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1、Unit 7 What does he look like?,ear,eye,nose,mouth,hair,short hair,curly hair,long hair,straight hair,tall,short,medium height,thin,heavy,What does he look like?,Mr. Bean,1. short hair _ 2. curly hair _ 3. long hair _ 4. straight hair _ 5. tall _,c,f,a,a,d,6. short _ 7. medium height _ 8. thin _ 9. h

2、eavy _ 10. a medium build _,h,e,b,g,e,tall,curly,hair,1a Listening,Tapescript,Girl: Is that your friend? Army: No, it isnt. Girl: What does he look like? Army: Well, hes really tall, and he has curly hair.,2a Listening,1. _ is / has tall. _ is / has heavy. _ is / has curly hair. _ is / has medium he

3、ight,David,Sally,He,He,5. _ is / has thin. 6. _ is / has long hair. 7. _ is / has short. 8. _ is / has medium build. 9. _ is / has short hair.,She,She,He,Pete,He,medium height,short,long hair,medium build,short hair,2a Listening,thin,A: Is that your brother David? B: No, it isnt. A: What does David

4、look like? B: Hes tall. Hes heavy. And he has curly hair.,Tapescript,Conversation 1,Conversation 2,A: Is that Sally? B: No, it isnt. A: What does Sally look like? B: Shes medium height. Shes thin. And she has long hair.,Conversation 3,A: Is your friend Pete short? B: Yes, hes short. Hes medium build

5、. And he has short hair.,Describe Lilys new friend. What does she look like?,long hair,big eyes,short,red dress,white shoes,A: Do you know I have a new friend in Class Five? B: What does she look like? A: She has _ _ and _ _. B: Is she tall?,long,big,eyes,hair,A: No, shes _ B: I think I know her. Sh

6、e always wears a red _ and _ shoes. A: Yes, thats her.Her name is Nancy.,short,dress,white,Grammar Focus,描述人的长相用动词be还是 have/has,He is she,He has she,He wears She,What does your friend look like ?,1. She always wears a red dress. (1) wear是“穿着”,“戴着”的意思,强调状态。常用一般时态表示经常状态,用进行时态表示暂时状态,用完成时态表示动作所造成的结果。wea

7、r还可用来表示佩戴手表、首饰、徽章、花儿的“佩”或“带”以及留头发、胡须的“留”等。如:,Explanation,Lucy always wears brown shoes 露西总是穿着棕色的鞋子。 Wei Fang is wearing a red shirt today 魏芳今天穿着一件红衬衫。 He had worn his coat to rags 他把衣服穿得破烂不堪。 She wore a red flower in her hair. 她的头上插了一朵红花。,(2) put on, wear与have on put on 是“穿上”,“戴上”,强调动作,是终止性短语动词,不能跟表

8、示一段时间的状语连用。如:,Then he put on his coat and hat and went to a chemists shop. 于是, 他穿上外衣, 戴上帽子, 到一家药店去了。 Mary put on her glasses to read the letter 玛丽戴上眼镜看信。,(3) have on 意为“穿着”,“戴着”,与wear 同义,指穿的状态,其后可以接表示衣服、帽子、鞋子的名词。如: He had on a blue coat and grey trousers. 他穿着一件蓝色上衣和一条灰色裤子。 The child had hardly anyth

9、ing on. 这孩子几乎什么衣服都没穿。,2. What does he look like? 他看上去什么样子? look like 表示 “看起来像”在这里注意一下和be like的区别: look like指的是 “外观上像”的意思 be like则是指 “品德,相貌”等, 例如: What is he like? 他是个什么样的人?,3. He is tall and he is medium build. tall与 high high 和 tall 都有“高”的意思。 (1) tall 指身材的高度,一般用于人和动 物,它的反义词是short。如: Li Ping is tall

