
上传人:椰子壳 文档编号:3681735 上传时间:2019-09-20 格式:PDF 页数:7 大小:156.66KB
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1、 一一概述概述 Y 系列大型三相鼠笼型异步电动机(中心高 710 800 毫米)是本公司消化吸收引进美国西屋公司中型高 压电动机设计制造技术并吸取了瑞士 ABB 公司德 国西门子公司引进技术结合本公司五十年大型交流 电机设计制造经验而建立的最新系列 本系列电动机用料讲究制造精良具有力能指 标高噪声小振动小运行可靠安装维修方便等 优点 本系列电动机的功率等级安装尺寸电气性能 均符合国家标准 GB755旋转电机基本技术要求 GB/T1395792大型三相异步电动机基本系列技术条 件和国际电工委员会 IEC 标准 本系列电动机的外壳防护型式为防滴式外壳防 护等级根据 GB49421 和 IEC345

2、电机外壳防护等 级为 IP23(冷却方式为 IC01)也可按用户要求制成 管道通风式一 IPR44(冷却方式为 IC37) 本系列电动机基本安装方式为卧式带底脚结构一 IMB3符合 GB997 和 IEC347电机结构及安装型式 代号的规定 1. General This catalog covers Y series squirrel indution motor of (71O- 800mm) in center height. The power rating, installation di- mension and electrical performance of this ser

3、ies conforms to Chinese standard GB755General Technical Require- ment for Rotating Electrical Machines, GB/T13957-92 Technical Condition of Large Three Phase Induction“ and relevant IEC standars. Enclosure protection of the motor is of drip proof, IP23 per GB4942.1 and IEC34-5(Cooling method ICOI).

4、Pipe ventilation, IPR44 (IC37) can be satisfied upon requested. Installation mode of Ole motor is horizontal widl feet, IMB3, conformine to GB977 and IEC34-7. 三三结构说明结构说明 电动机采用箱式结构机座用钢板焊接重量轻 刚性好电机的进出风口都在顶罩上顶罩装在电机 上方机座两侧开有窗口并差上盖板拆下盖板可以 观察及触及电机内部方便电机维护和修理 改变顶罩的形式可以派生出不同防护要求和冷 却方式的电机如拆去顶罩接上进出管道就派生为 管道通风

5、电机 定子采用滑入式外压装结构定子绕组采用 F 级 绝缘材料端部有可靠的固定及绑扎在制造过程中 经过多次匝间脉冲电压试验及对地耐压试验并采用 真空压力浸无溶剂漆处理(VPl)因此电动机的绝 缘性能优良可靠机械强度高防潮能力强 3. Structure Motor of this seies has fabricated steel frame of low weight and good rigidity. On the top of frame, a cover is mounted and inside of which, both inlet and outlet of cooling

6、air are located. Windows are available on both sides of frame and covered with plates. By removing these plates, motors internal parts can be inspeced or reached for maintenance pulpose. By changing of the form of top cover, different enclosure and cooling type can be realized. For example, when the

7、 top cover removed and replaced with pipes. pipe ventilation type is realized. Stator of motor features slide-in stator structure, F class winding insulation and reliable fixing and binding at end portion. Multiple inter-tun pulse test and voltage withstand test are carried out during winding proces

8、s. VPI process gives the motor a good insulation performance, high mechanical strength and ability against moisture. 七外形图和安装尺寸 Otline drawing and installation dimension 机座号机座号AABACBBBCDEFGAHHDKL H71014001586289018002180530200350452107102600563060 H80016001786309020002480530220350502318003000563440 型

9、 号 Type 额定功率 Rated power kW 定子电流 stator current A 转速 Speed r/min 效率 Effciency % 功率因数 Power factor Cos Mm/MnMst/Mnlst/ln J电机 Jmotor kg.m2 J负载 JLoad kg.m2 重量 Weight kg Y800-45000541149397.20.9152.300.595.43240180015100 Y800-45600606149397.20.9152.290.605.42250185015500 Y800-46300681149397.30.9152.320.

