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1、深 圳 科 技 控 股 有 限 公 司 Shenzhen High-Tech Holdings Limited Interim Report 中期 報 告 2012 於百慕達註冊成立之有限公司 (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) Stock Code 股份代號 : 106 深 圳 科 技 控 股 有 限 公 司 Shenzhen High-Tech Holdings Limited 深圳科技控股有限公司 Shenzhen High-Tech Holdings Limited 中期報告 INTERIM REPORT 201201 CO

2、NTENTS 目錄 公司資料 02 Corporate Information 未經審核簡明綜合全面收益表 04 Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 未經審核簡明綜合財務狀況表 05 Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 未經審核簡明綜合權益變動表 06 Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 未經審核簡明綜合現金流量表

3、 07 Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 未經審核簡明綜合財務報表附註 08 Notes to Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements 管理層討論及分析 24 Management Discussion and Analysis 其他資料 28 Other Information 02 深圳科技控股有限公司 Shenzhen High-Tech Holdings Limited 中期報告 INTERIM REPORT 2012 CORPORATE

4、INFORMATION 公司資料 董事會 執行董事 王聰德(主席) 謝錦輝(副主席) 非執行董事 廖醒標 王文俊 獨立非執行董事 鍾琯因 李國精 莊嘉俐 審核委員會 鍾琯因(主席) 李國精 莊嘉俐 薪酬委員會 鍾琯因(主席) 王聰德 李國精 莊嘉俐 提名委員會 王聰德(主席) 鍾琯因 李國精 莊嘉俐 公司秘書 陳婉縈 核數師 香港立信德豪會計師事務所有限公司 律師 趙不渝馬國強律師事務所 Board of directors executive directors Wong Chung Tak (Chairman) Tse Kam Fai (Deputy Chairman) Non-execu

5、tive directors Liu Sing Piu, Chris Wong Ngo, Derick independent Non-executive directors Chung Koon Yan Lee Kuo Ching, Stewart Chong Kally audit committee Chung Koon Yan (Chairman) Lee Kuo Ching, Stewart Chong Kally remuNeratioN committee Chung Koon Yan (Chairman) Wong Chung Tak Lee Kuo Ching, Stewar

6、t Chong Kally NomiNatioN committee Wong Chung Tak (Chairman) Chung Koon Yan Lee Kuo Ching, Stewart Chong Kally compaNy secretary Chan Yuen Ying, Stella auditor BDO Limited solicitors Chiu Property development and trading; Securities investment and securities trading; and Provision of financial servi

7、ces. The following tables present revenue and profit information regarding the Groups operating segments for the periods of six months ended 30th June 2012 and 30th June 2011. 未經審核 unaudited 物業發展及 證券投資及 提供 物業投資 買賣 證劵買賣 金融服務 總額 securities investment property and provision of property development secu

8、rities financial investment and trading trading services total 千港元 千港元 千港元 千港元 千港元 hk$000 hk$000 hk$000 hk$000 hk$000 二零一二年六月三十日 six months ended 止六個月 30th June 2012 收入 revenue 由對外客戶 From external customers 25,810 18,118 43,928 跨部門銷售 Inter-segment sales 22,420 22,420 可呈報分部收入 reportable segment reven

9、ue 25,810 40,538 66,348 可呈報分部盈利 reportable segment (虧損) profit/(loss) 17,159 (78) 7,739 18,290 43,110 二零一一年六月三十日 six months ended 止六個月 30th June 2011 收入 revenue 由對外客戶 From external customers 23,999 1,170 25,169 跨部門銷售 Inter-segment sales 21,623 21,623 可呈報分部收入 reportable segment revenue 23,999 22,793

10、46,792 可呈報分部盈利 reportable segment (虧損) profit/(loss) 16,548 318 (411) 1,034 17,489 Note: Inter-segment sales are charged at prevailing prices. 5. 分部信息(續) 就管理目的而言,本集團劃分為以下四個 主要經營部門,而該等部門構成本集團呈 報予執行董事其可呈報經營分部資料之基 準: 物業投資; 物業發展及買賣; 證券投資及證券買賣;及 提供金融服務。 以下列表呈列本集團截至二零一二年六月 三十日止及二零一一年六月三十日止六個 月期間之經營分部收入及盈利

