AATCC EP1-2005 Gray Scale for Color Change1.pdf

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《AATCC EP1-2005 Gray Scale for Color Change1.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《AATCC EP1-2005 Gray Scale for Color Change1.pdf(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、标准分享网 w w w . b z f x w . c o m 免费下载 AATCC Technical Manual/2005EP 1379 Adopted in 1954 by AATCC; under juris- diction of AATCC Committee RA36; re- vised 1979, 1987, 2002; editorially revised 1991; editorially revised and re- affirmed 1992. Technically equivalent to ISO 105-AO2. 1. Scope 1.1 This ev

2、aluation procedure describes the use of a Gray Scale for visually evalu- ating changes in color of textiles resulting from colorfastness tests. For instrumental assessment of change of color of a test specimen refer to AATCC Evaluation Pro- cedure 7. A precise colorimetric specifica- tion of the dif

3、ferences between the refer- ence and the 9-step Scale is given as a permanent record against which newly prepared Gray Scales, and old scales that might have changed, can be compared. 2. Principle 2.1 The result of a colorfastness test is rated by visually comparing the difference in color or the co

4、ntrast between the un- treated and treated specimens with the dif- ferences represented by the Scale (see 8.1). The colorfastness grade is equal to the gray scale step which is judged to have the same color or contrast difference. 3. Terminology 3.1 color change, n.a change in color of any kind whet

5、her in lightness, hue or chroma, or any combination of these, discernible by comparing the test specimen with a corresponding untested specimen. 3.2 colorfastness, n.the resistance of a material to change in any of its color characteristics, to transfer of its color- ant(s) to adjacent materials or

6、both, as a result of the exposure of the material to any environment that might be encoun- tered during the processing, testing, stor- age or use of the material. 3.3 Gray Scale, n.a scale consisting of pairs of standard gray chips, the pairs representing progressive differences in color or contrast

7、 corresponding to numer- ical colorfastness grades. 4. Description of the Scale 4.1 Colorfastness grade 5 is repre- sented on the scale by two reference chips mounted side by side, neutral gray in color and having a Y tristimulus value of 12 1. The color difference of the pair is 0.0 + 0.2. 4.2 Colo

8、rfastness grades 4.5 to 1, in- clusive, are represented by reference chips like those used in Step 5 paired with lighter neutral gray chips of similar dimensions and gloss. The visual differ- ences in the whole step pairs colorfast- ness grades 4, 3, 2 and 1 are in geomet- ric steps of color differe

9、nce, or contrast. The differences in the half-step colorfast- ness grade pairs 4-5, 3-4, 2-3 and 1-2 are intermediate between the whole step pairs (see 8.2, 8.3 and Fig. 1). 5. Use of the Scale 5.1 Place a piece of the original textile and its corresponding exposed test speci- men side by side in th

10、e same plane and oriented in the same direction. Take spe- cial care to create a sharp junction be- tween the two pieces of material. Place the Gray Scale along the edges of the test specimen and original textile sample with the junctions of the textile and the Gray Scale pair aligned. Place the gra

11、y mask (Y tristimulus of 53 1) provided with the scale over the samples and the scale to eliminate any influence of the sur- rounding areas. Back the specimens, both the original and tested, with a white ma- terial having a Y tristimulus value of at least 85. If the specimens are perma- nently mount

12、ed on a card, it must be with a Y tristimulus value of at least 85. Any means of attachment (staples, etc.) must not be in the area viewed (see Fig. 2). Illuminate the surfaces with a daylight simulator with illumination level at the specimen plane in the range of 1080- 1340 lx (100-125 fc) (see 8.4

13、). The light should be incident upon the surfaces at 45 5 and the direction of viewing 90 5 to the plane of the surfaces (see Fig. 3). Compare the perceived visual differ- ence between original and tested textile with the perceived differences repre- sented by the Gray Scale. The colorfast- ness gra

14、de is that number of the Gray Scale pair whose contrast corresponds to the contrast between the original and tested specimens. A grade of 5 is given only when there is no perceived differ- ence in color or contrast between the original material and tested specimen. The cleanliness and physical condi

15、tion of the Gray Scale is extremely important in obtaining consistent results (see 8.5). 5.2 When a number of assessments have been made, it is very useful to com- pare all the pairs of original and tested specimens which have been given the same numerical grade. This gives a good indication of the

16、consistency of the grades, since any errors become promi- nent. Pairs which do not appear to have the same degree of contrast as others with the same grades should be re-checked against the Gray Scale and, if necessary, the grades should be changed. 6. Describing Color Changes in Colorfastness Tests

