework,surf the internet,play basketb

12、all,No.16 Middle School,Wish your next day off fun!,Goodbye! Zhu Qiuxiang,-What do you not want to do on your next day off? -I dont want to . I think that sounds /is boring/terrible/tiring/awful.,go for a drive,watch TV,go camping,go shopping,help parents,clean ,play sports,do homework,If you have a

13、 day off, what do you want to do? Why? I want to . I think it sounds / is good. (great/ OK/ fun/ exciting/fantastic/relaxing),surf the internet,sleep late,go camping,hang out with friends,play basketball,watch a dolphin show,Tony: How was your day off, Tina? Tina: Oh, it was awful. Tony: Really? Wha

14、t happened? Tina: Well, we went camping and the weather was terrible. It rained and rained all day long. Tony: Oh, thats too bad. Tina: Ugh! Because the weather was so bad, we went for a drive. It was really boring. Tony: Sounds terrible, Tina. Tina: How about your day off, Tony? Tony: It was terrib

15、le! I studied very hard for my math exam last week, so I slept late. Can you believe it? When I woke up, it was already 12 oclock. I got up and went to my friend Daves house, but he wasnt there. He was at the beach! Tina: So what did you do? Tony: I helped my mom and dad clean the yard. Tina: Sounds

16、 like a busy day off! Tony: Uh- huh,一.英汉短语互译 1.和朋友一起看电视_ 2.开车兜风_ 3.睡过头_ 4. help mom and dad_ 5. take a class_ 6.on my next day off_ 二、单项选择 ( )1._ was your trip to Tianjin? It was great. A. When B. Why C. How D. Where ( ) 2. I want to ask the teacher for a day _ because I am not feeling well. A. of B

17、. out C. in D. off ( ) 3. I dont like going _ a drive. A. for B. off C. out D. of,watch TV with friends,go for a drive,sleep late,帮助爸妈,上课,在我的下个休息日,C,D,A,( ) 4.The music _ relaxing. A. sound B. listen C. sounds D. listens ( ) 5.Tom _ at home 10 minutes ago. But I cant find him now. A. is B. was C. are D. were 三、完成句子 1. 我昨天早上睡过头了。I _ _ yesterday morning. 2. 上周日我帮爸爸妈妈做家务了。 I _ dad and mom _ the housework last Sunday. 3. 在下一个休息日,她们要去野营。 They are going camping _ _ _ _ _.,C,B,slept late,helped do/with,on their next day,off,


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