陕西省八年级英语下册 Unit 4 He said he was hard-working Section B学案 人教新目标版.doc

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陕西省八年级英语下册 Unit 4 He said he was hard-working Section B学案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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1、 精品资料Unit 4 He said he was hard-working Section B 学习目标1. 掌握并熟练转换直接引语和间接引语.2. 能用英语叙述和回报自己的成绩单.疑难点拨: 1. well 和good good 和well 的意思都是_,good 是_词;well 通常是_词只有意为“身体好”时,才是形容词.有词组be good at 和do well in 是_词组,后接_词,_词和_词. 【小试身手】 1、Im better at reading than listening .(同义句) _ 2、他英语学得好. _ 2. 区别:disappointing / di

2、sappointed disappointing “令人扫兴的;使人失望的” 常用来修饰物; disappointed 指人“感到失望的” 常用来修饰人; 【小试身手】 - ing 修饰物,-ed形式修饰人的形容词你还能想起哪些? _ 听到这个令人失望的消息时,我们都感到很失望。 When we heard the _ news, we all felt _ 3. have a hard time with sth 费力、费劲做某事,后若跟动词,需用动词的ing 形式. eg. I had a really hard time with science this semester. 这学期我的

3、科学课确实学的很吃力。 I had a hard time passing the exam. 我很费劲地通过了考试. 4. Helping others changed her life. Eating too much is bad for you. Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village may not sound like fun to you . 观察以上三句话我们会发现他们的主语是V-ing形式,也叫动名词,此种形式不仅可以作主语 ,还可以表语、宾语、定语、宾语补足语等。V-ing形式作主语时,常用it 作形

4、式主语而把真正的主语后移。如:Talking with you is nice .= Its nice talking with you . 【小试身手】 把Eating too much is bad for you.变成以it 为主语的句子. _自学导航:1、 Words & Phrases: 1.学习P29-33的单词(根据音标试读录音机跟读和partner英汉互读自由记忆组长听写) 2. 英汉互译: 勤勉的_ 身体健康 _ 成绩单_ do well in _ get over_ get nervous_ 生某人的气_ make a decision _ 听起来好象_ 海拔2000米以上

5、 _ 在一个贫穷的山村 _ 在甘肃省 _ 在中国的农村地区 _ 一次新的经历 _ 感到不舒服恶心 _ 稀薄的空气 _ 开拓我的学生的视野 _一个好的开端_2、 Conversations: 1.Role play .根据2b听力,完成下面的对话,然后分角色练习下列对话。 A :What did your math teacher say ? B: He said I was hard-working 。 A: How about Spanish? B: . 2.先完成P30. 4 各科老师对自己的评价,然后再和你的Partner 练习下列对话。 A: How was your report ?

6、 B: Well, my math teacher said that I was hard-working . A: Really ?Youre lucky .My math . 三、Article : 1.先阅读3a ,然后完成下列题目。 _ (luck),she caught the last bus. It is _ (report) that the new supermarket will be open next week. This is the _(bad) day I have ever had. He didnt answer the question. So it ma

7、de him _(disappoint) 2.Write your own report card ,then write a letter to a relative or a friend about your report card . _ _ _ _ _4、 Reading: 1. 认真阅读文章,回答下列的问题。 1.)Where did Yang Lei work?_ 2.)What did she eat? _ 3.)How do Yang Leis students study? _ 4.)What did Yang Lei think of her work?_ 2连接重要大意

8、和相应的段落。 Para 1 A. Give some examples for “may not sound like fun to you.” Para 2 B. The writer is going to tell what he is going to say. Para 3 C. Introduce the time she enjoyed. Para 4 D. Tell her experience in the mountains Para 5 E. Tell something about the students at school. 五、检测: 一、 用所给词的正确形式填

9、空: hard-woring goodwelldo well inbe mad at surprise 1. He is _ at reading than I. 2. Sun Nan is good at singing, he sings very _. 3. Lucy works hard. She is a _ girl. 4. Mary _ all her lessons. Shes a top student in our class. 5.To my _, I got a beautiful skirt on my birthday party. 6.The old man _h

10、is son yesterday. 二、选择题: ( )1. She felt _ when she heard the _ news. A. disappointing ;disappointed B. disappointed, disappointing C. disappointing , disappointing D. disappointed ; disappointed ( )2. Can you do _in math than before? A. well B. good C. better D. best ( ) 3.2. Teacher told us that we

11、 should _ our homework _ school tomorrow. A. take; to B. bring; to C. take; with D. bring; with ( ) 4. My sister _. A. is good at singing B. is well in singing C. is good at sing D. do well in singing ( )5 .She wanted to know _. A. Why didnt I think it was a good idea B. Why I didnt think it was a g

12、ood idea C. Why I thought it wasnt a good idea D. Why did I think it wasnt a good idea ( ) 6. We arent children _. A. any more B. some more C. much more D. any most ( ) 7. I _ to bring my homework, I _ it home. A. forgot, forgot B. left, left C. forgot, left D. left, forgot 三、完成句子 : 1. 你能带一些音乐CD 来参加

13、聚会吗? Can you _ some CDs _ the party? 2. 她再也不想和我做朋友了。 She _ want _ _ my friends _. 3.我确信她会克服它。I was sure she could _ _ _. 4. 如果你努力学习,你就会通过考试。 _ you study hard, you _ _ the exam. 5. 那里一切顺利吗? _ _ _there ? 6.他费了很大劲才通过了驾照考试。 He _ _ _ _ passing the driving test . 7. 我的英语老师说我能做得更好。 My English teacher said I _ _ _.四、按要求完成句子。 1. He asked me, “Do you want to visit Shanghai?” (直接引语变间接引语) He asked me _ _ _ to visit Shanghai. 2.“Will it be sunny tomorrow?” Mary asked. (直接引语变间接引语) Mary asked _ _ _ be sunny tomorrow.


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