SAE J1075-2000 Sound Measurement.Construction Site.pdf

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1、SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefr

2、om, is the sole responsibility of the user.” SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790 SAE WEB ADDRESS http:/w

3、 Copyright 2000 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved.Printed in U.S.A. SURFACE VEHICLE 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001 STANDARD An American National Standard J1075 REV. JUN2000 Issued1978-04 Revised2000-06 Superseding J1075 JUN1993 (R) Sound Measureme

4、ntConstruction Site ForewordThis Document has also changed to comply with the new SAE Technical Standards Board Format. Definitions have changed to Section 3. All other section numbers have changed accordingly. 1.ScopeThis SAE Standard sets forth measurement procedures and instrumentation to be used

5、 for determining a “representative” sound level during a representative time period at selected measurement locations on a construction site boundary. The document is not intended for use in determining occupational hearing damage risk. Determination of a representative time period is left to the ju

6、dgment of the user. 1.1PurposeThe purpose of this SAE document is to set forth procedures that may be used by construction site management for self-regulation and construction site planning or by state and local officials for the enforcement of construction site noise regulations. Two measurement me

7、thods are provided to obtain the time-integrated equivalent sound level, Leq, emitted by construction site activity. First, a sampling procedure is recommended for use with a sound level meter. Second, a measurement procedure using an integrating sound level meter is presented. The latter procedure

8、is generally preferred. Use of this document provides sound level data representative of the complex time-varying sounds emitted by construction activities, which may be used to estimate community reaction to the construction activity. 2.References 2.1Applicable PublicationsThe following publication

9、s form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply. 2.1.1SAE PUBLICATIONAvailable from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. SAE J184 NOV98Qualifying a Sound Data Acquisition System 2.1.2A

10、NSI PUBLICATIONSAvailable from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002. ANSI S1.4-1983 (R1997) (1997)Specifications for Sound Level Meters ANSI S1.4A-1985Amendment to ANSI S1.4-1983 ANSIS12.9/3 (R1998) (1998)Quantities and Procedures for Description and Measurement of Environmental Sound,

11、 Part 3: Short-term measurement with an observer present SAE J1075 Revised JUN2000 -2- 2.1.3IEC PUBLICATIONAvailable from International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de Verambe, P.O. Box 131, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland. IEC 60651 (1979)Sound Level Meters IEC 60804 (1985)Integrating-Averaging

12、Sound Level Meters, plus amendments IEC 60942 (1997)Sound Calibrators 3.Definitions 3.1Construction SiteThat area within the defined boundaries of the project. This includes defined boundary lines of the project itself, plus any staging area outside those defined boundary lines used expressly for co

13、nstruction or demolition. 3.2Construction Site BoundariesThe outermost limit lines of the construction site. 3.3Noise Sensitive AreaProperty such as that used for public, commercial, religious, or educational purposes, or home dwellings, parks, and other special-purpose areas in the vicinity of a co

14、nstruction site where the background sound is less than the construction site sound level. 3.4Background NoiseTotal acoustical and electrical noise from all sources in a system that interferes with the production, transmission, detection, measurement, or recording of a signal. NOTEIn many cases, the

15、 acoustical noise is the background sound. 3.5Background SoundThe all-encompassing sound typically associated with the environment in a given area, being composed of sounds from many sources far and near, when the construction site is inactive. 3.6Representative Sound Level, LAThe average of sound l

16、evel samples obtained in accordance with the procedures. 3.7Equivalent (or Time-Average) Sound Level, LeqEquivalent or time-average sound is the square root of the time-average of instantaneous sound pressure squared. It is also termed the root-mean-square sound. Equivalent sound level is 10 times t

17、he common logarithm of the square of the ratio of the equivalent or time- average sound to the reference sound, po, of 20 Pa. 4.Instrumentation 4.1Sound Level Measurement Instrument 4.1.1If 5.1 is to be followed, a sound level meter meeting Type 1 or Type 2 requirements of ANSI S1.4-1983 (R1997) or

18、IEC 60651 (1979) shall be used. 4.1.2If 5.2 is to be followed, an integrating sound level meter that provides the equivalent sound level for a measurement period of at least 30 min shall be used. The integrating-averaging sound level meter meeting Type 1 or Type 2 requirements of IEC 60804 (1985) (p

