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1、Unit 1,Festivals around the world,清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。 借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。-唐 杜牧,Tomb-Sweeping Day,April 5th,mourning the dead,Dragon Boat Festival,in memory of the beloved poet Qu Yuan,Christmas Day,the birth of Jesus Christ,Easter,Jesus resurrection (复活),the coming of spring and new life.,Unit 1 Reading,F

2、ESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS,Reading,What is the main idea of the text? A. An introduction to four kinds of festivals. B. The differences among four kinds of festivals. C. How to celebrate four kinds of festivals. D. Festivals have different origins.,(1) Choose the best answer.,Scanning,How many types

3、of festivals are mentioned in the passage?,1. Ancient festivals 2. Festivals of the Dead 3. Festivals to Honor People 4. Harvest Festivals 5. Spring Festivals,Scanning,P1. Ancient festivals,Skimming,Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of _, planting in _ and harvest in _. Todays festivals

4、 have many origins, some _, some seasonal and some for special _ or _.,cold weather,spring,autumn,religious,people,events,P 2. Festivals of the Dead Japan -Obon Mexico-Day of the Dead America-Halloween,to honour the dead or satisfy the ancestors,How?,clean graves,light incense,light lamps,play music

5、.,Mexico-Day of the Dead,food,flowers,gifts,America-Halloween,dress up and ask for sweets,Festivals to Honour People,Match the festivals with the proper people.,Columbus Day,National Festival on October 2,The Dragon Boat Festival,China,India,USA,Many activities can be held in harvest festivals EXCEP

6、T that people _. A. get together to have meals B. decorate their houses C. win awards for their farm produce D. enjoy mooncakes,B,3. Harvest Festivals,churches and town halls,The Spring Festival,Carnivals,Easter,Japan,Spring Festivals,look forward to,the end of winter and to the coming of spring.,lucky,dragon dances,Parades,colourful clothing,Spring Festival,Carnivals,Festivals,Discussion,Which festivals you think are the most important and which are the most fun.,Thank you!,


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