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1、hyper CAD Basics: Exercise 1 Creating geometries 1 hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 1 hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training Basics: Exercise 1 2D Geometry with Dimensioning (Smart Dimension) Creation Contents 1 Basics: Exercise 1 2 Creating geometries2 Inserting dimensions (Smart Dimension) 5 Creating se

2、ctions 6 Inserting hatching9 1 Basics: Exercise 1 Creating geometries hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 2 1 Basics: Exercise 1 Creating geometries ? We open a new model (e3) and activate the workplane. You can activate it by selecting View Work Plane (with a tick). 1. We create a circle with a radius

3、 of 100 mm on the workplane origin. The work plane origin is selected via the snap options . 2. Following this, we create two circles to the left and the right of the first, each with a radius of 35 mm. 3. We enter the coordinates of the circle centers in the input mask as point coordinates. You can

4、 call up the point coordinates via Snap Options Point Coordinates. hyper CAD Basics: Exercise 1 Creating geometries 1 hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 3 4. We connect both circles with a 2-point line. 5. Set the type to Limited and the sequence to Multiple. 6. Select Tangent Snap as the snap. 7. The

5、 snap must be activated for each of the selections. In our example, this is before the selection of the first circle and before the selection of the second circle. 8. Use Smart delete to delete the unnecessary contours. After deleting we should have a clean contour. 1 Basics: Exercise 1 Creating geo

6、metries hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 4 9. Now we can place the two holes with D40 mm. This is performed by calling up the center circle and pointing the pen in the direction of the outer circle (R35); the corresponding center point of the outer circle is located in this way. We can use these and

7、 create our circle there with D40. We do the same on the other side. 10. To create the inner cross, we generate two rectangles and position them on the workplane. We configure the rectangles in the center using the measurements and set it to snap to the workplane by choosing Workplane Set Origin. 11

8、. Now we will fillet the corners of the cross with a radius of 20. To do so, we must set the sequence to Multiple and the Trim/Extend to both. To do so, we select both lines to be filleted. hyper CAD Basics: Exercise 1 Inserting dimensions (Smart Dimension) 1 hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 5 12. W

9、e now delete the superfluous contours. This is how our finished geometry should look. Inserting dimensions (Smart Dimension) To insert dimensions, we use the Smart Dimension command. Select Insert Dimension. 1 Basics: Exercise 1 Creating sections hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 6 Creating sections

10、First, we create a center line symmetrical to the x- axis (line type 4). To create the center line, we position/enlarge our model so that the long side (x-axis) only leaves a small space at the edge of our working area. For the line, select the two-point line Angular in the toolbar. hyper CAD Basics

11、: Exercise 1 Creating sections hyperCAD 1 hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 7 We now drag the line towards the center until the snap point is reached. Once the center is located, the line can be created by clicking the left mouse button. Now we can set the line type back to its original type (line ty

12、pe 1). We can create with Parallel a line with 180 mm on the Y-axis. We select Copy length for Type. The directional arrow (double-click) sets the direction. We enter a Distance of 180 mm and then a second distance of 200 mm. . 1 Basics: Exercise 1 Creating sections hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training

13、8 When reducing the model size, we see both of the lines we created. We require both of the lower continuous lines in order to generate the actual cut. In preparation for the next step, we activate the Hidden Dynamic Grid. This enables exact locking of the angular increments. We will now create auxi

14、liary lines in order to produce the actual cut. For this, we drag the vertical lines of the contour boundary to just above the bottom line with the help of the two-point line with limited type and perpendicular or mid point snap hyper CAD Basics: Exercise 1 Creating sections hyperCAD 1 hyperCAD V 20

15、05.1 Basic Training 9 We do this with all of the lines that we need for the cut. The rest is achieved with Smart delete. Inserting hatching You can open the X-Hatch window under Insert Drafting. The Region is defined with a point, which is set inside. The X-hatch display can be changed in Properties

16、. 1 Basics: Exercise 1 Creating sections hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 10 Alternative: By boundary All four edges must be selected as boundaries in order to define the border of the area to be x-hatched. Once the X-hatch has been performed task 1 is complete and the component should look approxim

17、ately like the figure below. hyper CAD 2D Constructions Creating geometries 1 hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 1 hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training Basics: Exercise 4 Contents 1 2D Constructions2 Creating geometries2 1 2D Constructions Creating geometries hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 2 1 2D Constr

18、uctions Creating geometries We start the geometry macro for rectangles and set the mode to two corner points. We then select the snap by entering coordinates (point coordinates). Here, we set the X-axis to 10 mm and the Y-axis to 10 mm as well. The rectangle is set to X70, Y40 mm. The next step for

19、us is to create the grooves within the rectangle. To do so, we use the Polyline, set the mode to line and the type to polar. For the snap, we enter coordinates again, with XO and Y-5. We pull the line towards the X-axis and enter 50 mm as the value. hyper CAD 2D Constructions Creating geometries 1 h

20、yperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 3 The Move/Copy command, which is called up from the shortcut menu with a rightclick, can shift the line by 10 mm in the Y direction. When copying, it is important to set it to 1. After that, only drag the Y-axis point or click and enter the value 10. To create an obl

21、ong hole, you have to fillet the ends with arcs. For fillets we use the Polyline. As start point we will use the start/end of a line. Once the starting point has been set we have to change the mode again, this time to tangential arc, it is then possible to snap the end point and create an arc. 1 2D

