2020版导与练一轮译林英语课件:第一部分 语言知识 选修6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world .ppt

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1、Unit 4 Helping people around the world,基础知识,考点知识,基础知识梳理 抓主干固双基,1. n.& vt.缺乏 adj.缺乏的 2. adj.值得的,有价值的 n.价值 adj.值得的 3. adj.平等的 n.相等物 n.平等 4. adj.可供替代的,lack,lacking,worthy,worth,worth,equal,equality,alternative,5. adj.紧急的,紧迫的 adv.紧迫地,迫切地 n.极为迫切的问题 6. n.个人财产;拥有 vt.拥有,持有,支配 7. vt.提醒,使想起 8. vt.添加 adj.附加的 v

2、.加,增加,urgent,urgently,urgency,possession,possess,remind,contribute,contribution,fetch,addition,additional,add,11. vt.购得;获得,得到 n.获得,学识,技能 12. n.饥饿;挨饿;饿死 vi.挨饿 vt.使挨饿 13. n.描写(文字),说明 vt.描述 14. adj.政治的;政府的 n.政治 15. adj.志愿的;自愿的 n.志愿者,acquire,acquirement,starvation,starve,starve,description,describe,poli

3、tical,politics,voluntary,volunteer,16. n.出口产品 vt.藏身之处 v.保护,庇护,export,expand,expanded,means,mean,primitive,troublesome,trouble,assistant,assist,shelter,shelter,23. n.人群vi.& vt.挤满 adj.拥挤的 24. n.承诺,奉献 25. n.混乱,杂乱,紊乱 26.staff n. 。 27.barrier n. . 28.angle n. .,crowd,crowded,commitment,chaos,全体员工,障碍;屏障,角

4、度,1.refer 谈及;涉及;查阅 2.break 出故障 3.make a 有作用(关系、影响) 4.draw sbs attention 使(某人)察觉到 5.get hold 得到;抓住 6.remind sb. 让某人想起 7. the umbrella of 在的保护下 8. chaos 处于混乱状态 9.think back 回想,to,down,difference,to,of,of,under,in,to,1. there were more people donating money to charities! 但愿有更多的人向慈善机构捐款! 2.The situation

5、 is very different here, are the problems. 这里的情形很不一样,存在的问题也不同。 3.Arrived here everything was in chaos. 到达这里后发现一切都是乱糟糟的。,If,only,as,to,find,1.lack n.&v.缺乏,考点知识导练 解疑难提知能,英文典例: There was no lack of volunteers. 志愿者不乏其人。 He lacks confidence.他缺乏信心。 The book is completely lacking in originality. 这部书完全没有创意。

6、 特别提示:lack是表示状态的及物动词,不用于被动结构,也不用于进行时的句子中。,即学即用:一句多译 我没有勇气告诉他真相。 I courage to tell him the truth. I courage to tell him the truth. I dont tell him the truth courage.,答案:lack am lacking in for/through lack of,2.worthy adj.令人敬重的;值得的,相称的;有价值的,英文典例: The money we raise will be going to a very worthy cause

7、. 我们筹集的钱款将用于非常崇高的事业。 They are truly good birds that are worth every effort we put into recovering them.(2016北京,阅读理解C) 它们的确是很好的鸟,值得我们付出努力挽救它们。 It is worthwhile to include really high-quality illustrations. 把真正高质量的插图包括进去是值得的。 特别提示:“很值得做”用be well worth doing或be well worthy of being done/be well worthy

8、to be done来表示; be worth后用动词-ing形式表被动概念。,即学即用:语法填空 is worthwhile to build a railway in our hometown. A lot of the small towns in the area are well worth (visit). 句型转换 Do you think the car is worth repairing? Do you think the car is worthy ? Do you think it is worthwhile the car?,答案:It visiting of bei

9、ng repaired/to be repaired to repair,3.equal adj.平等的;同等的 n.同等的人;相等物 vt.与相同或相等,英文典例: A metre equals 39.38 inches. 1米等于39.38英寸。 One unit of alcohol is equal to half a pint of beer. 一单位的酒在量上相当于半品脱啤酒。,答案:Is;equal to without equal,即学即用:完成句子 他能胜任这项工作吗? he the job? 他的画在西方世界首屈一指。 His paintings are in the We

10、stern world.,4.alternative adj.可供选择的,可供替换的 n.可供选择的事物,英文典例: With these data in mind,art students need not worry about their career and have an alternative plan. (2018江苏卷) 记住这些数据,艺术生不需要担心他们的职业,也不需要有备选计划。 You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly;those are the two alternatives. 你的工资可以按周以现金支取,

11、或按月以支票支取。二者可选其一。 The agency will make travel arrangements for you. Alternatively, you can organize your own transport. 旅行社将为你安排旅行,或者你自己也可以安排交通工具。,即学即用:语法填空 There are four basic (alternative);they are described briefly below. We could take the train or (alternative) go by car. There must be an altern

12、ative people sleeping on the streets.,答案:alternatives alternatively to,5.urgent adj.紧急的,紧迫的,英文典例: The law is in urgent need of reform. 这项法律亟待修订。 The boss urged him to work more carefully. 老板敦促他干活要仔细。,特别提示:urgent作表语时,要求主语从句中的谓语动词用should do,should可以省略。 It is urgent that they (should) be rescued. 他们急需得

13、到救援。 即学即用:语法填空 They urged that the library (keep) open during the vacation. The law is in (urge) need of reform. This is a matter of some (urge).,答案:(should) be kept urgent urgency,6.possession n.个人财产;拥有,具有,英文典例: The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel. 出国旅行必须持有护照。 The gang was