11、資料。 附註:跨部門銷售乃按適用之市價計算。 12 深圳科技控股有限公司 Shenzhen High-Tech Holdings Limited 中期報告 INTERIM REPORT 2012 NOTES TO UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 未經審核簡明綜合財務報表附註 5. segmeNt iNformatioN (Continued) The following tables present operating segment assets and liabilities information of the

12、Group as at 30th June 2012 and as at 31st December 2011. 物業發展及 證券投資及 提供 物業投資 買賣 證劵買賣 金融服務 總額 securities investment property and provision of property development securities financial investment and trading trading services total 千港元 千港元 千港元 千港元 千港元 hk$000 hk$000 hk$000 hk$000 hk$000 於二零一二年 as at 30t

13、h June 2012 六月三十日 (unaudited) (未經審核) 可呈報分部資產 Reportable segment assets 667,396 299,706 182,064 144,087 1,293,253 其他金融資產 Other financial assets 383 物業、廠房及設備 Property, plant and equipment 2,010 現金及現金等值 Cash and cash equivalents 453,418 其他企業資產 Other corporate assets 1,138 集團資產 group assets 1,750,202 可呈

14、報分部負債 Reportable segment liabilities 14,655 3,302 2,013 19,970 遞延稅項負債 Deferred tax liabilities 22,158 其他企業負債 Other corporate liabilities 761 應付稅項 Tax payables 6,463 集團負債 group liabilities 49,352 於二零一一年 as at 31st december 2011 十二月三十一日 (audited) (已審核) 可呈報分部資產 Reportable segment assets 667,829 299,702

15、 62,839 152,639 1,183,009 其他金融資產 Other financial assets 2,298 物業、廠房及設備 Property, plant and equipment 1,904 現金及現金等值 Cash and cash equivalents 719,031 其他企業資產 Other corporate assets 462 集團資產 group assets 1,906,704 可呈報分部負債 Reportable segment liabilities 13,319 3,275 1,860 18,454 遞延稅項負債 Deferred tax liab

16、ilities 22,158 其他企業負債 Other corporate liabilities 1,430 應付稅項 Tax payables 9,561 集團負債 group liabilities 51,603 5. 分部信息(續) 以下列表呈列本集團於二零一二年六月 三十日及二零一一年十二月三十一日經營 分部資產及負債資料。 深圳科技控股有限公司 Shenzhen High-Tech Holdings Limited 中期報告 INTERIM REPORT 201213 NOTES TO UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATE

17、MENTS 未經審核簡明綜合財務報表附註 5. segmeNt iNformatioN (Continued) The total reportable segment profit can be reconciled to the Groups profit before income tax as presented in this interim financial report as follows: 截至六月三十日止六個月 six months ended 30th June (未經審核) (unaudited) 二零一二年 二零一一年 2012 2011 千港元 千港元 hk$00

18、0 HK$000 可呈報分部收入 Reportable segment revenue 66,348 46,792 抵銷跨部門收入 Elimination of inter-segment revenue (22,420) (21,623) 43,928 25,169 可呈報分部盈利總額 Total reportable segment profit 43,110 17,489 出售可供出售金融 Gain on sale of available-for-sale 資產收益 financial assets 94 銀行利息收入 Bank interest income 10,788 13,89

19、2 未分配之企業收入 Unallocated corporate income 195 310 未分配之企業開支 Unallocated corporate expenses (14,263) (3,799) 除所得稅前溢利 Profit before income tax 39,830 27,986 6. other iNcome 截至六月三十日止六個月 six months ended 30th June (未經審核) (unaudited) 二零一二年 二零一一年 2012 2011 千港元 千港元 hk$000 HK$000 賠償收入 Compensation income 94 股息

