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1、 精品资料授课对象授课教师授课时间年 月 日授课题目Unit8课 型复习课使用教具讲义、练习册教学目标 掌握Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake?重要短语和句型;熟悉一般将来时的基本结构及意义;注意there be句型的一般将来时结构及其拓展。教学重点和难点描述做一件事的步骤,会用祈使句;短语的背诵及辨析、宾语的位置。参考教材新目标、教辅教学流程及授课详案Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake?Section A 考点1 Turn on the blender.打开搅拌机Turn(1)作动词,意为转动,翻

2、转,使弯曲,转变。 Wheels can turn.轮子可以转动。 (2)作名词,意为转动,变动,机会,(一)圈,(一)阵,轮流。 Give the knob a few turns.把那个把手转几下。拓展:与turn相关的短语 turn on 打开(电器等) turn off关上(电器等) turn up音量调大,调高 turn down 把音量调小,调低 turn out关,熄灭(灯、煤气),生产,结果是,证明是 turn in 上交 turn into 使成为,翻译成 turn to 转向 turn against反对 turn over翻转 eg. Each student has t

3、o turn in a composition once a week.每个学生每周必须交一篇作文。 Ice can turn into water.冰能变成水。 He turned over in bed.他在床上翻了个身。注意:在动词+副词短语中,若宾语是代词时只能放在动词和副词中间;若宾语为名词,则既可以放在中间也可以放在副词的后面。 Please turn it out.请把它熄灭。比较:open意为打开,开放,指打开门、窗、盒、书、抽屉等,反义词为close。 Will you please open the window?请你把窗户打开好吗? The bank isnt open

4、yet.银行尚未开门。open还可作形容词,意为开着的,敞开的。in the open air在户外(在野外)EX: 1.Dont_the radio.The boy is sleeping. A.turn on B.turn off C.turn over D.turn down2. Dont do any other things while you are doing your homework,so please_your MP3? A.turn on B.turn off C.turn up D.turn down3. Im doing my homework.Would you p

5、lease turn your radio_a little? A.on B.off C.up D.down4. I cant hear the music clearly.Please_a little. A.turn on it B.turn it on C.turn up it D.turn it up考点2 Cut up the bananas. 切碎香蕉。cut up 为动副结构,意为切碎,相当于cutinto pieces。后跟代词宾语时应该放在cut和up的中间。cut up.into把。切成。形状 He cut up the apples.=He cut the apples

6、(up)into pieces.他把苹果切碎。拓展:与cut相关的短语 cut out 剪除 cut down 减少,降低,削弱,砍倒 cut off中断,切断,阻隔 haveget ones hair cut某人剪头发 cut sth.in halftwo将某物对半切开 cut in line插队 Eg. She cut off a small piece of cake and gave it to me.她切下一小块蛋糕给我。 The doctors have told him to cut down smoking and drinking.医生们已告诫他少吸烟喝酒。EX:-What

7、should we do next? -We have to_. A.cut them up B.cut up them C.cut and up them D.cut up 考点3 Pour the milk into the blender.把牛奶倒进果汁机里。1. pour作及物动词,意为倾倒,灌,下大雨,其后可接宾语或双宾语。 Please pour me a glass of water.请给我倒杯水。 It was pouring all night.整夜都下着倾盆大雨。2. pourinto意为把倒进里,常指液体,相当于put.into.。拓展:与pour相关的短语 pour o

8、ut倒出,涌出来 pour down倾泻,奔流而下 pour into倾泻,流入Please pour the cold water out.请把凉水倒出来。People poured intoout of the railway station.人们涌入出火车站。辨析:in与into in和into都可以表示在(到).里面,有时可以互换,但侧重点不同:in是表示物体位置的静态介词;into表示动作方向的动态介词,常与表示动作的动词come/go/run/rush连用。当与put/fall/throw等动词连用时,两者可互换。类似的词有onto和on。 I found her in the b

9、edroom.我在卧室里找到她。 Please carry the box into the room.请把这盒子搬进房间。EX:1.They poured the waste water_the sea. A.into B.in C.to D.at2. She came_the classroom in silence. A.into B.in C.on D.at3. -Whats the matter with Mr.White? He is wet through. -His car ran_a river. A.into B.in C.to D.at考点4 Add the cabbag

10、e,tomatoes and onions and cook for another 10 minutes.加入大白菜、西红柿和洋葱,然后再煮10分钟。 No, one more thing.不,还有一件事。More adj.又、再,常放在修饰词和被修饰词之间。 He wants to have two more apples.他想再吃两个苹果。辨析:more,other和another这三个词都可以表示又、再,区别如下:More和other均放在修饰词和被修饰词之间 three moreother hoursAnother 放在修饰词之前 another three hoursEX:1.-D

11、o you have enough students to clean the laboratory? -No,I think we need_students. A.another B.two others C.more two D.two more2. Time is not enough for so much work._people are needed,I think. A.Another two B.two others C.other two D.only two3. One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow

