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1、Special English for Civil Engineering 土木工程专业英语,Lesson 1 Civil Engineering 土木工程,试题结构形式,1. Translate the words and phrases into Chinese:(20%) 2. Translate the words and phrases into English:(20%) 3. Translate the paragraphs into Chinese:(25%) 4. Translate the paragraphs into English:(15%) 5. Write a s

2、hort paragraph(20%) 评分要点 (1)词汇:拼写正确、符合专业性要求(7%) (2)句子:语法正确、结构符合专业英语特点(7%) (3)段落:整体意义描述合理得体(6%),Structural engineering (结构工程) Water resources engineering (水资源工程) Geotechnical engineering (岩土工程) Environmental engineering (环境工程) Transportation engineering (运输工程) Pipeline engineering (管道工程) Construction

3、 engineering (建筑工程) Community and urban planning (社区和城市规划) Photogrametry,surveying,and mapping (摄影测量、勘测和制图) Engineering management (工程管理) Engineering teaching (工程教学),Organization of this text,Civil engineering,the oldest of the engineering specialties,is the planning,design,construction, and managem

4、ent of the built environmentThis environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles,from irrigation and drainage systems to rocket-launching facilities.,Civil engineering and civil engineers,土木工程,最老的工程专业,是建筑环境的规划、设计、施工和管理。这个环境包括从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施的所有根据科学原理建造的结构物。,Civil engineer

5、s build roads,bridges,tunnels,dams,harbors,power plants,water and sewage systems,hospitals,schools,mass transit,and other public facilities essential to modern society and large population concentrations,土木工程师修建道路、桥梁、隧道、大坝、港口、发电站、水系统和污水系统,医院、学校、公共交通系统,以及现代化社会和大量人口集中的地方所必需的其他公共设施。,They also build pri

6、vately owned facilities such as airports, railroads,pipelines, skyscrapers, and other large structures designed for industrial,commercial, or residential use 他们也修建私人拥有的设施,如机场、铁路、管线、高楼大厦,和为工业、商业、民用设计的其他大型建筑。 Because it is so broad,civil engineering is subdivided into a number of technical specialties

7、 因为土木工程的范围太广,所以它被细分为许多技术专业。 Geotechnical specialists perform soil experiments to determine if the earth can bear the weight of the project 岩土工程专家要做土工试验以确定该土是否能承受这项工程的重量。,Civil engineering and civil engineers,Environmental specialists study the projects impact on the local area:the potential for air

8、and groundwater pollution,the projects impact on local animal and plant life,and how the project can be designed to meet government requirements aimed at protecting the environment 环境专家要研究工程对当地区域的影响:潜在的空气污染和地下水污染,工程对当地动植物的影响,以及工程怎样设计才能满足政府对保护环境的要求。,Environmental Engineering 环境工程,Using computers,stru

9、ctural engineers determine the forces a structure must resist:its own weight, wind and hurricane forces, temperature changes that expand or contract construction materials,and earthquakes 结构工程师用计算机确定结构必须抵抗的力:自重、风力、引起建筑材料膨胀或收缩的温度变化以及地震力。 They also determine the combination of appropriate materials:st

10、eel,concrete,plastic,stone,asphalt,brick,aluminum,or other construction materials 他们还确定适当的材料组合:钢材、混凝土、塑料、石料、沥青、砖、铝或其他的建筑材料。,Structural engineering 结构工程,They specialize in designing and maintaining all types of transportation facilities, highways and streets, mass transit systems, railroads and airfi

11、elds, ports and harbors. 他们专门研究设计和维修所有类型的运输设施,公路和街道,公共交通系统,铁路和机场,港口及海港。 Bridge is a structure that spans obstacles, such as rivers and valleys, to provide a roadway for traffic. 桥梁是跨越障碍(比如河流和峡谷)的结构物,从而为通行提供道路。,Transportation engineering 运输工程,The purpose of a building is to provide a shelter for the

12、performance of human activities 一座建筑物的作用是为人类活动的进行提供一个躲避处。 This art includes,in addition to buildings,all the civil engineering structures such as dams,canals,tunnels,aqueducts,and bridges 除了建筑物,这艺术还包括所有的土木工程结构物,比如大坝、运河、隧道、沟渠和桥梁。 Architecture is the art of building 建筑学是建筑的艺术。 Conversely,a bad plan re

13、sults in inconvenience,waste,and visual confusion 相反,坏的设计方案所产生的结果是不方便、浪费和视觉上的混乱。,Building and Architecture 建筑物和建筑学,This text mainly introduced the relationship between the form of building and the environment, the aspect of architeture, and the relationship between building and architeture. It also