19、lus amendments No 1 and 2) should be used. The integrating sound level meter shall have a “pause” or “standby” capability which inhibits data collection. The dynamic range of the instrument should be at least 80 dB, including crest factor. 4.1.3As an alternative to making direct measurements with a

20、sound level meter or integrating sound level meter, a microphone or sound level meter may be used with a magnetic tape recorder or graphic level recorder and data analysis instrumentation providing the system meets the requirements of SAE J184 NOV98. SAE J1075 Revised JUN2000 -3- 4.2CalibratorAn aco

21、ustic calibrator with an accuracy within 0.5 dB meeting the requirements of IEC 60942- 1997. 4.3WindscreenA microphone windscreen shall be used except when the user is certain that the wind-induced noise is more than 15 dB below the sound level of the source being measured. A windscreen may be used

22、at all times. When a windscreen is used, it shall be of a type recommended by the microphone manufacturer, and it shall not affect the A-weighted sound level of the source being measured by more than 0.5 dB in a calm (no wind) situation. 4.4AnemometerAn anemometer or other device for use in measurem

23、ent of wind speed and direction with an accuracy within 10% at 20 km/h. 5.Site Characterization 5.1Obtain specific drawings, survey stake locations, or other pertinent information and sketch the boundaries of the construction site and noise sensitive areas; a facsimile of Figure 1 may be used. Note

24、the distance between the noise sensitive area(s) and the nearest boundaries. 5.2Obtain information to determine location and activity pattern of equipment on the construction site during the planned measurement period. 5.3Based on 5.1 and 5.2, select the sound level measurement location(s). 6.Measur

25、ementsTwo sound level measurement procedures are presented. A manual sampling procedure using a sound level meter is given in 6.1. Paragraph 6.2 describes the procedure for using an integrating- averaging sound level meter. NOTEANSI S12.9/3-1993 (R1998), meets the requirements of this document and p

26、rovides a more detailed method to measure Leq corrected for background sound. 6.1Manual Sampling with Sound Level MeterSound level measurements at construction site boundary adjacent to noise sensitive areas shall be taken with a sound level meter in the following manner for any representative 30 mi

27、n period of construction activity: 6.1.1Calibrate the sound level meter before and after each measurement period using an acoustic calibrator, per manufacturers instructions. If calibration shifts by more than 0.5 dB, the measurements shall be repeated after correction of the shift problem. 6.1.2Loc

28、ate the microphone at the location selected in 5.3 at approximately 1.5 m above the ground and, if practical, at least 3 m from sound reflecting structures. If circumstances dictate, measurements may be made at other heights and closer to sound reflecting structures providing these facts are noted o

29、n a data sheet similar to Figure 1. 6.1.3Set the sound level meter to the A-weighting network and slow response. Observe the sound level meter during a 10 s 2 s sampling period at the start of each consecutive 30 s period. Record the maximum value observed during each sample period, LA, on a data sh

30、eet such as shown in Figure 2. Take 60 valid readings where a valid reading is one in which the measurements are not affected by intrusive noise sources external to the construction site, such as aircraft, emergency signals, and surface transportation; make a note on the data sheet for each invalid

31、reading. SAE J1075 Revised JUN2000 -4- FIGURE 1SAMPLE SITE SKETCH DATA SHEET SAE J1075 Revised JUN2000 -5- FIGURE 2MANUAL SAMPLING DATA SHEET 6.1.4On/off-highway vehicles, such as dump trucks, truck/mixers, etc., which occasionally enter, operate on, and leave the site, shall be considered as part o

32、f the construction activity while within the site boundaries. However, off-site pass-by of such vehicles in the area of measurement location shall be considered as intrusions, and handled as outlined in 6.1.3. SAE J1075 Revised JUN2000 -6- 6.1.5Determine the representative sound level, LA, using: (E

33、q. 1) where: LA = The arithmetic average of the (LA)i n = The number of (LA)i values used for computing the arithmetic average (LA)i includes those sound level samples that fall within a range from the maximum sample level to 6 dB below the maximum sample level. For example, if the maximum sample le

