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1、Unit 2 Section A,Deep Concern,Definition of Generation Gap,复合听写,视频讨论,Generation gap can be defined as “the lack of understanding between older and younger people because of their different experiences, opinions, habits and behaviour.”,随 笔,History of the Term : Generation Gap (1),The term first came

2、into prominence in Western countries during the 1960s. It described the cultural differences between the Baby Boomers and their parents. Reasons: this era differences between the two generations grew significantly in comparison with previous times, particularly with respect to,复合听写,视频讨论,随 笔,History

3、of the Term : Generation Gap (2),such matters as musical tastes, fashion, drug use, and politics. The disparity may have been magnified by the unprecedented size of the young Baby Boomer generation, which gave them unprecedented power, influence, and willingness to rebel against social norms.,复合听写,随

4、 笔,视频讨论,Part V,Main Idea of the Text,Focus: first on the conflicts between Sandy and her parents over her favorite music, dresses, makeup and other minor things; and then on her parents deep concern about her growth.,Part IV,Structure of the Text,Part III,词汇学习,课文阅读,Organization: in the sequence of t

5、ime & space, it can be roughly divided into five parts.,随 笔,For more details,Deep Concern,Part II,Part I,Part One is made up of 4 paragraphs, Para. 1 to Para. 4. This part tells us about the conflict between Sandy and her father over her favorite music.,Back,Deep Concern,新视野 结 构 分 析,Part Two is made

6、 up of the fifth paragraph, as a transitional one. This part is about how Sandy took a shower, which paves the way for the next conflict.,Part Three consists of 15 paragraphs, from Para. 6 to Para. 20. This part just focuses on the conflict between Sandy and her mother over her dresses, makeup and o

7、ther minor things.,Part Four is made up of 8 paragraphs, from Para. 21 to Para. 28. It is about how Sandys parents, filled with deep concern over Sandys growth, discussed about the solutions to her problem.,Part Five is composed of the last paragraph, Para. 29. This part is about how Sandys mother t

8、hought about talking to Sandy as she drove to work.,Part I,Part II,Part III,Part IV,Part V,Main Idea of Part I,Paras. 1-4 This part deals with direct conflict between Sandy and her father over her favorite music.,Devices for Developing It,the pattern of narration coupled with dialogues between Sandy

9、 and her father.,词汇学习,课文阅读,随 笔,For more details,Deep Concern,Part V,Part IV,Part III,Part II,Part I,Back,The cause of the conflict: Rock music blasted forth. Like a shot, the music woke Sandy. . Sandy sang along with the words as she lay listening to her favorite radio station. Dialogues between Fat

10、her and Sandy: F: Sandy, Sandy, turn that music off! Why do you have to listen to such horrible stuff? Its the same thing over and over. Im not sure it is really music, though it does have rhythm.,Narration coupled with dialogues (叙述加对话),新视野 结 构 分 析,S: I like that music, Dad; its my favorite. Listen

11、 for a minute; Im sure youll like it. F: No, no, dont do that. I cant stand it. Turn that radio down so your mother and I cant hear it. Im sure that music is hurting your ears as well as your brain.,For more,Main Idea of Part II,Para. 5 This part, as a transitional one, deals with how Sandy took a s

12、hower, which implies her annoyance and paves the way for the conflict with her mother.,Devices for Developing It,This part is developed in accordance with description of sequential actions.,词汇学习,课文阅读,随 笔,For more details,Deep Concern,Part V,Part IV,Part III,Part II,Part I,Back,新视野 结 构 分 析,Descriptio

13、n of sequential actions (动作顺序法),1. Sandy walked into the bathroom;,2. turned on the shower.,3. Then she grabbed the soap;,4. washed thoroughly, including her hair.,?,?,?,Main Idea of Part III,Paras. 6-20 Sandy and her mother were in a total disagreement over her ways of eating, teeth-brushing, dress

14、ing, and makeup, etc.,Devices for Developing It,The author employs the style of dialogue in this part to describe the direct conflict between Sandy and her mother.,词汇学习,课文阅读,随 笔,For more details,Deep Concern,Part V,Part IV,Part III,Part II,Part I,Back,Their disagreement over eating: M: Sandy, why do

15、nt you sit down and eat your breakfast? It isnt healthy to eat standing up. S: I know, Mom, but I dont have time to sit down and eat. Their disagreement over teeth-brushing: M: Did you brush your teeth? S: Mom, I havent finished eating breakfast yet. Ill brush my teeth when Im done.,The Style of Dia

