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1、PhD Candidate Yao YAO,Time Management,2,Contents,3,1. Why time management is important?,Picture this: Each day your bank deposits $86,400 in your checking account. Theres just one catch. You have to spend it all in one day. You cant carry over any money to the next day.,4,What would you do?,DUH? You

2、d spend it all, Right?,5,24 hours per day X 60 minutes per hour X 60 seconds per minute = 86,400 Seconds,6,To Realize the Value of:,ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade. ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby. ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper. ONE DAY, ask a d

3、aily wage laborer with kids to feed. ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet. ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train. ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident. ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.,7,Every Second Counts,If you fail to us

4、e the days deposits, the loss is yours,Spend every second in an efficient and productive way,8,2.Maximize Your Efficiency,Work With Your Body Cycles-not Against Them If we learn to listen to our bodies, we can work with these natural rhythms instead of fighting them. We can make more efficient use o

5、f our time by scheduling certain activities at certain times of the day.,9,Cognitive Tasks 8 am - 12 noon*,Cognitive, or mental, tasks such as reading, calculating, and problem solving are performed most efficiently in the morning.,*If you are a Night Owl, shift these times about 3-4 hours later in

6、the day.,10,Short term memory 6 am - 10 am,Short term memory tasks such as last minute reviewing for tests are best performed early in the morning.,*If you are a Night Owl, shift these times about 3-4 hours later in the day.,11,Long term memory 1 pm - 4pm*,*If you are a Night Owl, shift these times

7、about 3-4 hours later in the day.,Longer term Memory tasks such as memorizing speeches and information for application are best performed in the afternoon.,12,Manual Dexterity 2 pm to 6 pm*,You are most efficient at tasks involving the use of your hands such as keyboarding and carpentry in the after

8、noon and early evening.,*If you are a Night Owl, shift these times about 3-4 hours later in the day.,13,Physical Workouts 4 pm to 9 pm *,Because of Circadian Rhythms it is best to engage in physical activity in the evening when your large muscle coordination is at its peak. Studies show you will per

9、ceive the workout to be easier in the evening. Exercising about 5 hours before bedtime improves the quality of sleep.,*If you are a Night Owl, shift these times about 3-4 hours later in the day.,14,3.Suggestion,Make Goals, Priorities, and Plans Make TO DO Lists: Break things down into small steps Li

10、ke a child cleaning his/her room Do the ugliest thing first,15,The four-quadrant TO DO List,Important,Not Important,Due Soon,Not Due Soon,16,Paperwork,Keep desk clear: focus on one thing at a time A good file system is essential Touch each piece of paper once Touch each piece of email once; your inb

11、ox is not your TODO list,17,Telephone,Keep calls short; stand during call Start by announcing goals for the call Dont put your feet up Have something in view that youre waiting to get to next,18,Telephone,When done, get off: “I have students waiting” If necessary, hang up while youre talking Group o

12、utgoing calls: just before lunch and 5pm,19,20,The Seven Habits,From “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Restoring the Character Ethic” by Stephen R. Covey, Simon and Schuster, 1989 BE PROACTIVE: Between stimulus and response in human beings lies the power to choose. Productivity, then, me

13、ans that we are solely responsible for what happens in our lives. No fair blaming anyone or anything else. BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND: Imagine your funeral and listen to what you would like the eulogist to say about you. This should reveal exactly what matters most to you in your life. Use this fram

14、e of reference to make all your day-to-day decisions so that you are working toward your most meaningful life goals.,21,The Seven Habits,From “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Restoring the Character Ethic” by Stephen R. Covey, Simon and Schuster, 1989 PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST. To manage o

15、ur lives effectively, we must keep our mission in mind, understand whats important as well as urgent, and maintain a balance between what we produce each day and our ability to produce in the future. Think of the former as putting out fires and the latter as personal development. THINK WIN/WIN. Agre

16、ements or solutions among people can be mutually beneficial if all parties cooperate and begin with a belief in the “third alternative”: a better way that hasnt been thought of yet.,22,The Seven Habits,From “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Restoring the Character Ethic” by Stephen R. Co

17、vey, Simon and Schuster, 1989 SEEK FIRST OT BE UNDERSTANDING, THEN TO BE UNDERSTOOD. Most people dont listen. Not really. They listen long enough to devise a solution to the speakers problem or a rejoinder to whats being said. Then they dive into the conversation. Youll be more effective in you rela

18、tionships with people if you sincerely try to understand them fully before you try to make them understand your point of view,23,Seven Habits,From “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Restoring the Character Ethic” by Stephen R. Covey, Simon and Schuster, 1989 SYNERGIZE. Just what it sound

19、like. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In practice, this means you must use “creative cooperation” in social interactions. Value differences because it is often the clash between them that leads to creative solutions.,24,Seven Habits,From “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People:

20、Restoring the Character Ethic” by Stephen R. Covey, Simon and Schuster, 1989 SHARPEN THE SAW. This is the habit of self-renewal, which has four elements. The first is mental, which includes reading, visualizing, planning and writing. The second is spiritual, which means value clarification and commitment, study and meditation. Third is social/emotional, which stress management includes service, empathy, synergy and intrinsic security. Finally, the physical includes exercise, nutrition and stress management.,Thank You !,


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