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1、China Software Talent Training Project 中国软件专业人才培养工程 Basic Computer English 基础计算机英语 2009年上学期课件 Made by Miss Zou 娄底威尔软件教育基地,Basic Computer English 基础计算机英语 第一章 第A节 the History of Computer What is a computer? A computer is a device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output, al

2、l according to a series of stored instructions. 计算机即为可根据一系列指令输入数据、处理数据、存储数据,并将结果输出的设备。,Basic Computer English 基础计算机英语 第一章 第A节 the History of Computer What is a computer? A computer is a device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output, all according to a series of stored i

3、nstructions. 计算机即为可根据一系列指令输入数据、处理数据、存储数据,并将结果输出的设备。,Computer input is whatever is typed, submitted, or transmitted to a computer system. 计算机输入指将数据键入、提交或导入到计算机系统。 Data refers to the symbols that represent facts, objects, and ideas. 数据指的是表示事、物和概念的符号。 Computers manipulate data in many ways, and this ma

4、nipulation is called processing. 计算机通过各种方式对数据进行计算,这种计算称为处理。,The series of instructions that tell a computer how to carry out processing tasks is referred to as a computer program, or simply a “program” 告诉计算机如何对各项任务进行处理的一系列指令称为计算机程序, 简称“程序”。 These programs form the software that sets up a computer to

5、 do a specific task. 安装在计算机上处理特定任务的程序称为软件。 In a computer, most processing takes place in a component called the central processing unit (CPU) 在计算机里,大多数的处理行为由一个叫中央处理器(CPU)的部件完成。,Memory is an area of a computer that temporarily holds data waiting to be processed, stored, or output. 内存可暂保存待处理的、已存储的或输出的

6、数据。 Storage is the area where data can be left on a permanent basis when it is not immediately needed for processing. 存储器则保存那些需要永久保留的、无需即刻进行处理的基础数据。 Output is the result produced by a computer. 输出是指计算机产生的结果。,Computer Categories 计算机的种类 Microcomputer、personal computer、desktop computer、notebook compute

7、r 、tablet computer、handheld computer 微型计算机、个人计算机、桌上电脑、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、掌上电脑,A microcomputer could be clearly differentiated from computers in other categories because its CPU consisted of a single “chip” called a microprocessor. 微型计算机明显区别于其他类型的计算机的是,其CPU仅由单一“芯片”组成,这种芯片称为微处理器。,What is a personal computer?

8、什么是个人计算机? A personal computer is a type of microcomputer designed to meet the computing needs of an individual. Personal computers are available as desktop computers, notebook computers, or tablet computers. 个人计算机是指为切合个体的需要而专门设计的微型计算机。个人计算机包括桌上电脑、笔记本电脑和平板电脑。,What are the characteristics of desktop c

9、omputers? 桌上电脑有哪些特点? A desktop computer fits on a desk and runs on power from an electrical wall outlet. How do notebook computers differ from desktops? 笔记本电脑和桌上电脑有何不同? A notebook (also referred to as a “laptop”) , is a small, lightweight personal computer that incorporates screen, keyboard, storage

10、, and processing component into a single portable unit.,What is a tablet computer? 什么是平板电脑? A tablet computer is a portable computing device featuring a touch-sensitive screen that can be used as a writing or drawing pad. 平板电脑是使用触摸屏,进行手写输入的便携式计算机设备。 What is a handheld computer? 什么是掌上电脑? 掌上电脑具有袖珍键盘或触

11、摸屏,体积如衣服口袋般小巧,电池供电,使用时握在掌中。,Summary 小结 Key words: computer, input, process, data, store, output, keyboard, mouse, screen, printer, program, software, CPU, memory, storage, microcomputer, microprocessor, personal computer, desktop computer, notebook computer, tablet computer, handheld computer,Homewo