17、 6.1 In using the Gray Scale, the charac- ter of the change in color, whether in lightness, hue or chroma, or any combi- nation of these, is not rated; the overall difference, or contrast, between original and tested specimens is the basis for the evaluation. If a record of the character of the chan

18、ge in color of the textile in the test is needed, add appropriate qualitative terms to the numerical grade, as illustrated in Table I. 7. Colorimetric Specification of Color Differences of the Gray Scale 7.1 The color differences and toler- ances between the reference gray and the nine steps of the

19、scale are expressed as to- AATCC Evaluation Procedure 1 Gray Scale for Color Change Fig. 1Gray Scale for Color Change. Copyright The American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists Provided by IHS under license with AATCC Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license f

20、rom IHS -,-,- 380EP 1AATCC Technical Manual/2005 tal color difference ECIELAB using the CIE 1976 L*a*b* color difference formula: E = (L*)2 + (a*)2 + (b*)21/2 where: L* = 116 (Y/Yn)1/3 16 a* = 500 (X/Xn)1/3 (Y/Yn)1/3 b* = 200 (Y/Yn)1/3 (Z/Zn)1/3 (X/Xn, Y/Yn, Z/Zn 0.01) The tristimulus values Xn, Yn,

21、 Zn define the color of the nominally white object- color stimulus. 7.2 Permissible tolerances for the Gray Scales used as working standards are given in the last column of Table II, Ap- pendix A. Appendix A A.1 Table II provides the color differ- ence values in CIE 1976 L*a*b* (CIELAB) units for th

22、e grade pairs in each step of the Gray Scale for Color Change. This table is for instrumental measurement and confirmation that a Gray Scale is within tolerance, only. Ta- ble II is NOT to be used for assigning a Gray Scale grade based on instrumental measurement of two specimens (see AATCC Evaluati

23、on Procedure 7, Instru- mental Assessment of the Change in Color of a Test Specimen). 8. Notes 8.1 Available from AATCC, P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park NC 27709; tel: 919/549-8141; fax: 919/549-8933; e-mail: ordersaatcc.org. 8.2 The colorfastness grades of the scale steps and the correspondi

24、ng total color differ- ences and tolerances, determined by the CIE 1976 L*a*b* (CIELAB) formula, are given in Table II, Appendix A. Sphere geometry spec- trophotometric measurements of the chips shall be taken with the specular component in- cluded. A 0/45 (45/0) geometry is an ac- ceptable alternat

25、e. The colorimetric data shall be calculated using the CIE 1964 10 observer data for Illuminant D65. 8.3 Provision for a colorfastness grade lower than 1 is provided for in Nomenclature for Subjective Rating Processes elsewhere in this MANUAL. Any test specimen which has a change in color or contras

26、t decidedly greater than a grade of 1 may be rated a 0. 8.4 See AATCC Evaluation Procedure 9, Visual Assessment of Color Difference of Textiles, for notes on choice of daylight simu- lator and illumination level. 8.5 The Scale should be inspected fre- quently for fingerprints and any other marks. If

27、 the marks are considered to interfere with the rating process, then the Scale should be re- placed. The Scale can also be physically dam- aged through handling. Again, if the physical damage to the Scale interferes with the rating process, it should be replaced. Periodically, the Scale can be measu

28、red on a spectropho- tometer or colorimeter to ensure that the total color differences are within specification as shown in Table II, Appendix A. Keep the Scale in its case when it is not in use. Table I GradeMeaning 3 lighterContrast equal to Step 3 of Gray Scale Specimen is lighter only 3 redderCo

29、ntrast equal to Step 3 of Gray Scale No significant change in lightness but change in hue in red direction has occurred 3 lighter yellower Contrast equal to Step 3 of Gray Scale Specimen is lighter and change in hue in yellow direction has occurred 3 lighter bluer, less chroma Contrast equal to Step

30、 3 of Gray Scale Specimen is lighter and change in hue in blue direction and change in chroma has occurred 4-5 redder Contrast equal to Step 4-5 of Gray Scale No significant change in lightness, but change in hue in red direction has occurred When space available for recording qualitative terms is r

31、estricted as on pattern cards, the following abbrevi- ations may be used: Bl = bluerL = lighter G = greenerDa = darker R = redderMC = more chroma Y = yellowerLC = less chroma Fig. 2Illustration of how to use scale. Fig. 3Illumination and viewing angles for rating samples. Table II Colorfastness Grad

32、e Total Color Difference CIELAB Units Tolerance for Working Standards CIELAB Units 5-00.0+ 0.2 4-50.8 0.2 4-01.7 0.3 3-42.5 0.3 3-03.4 0.4 2-34.8 0.5 2-06.8 0.6 1-29.6 0.7 1-013.60 1.0 Copyright The American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists Provided by IHS under license with AATCC Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,-


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