10、er than Wei Fang. 李平比魏芳个子高。,(不能用higher ),(2) high 一般表示物体的高度,它的反义词是low。如: Can you see the high wall ? 你能看见那堵高墙吗? The big tree is about ten metres high. 那棵大树约有十米高。,(3) tall与high都可用来指tree, building,tower (塔)等的高度,但指mountain 时,只能用high.,4. Ma yan is thin and medium height. thin为形容词,可表示“瘦的”,其反义词是fat。也可以表示“

11、薄的”,其反义词为thick “厚的”。如: She looks very thin and weak. 她看上去很瘦, 而且虚弱。, Most ladies want to keep thin 大部分女士想保持身材的苗条。 There is a thin book on the desk 课桌上有一本很薄的书。,5. She is good-looking but she is a little bit quiet. 她长得漂亮但有些内向。 (1) good-looking 为合成形容词(尤 指人)漂亮的, 好看的。指男女均可。 其同义词有: beautiful “好看的” 尤指妇女, 儿童

12、。,pretty “好看的”, 尤指妇女, 儿童。 handsome “好看的”,用于男子。 beautiful 是个有分量的,表示赞许的形容词, 含有高雅和完美的意思。 pretty 指娇媚温柔的容貌。,(2) a bit “有点儿”,“稍微”。 a little “少量”,“稍许”, 与不可数名 词连用,此句中用来修饰bit. a little bit: “有一点儿”,用来修饰形 容词quiet,指“有点儿内向”。,6. She never stops talking. (1) never 副词,“从不, 未曾, 永不” 的意思。如: I never heard of the news.

13、我从未听说过这个消息。 Well never forget him. 我们永远忘不了他。,(2) stop doing sth. 表示“停止做某事”,意思是停止某一动作。如: They stopped working and went back home. 他们停止干活,回家了。 The girl soon stopped crying. 那女孩很快就不再哭泣了。,Section B,pop singer,tall thin,long curly hair,glasses,movie actor,medium height,long blonde hair,2a 2b Listening,Ma

14、ria: Dont you love Johnny Dean, Danny? Danny: Johnny? Maria: Dean. The pop singer. Danny: I dont know. What does he look like?,Tapescript,Maria: Hes really tall and really thin. And he has long curly hair. And he has funny glasses. Look, there he is. Danny: Oh, yeah, I see him. Maria: Hey, here come

15、 the movie actors.,Danny: Oh, wow! Maria: Whos your favorite actor? Danny: I like the woman with the long blonde hair. Maria: The tall woman? Danny: Shes medium height and she has long blonde hair.,Maria: Oh, Tina Brown. Danny: Yeah. I think shes really good. She was in that great action movie last

16、month.,一般现在时 一般现在时表示经常或习惯性的动作或现在存在的状态, 还表示主语具备的性格和能力及客观真理。如: I get up at 6:30 in the morning. 我早晨6:30起床。,Grammar,He is at home 他在家。 We all like teacher Li 我们都喜欢李老师。 She can speak English 她会说英语。,一般现在时的构成 (动词do): (1) 肯定句:主语+谓语动词+其他。如: I read English every morning. 我每天早上读英语。,(2) 否定句: 主语 + dont (doesnt)

17、 + 动词原形 + 其他。如: I dont read Chinese in the morning. 我早上不读语文。 He doesnt read English in the morning 他早上不读英语。,(3) 一般疑问句:助动词Do (Does) +主语 +动词原形+其他+ ? 如: - Do you like English? 你喜欢英语吗? - Yes, I do是的, 我喜欢。 - Does she like English? 她喜欢英语吗? - No, she doesnt. 不, 她不喜欢。,(4) 特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句+ ? 如: What do y

18、ou do every day? 你每天做些什么? What does he do every day? 他每天做些什么?,1. _ does your favorite singer look like? A. How B. What C. Who D. When,Exercises,. 单项选择,英语中常用“What do/does+主语+look like?”这个句型来询问某人的外貌特征。,2. My hair is long, but _ is short. A. his B. her C. your D. its,观察句子可知后半句没有名词,所以此空应该用一个名词性物主代词来代替形容