12、rk 家庭作业 Copy all the key words, every word five times 抄写所有重点单词,每个写5遍。,Workstation 工作站计算机 通常指专为特殊工作而设计,功能强大的桌上电脑。这种计算机能高速处理工作任务,如医学成像和计算机辅助设计。 Computers advertised as workstations are usually powerful desktop computers designed for specialized tasks. A workstation can tackle tasks that require a lot

13、of processing speed, such as medical imaging and computer-aided design.( CAD),Videogame console 视频游戏控制台 A game device ,can not be called computer, it should be connected to a TV set and provide only a pair of joysticks for input. 一种游戏设备,必须连接在电视机上,且仅有一对控制手柄。 Mainframe computer 大型计算机 Mainframes are ge

14、nerally used by businesses or governments to provide centralized storage, processing, and management for large amounts of data. 通常用于对耐久运行、数据安全和中央控制等方面有特殊要求的企业和政府部门,可进行中央存储、处理、管理数量庞大的数据。,Super computer 超级计算机 Supercomputers can tackle complex tasks that just would not be practical for other computers.

15、 Common uses for supercomputers include breaking codes, modeling worldwide weather systems, and simulating nuclear explosions. 它能处理其他普通类型计算机无法处理的工作。超级计算机常用于解码、制作全球气候系统模型、模拟核爆。,Key words: Workstation 工作站计算机 medical imaging 医学成像 computer-aided design ( CAD) 计算机辅助设计 Videogame console 视频游戏控制台 Mainframe

16、computer 大型计算机 centralized storage 中央存储 Super computer 超级计算机 breaking codes 解码,data representation 数据处理 digital device 数字设备 analog device 模拟设备 Binary digits 二进制位 Binary number system 二进制位系统 Decimal 十进制 binary 二进制 ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息交换标准代码,1.file n. 文件;v. 保存文

17、件 2. command n. 命令,指令 3.line n. (数据,程序)行,线路 4.cursor n. 光标 n. 菜单,目录 6. character n. 字符,符号,特性 7.current n. 电流 8.disk n. 盘,磁盘 v. 驱动;n. 驱动器 10.database n. 数据库,11.delete vt. 删除,删去,作废 12.enter v. 键入,送入 vt. 选择 n. 制表键 15. string n. 行,字符串 16.function n. 函数,功能,操作 17. insert vt

18、. 插入 18.value n. 值 19.index n. 索引,变址,指数 20.filename n. 文件名,21.copy n. 复制,v. 拷贝 22.edit vt. 编辑,编排,编篡 23.parameter n. 参数,参变量 24.button n. 按钮 25.user n. 用户 n. 页面,页,版面 27.label n. 标签,标号,标识符 28.dos 磁盘操作系统 29.modify vt. 修改,改变,变址,30.locate vt. 定位 31.subset n. 子集,子设备 32.backup n. 备份,后备,后援 n

19、. 空格键,空间 34.highlight n. 增强亮度,提示区 35.indicate vt. 指示,表示 36.rename vt. 更名 37.cancel v. 删除,取消,作废 38.document n. 文献,资料,文件 39.section节,段,区域 40.additional a. 附加的,辅助的 41. load n. & v. 装入,负载,寄存,Today, networks are everywhere and network technology is developing Rapidly. Just when you think you have dial-up

20、 under control (有控制的拨号上网),along comes cable access (宽带上网), and Wi-Fi. (无限上网),Just as you get comfortable with your schools campuswide network, (校园宽带网)everyone is issued notebook computers that use some sort of wireless (无线的)connections.,Although network technology continues to develop,it is basded o

21、n a set of fairly stable concepts. If you understand these network building bocks (网络构筑区),working with new network technologies will be a piece of cake .,Network advantages 1.Sharing networked hardware can reduce costs 2. Sharing networks hardware can provide access to a wide range of wervices and s

22、pecialized peripheral devices. 3.Sharing networked hardware can provide access to a wide range of services and specialized peripheral devices.,4.Sharing networked software can reduce costs. 5.Sharing data on a network is easy 6.Networks enable people to work together regardless of time and place.,网络