10、615.52260190015900 Y800-6355039799597.20.8862.250.675.59290410015700 Y800-6400044799597.20.8852.320.725.80305450016100 Y800-6450049999597.20.8932.110.665.32370500016900 Y800-6500055399597.30.8942.190.705.55420580017700 Y800-82500128974596.40.8632.110.725.32320800014800 Y800-82800322574696.50.8602.22

11、0.775.61340980015300 Y800-8315036274696.60.8662.170.775.553901050016300 Y800-8355040874696.60.8652.290.835.884301150017000 Y800-10224026959696.20.8322.180.805.474551385015000 Y800-10250029959796.30.8372.200.825.575201590016200 Y800-10280033459796.40.8372.310.875.866001800017600 Y800-12160020049796.1

12、0.8012.080.674.974451810014500 Y800-12180022449796.20.8052.010.644.814851850015300 Y800-12200025049796.20.8012.080.684.975152135015800 Y800-12224027949796.20.8022.080.684.985652300016300 Y800-16100013237094.60.771.840.734.094802100014600 Y800-16112014937194.70.763.1.940.774.295102215014800 Y800-1612

13、5016737194.80.7612.000.804.425502400015100 Y800-16140018737194.90.7572.110.864.656202600016000 六六主要技术参数主要技术参数设计值设计值 Main technical data (designed value) 型 号 Type 额定功率 Rated power kW 定子电流 stator current A 转速 Speed r/min 效率 Effciency % 功率因数 Power factor Cos Mm/MnMst/Mnlst/ln J电机 Jmotor kg.m2 J负载 JLoad

14、 kg.m2 重量 Weight kg Y710-43150342149497.20.9132.550.656.03160165012000 Y710-435503851149497.20.9142.460.635.84170173012400 Y710-44000433149497.20.9142.420.635.78180180012800 Y710-44500487149497.30.9132.400.635.75190183013200 Y710-6224025299596.70.8832.230.675.57205372011600 Y710-6250028199596.80.886

15、2.250.705.66225420012200 Y710-62800313399596.90.8872.320.745.88255468012800 Y710-63115035199596.90.8902.240.725.72275500013500 Y710-8180020974696.40.8572.110.645.24240710012400 Y710-8200023374696.40.8562.200.685.48260750012700 Y710-8224026174696.50.8572.220.695.53280820013500 Y710-10160019159595.80.

16、842.040.704.87320950013800 Y710-10180021559595.90.8412.090.724.973501100014300 Y710-10200023959595.80.8411.870.654.473501100014300 Y710-12112014249695.60.7932.170.815.02701308013000 Y710-12125015749695.60.8032.070.774.843101475013800 Y710-12140017549695.70.8042.110.804.953401650514500 Y710-166309136

17、993.30.7172.090.723.693101350012800 Y710-1671010237093.40.7172.130.734.153401600013300 Y710-1680011637093.70.7102.250.784.343801750013800 Y710-1690012736993.60.7282.000.693.943801750013800 转子采用先进可靠的焊接工艺并经槽内紧固工艺 处理大大减少转子导电排断排现象 轴承为滑动轴承轴承的防护等级为 IP44 主出线盒防护等级为 IP44一般装在电机右侧(面对 电机轴伸端看)功率在 2000 千瓦以上的电动机带中

18、性 点出线盒防护等级为 IP44中性点出线盒安装在主出 线盒的对面(电机另一侧)如有需要中性点出线盒里 装有三只供差动保护用的电流互感器(CT)两个出线盒 内外均有单独的接地端子 四四用途用途 本系列电动机可用于驱动各种通用机械如压缩 机水泵破碎机及其他机械设备在矿山机械工业 石油化工工业发电厂等各种工矿企业中作原动机用 当用以传动鼓风机磨煤机时应注意机械的转动惯量 当机械的转动惯量较大时应选用专门系列的电动机(如 风机用风扇磨煤机用电动机系列)必要时单独签订技 术协议作为电动机特殊设计的依据以确保电动机可 靠运行 五五电动机的起动电动机的起动 电动机转子设计采用了先进的计算技术计算转子导 条

