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1、第三课时,Warming up,Our school This is the way I go to school , go to school , go to school. This is the way I go to school , where I like to learn all day. This is the classroom in my school , in my school , in my school. This is the classroom in my school , where I like to learn all day.,Lets talk( Lo

2、ok at the picture and have a talk ),Pair work,A: Where is ? B: Its on the first floor. A: Where is ? B: A: Where is ? B: .,( Free talk in pairs using what you have learnt. ),computer room,classroom,Can you say?,library,teachers office,( Look at the pictures and say the words. ),We have a guest.,Hell

3、o ! Im Chen Jie.,Welcome to our school!,( Introduce Chen Jie and let Chen Jie show students around the school. ),Yes, we do.,Its on the second floor.,Do you have a computer room?,Where is it?,( Show the picture and learn the drills. ),( Show the picture and learn the drills. ),Yes, we do.,Its on the

4、 second floor.,Do you have a library?,Where is it?,( Show the picture and learn the drills. ),Yes, we do.,Its on the first floor.,Do you have a teachers office?,Where is it?,( Show the picture and learn the drills. ),Yes, we do.,Its on the first floor.,Do you have a classroom?,Where is it?,Where is

5、it?,Practice,Yes, we do.,Its on the floor.,Do you have a ?,( Ask and answer in pairs or groups. ),Guess,What are they talking about ?,How many students are there in Chen Jies class?,Forty-five students.,Its on the second floor.,Listen and answer,2. Where is the library?,Read after the tape,This way,

6、 please.请这边走。,Act out the dialogue,(1)四人一组,准备纸和笔, 设计一栋教学楼。 (2)小组内根据所设计图纸, 用所学语言编对话,操练对话。 (3)让几组同学展示所编对话。 (4)师生共同评价,选出优秀小组。,设计教学楼,Listen and number,( ),( ),( ),( ),教室在二楼。 The _ is on the _ floor. 电脑教室在哪里? _ is the _ room? 你们有一个图书馆吗? _ you have a _?,(1)Finish the sentences.,classroom,second,computer,W

7、here,Do,library,( ) How many _ are there in your class? A. student B. students C. a student ( ) _ is the library? Next to the classroom. A. What B. How C. Where ( ) The teachers office is _ the first floor. A. on B. in C. at,(2)Choose the right answers.,B,C,A,(3)Put the words in the right order.,how,many,students,are,there,in,your,class,(?),where,is,the,teachers,office (?),Homework,(1)Read and recite the dialogue. (2)Make a new dialogue to talk about your school with your partner.,Good bye !,Good bye !,


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