23、的优势与挑战 1.共享的网络化硬件可以降低成本。 2.共享的网络硬件可以提供对各种服务和专业外围设备的访问。 3.共享的网络软件可以降低成本。 4.网络的共享数据很简易。 5.网络可以使人们能够不分时间、地点的一起工作。,Geograpical scope of Networks 网络的地理范围 PANS, NANS, LANS, WANS, MANS 个人区域网,邻里区域网,局域网,广域网, 都市局域网。,PAN (personal area network) (个人区域网) 是一个有时用指在大约10米的范围内、不适用电线或电缆,对个人数字设备进行连接的术语。 NAN(neighborhoo

24、d area network) (邻里区域网) 能在一个有限的地理区域内提供连接,通常是分布在几栋建筑之间。,LAN(local area network) (局域网) 是一种通常在一个非常有限的地理区域内通常是一栋单独的建筑,将个人电脑连接起来的数据通讯网络。学校的电脑实验室以及家里都是LAN的例子。,MAN(metropolitan area network) (都市区域网) 是一种能够在大约50英里的范围内进行语音和数据传输的公共高速网络。如当地的互联网服务提供商、有线电视公司、以及当地的电话公司。,WAN(wide area network) 广域网 覆盖大范围的地理区域,通常包括很多

25、较小的网络,该网络可以使用各种不同的电脑平以和网络技术。因特网就是世界上最大的广域网。,Hypertext 超文本 What is hypertext and what does it have to do with the Web? Two of the most important elements of the WebHypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP) and Hypertext Markup Language(HTML) A hypertext is a group of interlinked files.,什么是超文本?它和网络有什么关系? 网络的两

26、个最重要元素超文本传输协议(HTTP)在名称中都包含“超文本”。超文本是一组互相连接的文件。,What is HTML? HTML is a set of specifications for creating HTML documents that a browser can display as a Web page. It is a markup language. HTML是一个创建浏览器可以作为网页加以显示的HTML文件的规范集。它是一种标识语言。,Key words: PAN (personal area network) (个人区域网) MAN(metropolitan area

27、 network) (都市区域网) NAN(neighborhood area network) (邻里局域网) WAN(wide area network) 广域网 LAN(local area network) (局域网),Hypertext 超文本 WebHypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP) 超文本传输协议 Hypertext Markup Language(HTML) 超文本标识语言 markup language. 标识语言 Hypertext link(超文本链接) World Wide Web Consortium(W3C) 世界万维网联盟,Like

28、 so many inventions throughout history, the computer developed as inventors tinkered with (修补)various devices. As a result, it is difficult for historians to point to one development and say that it represents the first calculator or the first computer.,But it is interesting to trace (追溯)the develop

29、ment of computers. Knowning the history of computers helps you understand the design and capabilities of todays digital computers. It also helps you understand how the computer industry of today came into being.,与历史上很多的发明一样,计算机是随着发明人对各种设备进行修补而不断发展的。结果,对历史学家来说,要指着某一项发明,说它就代表了第一台计算器或第一台计算机,是很困难的。但是,要追

30、踪电脑的发展是很有趣的。了解计算机的历史可以帮助你了解今天的数字计算机的设备和各种功能。也能帮助你了解今天的计算机工业是如何发展而来的。,Digital Camera A digital camera seems easy to use. Point it, shoot the photo,and what next? How do you get them ready to become e-mail attachments?(附件)How do you prepare them for Web pages? To understand the wide range of possibili

31、ties for digital photos, youll need some background information about bitmap graphics(图形),数码相机看上去使用很简单。将其指向景物,摄下照片,然后接下来该做什么呢?你如何将数码照片从照相机转移到电脑中呢?你应该如何打印他们呢?你又如何让他们准备好变成电子邮件的附件呢?你如何为网页准备他们呢?要了解数码照片的各种广泛的可能性,你将需要一些有关位图图形的背景信息,Bitmap basics What is bitmap graphic? A bitmap graphic, or simply called “b

