《M6U3Reading Cultural differences》教学实践报告.doc

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1、M6U3Reading Cultural differences教学实践报告(指导思想,设计方法等说明)In this period, we are going to read an Internet chat room conversation about cultural differences. After the reading, the students will get some information about different cultures in different countries, and arouse their interest in cultural dif

2、ferences.During the reading, their reading abilitiy is expected to be trained by reading, listening, speaking and writing. Meanwhile, in Reading Strategy, functions of the use of examples are introduced to the students, which they may use in the future to help them have a better understanding of rea

3、ding materials and improve their reading ability.一、实践过程Step 1: Lead-in1.How do Chinese people greet each other in formal situations?2.Have a test . Check if the students know something about different ways of greetings.3.So besides greeting ways what other cultural differences do you know?Today we a

4、re going to read a dailogue related to cultural differences.Step 2 Fast reading1.Skim the conversation and answer some questions 2.Listen and spot the examples that are mentioned in this dialogue.Step 3 Detailed readingPart One (lines1-18)Part Two (lines 19-29)Part Three (lines 29 to 46) Part Four (

5、lines 47-64)Step 4 Consolidation1. Task-based reading2. Debate Do you think it necessary or not to learn about cultural differences? Why3. Writing 假如你是马丽,从与网友韦德和皮特的交谈中得到一些文化差异的例子结合自身情况,以化差异为题完成一篇作文。Step 5 Homework1.Finish the composition 2.Please search for more cultural differences.3.Review what we

6、 have leant today.二、收获与体会通过生动的图片和视频、音频材料的展示,成功的吸引了学生的注意力,激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,并且通过小组讨论等环节,巧妙的激发了学生使用英语进行表达的热情,不仅锻炼了学生口语的表达能力,而且通过积极向上的文化氛围,去影响学生,帮助学生了解了不同国家的文化差异,教学目标达成率高,课堂气氛很活跃,充分发挥出了多媒体教学的优势。三、问题与建议作为一所农村学校,普遍存在口语表达能力欠缺,学生缺乏运用英语进行表达的信心,为此要多鼓励学生,多创造一些机会让学生主动开口说。另外,农村孩子阅读量少,知识面窄,对语言学习有很大的影响。为此,必须设置学生感兴趣的话题,选择学生熟悉的素材作背景,营造与农村孩子文化背景相似的文化氛围,尽可能地多提供学生感兴趣的阅读材料。多媒体教学有生动活泼的优势,但也存在会转移学生注意力的问题,这就要求教师时刻观察,适时的抛出有吸引力的问题,把学生引入预订教学轨道上来,以便更好的达成预设的教学目标。


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