14、introduced some building materials, such as wood, steel, stone. 这篇文章主要介绍了建筑物的形式和环境的关系,建筑学的有关概念,建筑物和建筑学的关系。这篇文章还介绍了一些建筑材料,比如木材、钢材和石料。 要求:掌握短句的翻译技巧。,Brief Summary,Materials and structural forms are combined to make up the various parts of a building, including the load-carrying frame, skin, floors, an

15、d partitions. 材料和结构形式被组合在一起形成了建筑物的不同部分。包括承重的框架、外墙、楼板层、以及隔墙。 The superstructure is that part of a building above ground, and the substructure and foundation, is that part of a building below ground. 上部结构是建筑物在地面上的部分 , 而下部结构以及基础是建筑物的地下部分。 The skyscraper, owes its existence to two developments of the 19

16、th century:steel skeleton construction and the passenger elevator. 摩天大楼的出现得益于19世纪的两大发展 :钢骨架建筑和载人电梯。(钢结构:steel structure/ steel construction) Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923) introduce steel construction in France. Gustave Eiffel将钢结构引入法国。,Components of A Building 建筑物的组成部分,Until the late 19th century, the e

17、xterior walls of a building were used as bearing walls to support the floors. 直到19世纪晚期,建筑物外墙被用作支承楼板的承重墙。 Skeleton construction, consisting of steel beams and columns, was first used in 1889. 框架建筑,由钢梁和柱组成,最早运用于1889年。 The wall elements, which are used to cover the structure and are supported by it, ar

18、e built of a variety of materials: brick, precast concrete, stone, opaque glass, plastics, steel, and aluminum. 实墙用于结构的维护以及承重,可以用各种各样的材料:砖,预制混凝土,石头,不透明物玻璃,塑料,钢和铝。 Wood is used mainly in house construction; it is not generally used for commercial, industrial, or public buildings because of the fire h

19、azard. 木材主要用于住宅类建筑,商业、工业或其它公共建筑,考虑到火灾的危险性不常使用。,Load-Carrying Frame 承重框架,All buildings are supported on the ground; and therefore the nature of the soil becomes an extremely important consideration in the design of any building. 所有的建筑物都支撑在地面上,因此,土体的性质成为任何建筑设计中极为重要的考虑因素。 The design of a foundation dep

20、ends on many soil factors, such as type of soil, soil stratification, thickness of soil layers and their compaction, and groundwater conditions. 基础的设计取决于许多土体因素,比如土体类型、土体分层、土层厚度以及它们的密实性和地下水条件。 Soils rarely have a single composition; they generally are mixtures in layers of varying thickness. 土体很少有一个单

21、一的成分。它们通常是不同厚度土层的混合物。,Soils and Foundations 土体和基础,Although there have been many advancements in building construction technology in general, spectacular achievements have been made in the design and construction of ultrahigh-rise buildings 总的来说,建筑施工技术已经有了许多进步,但是在超高层建筑的设计和施工中也取得了惊人的成就。 The early deve

22、lopment of high-rise buildings began with structural steel framing 高层建筑的早期发展始于钢结构框架。 Reinforced concrete and stressed-skin tube systems have since been economically and competitively used in a number of structures for both residential and commercial purposes 从那以后,钢筋混凝土和薄壳筒体体系就被竞相经济地用在了许多民用和商用结构中。,Ta

23、ll Buildings 高层建筑,Environmental engineering is a branch of engineering that is concerned with pollution by the structures, machines, systems, and processes that are involved in human activities. 环境工程是和结构、机械、系统,以及涉及到人类活动的过程所产生的污染有关的一个工程学的分支。 It is prudent to select the purest water available for drin

24、king purposes. This can be underground water, springs, or upland lakes. It then becomes imperative to protect that source. 要谨慎选择可利用水中最纯净的水作为饮用用途。这可能是地下水、泉水或高地的湖泊。因此,保护这些水源就变得很迫切了。 Prevention of chemical contamination of groundwaters is extremely important, as is the judicious control of the use of t

25、he banks of a surface water. 防止地下水受到化学污染非常重要,就像明智地控制河岸地表水的使用一样。 Lakes can be used for recreation as well as for a water source; however, such mixed use requires good planning. 湖泊可以被用作娱乐,也可作为水源,但是,这种混和利用需要有好的规划。,Environmental engineering 环境工程,16,Dam,A dam therefore is the central structure in a multi