20、收入 Dividend income 286 895 匯兌收益 Exchange gain 313 雜項收入 Sundry income 195 559 481 1,861 5. 分部信息(續) 可呈報分部盈利總額與呈列於本中期財務 報告內之本集團之除所得稅前溢利的對賬 如下 6. 其他收益 14 深圳科技控股有限公司 Shenzhen High-Tech Holdings Limited 中期報告 INTERIM REPORT 2012 NOTES TO UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 未經審核簡明綜合財務報表附註

21、7. profit Before iNcome taX 截至六月三十日止六個月 six months ended 30th June (未經審核) (unaudited) 二零一二年 二零一一年 2012 2011 千港元 千港元 hk$000 HK$000 除所得稅前溢利已扣除 Profit before income tax has been arrived at 以下各項: after charging: 物業、廠房及設備之折舊 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 436 524 並已計入以下各項: and after credit

22、ing: 租金收入毛額 Gross rental income 18,728 17,754 減:支銷 Less: Outgoings (6,472) (5,809) 租金收入淨額 Net rental income 12,256 11,945 按攤銷成本列賬金融資產 Interest income on financial assets at 之利息收入: amortised cost: 銀行利息收入 Bank interest income 10,788 13,892 授予第三方之 Interest income from loans to third parties 貸款利息收入 18,1

23、18 1,170 來自債務證券的利息收入 Interest income from debt securities 1,297 7. 除所得稅前溢利 深圳科技控股有限公司 Shenzhen High-Tech Holdings Limited 中期報告 INTERIM REPORT 201215 NOTES TO UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 未經審核簡明綜合財務報表附註 8. iNcome taX eXpeNse 截至六月三十日止六個月 six months ended 30th June (未經審核) (unau

24、dited) 二零一二年 二零一一年 2012 2011 千港元 千港元 hk$000 HK$000 中國企業所得稅 PRC enterprise income tax 本期間稅項 Current tax for the period 3,677 4,139 以前期間 (多提撥備) (Over)/Under-provision in prior period 少撥備 (310) 33 3,367 4,172 遞延稅項 Deferred tax 本期間 Current period (117) 3,367 4,055 For both of the six months ended 30th J

25、une 2012 and 30th June 2011, Hong Kong profits tax has not been provided as the Group did not derive any assessable profits arising in Hong Kong. Taxes on profits assessable outside Hong Kong have been calculated at the rates of tax prevailing in the jurisdictions in which the Group operates based o

26、n the existing legislation, interpretations and practices in respect thereof. 8. 所得稅開支 截至二零一二年六月三十日及二零一一年 六月三十日止兩個六個月期間,沒有為香 港利得稅作出撥備,因本集團沒有在香港 賺取應課稅溢利。 就於香港以外司法權區經營所賺取之應課 稅溢利,本集團已根據當地之現行法律、 詮釋及慣例,按當地稅率計算稅項。 16 深圳科技控股有限公司 Shenzhen High-Tech Holdings Limited 中期報告 INTERIM REPORT 2012 NOTES TO UNAUDITE

27、D CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 未經審核簡明綜合財務報表附註 9. diVideNd 截至六月三十日止六個月 six months ended 30th June (未經審核) (unaudited) 二零一二年 二零一一年 2012 2011 千港元 千港元 hk$000 HK$000 期內宣派及支付之股息: dividend declared and paid during the period: 二零一一年度之末期股息 2011 final dividend HK$0.016 per ordinary share 每股普通股0.

28、016港元 (Six months ended 30th June 2011: (截至二零一一年 2010 final dividend HK$0.015 per ordinary share) 六月三十日止六個月: and special dividend of HK$0.08 per ordinary share 二零一零年度之末期股息 (Six months ended 30th June 2011: Nil) 每股普通股0.015港元) 及特別股息每股普通股 0.08港元 (截至二零一一年 六月三十日止六個月:無) 190,714 29,799 10. earNiNgs per sha

29、re The calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share attributable to owners of the Company is based on the following data: 截至六月三十日止六個月 six months ended 30th June (未經審核) (unaudited) 二零一二年 二零一一年 2012 2011 千港元 千港元 hk$000 HK$000 用於每股基本盈利之溢利 Profit for basic earnings per share 36,463 23,931 截至六月三十日