34、vel was 70 dB, all sound level samples between 64 and 70 dB would be valid (LA)i. 6.1.6Determine a correction to be applied to LA to approximate Leq for the measurement period: divide n by 60, read the corresponding correction from Table 1, and subtract this value from LA. Then, (Eq. 2) 6.2Sampling

35、With an Integrating Sound Level MeterEquivalent sound level measurements at the construction site boundary adjacent to noise sensitive areas shall be taken with an integrating sound level meter in the following manner: 6.2.1Calibrate the integrating sound level meter before and after each measuremen

36、t period, using an acoustic calibrator. Equivalent sound level measurements at the construction site boundary adjacent to noise sensitive areas shall be taken with an integrating sound level meter in the following manner: 6.2.2Locate the microphone at approximately 1.5 m above the ground and, if pra

37、ctical, at least 3 m from sound reflecting structures. When circumstances dictate, measurements may be made at other heights and closer to sound reflecting structures, providing these facts are noted on a data sheet similar to Figure 1. TABLE 1CORRECTIONS TO LA TO OBTAIN LEQ n/60(1) greater than 1.n

38、 is the number of samples used in the calculation of LA. n/60(1) less than or equal toCorrection, dB(2) 2.Subtract LA to obtain Leq. 0.81.0 0 0.70.8 1 0.60.7 2 0.50.6 3 0.40.5 4 0.30.4 5 0.20.3 7 00.210 LALA()in i1 n = LeqLACorrection= SAE J1075 Revised JUN2000 -7- 6.2.3Set the integrating sound lev

39、el meter to the A-weighting network and slow response (if no slow response switch is present, note that fact in the reporting described in 6.3.1). Estimate what the anticipated maximum and minimum levels will be during the measurement period and set the range of the meter to include these extremes (

40、for example, 40 to 120 dB is a typical range for construction site activity). 6.2.4Start the integrating sound level meter and maintain it in a data collection state for 30 min, exclusive of periods deleted due to intrusions per 6.2.5. 6.2.5If during the measurement period the levels are affected by

41、 intrusive noise sources external to the construction site, such as aircraft, emergency signals, and surface transportation, activate the pause or standby switch to inhibit data collection until the intrusion is over. 6.2.6Record the Leq value at the conclusion of the 30 min measurement period (excl

42、usive of deleted time periods). 6.3Information to be Reported 6.3.1Name of measurer, date, time, construction site, location, type of construction, wind velocity and direction, ambient temperature, sound level meter manufacturer, model, and serial number shall be reported. 6.3.2A site sketch showing

43、 construction site boundaries, major pieces of construction equipment operating during the measurement, noise sensitive areas, measurement locations, and distances between these features shall be prepared. 6.3.3The sound level samples, representative sound level, and equivalent sound level at each m

44、easurement location shall be reported. Background levels, if measured per 7.1, shall also be reported with the time of measurement and a description of background sound sources and events excluded from the sound level measurement. 7.General Comments 7.1It is often desirable to obtain the background

45、sound level at the measurement locations when the construction site is inactive, such as before start-up, during the luncheon break, or after shut-down. The procedures in 6.1 or 6.2 should be used. Include all nonconstruction related noise sources, but exclude intrusive sources, such as emergency si

46、gnals and aircraft or vehicles passing very close to the microphone, unless such occurrences are representative of typical background sound level conditions at the measurement point. 7.2Only persons technically trained and experienced in the current techniques of sound measurements should select the

47、 equipment and conduct the tests. 7.3Proper usage of all test instrumentation is essential to obtain valid measurements. Operating manuals or other literature furnished by the instrument manufacturer should be referred to for both the recommended operation of the instrument and precautions to be obs

48、erved. Specific items to be considered are: 7.3.1The type of microphone, its directional response characteristics, and its orientation relative to the ground plane and source of noise. 7.3.2The effects of ambient weather conditions on the performance of all instruments (for example, temperature, hum

49、idity, and barometric/pressure). Instrumentation can be influenced by low temperature and high humidity, and caution should be exercised. 7.3.3Proper signal levels, terminating impedances, and cable lengths on multi-instrument measurement systems. SAE J1075 Revised JUN2000 -8- 7.3.4Proper acoustical calibration procedure including the influence of extension cables, etc. Internal calibration means is acceptable for field use, provided that external calibration is accomplished immediately before or after field use. 7.4It is recommended that mea


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