26、purpose scheme aiming at the conservation of water resources 因此,针对水资源保护问题,一个水坝在多目标方案中是中心结构。 The decision as to which type of dam be build depends largely on the foundation conditions in the valley and the construction materials available 至于决定修建那种类型的水坝很大程度上取决于流域的地基条件和可获得的建筑材料。 Basically,the choice of

27、 materials now lies between concrete,soils,and rockfill 基本上,现在材料的选择就在混凝土、土和填石当中。 Most modern dams continue to be of two basic types:masonry (concrete) and embankment (earthfill) 大多数现代水坝一直用的两种基本类型:砌石坝(混凝土)和堤坝(填土)。,17,Site investigation and testing 现场调查和测试,In this method,a complicated structure is div

28、ided into a number of separate equilibrium conditions,and strains are rendered compatible,thus leading to a complete analysis of stress and strain distribution throughout the structure 在这种方法中,一个复杂的结构被分成了许多相互独立的平衡条件,并产生协调的应变,这样就得到了整个结构的应力应变分布的完整分析。 Earth fill is of course more economical,and often a

29、suitable borrow area can be found close to the siteSoil consists of solid particles with water and air in between 当然,填土是经济的,而且通常在坝址附近能找到合适的取土的地方。土由固体颗粒和水以及中间的空气组成。 The environmental impact of constructing highways has received increased attention and importance. 修建公路对环境的影响已经受到了越来越多的注意和重视。,18,This te

30、xt introduced the definition, the components and types of dams. We can also learn some basic problems in dam design, such as site investigation and testing, problems of materials and the earthquake problem from this text. 这篇文章介绍了水坝的定义,组成部分和类型。我们还可以从文章中了解到水坝设计过程中的一些基本问题,比如现场调查和试验,材料的问题,以及地震的问题。,Brief

31、 Summary,19,Soil Mechanics 土力学,Soil mechanics is concerned with the use of the laws of mechanics and hydraulics in engineering problems related to soils 土力学是在与土壤有关的工程问题中涉及到力学和水力学原理运用的一门学科。 Soil is a natural aggregate of mineral grains,with or without organic constituents,formed by the chemical and m

32、echanical weathering of rock 土壤是矿物粒的一种自然集合体,有的有有机成份,有的没有,这是通过岩石的化学和物理风化作用形成的。 Gradually,the investigation of failures of retaining walls,foundations,embankments,pavements,and other structures resulted in a body of knowledge concerning the nature of soils and their behaviour sufficient to give rise t

33、o soil mechanics as a branch of engineering science 渐渐地,对挡土墙、基础、堤坝、道路和其他结构物破坏的调查得到了大量的关于土壤性质和它们的性能的知识,这足够使得土力学作为一门工程科学的分支。,20,Engineering properties of soils 土壤的工程性能,The properties of soils that determine their suitability for engineering use include internal friction,cohesion,compressibility,elasti

34、city,permeability,and capillarity 决定土壤适合工程应用的性能包括内摩擦力、内聚力、压缩性、弹性、渗透性和毛细管作用。(friction: n.摩擦、摩擦力; compressibility: n.压缩性、压缩系数、压缩率) Cohesive forces are markedly affected by the amount of moisture present 内聚力被存在的水分含量显著的影响着。,21,Foundations 基础,Structures or other constructed works are supported on the ear

35、th by foundations 结构或其他已完成的建设工程是由基础支撑在地面上。 The foundation for an earth-fill dam would be the natural soil or rock on which the dam is placed 填土大坝的基础是天然土壤或岩石,大坝就放于其上。 Concrete footings or piles and pile caps are often referred to as foundations without including the soil or rock on which or in which

36、they are placed 混凝土底座或桩和桩帽通常被称为基础,不包括它们被放于其上或其中的土壤或岩石。 Foundations that are installed may be either soil-bearing or rock-bearing 设置的基础可能是土壤承重也可能是岩石承重。 The reactions of the soil or rock to the imposed loads generally determined how well the foundation system functions 土壤或岩石对外加荷载的反应通常决定了基础体系功能有多好。,22,

37、Foundations,In designing the installed portions,the designer must determine the safe pressure which can be used on the soil or rock and the amount of total settlement and differential settlement which the structure can withstand 在设计安装部分的过程中,设计者必须确定被用于土壤或岩石上的安全压力和总的沉降量以及结构能抵抗的不均匀沉降。 The installed par