16、logue (对话体),新视野 结 构 分 析,For more,For more,Their disagreement over dressing: M: Sandy, why are you wearing that old T-shirt? Its disgusting. S: Mom, please stop. M: Stop what, dear? S: Stop bugging me. Their disagreement over makeup: M: Sandy, are you wearing eyeliner? S: Yes, Mom, Ive been wearing e

17、yeliner for,months. Isnt it pretty? M: Sandy Finch, youre too young to wear that much makeup. S: Mom, Im fifteen. Im old enough to wear makeup. Believe me, all the girls at school wear makeup. Some have tattoos and pierced ears, and noses and tongues, too.,Main Idea of Part IV,Paras. 21-28 Sandys mo

18、ther and father talked over their concerns about Sandys growth and decided to have a talk with her.,Deep Concern,Devices for Developing It,Narration combined with dialogues is the major device through which to develop this part.,词汇学习,课文阅读,随 笔,For more details,Part V,Part IV,Part III,Part II,Part I,B

19、ack,Narration combined with dialogues (叙述加对话),新视野 结 构 分 析,Dialogues between the father and the mother about the problems with Sandy: F: My stomach feels upsetlike its full of knots. Its probably that awful music that wakes me up every morning. I dont think Im old-fashioned, but hearing those tuneles

20、s, offensive lyrics repeatedly makes my blood boil.,M: You know, honey, different music appeals to different generations. Remember some of the music we listened to? Did you notice how much makeup our fifteen-year-old daughter was wearing this morning? I cant believe I didnt notice. I suppose we shou

21、ld feel lucky because makeup is our biggest problem with her. Ive seen other teenagers walking around town with tattoos and piercings all over their bodies.”,F: What worries me is that music could have a negative influence on Sandy. I dont know whats happening to our little girl. Shes changing and I

22、m concerned about her. Makeup, terrible musicwho knows what will be next? We need to have a talk with her. The news is full of stories about teenagers in trouble whose parents hardly know anything about their problems.,M: Oh, I dont think her music is so terrible. But in any case, youre right. We ne

23、ed to have a talk with Sandy.,For more,For more,For more,Main Idea of Part V,Par. 29 Sandys mother thought about how to talk to her daughter on her way to work. She wanted to protect Sandy while giving her the freedom to find her own identity.,Deep Concern,Devices for Developing It,Narration is the

24、device through which to develop this part.,词汇学习,课文阅读,随 笔,For more details,Part V,Part IV,Part III,Part II,Part I,Back,Sandys mother was determined to have a talk with her daughter: As Jane Finch drove to work, she thought about her Sandy. She knew what she wanted to say, what she had to say to Sandy

25、. She was so glad that she and Sandy could still talk things over. She knew she had to have patience and keep the lines of communication with her daughter open. She wanted to be there as an anchor for her, but at the same time she would give her freedom to find her own identity.,新视野 结 构 分 析,Narratio

26、n of ones thinking (叙述体),短语活用,句型应用,English Equivalents of Chinese,随 笔,click on,rock music,blast forth,sing along with words,turn sth. off,burst into the room,over and over,reach for sth.,turn sth. up / down,turn on the shower,短语活用,句型应用,English Equivalents of Chinese,随 笔,brush ones hair / teeth,put o

27、n / wear makeup,as usual,be done (with),wear eyeliner,have got to V,pick sth. / sb. up,bolt out of the house,peace and quiet,wake sb. up,短语活用,句型应用,English Equivalents of Chinese,随 笔,make sbs blood boil,appeal to sb.,get rid of,have knots in ones stomach,have a negative influence on,be concerned abou

28、t sb.,have a talk with sb.,teenagers in trouble,in any case,talk sth. over,English Equivalents of Chinese,短语活用,句型应用,随 笔,keep the lines of communication open,be an anchor for sb.,突然爆响起来,我正津津有味地看精彩的足球赛,突然楼上爆响起摇滚乐。,Back,blast forth,短 语 逆 译,短 语 应 用,enjoy a wonderful football game/from upstairs/blast for

29、th/rock music,I was enjoying a wonderful football game when rock music blasted forth from upstairs.,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 应 用,Back,伸手去抓,reach for,什么机会你都可能会遇到,关键是怎样去抓住它。,短 语 应 用,any opportunity/come ones way,Any opportunity may come your way, but the point is how you reach (out) for it.,短 语 逆 译,意 群 提 示,新视野

