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1、 ENGINEERING STANDARDS Material Specification Paints GM4350M Painted Part Performance Requirements 1 Scope 1.1 Material Description. This standard covers laboratory test requirements for a number of classes of paint finishes commonly used for automobile components. This standard does not cover appea

2、rance re- quirements or processing parameters (excep- tion: see Section 3.1.1) which are expected to be specified in material specifications (998XXXX) and is not intended to cover paint finishes as used in connection with vacuum deposited metal coatings and hot stamped coat- ings. For painted plasti

3、c parts only, the combinations of substrate, surface preparation and applied paints shall be used that are shown in GM Ap- proved Paint on Parts Systems (APOPS) data- base. When APOPS testing is performed each test must be completed on a minimum of 3 sam- ples, each obtained from separate parts. Par

4、ts which are source primed and subse- quently top-coated at assembly plants shall be capable of accepting the specified topcoat paint system and meet all the test requirements of this standard. 1.2 Typical Application. The following e- xamples show where some code classes have been utilized in the p

5、ast or are currently in use. Consult your materials engineer for assistance in specifying codes for your applications. Copyright 2004 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved Typical applications for the classes of finishes are as follows: A336. Normally applicable to chassis added Sec. 3.1.1

6、revised Sec. 1.2, 1.3.2, 8.2, Table 4 (including removal of B codes & addition of C96), Appendix A1 & A1.1, plus minor editorial changes and reformatting. (Ap- plied Parts Specialist Team) K FEB 2004Editorial changes Copyright General Motors North America Reproduced by IHS under license with GM Docu

7、ment provided by IHS Licensee=Johnson Controls/5912197100, 09/22/2004 17:48:47 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. -,-,- GM4350M GM ENGINEERING STANDARDS Copyright 2004 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved Page 6 of 7 Februa

8、ry 2004 Appendix A A1. Paint Development Tests. Paint develop- ment tests are, in most cases, long term tests which are to be used by engineering for qualifi- cation of paint materials. For exterior, Paint Engineering should be contacted to determine the development tests required for a specific mat

9、erial and application. For windshield wipers, mast antennas, chassis, underhood, and interior parts, Materials Engineering should be con- tacted to determine the development tests re- quired for a specific material and applications. In most cases, these tests are not used for rou- tine quality contr

10、ol. Note: It is important to note that there are addi- tional development type tests that can be used to qualify paint materials. The tests listed below illustrate some of the more common paint de- velopment tests that are used. Additional tests may be required depending upon the environ- ment that

11、a paint material will be exposed to in service. A1.1 Outdoor Weathering test requirements (GM9163P) are defined in the individual specifi- cations. A1.2 Xenon Arc Weatherometer Test (GM9125P) requirements are defined in the individual specifications. A1.3 Scab Corrosion Test shall be conducted accor

12、ding to GM9511P. A1.4 Cold Crack/Corrosion Cycle Tests shall be conducted according to GM9505P. A1.5 Color Crock Test shall be conducted ac- cording to GM9033P. A1.6 Oven Aging Test shall be conducted ac- cording to GM9504P. A1.7 Abrasion Resistance Test of organic coat- ings shall be conducted acco

13、rding to GM9515P. A1.8 Wear Resistance Test (Canvas Belt Wear Test) shall be conducted according to GM9516P. A1.9 Pencil Hardness Test shall be conducted according to ASTM D3363. A1.10 Cyclic Corrosion Test shall be conducted according to GM9540P. Length of test is de- fined in the individual specif

14、ications, or will be determined by Materials Engineering or Paint Engineering. Copyright General Motors North America Reproduced by IHS under license with GM Document provided by IHS Licensee=Johnson Controls/5912197100, 09/22/2004 17:48:47 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call t

15、he Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. -,-,- GM ENGINEERING STANDARDS GM4350M Copyright 2004 General Motors Corporation All Rights Reserved February 2004 Page 7 of 7 Appendix B B1. Oil Immersion Test Procedure. Oil Im- mersion Test shall be conducted as follows: Immerse the painted specimen in a

16、 bath of cur- rent production automotive engine oil main- tained 70 to 75C for the specified number of hours. Remove specimen from the bath. At- tempt to press a sturdy thumbnail into painted surface. While holding the nail in a vertical posi- tion and maintaining heavy pressure thereon, drag the na

17、il across the surface so as to cause a maximum marring and/or loosening effect. Visually examine the tested area and record the results as marred or not marred. (A finish is considered marred if any paint has been re- moved and/or the appearance of the surface has been significantly changed.) Copyright General Motors North America Reproduced by IHS under license with GM Document provided by IHS Licensee=Johnson Controls/5912197100, 09/22/2004 17:48:47 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group at 303-397-2295. -,-,-


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