38、ts of the foundation system may be footings,mat foundations,slab foundations,and caissons or piles,all of which are used to transfer load from a superstructure into the earthThese parts,which transmit load from the superstructure to the earth,are called the substructure (Fig1) 基础体系的安装部分可能是底座、筏基、平板基础

39、、沉箱基础或桩基础,所有的这些都是被用来转移上部结构的荷载到地表上。这些传递上部结构的荷载到地表上的部分被称为下部结构。 要求词汇: differential settlement, mat foundation, slab foundation,caisson,superstructure,substructure,23,Footings or spread foundations are used to spread the loads from columns or walls to the underlying soil or rock 底座或扩大基础被用来扩散从柱或墙传来的荷载到下卧

40、层或岩石。 Normally,footings are constructed of reinforced concreteHowever,under some circumstances they may be constructed of plain concrete or masonry 通常,底座是用钢筋混凝土修建的。然而,在某些条件下,它们可能是用素混凝土或砖石建造。 Mats founded several meters below the ground surface,when combined with external walls,are termed floating fo

41、undations 被建在地表以下几米的板,当和外墙连在一起时,就被称为浮筏基础。 Groundwater is a major problem in connection with the design and installation of foundations where a substructure is to be placed below the groundwater level 下部结构将被放置到地下水位下的基础中,地下水是与其设计和施工有关的一个重要的问题。,Footings 底座,24,Building Materials 建筑材料,Materials for build

42、ing must have certain physical properties to be structurally useful 建筑材料必须具有某些对结构有用的物理性能。 Primarily, they must be able to carry a load, or weight, without changing shape permanently 首先,它们必须能在不永久变形的情况下承受荷载或重量。 This material property is called elasticity. 这种特性就被称为弹性。 All materials used in architectura

43、l structures, such as stone and brick, wood, steel, aluminum, reinforced concrete,and plastics, behave elastically within a certain defined range of loading. 在建筑结构中使用的所有材料,如石头和砖、木材、钢材、铝材、钢筋混凝土和塑料等,在某个有限的荷载范围内均表现出弹性。 If the loading is increased above the range, two types of behavior can occur: brittl

44、e and plastic. In the former, the material will break suddenly 如果荷载增加到超过了这个范围,那么可能表现出两种特性:脆性和塑性。在前者中,材料将突然破裂。,25,Building Materials,The ultimate strength of a material is measured by the stress at which failure (fracture) occurs 材料的极限强度通过发生破坏(断裂)时的应力来测量。 A second important property of a building mat

45、erial is its stiffness 建筑材料的第二个重要特性是它的刚度。 This property is defined by the elastic modulus, which is the ratio of the stress(force per unit area), to the strain(deformation per unit length). 这种特性由弹性模量来定义,弹性模量是应力(单位面积的力)与应变(单位长度的变形)的比值。 The ultimate compressive strength of bonded masonry depends on th

46、e strength of the masonry unit and the mortar 砌合的圬工材料的极限抗压强度取决于圬工单元和砂浆的强度。 Timber is one of the earliest construction materials and one of the few natural materials with good tensile properties. 木材是最早的建筑材料之一,是为数不多的具有好的抗拉特性的天然材料之一。 Steel is an outstanding structural material 钢筋是一种重要的结构材料。,26,The stre

47、ngth of concrete increases in time because the hydration process continues for years; as a practical matter, the strength at 28 days is considered standard 混凝土的强度随着时间的增加而增强,因为水合作用会持续很多年;作为一种工程材料,28天强度被考虑作为标准。 Although its elastic modulus is one tenth that of steel, similar deformations will result s

48、ince its strength is also about one tenth that of steel 虽然其弹性模量是钢筋的1/10,但是将产生相近的变形,因为其强度也大约是钢筋的1/10。 Concrete is basically a compressive material and has negligible tensile strength 混凝土基本上是一种抗压材料,抗拉强度是微不足道的。 Reinforced concrete can be molded into innumerable shapes, such as beams, columns, slabs, an

49、d arches, and is therefore easily adapted to a particular form of building 钢筋混凝土可被浇铸成各种形状,例如梁、柱、板和拱,因此它易适用于建筑的特殊结构。,Concrete,27,This text introduced some knowledge about building materials. Primarily, building materials must have elasticity. A second important property of a building material is its stiffnessThe text introduced detailedly the following building materials which are used frequently: masonry, timber, steel, aluminum, concrete, reinforced concrete and plastic. 这篇文章介绍了建筑材料的一些知识。首先,建筑材料必须具有弹性。建筑材料的第二个重要特性是它的刚度。文章详细地介绍了一下几种常用的建筑材


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