30、 短 语 应 用,Back,除之外(也),as well as,网恋不论从理论上来说还是实际结果显示都远不尽人意。,短 语 逆 译,短 语 应 用,cyber romance/ in theory/ in practice/ far from perfect,In theory as well as in practice, cyber romance is far from perfect.,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 应 用,Back,和平常一样,as usual,她和往常一样静静地躺着,回想着一天来自己做的事情。,短 语 应 用,in peace and quiet/go over

31、in ones mind,As usual, she lay in peace and quiet, going over in her mind what she had done for the day.,短 语 逆 译,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 应 用,Back,结束,完毕,be done,木已成舟(生米做成熟饭)。,短 语 应 用,not be undone,Whats done cannot be undone.,短 语 逆 译,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 应 用,Back,冲出,猛冲,bolt out of,听到考试被取消的消息后,他冲出教室玩去了。,短 语 应 用,短

32、语 逆 译,意 群 提 示,at the news that /be canceled/seek fun,At the news that the exam had been canceled, he bolted out of the classroom to seek fun.,新视野 短 语 应 用,Back,心乱如麻,ones stomach is full of knots/have knots in ones stomach,fail in sth./make ones stomach filled with knots,She failed in quite a few exam

33、s, which made her stomach filled with knots.,她有几门考试没通过,使她心烦意乱。,短 语 应 用,短 语 逆 译,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 应 用,Back,使某人生气,make ones blood boil,他生活的坏习惯使她如此恼火以致提出了离婚。,bad habits of living/so that/ come up with/divorce,His bad habits of living made her blood boil so much that she came up with divorce.,短 语 应 用,短 语

34、逆 译,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 应 用,Back,对有吸引力,appeal to,分享幽默短信对女孩子和男孩子同样具有吸引力。,share sth. with each other/humorous messages/as much as,Sharing humorous messages with each other appeals as much to girls as to boys.,短 语 应 用,短 语 逆 译,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 应 用,Back,摆脱;丢掉,get rid of,人越想摆脱某个想法,越难如愿 。,be eager to do sth. /

35、to make it,The more eager one is to get rid of some idea, the harder it is for one to make it.,短 语 应 用,短 语 逆 译,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 应 用,Creative Application of Expressions,blast forth,be done,have knots in ones stomach,make ones blood boil,appeal to,句型应用,词组互译,随 笔,blast away at sb./fail to do sth./cut une

36、mployment,知 识 链 接,发射上天 猛烈抨击,blast off blast away at,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,他们猛烈抨击政府未能降低失业。,Back,They blasted away at the government for failing to cut unemployment.,句型应用,词组互译,随 笔,be done with the magazine/place it where it was,做完某事 与某人断绝关系,be done/finished with sth. be done with sb.,读完杂志后请放回原处。,Back,Please

37、 place the magazine where it was after you are done with it.,知 识 链 接,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,句型应用,词组互译,随 笔,whenever/tie sb. up in knots/wish for/cut the knots,快刀斩乱麻 使紧张,把弄糊涂 困惑不解,cut the knot tie sb. up in knots get into knots,每当事务缠身被搞得晕头转向时, 他希望有办法能快刀斩乱麻。,Back,Whenever tied up in knots, he wishes for a way

38、 to cut them.,知 识 链 接,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,句型应用,词组互译,随 笔,marital crisis/boil down to/be built on,沸溢;发怒 意味着;归结为,boil over boil down to,你们的婚姻之所以产生危机,其根源是:你们的婚姻是建立在金钱的基础之上。,Back,Your marital crisis can boil down to the fact that your marriage was built on money.,知 识 链 接,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,句型应用,词组互译,随 笔,appeal

39、to sb./give sb. another chance,诉诸/求助于(武力) 恳求某人做某事,appeal to (force) appeal to sb. to do sth.,男孩恳求女孩再给他一次表现的机会。,Back,The boy appealed to the girl to give him another chance.,知 识 链 接,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,句型应用,词组互译,随 笔,Further Application of Patterns,词组互译,短语活用,随 笔,Im not sure (that) sb./sth., though sb./sth