19、词性物主代词+名词。选项中只有A项是名词性物主代词,故应该选择A。,3. He _ tall and he _ a medium build. A. has;is B. is;has C. is;is D. has;has,表示人的高、矮、胖、瘦要用is, 而表示有的体格/身高等则要用has。,4. Do you know I have a new friend _ Class One? A. on B. at C. in D. to,表示在某一个班里要用介词in。,5. She always _ a white shirt. A. wear B. put on C. puts on D. w

20、ears,根据句意可以判断应该表示“穿”的状态,并且主语是she这个第三人称的单数形式,所以答案为D项。,6. I _ you _ right. A. think;arent B. dont think;are C. dont think;arent D. not think;are,含有think的句子,如果think后引导一个否定的宾语从句,要将从句中的否定前移。,7. Our math teacher is medium _ black curly hair. A. high at B. tall in C. height in D. height with,中等身高应该是medium

21、height, 后面用with来表示人的附属物品。,8. He doesnt tell me _ the person _. A. what;looks like B. what;look like C. that;looks like D. that;look like,该句是宾语从句,应该用陈述语序。,9. When you feel tired, you can stop _ rest. A. having B. to have a C. have had D. are having,上句有“When you feel tired”,因此后面应该是“停下来休息一下”之意。,10. Jim

22、 has _ curly hair. A. a B. an C. the D. /,像这样的句子不需要使用任何冠词。,11. Lucy looks l_ her sister Lily. 固定短语look like。 12. My dogs h_ is white and long. 根据句子意思可以知道答案。 13. Her friend has a medium b_. a medium build 表示“中等体格”, 可以看作是一个固定说法。,. 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词,ike,air,uild,14. My f_ football player is Owen. 根据句子的意思可

23、以知道答案。 15. Her mother is h_, but she wants to be thin. 由“but she wants to be thin”可以判断此处应该填heavy。,avorite,eavy,16. Sun Ning is the c_ of our school basketball team. the captain of 表示“的队长”。 17. He doesnt wear g_. 根据句子意思可以知道这儿应该是wear glasses 表示“戴着眼镜”。,aptain,lasses,18. She is a g_ girl. We all like he

24、r. 根据句子意思可以知道答案。 19. Some people dont like his new l_. new look是固定短语,表示“新形象”。,enerous,ook,20. Miss Brown is the w_ of the Pop Singer of the Year Ward. the winner of 表示“的获胜者”。,inner,21. My friend is thin and medium height. (就划线部分提问) _ _ your friend _ _? 英语中常用 “What do/does +主语+look like?” 这个句型来询问某人的外

25、貌特征,根据句型可知答案。,. 按要求完成句子,What,does,look,like,22. He wears funny sunglasses. (变为否定句) He _ _ funny sunglasses. 因为句中有实义动词wear,所以变否定句要用助动词, 又因为主语是第三人称的单数形式, 所以用助动词does。前面用了助动词则后面的单词换成原形。,doesnt,wear,23. He is tall. (用short把句子变成选择疑问句) _ he tall _ _? 先把原句变成一般疑问句:“Is he tall?” 然后再在后边加上“or short”。,Is,or,shor

26、t,24. He has long curly hair. (变为一般疑问句) _ he _ long curly hair? 因为句中有实义动词has,所以变一般疑问句要用助动词,又因主语是第三人称的单数形式,所以用助动词does。前面用了助动词则后面的单词换成原形。,Does,have,25. I think I can play the piano. (变为否定句) I _ think I can _ the piano. 含有think的句子的否定要前移,主语是I,所以用dont来表示否定,后边的动词play不用变。,dont,play,Homework,Write a short passage to describe your favorite movie star or singer .,Help each other Cheer each other Love each other And win together 互助 互勉 互爱 共赢,Everyone is special! Everyone is important! 人人都很特别! 人人都很重要!,


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