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1、,本卡受天津大学校园龙卡管理规定约束。 如有遗失请即通知校园龙卡管理中心。 避免磨损、弯折、扭曲,注意防磁。 只限持卡人使用,不得转借他人。,Your Photo,姓 名: 学 科:* 导 师:* 日 期:二零xx年五月,Contents:,Contents:,1,Contents:,1,Venuti 1953-,Prolific Scholar,Domestic Studies on Lawrence Venuti,Translation Theories + Practices Main works:,Introduction and evaluation Discussions on f

2、oreignization and domestication Ethics of Translation,2,1.2,Theoretical Backgrounds of Venutis Thoughts,Deconstruction and Deconstructive Translation,1.1,3,1.1,1.1,1.1Deconstruction & Deconstructive Translation,4,Openness Interplay of differences Against center or origin,What is Deconstruction?,1.1,

3、5,1.1Deconstruction & Deconstructive Translation,?,1.1,1.2,6,1.2 Theoretical Backgrounds,1.2.1“Foreignness” in German,Humboldt,Goethe,Schleiermacher,7,1.2 Theoretical Backgrounds,1.2.2 Walter Benjamins Pure Language,“No single language can attain by itself but be realized only by the totality of the

4、ir intentions supplementing each other.”,Pure Language,1.1,1.2,1.1,1.2,8,1.2 Theoretical Backgrounds,1.2.3 Jacques Derridas Diffrance,Bead,Prayer,Prayers Beads,small ball-shaped pieces,1.1,1.2,8,1.2 Theoretical Backgrounds,1.2.3 Jacques Derridas Diffrance,I am Cold,9,Shakes the relationship between

5、original text and translation Emphasizes foreignness preserving Can be a great destiny of restoring the ultimate language,10,10,2.1 From “Invisibility” to “Visibility”,2.1,2.2,11,Transparency,Illusion,Fluency,2.2 Symptomatic Reading,2.1,2.2,12,manifested,Latent,Ideological structure,2.2 Symptomatic

6、Reading,2.1,2.2,13,Text,Discontinuities,To expose the ethnocentric violence of rewriting beneath the transparency,2.3 Towards Foreignness: From Abusive Fidelity to Resistancy,2.3,2.4,14,abusive,ab,use,being away from,common usages,2.3 Towards Foreignness: From Abusive Fidelity to Resistancy,2.3,2.4,

7、15,Abuse an act of tampering with common usages Abusive Fidelity abusive to the common usages and faithful to the source texts Resistancy foregrounding the differences to preserve “foreignness”,2.4 Venutis Translation Ethics,2.3,2.4,16,Internal: Ethic Level,External: Tactic Level,Ethics of Differenc

8、e,Ethics of Sameness,Ethics of Location,17,Criticizes the dogma of transparency Claims for foreignizing translation Completes his ethical turn in translation Deconstruction- oriented,18,3,3,3.1,3.2,19,3.1 Translations turn in the Westernization of Modern Chinese,Expression gap filling Power horse 马力

9、 Stamp 邮票 Adding new meanings or grammatical functions Bar 酒吧 网吧、氧吧 Watergate 水门 艳照门、别克门 Enrichment of word formation -ize/-ization/-ify/-ification 化,Lexical Westernization,3,3.1,3.2,20,3.1 Translations turn in the Westernization of Modern Chinese,The extension of passive sentences Frequency Semanti

10、c color To be constructed in a more complex structure The flexibility of word order 很懒的他立起来,看了她一眼,走过去帮忙。 骆驼祥子老舍,Syntactical Westernization,3,3.1,3.2,21,3.1 Translations turn in the Westernization of Modern Chinese,The Westernization of Modern Chinese witnesses Venutis appeal : to call for translatio

11、ns visibility and to promote the pluralistic development of language and culture.,3,3.1,3.2,22,3.2 Symptomatic Reading of C-E and E-C Translations,说曹操,曹操到,as clear as crystal,speak of the devil,小葱拌豆腐一清二白,“Ill teach you how to kiss a girl!” “No,” said Sute, Ive graduate.,我已经出师了,3,3.1,3.2,23,3.2 Sympt

12、omatic Reading of C-E and E-C Translations,Man: This is the gift to the girl.,男:这是 给姑娘 的礼物。,3,3.1,3.2,24,3.2 Symptomatic Reading of C-E and E-C Translations,The discontinuities disguised under the so-called fluent or standard translation can be exposed by symptomatic reading. Chinglish: When in Chin

13、a, do as Chinese do.,3,25,3.3 Application of Resistancy in C-E and E-C Translations,3.3,Utopian Community,Source Language,Target Language,3,26,3.3 Application of Resistancy in C-E and E-C Translations,3.3,where the hierarchies that rank the values in the domestic culture are disarranged to set going

14、更多模板:xxxhttps:/ -Venuti, The Translation Studies Reader,3,27,3.3 Application of Resistancy in C-E and E-C Translations,3.3,Seeing these things have not brought thee to repentance, now thou shalt die. -Defoe, Robison Crusoe,【译】1:既然所发生的一切事情都不能使你忏悔,现在就要你的命。 -Trans. by 郭建中,【译】2 :所见诸事,尔皆不悔,死期将至矣。 -Trans.

15、 by Fessor,3,28,3.3 Application of Resistancy in C-E and E-C Translations,3.3,“Girls in love aint no use in the whole blessed week,” An Sunday they begin it all over agin.”,【译】“姑娘们若是迷了情,个把礼拜都指不上她们了。”她继续道,“周天儿打远儿瞅着马路,盼着那个谁来。下午他在了,她们就没别的心思。周一早上就没醒过,迷迷瞪瞪的,周二、周三嘛儿都干不了。到了周四心里就长了草,寻思着礼拜天快来,整天打飘儿,恁地让洗碗水在鼻尖

16、底下凉掉。周五就要打碎碟子,闷在屋子里一把鼻涕一把泪,眼巴巴的把着窗棱子看。周六,好嘛,那个忙啊,舞马张枪的,理云鬓贴花黄。周日,她们又要从头捣鼓一遍。” -Trans. by Fessor,29,Translation promotes the development of MC. The symptomatic reading exposes the hidden domesticated ideology. The application of resistancy in poetry and novel texts testifies theorys feasibility.,3,30

17、,3,31,4.1 Limitations In C-E and E-C Translations,4.1,4.2,Ignorance of Non Indian-European Corpus Language families: “her beat he” Distance leads to invalidity A Paradox in Reversed Culture Contexts Language promoter or language buster,3,32,4.2 Ethics of Location under the Rise of Information Techno

18、logy,4.1,4.2,language corpus,ways of information collecting,Copyrights!,Ethics of Location,33,3,3,34,“The starting point is thus not a point but a difference” -Barbara Johnson, Dissemination (1981, trans from Derridas La dissmination),谢谢观看/欢迎下载,BY FAITH I MEAN A VISION OF GOOD ONE CHERISHES AND THE ENTHUSIASM THAT PUSHES ONE TO SEEK ITS FULFILLMENT REGARDLESS OF OBSTACLES. BY FAITH I BY FAITH,


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