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1、throughout (prep) 贯穿,遍及 在整个考试期间,他坐在那儿,一个字也没写。 在2年的时间里,他游遍了全世界。,Throughout the exam, he sat there without writing a single word.,He traveled all over the world throughout the two years.,2. confusing adj. 令人迷惑的,令人不解的 Your explanation is confusing。 confuse v. 使迷惑,使困惑 繁忙的交通使司机不知所措。 我们试图迷惑敌人。,The heavy t

2、raffic confused the new driver.,We tried to confuse the enemy.,confused adj. 感到迷惑的,感到不解的 对这个问题,我很困惑。 如果形势令人困惑,你会被弄糊涂的。 他脸上露出迷惑的表情。,I am confused about the problem.,If the situation is confusing, you will get confused.,There is a confused look/expression on his face.,2. make up be made up of 十个不同的故事构

3、成了这本书。,Ten different stories make up this book. This book is made up of ten different stories.,Tell the different meanings of “make up” in the following sentences:,Although they quarrel with each other now and then, the husband and his wife made up soon after. Children always make themselves up like

4、 ghosts. My mother asked the seller to make up a box with all kinds of candies in it. He couldnt explain why he was late and finally made up a story that he had lost his key to his bike.,言归于好,化妆,上装,准备,安排,编造故事,借口,3. consist of 由组成 (不用进行时,不用被动) 这个研究小组由2名中国专家和2名美国专 家组成。 她的日常工作包括做饭和打扫。,The research team

5、 consists of 2 Chinese experts and 2 American experts.,Her daily routine consists of cooking and cleaning.,be made up of 由组成,可与consist of 互换 The class is made up of 15 girl students and 20 boy students. = The class consists of 15 girl students and 20 boy students. 注意两者作定语时的区别 a group made up of five

6、 doctors and 10 nurses = a group consisting of five doctors and 10 nurses,【拓展】: be made of/be made from/be made out of 由制成 be made into 被制成 make up 组成,编制,弥补,化妆,和解 make for 走向;有助于 make out 理解,辨认出,The old building is made of stone. 这幢老房子是由石头建成的。 The wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是由葡萄酿制而成的。 Her dress is

7、 made out of her sisters old dress. 她的衣服是用她姐姐的旧衣服改做的。 She made the material into a dress. 她用这种布料做了一条裙子。 Eleven players make up a football team. 11个队员组成了一个足球队。,Uncle Dick made up an interesting story for the children. 迪克叔叔给孩子们编了一个有趣的故事。 We have to drive fast to make up the time we lost in New York. 我

8、们得开快点以弥补在纽约失去的时间。 The actors were making up when we arrived. 我们到的时候,演员们正在化妆。 He and his wife usually make up their quarrel the same day. 他和妻子吵架通常当天就言归于好。,As soon as it started to rain, we made for home. 天一开始下雨,我们就朝家里走去。 Does early rising make for good health? 早起有助于健康吗? It was difficult to make out h

9、is handwriting. 他的书写很难辨认。 I couldnt make out what he wanted on earth. 我不明白他到底要什么。,4. create vt. 创造,造成 常指利用已有的条件或材料创造出新的事物。 Some people believe that God created the world. 有些人相信上帝创造了世界。 Blue can create a calm feeling. 蓝色能够造成一种冷静的感觉。 【辨析】 invent vt. 发明 指通过想象、研究或劳动创造出前所未有的东西,尤指科技上的发明创造。 The Chinese inv

10、ented the compass. 中国人发明了指南针。,discover vt. 意为(先于他人首次)发现(已经存在的事物) Recently they have discovered a comet. 最近他们发现了一颗彗星。 【拓展】: creation n. 创造(不可数),创作的东西(可数) creative adj. 创作的,创造性的 creative thinking 创造性思维 creativity n. 创造力 creature n. 人,动物,5. pick up 拾起;用车接载(人);无意地学会(技术、语言、游戏等);(病后)恢复健康、体力等;(在广播、电视里)收听、收

