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1、最新教学资料仁爱版英语Section C. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第一话题的第三课时,要完成1a,1b,1c 和2。主活动是1a和2。学生通过阅读1a,继续学习以书面形式呈现的一般现在时态的被动语态。1b则让学生运用阅读策略,找文章的中心句。1c让学生学习怎样归纳总结文章的主要内容。2是对1a 的补充,换个角度来说明英语的重要性。3a是小组活动,需要学生查找资料才能完成,3b是在3a的基础之上进行的写作活动。由于课堂限制,把这两个部分作为课后作业来处理。通过学习English Around the World,让学生进一步了解英语的重要地位。让学生认识到要成为一

2、个现代社会的有用之才,学好英语是非常有必要的。.Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习一般现在时态的被动语态。2.Skill aims: 能读懂用一般现在时态的被动语态表达的文章。能找出段落、文章的中心句。能归纳,总结文章的主要内容。能根据需要,适当地运用主动语态和被动语态。能运用一般现在时态的被动语态,以口头和书面的形式来表达自己的观点,写出小短文。3.Emotional aims: (optional) 通过学习,激发学生对英语的需求,让学生自发地从“要我学”变为“我要学”,实现从外驱动到内驱动的转变。4.Culture aware

3、ness: (optional) 了解英语对世界文化交流和许多行业的影响力。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: speaker, foreign, European, tourist, base, tourism, conference, kingdom, native, mother tongue, as well as, play an important part in.Sentences: It is clear that the English language is becom

4、ing more important. The English language plays an important part in our lives.Grammar: the simple present passive voice 2. Difficult points: 能记住不规则动词的过去分词。能熟练地运用一般现在时的主动语态和被动语态。. Learning strategies 在1b这个活动中,能运用阅读策略,迅速找出段落和文章的中心句。 在3a 中,要求学生能运用各种资源获取所需要的信息,如:能合理运用网络资源,向老师、同学、家长求助等。学会运用资源策略。 能积极地加入小组

5、进行讨论,勇于表达自己的观点,在合作中相互学习。. Teaching aids图片/录音机/幻灯片/含有多种语言的音频片段、视频资料等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(3 mins)Group workLet the Ss discuss in groups and then speak out the names of the languages and c

6、ountries they know. T: Hi, everyone! Are you good at geography? How many country names can you speak out? Lets try!T: Well done! Why not go on listing the languages used in the world as many as you can?Speak out the names of the languages and countries they know. S1: China, Japan, America,S2: Englan

7、d, France, Germany,.S3: Korea, Russia, India.S4: Chinese, Japanese, English,.S5: French, Russian, Korean ,.S6: German, Arabic Spanish,.此处也可以通过网络下载许多不同的语言片段,播放这些片段,然后让学生听并猜一猜是哪种语言。这种难度大一点,但趣味性更浓。2Revision(7 mins)Group work Let the Ss act out their HMK. Then choose the best group to be “The Best Conve

8、rsation Maker”.T: Now, its time to check your HMK. I need some groups to act out your new conversations. Lets see which group will be the first? Come on!Act out in Groups.S1: Dad, why are you packing your bags?S2:Im going to France on business tonight.S1:.S2:.要在学生表演完后立即评出“The Best Conver- sation-Mak

9、er”。学生受到表扬后,会更有信心和激情。3Pre-reading(2-3 mins)Group work Discuss the two questions in 1a and then answer them.T: Read the two questions in 1a in your group, and then give me your answers.T: Now, lets share your opinions. Each group only needs to answer one of the two questions.Discuss in groups and cho

10、ose a member to answer.S1: We know English is widely used, but we are not sure if it is spoken by the largest number of people in the world.S2: We think Chinese is spoken by the largest number of people because China has the largest population.S3: We use English at school .We use English to enjoy th

11、e English songs and American movies.S4:.当学生在讨论时,如果有小组询问第一个问题,老师不能明确告诉他们,要保持信息差,这样学生才会有阅读1a的动力。4While-reading (4 mins)Individual workLet the Ss read 1a quickly, circle the new words, the numbers and underline the passive voice as they are reading.T:Read 1a quickly, circle the new words, the numbers,

12、underline the passive voice and try to find the answer to Question One. T: Now, tell me whether English is spoken by the largest number of people in the world.T: Now, point out the passive voice sentences.Read and circle the new words and numbers. Find the right answer to Question One.Ss: No. Englis