30、止六個月 six months ended 30th June (未經審核) (unaudited) 二零一二年 二零一一年 2012 2011 千 千 000 000 股份數目 Number of shares 就每股基本及攤薄盈利 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for basic 而言之普通股加權平均數 and diluted earnings per share 1,986,606 1,986,606 The computation of diluted earnings per share for both of the six

31、months ended 30th June 2012 and 30th June 2011 did not assume the exercise of the outstanding share options as the impact of the exercise of the share options was anti-dilutive. 9. 股息 10. 每股盈利 本公司擁有人應佔每股基本及攤薄盈利乃 按以下數據計算: 由於行使購股權之影響為反攤薄,故二零 一二年及二零一一年六月三十日止兩個六 個月期間之每股攤薄盈利乃假設該等購股 權未獲行使。 深圳科技控股有限公司 Shen

32、zhen High-Tech Holdings Limited 中期報告 INTERIM REPORT 201217 NOTES TO UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 未經審核簡明綜合財務報表附註 11. iNVestmeNt properties The Directors of the Company are of the opinion that the carrying amount of investment properties approximates to their fair value as at

33、30th June 2012, after having compared with the properties of their comparable grade and quality at their proximities. Investment properties are held under the medium and long-terms of lease. The Groups interests in investment properties are analysed as follows: 二零一二年 二零一一年 六月三十日 十二月三十一日 30th June 31

34、st December 2012 2011 (未經審核) (經審核) (unaudited) (Audited) 千港元 千港元 hk$000 HK$000 於香港持有: In Hong Kong, held on: 按介乎10年至50年之 Medium-term lease of 中期租約 between 10 to 50 years 39,100 39,100 按50年以上之長期租約 Long-term lease more than 50 years 364,400 364,400 403,500 403,500 於香港以外地區持有: Outside Hong Kong, held on

35、: 按介乎10年至50年之 Medium-term lease of 中期租約 between 10 to 50 years 256,200 256,200 659,700 659,700 12. property, plaNt aNd eQuipmeNt During the period, the Group acquired property, plant and equipment of approximately HK$19,000 (Six months ended 30th June 2011: approximately HK$963,000). 13. aVailaBle-f

36、or-sale fiNaNcial assets These are all unlisted equity investments and are stated at cost less provision for impairment because the range of reasonable fair value estimates is so significant that the Directors are of the opinion that their fair value cannot be measured reliably. 11. 投資物業 本公司董事經過與位於投

37、資物業附近檔次 及質素類似的物業比較後,認為投資物業 於二零一二年六月三十日之賬面值與其公 平值相若。投資物業均根據中期及長期租 約持有。 本集團之投資物業權益分析如下: 12. 物業、廠房及設備 於期間內,本集團用於購置物業、廠房及 設備約19,000港元 (二零一一年六月三十日 止六個月:約963,000港元) 。 13. 可供出售金融資產 該等全部均為非上市股本投資,按成本值 減去減值準備虧損列賬,由於合理公允價 值估計的範圍是非常顯著,董事認為其公 允價值不能可靠計量。 18 深圳科技控股有限公司 Shenzhen High-Tech Holdings Limited 中期報告 INT

38、ERIM REPORT 2012 NOTES TO UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 未經審核簡明綜合財務報表附註 14. properties held for sale 二零一二年 二零一一年 六月三十日 十二月三十一日 30th June 31st December 2012 2011 (未經審核) (經審核) (unaudited) (Audited) 千港元 千港元 hk$000 HK$000 成本 Cost 311,952 311,952 減:待售物業撥備 Less: Provision for proper

39、ties held for sale (12,550) (12,550) 299,402 299,402 位於香港,按長期 In Hong Kong, held on 租約持有 long-term lease 299,402 299,402 15. trade receiVaBles A defined credit policy is maintained with the Group. The general credit terms range between one and three months. Each customer has a maximum credit limit.