40、. does,Sb. doesnt think sb./sth., but doing sth. does,Sb. supposes sb. should(nt) because sb./sth.,虽然也有节奏,但我恐怕那还不是真正的音乐。,Im not sure it is really music, though it does have rhythm.,Back,原 句 译 文,逆 译 练 习,句型提炼,新视野 句 型 提 炼,Im not sure (that) sb./sth., though sb./sth. does尽管某人/事 ,但恐怕,用于表述“对某人/事持保留看法”。,Ba

41、ck,句 型 提 炼,应 用 提 示,句型应用,新视野 句 型 提 炼,hold water/be not sure/that easily/come round,虽然你的理由完全站得住脚,但恐怕他不会那么容易改变观点。,Back,Im not sure he will come round that easily, though your reasons do hold water.,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,例 句 与 图 片,词组互译,短语活用,随 笔,尽管他们的计划听上去很完美,但不一定行得通。,sound perfect / work,Im not sure their pla

42、n will work, though it does sound perfect.,Back,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,新视野 句 型 提 炼,您听一下吧,您肯定会喜欢的。,Listen for a minute; Im sure youll like it.,Back,原 句 译 文,逆 译 练 习,句型提炼,新视野 句 型 提 炼,Do sth.; I am sure (that) you will (not) 做某事,你肯定(不)会,用于表述“给对方建议/与对方论理”。,句 型 提 炼,应 用 提 示,句型应用,新视野 句 型 提 炼,Back,改进你的思维模式,这肯定会给你的学

43、习带来新的面貌。,improve your way of thinking/bring a new look to sth.,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,Improve your way of thinking; Im sure that will bring a new look to your study.,新视野 句 型 提 炼,Back,我想我还不至于老得落伍吧,可没完没了地听那不成曲调、叫人心烦的歌着实让我生气。,I dont think Im old-fashioned, but hearing those tuneless, offensive lyrics repeated

44、ly makes my blood boil.,Back,原 句 译 文,逆 译 练 习,句型提炼,新视野 句 型 提 炼,Sb. doesnt think sb./sth., but doing sth. does 某人认为不至于,但做某事又实在,用于表述“对事物的看法与感受的反差”。,句 型 提 炼,应 用 提 示,句型应用,新视野 句 型 提 炼,Back,do no good to sth./spend the whole day (in) doing sth./ give sb. a feeling of guilt,我认为看小说对一个人的进步并不是没任何好处,但把一整天的时间都花在

45、看小说上又总让我有一种负罪感。,Back,I dont think reading novels does no good to ones progress, but spending a whole day reading novels always gives me a feeling of guilt.,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,例 句 与 图 片,词组互译,短语活用,随 笔,我想我并不多愁善感,但那部影片却着实让我感动得落泪了。,emotional/move one to tears,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,I dont think Im an emotional per

46、son, but watching that film did move me to tears.,新视野 句 型 提 炼,Back,我想我们应该感到幸运了,因为对我们来说女儿的最大问题还只是化化妆。,I suppose we should feel lucky because makeup is our biggest problem with her.,Back,原 句 译 文,逆 译 练 习,句型提炼,新视野 句 型 提 炼,Sb. supposes sb. should (not) because sb./sth. 某人想某人(不)应该,因为某人/某物 ,用于表述“看待事物的角度和理由

47、”。,句 型 提 炼,应 用 提 示,句型应用,新视野 句 型 提 炼,Back,suppose/not lose heart/be not being but a becoming,我想你不该灰心,因为事物不是一成不变的,而是始终在变化着的。,I suppose you should not lose heart because things are not being but a becoming.,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,例 句 与 图 片,词组互译,短语活用,随 笔,Back,我想我们应该为儿子取得的进步感到骄傲了,因为他去年考试还垫底儿呢。,feel proud of/sb.

48、s progress/come bottom in an exam,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,I suppose we should feel proud of our sons progress because he came bottom in the exam last year.,新视野 句 型 提 炼,Back,我担心那种音乐对桑迪可能会产生负面影响。,What worries me is that music could have a negative influence on Sandy.,Back,原 句 译 文,逆 译 练 习,句型提炼,新视野 句 型 提 炼,What worries one is that 令某人担心的是,(that 可替换),用于表述“某人的担心”。,句 型 提 炼,应 用 提 示,句型应用,新视野 句 型 提 炼,Back,父母担心女儿在异地不会照顾好自己。,take good care of oneself / in a strange place,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,What worried the parents was that the daughter could not take good care of herself in a strange place.,新视野 句 型 提


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