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1、Section A Period 1 (1a-2d),Unit 8,Is there a post office near here? Section A,Language goals:,1. Learn to ask for and give directions on the street. 2. New vocabularies about some places: post office, restaurant, bank, , etc. 3. Important phrases: across from, next to, betweenand, etc. 4. “There be”

2、 sentence structure.,Period 1,Section A 1a1c,三台县,刘营镇,Where are you from? Where do you live?,Where am I from?,Im from Liuying,Santai . I live on Tongmian Street-Its a busy street.,lets go.,Do you know these places?,New words,post office,library,hotel,restaurant,bank,supermarket,pay phone,park,hospita

3、l,airport,museum,bridge,post,a restaurant,a hotel,an office,a bank,a pay phone,a post office,a police,a police station,a hospital,a street,near,Presentation,There be句型,1. 某地有某物。,There is + a/an + n. + 介词短语.,1 有,2 某物,3 在某地 (介词短语),There are + (some) + n.-s + 介词短语.,在桌子下有一本书。 在书橱里有一些书。 在地上有一个篮球。 在椅子旁边有一

4、些篮球。 在门的后边有一个书包。 在小汽车的前边有一些小孩。,There is,a book,under the table (desk).,some books,There are,in the bookcase.,a basketball,There is,on the floor.,some basketballs,There are,near the chair.,a backpack,There is,behind the door.,some kids,There are,in from of the car.,2. 某地没有某物。,There isnt + a/an + n. +

5、介词短语.,1 没有,2 某物,3 在某地 (介词短语),There arent + (any) + n.-s +介词短语.,在梳妆台上没有手表. 在抽屉里没有(一些)字典. 在附近没有邮局. 在超市的对面没有饭馆. 在第六条大街上没有银行. 在我们学校没有外国学生.,There isnt a watch on the dresser.,There arent any dictionaries in the drawer.,There isnt a post office in the neighborhood.,There isnt a restaurant across from the

6、supermarket.,There isnt a bank on the Sixth Avenue.,There arent any foreign students in our school.,3. 某地有某物吗?,Is there + a/an + n. +介词短语?,1 有,2 某物,3 在某地吗 (介词短语),Are there + (any) + n.-s +介词短语?,在图书馆旁边有一个投币电话吗? 在第五条大街上有一家超市吗? 在你家附近有宾馆吗? 在宾馆对面有银行吗? 在邮局后边有饭馆吗? 在你家有兄弟姐妹吗?,Is there a pay phone next to th

7、e library?,Is there a supermarket on Fifth Avenue?,Is there a hotel near your home?,Is there a bank across from the hotel?,Is there a restaurant behind the post office?,Are there any brothers and sisters in your family?,There are some books in the desk.,There arent any books in the desk.,Are there a

8、ny books in the desk ?,Yes, there are. No, there arent .,Whats in the desk ?,Whats + 地点?,Practice,There is,park,restaurant,hotel,There is a near here.,post office,bridge,bank,library,There is a near here.,road,street,avenue,highway,There is a near here.,park,garden,There is a near here.,park,There i

9、snt a . near here.,hotel,There is a . near here.,There isnt a near here.,restaurant,hotel,Is there a post office near here?,Yes, there is.,post office,/ No, there isnt.,library,Is there a . near here?,Yes, there is.,/ No, there isnt.,hotel,Is there a . near here?,Yes, there is.,/ No, there isnt.,res

10、taurant,Is there a . near here?,Yes, there is.,/ No, there isnt.,Are there any banks near here?,Yes, there are. / No, there arent.,There arent any banks near here.,There are some banks near here.,Are there any libraries near here?,Yes, there are. / No, there arent.,There arent any libraries near her

11、e.,There are some libraries near here.,1a Match the words with the places in the picture.,1. post office _ 2. police station _ 3. hotel _ 4. restaurant _ 5. bank _ 6. hospital _ 7. street _ 8. pay phone _ 9. park _,f,a,e,i,c,b,h,g,d,1b Listen and circle the places you hear in 1a.,1. post office _ 2.

12、 police station _ 3. hotel _ 4. restaurant _ 5. bank _ 6. hospital _ 7. street _ 8. pay phone _ 9. park _,I am in a place I dont know and I have no money. I have to go to the bank to get some. But I dont know where the bank is. So I could say:,Practice,Is there a bank near here?,Yes, there is. Its o

13、n Bridge Street.,1c Make the conversations with your partner about the places in 1a.,Is there a hospital near here?,Pairwork,Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street.,1c Make the conversations with your partner about the places in 1a.,Is there a hospital near here?,Pairwork,Is there a post office near he

14、re?,Yes, there is. Its on Long Street.,Is there a restaurant on Bridge Street?,Yes, there is.,Is there a bank near here?,Yes, there is. Its on Center Street.,library,supermarket,bank,How to ask directions,Is there near hear? Is there in the neighborhood? Where is? Can you tell me how to get to? Can

15、you show me the way to? How can I get to? Can you tell me where theis? Can you tell me how I can get to?,There _ a pen near the ruler.,2. There _ 2 books on the table.,3. There _ a pen and two books on the table.,4. There _ 2 books and a pen on the table.,用be的适当形式填空:,is,are,is,are,Homework,用 have, h

16、as, there is, there are 填空,My brother_ many books. 2. _ a bank on Bridge Street. 3. _ many books on the desk. 4. I _ many friends, and he _one. 5. _ some supermarkets in the city. 6. My uncle _ a VCD. 7. _ 54 students in Class 3. 8._ your father _ a watch? 9.我校有两个图书馆 two libraries in our school . Our school _ two libraries .,has,Theres,Therere,have,has,Therere,has,Therere,Does,have,There are has,


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