40、The Group seeks to maintain strict control over its outstanding receivables to minimise credit risk. Overdue balances are regularly reviewed by senior management. Ageing analysis of trade receivables at the reporting date, based on invoice date, net of allowance, is as follows: 二零一二年 二零一一年 六月三十日 十二月

41、三十一日 30th June 31st December 2012 2011 (未經審核) (經審核) (unaudited) (Audited) 千港元 千港元 hk$000 HK$000 30日內 Within 30 days 945 749 31至90日 31 to 90 days 1,288 1,471 91至180日 91 to 180 days 90 2,323 2,220 14. 待售物業 15. 應收賬款 本集團內部設有明確之信貸政策。一般信 貸期為一至三個月。每名客戶均有最高信 貸限額。本集團維持嚴格控制未清償之應 收款項,以盡量降低信貸風險。高級管理 層定期審閱逾期結餘。

42、於報告日,應收賬款減準備按發票日期所 作之賬齡分析如下: 深圳科技控股有限公司 Shenzhen High-Tech Holdings Limited 中期報告 INTERIM REPORT 201219 NOTES TO UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 未經審核簡明綜合財務報表附註 16. loaNs aNd receiVaBles 二零一二年 二零一一年 六月三十日 十二月三十一日 30th June 31st December 2012 2011 (未經審核) (經審核) (unaudited) (Audited

43、) 千港元 千港元 hk$000 HK$000 流動部份 Current portion 15,969 21,469 非流動部份 Non-current portion 130,500 133,500 146,469 154,969 減值虧損撥備 Provision for impairment loss (2,469) (2,469) 貸款及應收款項總額 Total of loans and receivables 144,000 152,500 有抵押 secured 133,969 142,469 無抵押 unsecured 12,500 12,500 146,469 154,969 減

44、值虧損撥備 Provision for impairment loss (2,469) (2,469) 貸款及應收款項總額 Total of loans and receivables 144,000 152,500 As at 30th June 2012, the secured balances are secured by the following: (a) A property located in Hong Kong; (b) Personal guarantee executed by a sole shareholder of a borrower; and (c) All

45、issued share capital of an unlisted borrower. 16. 貸款及應收款項 於二零一二年六月三十日,有抵押結餘是 以下述者作抵押: (a) 一項在香港的物業; (b) 由借款人的單一股東簽署生效的個人 擔保;及 (c) 一間非上市借款人的全部已發行股 份。 20 深圳科技控股有限公司 Shenzhen High-Tech Holdings Limited 中期報告 INTERIM REPORT 2012 NOTES TO UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 未經審核簡明綜合財務報表附

46、註 17. fiNaNcial assets at fair Value through profit or loss The balances as at 30th June 2012 and 31st December 2011 represent the investments in Hong Kong listed equity securities and debt securities, which are held for trading, the fair value of which has been determined by reference to their quot

47、ed prices in active markets at the statement of financial position dates. The balances of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are analysed as follows: 二零一二年 二零一一年 六月三十日 十二月三十一日 30th June 31st December 2012 2011 (未經審核) (經審核) (unaudited) (Audited) 千港元 千港元 hk$000 HK$000 於香港上市之股本證券 Lis

48、ted equity securities in Hong Kong 111,657 57,115 債務證券 Debt securities 53,869 165,526 57,115 18. other payaBles, deposits receiVed aNd accrued charges As at 30th June 2012, the balances include the tenancy deposits amounting to approximately HK$11,725,000 received from tenants (31st December 2011: a

49、pproximately HK$10,869,000). 17. 按公平值列入損益賬之金融資產 於二零一二年六月三十日及二零一一年 十二月三十一日之結餘為於香港上市股本 證券及債務證券之投資,該等證券乃持有 作買賣用途,其公平值已參照該等於財務 狀況表日期之活躍市埸之報價釐定。 按公平值列入損益賬之金融資產之結餘分 析如下: 18. 其他應付款項、已收按金及應計費用 於二零一二年六月三十日,結餘包括來自 租戶之租務按金約11,725,000港元 (二零 一一年十二月三十一日:約10,869,000港 元) 。 深圳科技控股有限公司 Shenzhen High-Tech Holdings Limited 中期報告 INTERIM REPORT 201221 NOTES TO UNAUDITED CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 未經審核簡明綜合財務


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