11、看到;加快速度) She picked up the book and gave it to him. Pick me up at the hotel. He picked up French while he was staying in Paris.,她捡起了书给他。,在宾馆接我。,他在巴黎时学会了法语。,He picked up gradually after a long illness. I was able to pick you up on the short wave radio. The car picked up speed quickly.,他久病后逐渐康复了。,我能用短

12、波收音机收听到你的信号。,小车很快加速了。,6. contribute to 致使;有助于 司机的疏忽导致了事故的发生。 锻炼能促成更强健的体魄。 【拓展】 contribute捐助;贡献;投稿等,常和to连用,The drivers carelessness contributed to the accident.,Exercise contributes to better health.,We contributed food and clothing to the poor. 我们捐助了食物和衣物救济贫民。 He has contributed (articles) to the ma

13、gazine for several years. 他为这家杂志撰稿好几年了。 contribution (n.) 词组: make a contribution They made a great contribution to the development of our society. 他们为我们社会的发展做出了巨大的贡献。,7. take control of 控制,取得对的控制 管住一个班的小孩子可不是件容易的事。 【拓展】 have/hold control of/over 控制着 in control (of) 控制着,出于统治地位 lose control of 失去对的控制

14、 out of control 失去控制,无法控制 under control (被)控制住,Its no easy task to take control of a class of young children.,8. rule v. 统治 Today, most kings and queens rule (their countries) only in a formal way, without real power. 当今大部分的国王和王后只是象征性地统治(他们的国家),没有实权。 rule也可做名词,“统治”, under ones rule 或under the rule o

15、f sb.意为“在某人的统治之下” Under the queens rule/the rule of Elizabeth I, Britain became the number one power of the world. 在那位女王/伊丽莎白一世的统治下,英国成为世界第一大国。,9. replace vt. 替换,代替= take the place of replace A with B, 意为用B代替A。 Tourism has replaced heavy industry as the citys main source of income. = Tourism has tak

16、en the place of heavy industry as the citys main source of income. 旅游业已经取代重工业成为这座城市的主要收入来源。 今天许多中学用白色书写板取代了黑板。,Today many high schools have replaced blackboards with whiteboards.,10. adopt vt. 采用,收养 应该采用不同的英语教学方式。 史密斯夫妇收养了一个孤儿。 adoption (n) “应用;收养”,Different ways of English teaching should be adopte

17、d.,Mr. and Mrs. Smith adopted an orphan.,11. include vt. 包括,使之成为一部分 这个价格包括房子及家具的价格。 他们将把这本书寄给你,包括邮资共三美元。 至少有80人受伤,包括5个警察。,The price includes both house and furniture.,They will send you the book for $3, postage included.,At least 80 people were injured, including five policemen.,【辨析】 contain意思是“包含,容

18、纳”,侧重于容器中“装有,含有” How much oil can the bottle contain? 这只瓶子能装多少油? Apples contain water and sugar. 苹果含有水和糖分。,12. pronunciation n.发音(法),语音 a word with two pronunciations You pronunciation is very good. pronounce vt. 发音,读音;正式宣布(或公布) How do you pronounce your surname? 你的姓怎么读? She examined the product and

19、 pronounced herself pleased with their work. 她检查了产品,宣布对他们的工作很满意。,13. depend on 取决于;依靠,信赖。 其中on可用upon替换。 我们也许需要更多的车辆,这要看有多少人聚集到这里。 你可以信赖他,因为他是个守信用的人。,We might need more cars, depending on/upon the number of people gathering here.,You can depend on him, for he is a man of his word.,dependent adj. 依赖的;

20、受影响的 independent adj. 独立的 dependence n. 依靠 independence n. 独立 He gradually becomes dependent on alcohol. 他渐渐对酒精产生了依赖。 You should learn to be independent of your parents. 你应该学着不要依赖父母。 Our relationship is based on mutual dependence. 我们的关系建立在相互依存的基础上。 India gained independence for Britain in 1947. 印度于1947年脱离英国获得独立。,


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