12、and _. A.the other is white B.another white C.the other white D.another is white考点5 Finally,dont forget to add some salt.最后,别忘了加盐。1. finally 作副词,意为最后,可用在句首、句中或句末,多修饰动态动词,位置较灵活。它位于句中时,要放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前。该词用于列举论点时,引出最后一个内容,有表示盼望已久的事情终于实现了的含义。 Finally they finished the work.最后他们完成了这项工作。比较:at las

13、tin the end和at the end of at last意为最后,用于句首或句尾,有时可与finally互换带有较浓厚的感情色彩,强调经过曲折后才达到目的。 in the end意为终于,最后,用于句首或句尾,可与at last互换,表示经过困难之后才达到目的,但表示对结局的预测时,只能用in the end。 They arrived at the village in the end.最后,他们到达了那个村子。 at the end of意为在.尽头,在.末尾,既可以表示时间,也可以表示空间。 At the end of the street,you can see a hosp

14、ital.在大街的尽头,你可以看到一家医院。 He put his socks at the end of the bed.他把袜子放在床尾。2. add可作及物动词和不及物动词,意为增加,添加。短语:add.tointoin+名词代词,把.加到.中(介词后的名词或代词表示加的对象或地方)。 The music added to our enjoyment.音乐给我们增添了快乐。拓展:与add相关的短语 add.in包括.在内 add up合计,加起来 add to增加Dont forget to add me.别忘了算上我。Please add these things up.请把这些东西都

15、加起来。I don;t want to add to your trouble.我不想给你增添麻烦。EX:1.Im sure she will succeed_. A.in the end B.finally C.at the end D.at last2. We talked about it for hours._,we decided not to go. A.In the end B.Finally C.At the end of D.At last3. we waited and waited,and the train_arrived. A.in the end B.finally

16、 C.at the end of D.at last4. Good friends_happiness and value to life. A.add to B.add up to C.add up D.add考点6 half a cup半杯Half(1)adj.一半的,一般放在冠词、物主代词或指示代词之前。 They stayed there for half an hour.他们在那待了半小时。(2)pron. 常与of连用。当half of+名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数决定于half of 之后的名词或代词的数。 Half of the books have been sold.一半

17、的书被卖了。 Half of the money has run out.一半的钱用完了。拓展:英语中一(几)个半的表达方式 aan(数词)+表示量的名词的复数+and a half one(数词) and a half +表示量的名词的复数 Eg. an hour and a half=one and a half hours 一个半小时 three years and a half=three and a half years 3年半EX:1.Half of these apples_bad.Youd better not eat them. A.is B.are C.has D.have

18、2. The girl always reads books for_. A.four and half hours B.four hours and a half C.four and half hour D.four hour and a half3. The little baby has four_already. A.tooth B.tooths C.teeth D.teeths4. The_are going to fly to Beijing. A.Germen B.Germany C.German D.Germans5. -Are there any_on the farm?

19、-Yes,there are some. A.horse B.sheep C.duck D.goose6. There is little_in the fridge.Lets go and buy some. A.apples B.eggs C.vegetables D.milk7. The guide has_.She will show them to us. A.some old paper B.some special food C.a new jacket D.some beautiful picturesSection B考点1 When it is ready,place th

20、e turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy. 当它准备好了时,把火鸡放在一个大盘子里,然后在上面浇上一层肉汁。1. place (1)v.放置,安置,安排,与表示场所的副词(短语)连用;是比put更正式的说法。 You place me in a difficult position.你使我非常为难。 (2)nC 地方,处所Australia is a big place.澳大利亚是一个大地方。拓展:与place相关的短语 from place to place处处 in place of 代替 in place适当地,在恰当位置 tak

21、e place发生 out of place未在应该的位置,不适当地 take ones placetake the place of sb.代替某人,接替2. cover vt.vi.遮盖,盖住短语:be covered with 被.覆盖,长满 The tree is covered with flowers now.那棵树现在开满了花。 He covered his knees with a blanket.他用毛毯把膝盖盖住。拓展: cover的其他用法(1) vt.覆盖(面积);占(地) Their school covers 6 square miles.他们学校占地6平方英里。(

22、2) vt.行走(距离);行过(路程);读完(若干项等) The old man covered 25 kilometers in a single day.这个老人一天走了25公里。 (3)vt.对.进行新闻采访、报道 The reporters covered the earthquake in Yaan.记者报道了雅安地震。 (4)vt.包含;包括 His report covered all aspects of the problem.他的报道涵盖了这个问题的所有层面。 (5)vt.(钱)够用 Will 1000 dollars cover the bill?1000美元足够付账吗?

23、 (6)n覆盖物,套子;(书刊等的)封面、封皮 He put the cover on his piano.他给钢琴罩上了琴套。 The book needs a new cover.这本书需要换新封皮。EX:1.You can_your desk with a piece of paper. A.cover B.fill C.paint D.repair2. The ground_snow after the heavy snow. A.covered B.was covered C.was covered with D.covered with 3. -The reporter_the hero who saved the boy from the river. -Thats right.And the TV station will broadcast the interview. A.covered B.visit C.wrote D.reported4. -The stroy_only three days and is very interesting. -So it is.It is popular with children. A.covers B.includes C.continues D.lasts 家长签名:


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