最新鲁教版英语六年级上册Unit 9《Do you like bananas》(第六课时)word教案.doc

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1、最新教学资料鲁教版英语课时教案设计 年级_初一 学科_英语课题Unit 9 Do you like bananas ? Period 6来课型Revision教学目标1知识目标:掌握词汇food, banana, hamburger, tomato, orange, ice cream, salad, strawberry, egg, apple, fruit, vegetable.功能:Talk about likes and dislikes.2、技能目标:培养口语交际的目标,加强听、说能力的培养。3、情感态度价值观目标:该部分学习内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的主题是学生最关心的问题,极易于激

2、发学生的主动性和学习兴趣。教学重 点教学难 点Talk about likes and dislikes.学情分 析对于复习课,设计很关键。孩子们都期待着把新学期学的知识复习好,所以,孩子们会全力以赴。老师要创造真实环境,引领学生模仿练习,学生将很容易达成学习目标。教学准 备taperecorder,multimedium教学过程: 个性学习同层展示、自主学习(独立学习、小组合作-同质合作,异质帮扶)、师生探究、拓展训练、检测反馈/同层展示所学 集体备课个人备课Step One: Show the preview works (text-books and exercise book) in

3、layers. (5m)Teacher: 1. Draw a check table on the blackboard. 2. Watch the students and guide them to do better. 3. Show the aims for students to choose.(At the same time, students step into the second step slowly, some by some.)Step Two: Learn by themselves. (20m)Students: 1. Choose learning aims.2

4、. Learn on their own. 1) Review the words and target language points in this unit.2) Make a conversation with all the useful expressions learnt in this unit.3) Do exercises.(同步self-check)Teacher: Watch the students and help them whenever necessary. Gather questions.Step Three: Discussion (5m)Talk ab

5、out the problems together. Step Four: Summary and Test (5m)Step Five:show students how to preview for next class.Homework:1. Preview the words in Unit 10,be able to read and translate half of the key words.(黑体)2. Remember all the key words.(DCA层必做)3. 选做 Preview the content in Unit10 1a,recite the co

6、nversation.小结: 学科知识构建与板书设计21世纪教育网Unit 9 Do you like bananas ?Learning aims:1) Review the words and target language points in this unit.2) Make a conversation with all the useful expressions learnt in this unit.3) Do exercises.(同步self-check)Drills:- Do you like? - Yes, I do. / No, I dont. -Does he li

7、ke.? -Yes, he does./No, he doesnt.反思与重建附:课前检测题:个性预习作业同层对比课堂检测题:1. What kind of fruit do you like? Well, I like _.A. the strawberries B. strawberry C. strawberries D. the strawberrys2. _ like French fries.A. He and I B. I and he C. He and me D. I and him3. _ Song Yang like milk? Sorry, I _ know.A. Does, do B. Do, doesnt C. Does, dont D. Does, dontHomework:1.review the words in Unit10,be able to read and translate half of the key words.(黑体)2.remember all the key words(DCA层必做)。3.Preview the content in Unit10 1a,recite the conversation.(选做)最新精品英语资料


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