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1、最新教学资料仁爱版英语Section C. Material analysis这是九年级第一单元第一话题的第三课时,本课的容量适中,主活动是1a。1a通过对 “Changes in Beijing”这篇文章的学习,进一步训练学生的阅读能力。1a部分还对学生的阅读策略进行了指导:通过图片和语境来猜测生词。通过完成1b,培养学生用英语学英语的意识。1c主要是培养学生寻找段落中心句和归纳文章内容的能力。2和3是紧密相连的两个任务。2引导学生就家乡的变化进行交谈,训练学生的口语表达能力,并为3的写作训练做好准备。3则以2的交流为依托,提高学生的写作能力。本课通过对北京和家乡今昔的对比,引导学生了解过去

2、,珍惜现在和展望未来,培养学生积极向上的生活态度和爱家爱国的情怀。 .Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习现在完成时。2.Skill aims: 培养学生的阅读能力和阅读技巧。提高学生的口语表达能力和写作能力。能通过图片和语境猜测词义,减轻学习过程中的压力。了解Topic sentence的含义并初步学习如何在口语表达和书面表达中进行运用。3.Emotional aims: (optional)引导学生了解过去,珍惜现在和展望未来,培养学生热爱生活的积极态度。4.Culture awareness: (optional)通过对北京今昔

3、变化的对比,引导学生关注自己身边社会的变化,培养他们热爱家乡热爱祖国的情怀。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: communication, report, relative, develop, since, satisfy, medical, machine, rapid, progress, already, be crowded into, receive a good education, keep in touch with, whats more, make progress,

4、 succeed in doing sth.Grammar: Present Perfect2. Difficult points: 如何通过语境,猜测生词、短语的意思。如何在阅读过程中找出各个段落的Topic sentence。口头报告和书面写作时,能有意识的使用topic sentence和supporting details。. Learning strategies 通过任务前活动,引导学生预测阅读内容。通过找主旨句的方法,教会学生在做口头报告或写作时正确使用topic sentence。通过图片和上下文,提升猜测词义和扫清阅读障碍的学习策略。. Teaching aids单词卡片(如

5、narrow/wide,relative,machine,etc.)或者幻灯片;能反映学生家乡今昔变化的图片或照片等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(3-5 mins)Class activityGreetingT: Good morning, everyone. I have a funny story to share with you GreetingS

6、s: Good morning, Miss Tan.2Revision (3-5 mins)Group workPresent the verbs at random and hold a contest to arouse the Ss interest. Then get the girls to speak out their past tense and the boys to say the past participles. Write down some notes on the Bb.T: Boys and girls, we have learned present perf

7、ect last period. Now lets have a word competition. Ill show you some verbs. Girls need to say the past forms and boys need to say the past participles as quickly as you can. Are you ready? Ss: Yes!T: doGs: didBs: donePK between boys and girls. Speak out the past tense and past participles of the ver

8、bs respectively. Have a contest to see which group is the winner.Ss: Yes!Gs: didBs: done竞争是激发学生求知的良好方式,也是提升学习效率的有效途径。建议一:对于基础较好的学生,可以要求他们用该动词的过去分词造句。3Pre-reading (5 mins)Class activity Present some pictures and get the Ss to guess the meaning of the new words. T: Look at the picture, the ring road i

9、s very wide, but this small road is narrow. So whats the meaning of “narrow”?Ss: T: Look at this picture of my family, this is my uncle, this is my cousin, this is they are all my relatives. So who can tell me whats the meaning of “relative”?Ss Guess the meaning of the words according to the picture

10、s and the teachers descriptions.教师根据教学实际,采用方便的方式,如图片,照片,幻灯片等都可以,只要达到看图猜词义的目的就行。4While-reading (10 mins)Pair workGroup workStep1: Fast-reading. Get the Ss to read the passage quickly and finish 1b in pairs. Check the answer in class and give necessary explanations.T: OK, now read the passage quickly

11、and finish 1b together with your partner.Step2: Comprehensive-reading. Read the passage again and guide the Ss to find out the topic sentence of Para 2 and Para 3. Then discuss the details of part 2. Finish 1c. (The second part of 1c has opening answers, so the teacher can encourage the Ss to give a

12、s many answers as they can.)T: Read Para2 and Para3, can you find one sentence in each para to summarize the whole passage? Then list the changes in Beijing.Read the passage quickly and try to guess the meaning of the words or phrases in 1b. Discuss the answer with your partner.Read the passage agai

13、n, finish 1c and pay attention to the first sentence of para2 and para3. Discuss the changes in Beijing.S1: Para.2S2: Para. 3注意用一到两个词语做例子,教会学生通过上下文来推测单词的含义,如communication。引导学生分别找出主题句和论据细节, 培养学生学习阅读策略。5Post-reading(15 mins)Class activity Group workStep1: Get the Ss to underline the key points. Then a

14、sk questions about the passage and deal with difficult language points.T: Now, go over the passage sentence by sentence, underline some key points your think. If you have any questions, please raise up your hand and ask.Step2: Show some pictures of Ss hometowns, give necessary descriptions and guide

15、 the Ss to give an oral report about the changes in their hometowns.T: Now, lets see some old pictures. Can you recognize the places? SsT: What has happened to these places?SsT: Are these changes good or bad?SsT: Can you state your reason?T: Now who can make a report about your hometown? Have a try,

16、 please!Read the passage carefully, discuss and ask questions about the points they do not understand. Take notes when the teacher gives explanations. Work in groups, using 1c as an example, and discuss the changes in their hometowns. List the topic sentences and details. Then choose one student of

17、each group to give their report to the whole class.学生水平有限的话可以老师直接讲解知识点。学生直接给口头报告有难度的话老师可以先做一次范例,然后鼓励学生模仿,通过要求使用主题句和细节内容来组织学生的逻辑思维能力。建议:可处理为读后的一个活动,如果学生水平好,课堂时间允许的话也可以作为一个读-说-写结合的独立活动来重点训练学生说和写的能力。6Summarizing and assigning homework (5 mins)Group workStep 1: Sum up the key points in this class.Then a

18、sk one group to give a presentation.Step2: Assign 3 as the HMK.Go over what they have learned in Groups. Then try to report to the whole class.Write a passage about changes in their hometowns according to what they have discussed in their group. Blackboard designOur country has developed rapidly.Sec

19、tion CReview:Clean/cleaned/cleanedFly/flew/flownDo/did/doHMK: changes in my hometownTopic sentence: .DetailsLanguage points:narrow, communication, reportkeep in touch with, make progress,succeed in doingReading:changes in Beijing:in 1960s, China has developed rapidlyroad, medical care, education,communication, buildings最新精品英语资料


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