13、h is not spoken by the largest number of people in the world.S1: There are more than .spoken in the world.S2: Of all these languages, English is used.S3: From its .was spread . new lands.第一遍初读时,不要布置太多任务,让学生找找生词。找数字是为了解决pre-reading 的问题,同时为1b 做准备。5Post-reading (15 mins)Individual work/Group workIndivi

14、dual workStep1: Let the Ss read 1a alone carefully, find out the difficult points and ask the group leaders to collect them and discuss them within the group. T: Read 1a again, and find out the difficult points, the group leaders should collect them and then discuss them in your group, if you cant s

15、olve them in your group, we will discuss them together. Two heads are better than one!Step 2: Read 1a again, list the key points, finish 1b and 1c.T: Read 1a again, list the key points, finish 1b and 1c.T: Im going to collect the key points. Are you ready?T: Who can tell the topic sentence of this p

16、assage?T: Where do you usually find the topic sentences?T: What do the red numbers refer to?T: Lets turn to 1c, now check together.Read 1a alone carefully, find out the difficult points, discuss in groups. If they cant solve, give them to the teacher.S1: We dont understand the sentence “The populati

17、on of ., making it.speakers.” Why is “making” used here?Read 1a, list the key points and finish 1b and 1c. Check the answers.S1:speak . as ., spread spread -spread, native .speaker, .S2: as well as, study.as., the worlds,.S3:It is clear /true /certain that .S4: It is clear that the English . importa

18、nt.S5: At the beginning or at the end of a passage.S6:3000 refers to .S7: 500 million refers to .S8:.S9: England, America S10: second .对于学生的问题,先鼓励学生在组内解决,解决不了的再提交给老师,这样才能培养学生的能力。老师要在这个环节处理好学生不能解决的词、句子。课文中把base 作为名词来呈现,没有出现它的其他用法,老师可以视情况适当补充。如:base verb:base .on .be based on .noun:on the base of 在处理1

19、c的答案时,让学生注意European 构成方法: Europe + an 。并让学生再举几个例子,如:American, Indian, African, Russian, Italian 等。6FinishingTask 2(8 mins)Individual workIndividual workStep 1: Let the Ss read 2, underline the new words and complete the passage with the given words.T: Read 2 and complete the passage with the given w

20、ords. Pay attention to the forms of the verbs.T: Now, lets check the answers together.Step 2: Let the Ss learn the new words by word-formation. Write down “tour+ism=tourism, tour+ ist =tourist, King+ dom = Kingdom, confer+ence = conference ” on the Bb.T: Look at these words on the Bb. Try to get som

21、e ideas from the suffixes.Read 2, underline the new words, fill in the blanks and check the answers.S1: is spokenS2:speakS3:is usedS4:.Learn the new words and the suffixes.这个步骤只是检测学生能否正确使用一般现在时的被动语态。所以不要急着让学生解决新单词。对于有明显前后缀的单词,尽量让学生自学,老师可适当地提示或解释。7Summarizing and assigning homework (5 mins)Class acti

22、vity Class activityStep 1: Let the Ss recall what they have learned today.T: Now, lets go over what you have learned today, including words, phrases, sentences and skills.Step 2: Let the Ss look at the numbers on the Bb and try to retell the passage.T: Look at the numbers here. Try to retell the pas

23、sage. You had better use passive voice.Step 3: HMK:T: Look at 3a and 3b. We dont have enough time to finish them. You should discuss the questions in 3a. You can turn to the Internet; if you are not sure. Everybody must write a short passage according to the study in 3a. I will ask some Ss to read t

24、heir passages later.Go over together and speak out what they have learned today.S1: root, trader, native,.S2:speaker, as well as, base, base on ,S3:Its clear that .S4:.Look at the numbers and retell.S1: There are more than 3000 languages spoken in the world.S2: English is spoken by 309 million nativ

25、e speakers in America.S3:. Discuss the questions in 3a after class. Write a short passage according to the information they get from 3a.在写短文时,老师应当告诉学生,3a 所提供的问题可以作为写作的线索。. Blackboard designEnglish is widely spoken throughout the world.Section CWords and phrases:mother tonguespread-spread-spreadnativebaseforeignNumbers :3000500 million309 million300 millionWord-formation:trade +r =traderspeak+er = speakerEurope+an=Europeantour+ism=tourismtour+ist=touristKing+dom=Kingdomconfer+ence=conferenceSentences:Its clear that .important.The English language plays.our lives.最新精品英语资料


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