14、caught in possession of stolen goods. 这伙人被逮住,人赃俱获。 They possess different kinds of superpowers.(2016四川,阅读理解B) 他们具有不同类型的超能力。,特别提示:in possession of表示主动,其主语通常是人,意为“占有”; in the possession of表示被动,其主语通常是物,意为“被占有”。类似短语还有:in charge of负责;in the charge of由负责;in control of控制;in the control of被控制。 他有一所大房子。,即学即用

15、:完成句子 他从来就没有多少钱,但他一直有一些好朋友。 He never ,but he always possesses some good friends. 她拥有一大笔财富。 She a large fortune. 他们有一座大果园。 They a big orchard.,答案:possesses much money takes/took possession of are in possession of,7.remind vt.提醒,使想起,英文典例: Obey your orders and remind you to take pills. 听从你的命令,提醒你吃药。 Yo

16、u remind me of your father when you say that. 你说这样的话,使我想起了你的父亲。,即学即用:语法填空 What he said reminded me the days we spent together. Remind me (buy) some milk tonight. Passengers are reminded no smoking is allowed on this train.,答案:of to buy that,8.refer to谈到,提到;与相关,涉及;查阅,参考,英文典例: This paragraph refers to

17、 the events of last year. 这一段说的是去年发生的事。 With reference to your letter of July 22. 关于你7月22日的来信,特别提示:refer to短语中,to为介词,后接名词、代词、动词-ing形式作其宾语。 refer to和consult后直接跟书籍、词典等名词,而look up(查阅)后面跟所要查找的词作宾语,如look up a word in a dictionary。,即学即用:完成句子 我打电话是要谈谈你写的有关你出国的问题。 Im calling your going abroad. 读读我在讲话中提到的那篇文

18、章吧。 Read the passage I in my talk. 如果你不会拼写一个单词,你应当查一下词典。 If you dont know the spelling of a word,you should . a dictionary.,答案:in/with reference to to which;referred refer to,9.break down出故障;抛锚;失败;垮掉;分解;损坏,英文典例: It is not surprising that such worms can break down polyethylene. (2018北京,阅读理解C) 这种蠕虫可以分

19、解聚乙烯并不让人意外。 The telephone system has broken down. 电话系统瘫痪了。 The prisoner broke away from his guards. 犯人挣脱了看守。 Fire broke out during the night. 夜间突然发生了火灾。,即学即用:根据语境写出下面句子中break down的含义 His plan broke down when it was put into practice because he had not given enough attention to details.( ) Peter brok

20、e down and was unable to work for a year.( ) Firefighters had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside.( ),答案:失败 身体垮掉 砸破,10.make a difference 有影响;起重要作用,英文典例: They have a different kind of superpower that all of us possess: the power to make a difference in the lives of others. (2016

21、四川,阅读理解B) 他们具有一种和我们所有人不同的超能力:对其他人的生活产生影响的能力。 A few kind words at the right time make all the difference. 在适当的时候说几句体贴话效果迥然不同。,即学即用:完成句子 不管她做了什么都没有关系。 Whatever she did,it . 现在的发动机与过去使用的发动机有很大的不同。 Todays engines are from those used in the past.,答案:made no difference of much difference,11.If only there

22、were more people donating money to charities!但愿 有更多的人向慈善机构捐款!,英文典例: If only hed remembered to send that letter. 要是他没忘记发那封信就好了。 If only I had gone by taxi. 我要是乘出租车去就好了。 写作联想:典例的其他表达方式: How I wish I had gone by taxi. I regret I did not go by taxi.,词语辨析:,Only if a teacher has given permission is a stud

23、ent allowed to leave the classroom. 学生只有得到老师的许可才能离开教室。 If only they would tell me what theyve decided. 但愿他们能把决定告诉我。,即学即用:翻译句子 要是你早些时候告诉我该多好啊! 我可以干,但我们得定几条规矩。,答案:If only you had told me that some time ago. Ill do that,but only if we set a few rules.,12.The situation is very different here,as are the

24、problems. 这里的情形很不一样,存在的问题也不同。 这是as引导的非限制性定语从句,as是关系词,代替前面整个句子的内容。,英文典例: As you know,Julia is leaving soon. 你是知道的,朱莉娅马上要离开了。 特别提示:which 也可以引导非限制性定语从句,但which引导的定语从句只能放在主句后,且从句在意义上相当于一个并列句,可以用and this代替,翻译成“这一点,这件事”。例如: He sold his bike,which surprised me.(=He sold his bike,and this surprised me.) 他把自行

25、车卖了,这使我很惊讶。,即学即用:完成句子 玛丽很快发现,她是对的。 She was right, Mary soon . 正如所预料的那样,对这个问题的回答是五花八门。 ,the response to the question was very mixed.,答案:as;discovered As might be expected,13.Arrived here to find everything was in chaos. 到达这里后发现一切都是乱糟糟的。 句式提取:动词不定式to find作结果状语,英文典例: She turned up the driveway,only to find her way blocked. 她开上自家车道,不料发现路已被堵。,答案:only to have making,即学即用:完成句子 他搬起石头却砸了自己的脚。 He picked up a stone, it dropped on his own foot. 足球运动在那么多国家开展,从而使得它成为世界上最受欢迎的体育运动。 Football is played in so many countries, it the most popular sport in the world.,谢谢观赏!,


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