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1、试卷讲评,Test,亲爱的同学们,老师在批卷过程中欣喜的发现你们的解题能力又有了进步。向你们表示祝贺! 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯乐作舟!老师相信:通过努力,你们的英语学习成绩一定会不断提高!,Knowledge &skills,Deal with difficult points and common mistakes. 解决试卷中的难点,澄清共性错误。完善知识体系。,Teaching Methods,Promote reading skills. 理清答题思路,提高答题技能。,Emotions and values,Increase confidence in the future exam

2、s. 体验英语学习的快乐与成就感,提高备战中考的自信心。,Teaching Aims,试卷结构,一、听力测试(20分)(由于磁带质量问题,未考) 二、单项选择(15分)完形填空(10分),三、阅读理解(30分),这次考试范围是以复习Unit 8为背景,面向整个初中的一次综合训练。主要考查了初中英语所涉及的主要语法、词汇、短语及句型等的运用,题型丰富多样,考查了学生综合应用语言的能力 。试卷难度适中,总分为100分。,四、书面表达(共三节),1、词汇运用(15分)2、阅读表达(10分) 3、写作(20分),考试分析,成绩统计(1),全卷最高:(90.5分) 80-89:60分至79分: 书写较好

3、的同学:,成绩统计(2),优秀学生: 希望之星:,书写之星:,1、基础知识掌握不牢固,对所学重难点掌握不全,如:第28小题,on the morning of the 15th 0f March中介词用法;第30小题,have gone to与have been to区别不清等。 2、词汇量小,同义词区别辩不清,单词记忆不牢固,对词组搭配运用掌握不好,如第67小题“失败”,fail,不会写, 第69小题“悦耳的”smooth,忘了; 第63小题likely,“很可能”,平时没有积累等。,失分原因及存在问题,3、英语语法学得不好,如22题,现在完成时与被动语态知识;第34小题,if的用法; 4、

4、语篇理解能力和逻辑推理能力不足,如完形填空的第43、45小题,再如阅读理解第59小题. 5、看题粗心大意,书写不细心,答题考虑不全面导致失分。还有就是书面表达的书写问题。 6、部分学生放弃英语学习。作文不写,或抄阅读段落;选择题随便蒙。,组长职责: 1、帮助小组成员弄明白错题错在哪; 2、批他们的改错; 3、帮助他们总结今后在做此类题目 时该注意的问题,必要时可求助老师。,组员职责: 1、先自己找错题错在哪,再找组长讲述; 2、红笔在原题旁边改错; 3、在组长帮助下总结今后在做此类题目时该 注意的问题。,比一比,分组探究,Part 1 单项填空题正答率低的题目,考查时间状语,考查反意疑问句,句

5、子结构,各题答题情况,if用法,Part 2 完型填空,各题答题情况,易错题、难题:40、43、45,Part 3 阅读理解,易错题、难题:50、59、60、63,五、再次挑战,moth, butterfly, on the contrary, rainbow, wisdom, ashamed, bet , Entrance is free. on he third floor, overall, earn 5 dollars, likely, call on , Chinese style road crossing. advantage, self-confidence, learn by

6、 heart,一、词汇积累,1、Our school _(change)a lot in the last five years. A. changed B. was changed C. has changed D. is changed 2、What_ it is ! A. fine weather B. a fine weather C. badly weather D. fine day 3、The population of China is _than that of Japan. A. more B. less C. larger D. smaller 4、Look! There

7、s no light in the house. Yes, Mrs. Black _Shanghai. Last week he told me he would go there. A. went to B. has been to C. must go to D. must have gong to,一、单项选择,Mr. Brown had an umbrella shop in a small town. People sometimes 1 _ him broken umbrellas, and then he took them to a big shop in London. Th

8、ey were 2 _ there. One day Mr. Brown went to London by train. He 3 _ to take an umbrella with him that day. Sitting in front of him was a man with an umbrella standing 4 _ the seat. When the train arrived in London, Mr. Brown 5 _ up the umbrella as he often did during his journey by train. Just as h

9、e was getting off, he was 6 _ by the man. He said angrily, “Thats 7_ !” Mr. Brown s face turned red and he gave it back to the man at once. When Mr. Brown got to the big shop, the shopkeeper had got his six umbrellas ready. After a good look at 8 _ of them, he said, “Youve repaired them very well.”

10、In the afternoon he got into the train again. The 9 _ man was in the same seat. He looked at Mr. Brown and his six umbrellas, “Youve had a 10 _ day,” he said.,二、综合填空,forget, bring,repair,beside,luck,pick,same,differently, I ,every , stop,each,brought,repaired,forgot,beside,picked,stopped,mine,each,same,lucky,Homework,必做:将错题收入错题本。 选做:课外找相似题目再练练。,Wish you much progress,


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