19、的起动温升和应力防止电机因起动负荷过重而导致 电动机早期损坏 当电动机在起动过程中电动机端电压不低于 85额 定电压时负载的阻力矩与转速的平方成正比并在起动 终止时达到额定转速时阻力矩小于 60额定转矩电动 机允许驱动的机械最大转动惯量见表 在满足上述条件下电动机允许在实际冷状况下连 续起动两次(电机在两次起动之间为自然停车)或者 在电动机热状态下起动一次额外的再次起动应在电动 机停车四小时后进行 如果需要转动的机械转动惯量超过技术数据表中的 J 值或要求频繁起动的电动机务请事先与公司联系协 商以便特殊设计保障电动机可靠运行 Besides being securely welded to e

20、nd-ring by reliable process, rotol bars are tightly fixed in slots. Bearing is of sleeve type, protection IP44. Main terminal box is of IP44 enclosure, normally located at right side of frame when facing driving end. For motor rating bigger than 2000kW, neutral terminal box is available and located

21、opposite the main terminal box. If requested, 3 CTs for deferential protection purpose can be installed inside of neutral terminal box. Both terminal boxes have independent ground terminals. 4. Application Motor of this series can be applied as the driving power for various machines like compressor.

22、 pump crusher and etc in mine, mechanical industries, petrochemical industries and power plant. When application is to drive the machinery with bigger rotating inertia such as blower or pulverizer, motor of special design shall be requested. And if necessary, an agreement for the purpose may be help

23、ful. 5. Starting of motor Careful calculation is carried out for starting temperature rise and stress of rotor conductor to prevent premature of motor due to overload during starting period. When the voltage at motor terminal is not lower than 85% the rated value, motor can be normally started, prov

24、ided the resistant torque at rated speed is smaller than 60% the rated troque. Refer to attached table for details of the maximum load inertia allowed. Under above mentioned condition, motor is allowed to be started continuously twice at actual cold state (normal stopping between two starts), or onc

25、e at hot state. Extra stans shall be effected 4 hours after stoppage of motor. 八八订货注意事项订货注意事项 请在订货时注明以下参数 项 目 例 电动机型号 Y7106 额定功率 2000 千瓦 额定电压 6000 伏 额定频率 50 赫 极 数 6 极 安装方式 IMB3 防护等级 IP23 冷却方式 IC01 环境条件 海拔l000 米环境温度10 十 40 旋转方向 顺时针方向旋转一面对电机轴伸端 出线盒位置 向电动机右侧一面对电动机轴伸端看 中性点出线盒 要 差动保护电流互感器型号及制造厂 LDZJl10 上

26、海互感器厂 驱动机械 压缩机 说明 1如需订中心高 9001000 毫米的电动机或其他特殊要求需另订技术协议后方能签订订货合同 2随着技术的进步和有关国内外标准的修改样本内技术参数有所变动恕不另行通知 8. When placing order Following data are requested when placing order: Item Example Type of motor Y710-6 Rated power 2000kW Rated voltage 6000V Rated frequency 50Hz Number of pole 6 Type of mounting

27、IBM3 Enclosure protection IP23 Cooling medthod ICO1 Environment condition Altitude 1OOOm, Ambient temp -1O +40 Direction of rotation CW facing driving end Location of terminal box right side, facing driving end Neutral terminal box with CT for deferential protection LDZJ1-1O Shanghai Transformer Plant And manufacture Driven machine Compressor Note : 1. For motor with frame height 900- 1OOOmm or with other requirement, a technical agreement is requested. 2. Modification of specification not notified.


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