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1、 精品资料Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet单元训练.单项选择1.(2017山东泰安)It is accepted by everyone that knowledge is the most valuable B for human beings.A.standardB.treasureC.inventionD.instruction2.(2017山西)When going upstairs or downstairs,we need to walk on the right,leaving the left space for the peop

2、le whoA.A.hurry upB.look aroundC.run away3.(2017上海)We won!The honor belongs D all the members of our team.A.byB.ofC.atD.to4.(2017上海)The headmaster introduced B to the German visitors before the welcome party.A.weB.usC.ourD.ours5.(2017新疆阜康)I think our teacher,Mrs.Allen,knows everything.I agree.Becaus

3、e she B over 2,000 books.A.readB.has readC.readsD.is reading6.(2016山东烟台)Life isA the unexpected.Whatever we do,try our best.A.full ofB.proud ofC.instead ofD.because of7.(2016湖北宜昌)Did you get WeChat red(微信红包)during the Spring Festival?Yes,its C the most popular way of sending traditional holiday pres

4、ents now.A.totallyB.widelyC.actuallyD.hardly 8.(2017云南)What do you think of your hometown,Kate?It A a lot.Its more beautiful than before.A.has changedB.changesC.will changeD.change.词汇考查1.(2017山东泰安二十中月考)We can see different kinds of birds on this island(岛屿).2.(2017山东聊城)Some paper books were huge ones

5、 with thousands ofpages(页).3.(2017贵州黔南州)Qiannan is in the southern(south)part of Guizhou Province.4.(2017山东日照)Hard work is the key to success.书面表达假设你校读书俱乐部正在举办“世界文学名著欣赏”系列活动,这周阅读的名著是格列佛游记(Gullivers Travels)。请你根据下面的提示写一篇英语短文。提示:1.这部小说由英国作家乔纳森斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift)创作;2.书中讲述了医生格列佛四次去不同国家的航海冒险经历;3.你读完这部小说

6、后的感受。要求:1.语言流畅、语法正确;2.必须包含所有提示内容,但可作适当发挥;3.80词左右。This week I have read a book called Gullivers Travels.It was written by Jonathan Swift who was an English writer.It told a story about a doctor named Gulliver and his journey to four different countries.During his journey,he met some little people,some big people,some smart but useless people and some horses.I would like to be as brave as Gulliver.The story is full of fun.If you read it,Im sure you will fall in love with it.


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