32、itmap” is composed of a grid of dots, and the color of each dot is stored as a binary number. 位图由一些点格组成,而且每一个点的颜色是以二进制数字保存的。,The characters of bitmap Bitmap graphics are typically used to create realistic images, such as photographs. When you use a digital camera or camera-enabled cell phone, your p

33、hotos are stored as bitmaps. A scanner produces bitmaps. The photos you send or receive as e-mail attachments are bitmaps, as are most Web page graphics.,位图图形通常用于创建现实的图像,例如照片。当你使用一台数码相机或带照相机功能的移动电话时,你的照片就是以位图被保存的。扫描仪可以生成位图。你作为电子邮件发送或接收的照片也是位图,大多数的网页图片也是位图。,How to create bitmap images? You can create

34、 a bitmap graphic from scratch using the tools provided by graphics software. Such as Adobe Photoshop, Jasc Paint Shop Pro, and Microsoft Paint. 如何创建位图图像? 提供的工具进行涂画,创建一个位图图形。如: Adobe Photoshop, Jasc Paint Shop Pro, 以及微软画图。.,Scanner and camera How to convert a printed image into a bitmap? When you ha

35、ve a printed image, such as a photograph, a page from a magazine, or a picture from a book, you can use a scanner to convert th printed image into a fine grid of cells(细格) and assigns(分配) a digital value for the color of each cell. As the scan progresses, these values are tranferred to your computer

36、s hard disk .,如何将一张打印的图像转换成一张位图? 当你有一张打印的图像时,例如照片、杂志的一页、或书上的一张照片,你就可以使用一台扫描仪将这幅打印的图像转换成一个位图画面。一台扫描仪将一幅图像分割成单元的细栅格,并且为每一个单元的颜色分配一个数字数值。随着扫描的进展,这些数值被传输到你电脑的硬盘上。,How to use a scanner? To scanan image, turn on th scanner and start your scanner software. Place the image face down on thscanner glass, and

37、then use the scanner software to initiate the scan. The scanned image is saved in RAM and can then be saved on your computers hard disk.,要扫描一幅图像,打开扫描仪,并启动你的扫描仪软件。将该图像画朝下,放在扫描仪的玻璃上,然后使用扫描仪软件开始进行扫描。被扫描的图像保存在内存中,然后可以被保存在你电脑的硬盘上。,Digital camera storage device 1.Compact F lash CF 卡 2.Memory stick 记忆棒 3.S

38、mart Media card SM记忆卡 4.xD-Picture card xD 图像卡,Transferred ways of digital camera 1.Media transfer 媒质传送 2.Direct cable transfer 直接电缆传输 3.Infrared port 红外端口 4.Card readers 读卡器 5.Floppy disk adapters 软盘适配器,digital camera 数码照相机 attachment 附件 bitmap 位图 dot 点 realistic images 实图 Web page 网页 digital value

39、 数字数值 hard disk 硬盘 scanner 扫描仪,install vt. 安装 assign vt.赋值 byte n. (二进制的)字节 abbreviate vt. 缩写,省略 graphic n. & a. 图形;图形的 original n. & a. 原文;原(初)始的,sub-directory n. 子目录 buffer n. 缓冲器 updated a. 适时的,更新的 fixed a. 固定的,不变的 switching n. 开关,转接,交换 element n. 元件,元素 assistance n. 辅助设备,帮助 evaluate v. 估计,估算,求值 configuration n. 配置,push v. 推,按,压,进(栈) redefine vt. 重新规定(定义) adapter n. 适配器,转换器 RAM 随机存取存储器 undefined a. 未定义的 backspace v. 退格,回退 underscore vt. 在下面划线 operate v. 操作,运算 bit n. 比特;(二进制)位,


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