22、Constructions Creating geometries hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 4 The entire oblong hole must now be shifted again to Y+20 mm by clicking Move/Copy. We put the Start Point at the centre of the arc. Do not forget to set the copy mode. The procedure is the same as when Move/Copy the polyline (page

23、2). Now we round off the entire rectangle with a radius of 10 mm using the Fillet command. To draw our receptacle we create a 2-point line at an angle of 20 (-160) from our workplane and with a length of 50 mm. hyper CAD 2D Constructions Creating geometries 1 hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 5 We ch

24、oose the Move/Copy command. To do so, we select our rectangle with oblong holes but without our line indicating where the circle is to come later. We set our new starting point as the workplane origin. We then select the arc and drag it to angle 10 or simply enter 10 directly. Next, we set the workp

25、lane to the end of our line. To do so, we have to open the edit mask of the workplane. We use Move to drag the workplane to the end point of the line. Once the workplane has been repositioned, we create two circles at diameters of 30 and 40 mm in that position. 1 2D Constructions Creating geometries

26、 hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 6 Finally, we drag a 2-point line from our workplane origin in the direction Y+ (90 angle) with a length of 60 mm. Our next step is to copy our rectangle to the end of the newly created line. We proceed as follows: 1. We call up the move/copy command. 2. We select o

27、ur rectangle. 3. As the starting point, we use the center of the arc of our oblong hole in the direction of the x-axis. We also select the Snap To Arc Center. hyper CAD 2D Constructions Creating geometries 1 hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 7 4. We now select the line created in the Y direction as o

28、ur end point. Do not forget to use the copy option ! Once the copy has been generated, our screw-on lug is linked to the center of the circle diameter. To do so we must rotate our workplane. We rotate it around its Z-axis by 30. Now we create a rectangle by specifying the center and dimensions (90 a

29、nd 30) and define it as the workplane origin. We can (smart) delete the unnecessary line sections. 1 2D Constructions Creating geometries hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 8 Use the Fillet command to create corners with a radius of 5 mm on our newly created contour. Now, lets create the holes for the

30、 screw-on lug. To do so, we call up our circle macro and make two circles with diameters of 6 mm. We now duplicate both the previously created holes using the command Move/Copy. For this purpose, select both holes and set the start point into the arc center in one of the two holes. hyper CAD 2D Cons

31、tructions Creating geometries 1 hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 9 We can now generate a copy and drag it 10 mm in the X direction or enter the value directly. Do not forget to use the copy option ! In order to connect our diameter to the rectangles we must copy the center lines via the parallel lin

32、e and Type Copy length and move them 10 mm in the plus/minus direction (copy). We then round off the values. For Sequence we select Multiple and for Trim/Extend Curves specify none. We chamfer both fillets along the circle by 10 mm. To maintain the circle (which we still need), we have to select Tri

33、m/Extend Curves None! 1 2D Constructions Creating geometries hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 10 We will set it to Trim/Extend Both later. We now need to round off the transitions between the rectangles and the center transition. The superfluous lines are deleted piece by piece using Smart delete .

34、Our 2D construction is complete! hyper CAD Profile Mode Creating geometries in profile mode with constraints 1 hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 1 hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training Basics: Exercise 2 Profile Mode and Solid Mode Contents 1 Profile Mode 2 Creating geometries in profile mode with constra

35、ints .2 What is a profile?.2 Creating a solid from an existing profile6 Creating holes in the pattern solid.6 Suppressing copies (Pattern Solid).8 1 Profile Mode Creating geometries in profile mode with constraints hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 2 1 Profile Mode Creating geometries in profile mode

36、 with constraints What is a profile? A variational profile is a set of plane curves and lines to which you can assign geometrical and dimensional constraints and which you can use to create solids or to add features to existing solids. Variational profiles are the basic components of hyperCADs param

37、etric structure. You can use profiles to create solids and features by applying a linear sweep or revolving the profile. In the case of a feature, the profile is used either to add material to or remove material from a solid. Profiles can be appropriately constrained, and when used to create a solid

38、 or feature, the dimensional constraints assigned to the profile become the parametric dimensions of the resulting solid or feature. By changing the values of the profiles constraints, you can therefore change the dimensions of the solid or feature. . The first step is to switch to profile mode. We

39、create a 190 x 50 rectangle to work plane origin. We use a circle as a supplementary element for determining the center to workplane origin. Constraints must be created between elements in the following steps. hyper CAD Profile Mode Creating geometries in profile mode with constraints 1 hyperCAD V 2

40、005.1 Basic Training 3 First, set the Ground to the center of the circle. Create a reference to the circle. The circle is then displayed using dashed lines. We can now add dimensions to our profile with the Smart Dimension function. 1 Profile Mode Creating geometries in profile mode with constraints

41、 hyperCAD V 2005.1 Basic Training 4 We can check the profile to determine, whether the sufficient constraints have been assigned. The dimensions can also be assigned to an expression. By assigning an expression, you can control additional modifications using a parameter list. The parameter list comm

42、and opens the Parameter List window where you can manage variables as follows: Define variables and name allocations for each of the variables Modify the values of independent variables or the expressions for defining independent variables Assign variables for associative dimensioning or editing and

43、 cancelling assignments Updating the model once modifications have been made to the variables themselves or their assignments to associative dimensioning or editing Deleting variables Sorting the variables list according to various criteria In order to add the expression to the value, you have to double-click the appropriate dimension. Then, click the green checkmark to confirm the selection and click the green traffic light to update the screen. hyper CAD Profile Mode Creating geometries in profile mode with constraints


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