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1、5263餐飲管理研究99/11/23 10:25:14 列印 98學年第一學期東海大學教師授課計劃表 Course Plan of Tunghai University 一.課程基本資料 Course Information 開課系所 Department (研)餐旅系 課程名稱 Course Title 中文 (Chinese) : 餐飲管理研究 英文 (English) : Food & Beverage Management Research 必選修類別 Required/Elective 選修 先修課程 Prerequisites 學分數 Credits 3 - 0 先修課程說明 Pr

2、erequisites instruction Fundamental statistic knowledge and Hospitality concepts 課程概述 (系所共同性目標) Course Description This course contains two major parts: in the first part, you will learn the foodservice categories based on the various types of customers, and the features of management and operation

3、systems will be explored as well. The second part will focus on the structure of the good quality customer service providing. Besides, you will know how significant for employees to solve problems at the crucial moment by managers assistance. In the end, the trend and findings of hospitality managem

4、ent research will be discussed. 課程規劃(教師個 別性目標) Course Plan 二、教師相關資料 Instruction Information 授課教師資料 授課教師 Instructor 汪淑台 / s2719w20thu.edu.tw / 行動電話常用聯絡方式 上課時間、地點 Class Time And Classroom 一/5,6,7 晤談時間、地點 Office Hours And Classroom 一/3 (M206-1) 三、課程大綱 Syllabus (本課程大綱教師得依實際教學進度及學生學習情況進行調整) 課程目標 (Course

5、Objectives) Familiarize students with the major studies in the hospitality areas. Topics include: Management, Human resource, customer relations, Financial Management, Market segmentation, Major statistic analysis, Current trend. Course participants will learn the basic concept of discovering proble

6、m and further problem solving through various research methods. Major trends in the industry will also be introduced in class in order to build the bridge between academy and industry. 主要參考書籍/資料 (Textbooks and References) (教科書遵守智慧財產權觀念不得非法影印) University Electronic database 1. Academic Search Complet

7、e-ACS EBSCOhost 46. Hospitality & Tourism Complete-HTC EBSCOhost 81. SDOL (Science Direct Online) 82. SDOS 電子期刊全文資料庫 83. Social Science Citation Index-SSCI (Web of Science) 教學進度(Course Schedule) - 18週次(Weeks) 週次 Week 日期 Date 內容主題 Course Topics and Contents 指定閱讀資料 Course Reading Materials 1 98/09/20

8、98/09/26 Class introduction 2 98/09/27 98/10/03 Management 3 98/10/04 98/10/10 Human resource 4 98/10/11 98/10/17 Customer relations 5 98/10/18 98/10/24 Destination management 6 98/10/25 98/10/31 Market segmentation 7 98/11/01 98/11/07 Financial management 8 98/11/08 98/11/14 MICE industry 9 98/11/1

9、5 98/11/21 Midterm 10 98/11/22 98/11/28 Research method- Qualitative 98/11/29 11 98/11/29 98/12/05 Research method- Quantitative 12 98/12/06 98/12/12 Research method- Quantitative 13 98/12/13 98/12/19 Select your project 14 98/12/20 98/12/26 Proposal defending 15 98/12/27 99/01/02 Current trend 16 9

10、9/01/03 99/01/09 Current trend 17 99/01/10 99/01/16 Final presentation 18 99/01/17 99/01/23 Final presentation 學習活動與作業說明 (Learning Activities and Assignments) Paper reading followed by summary report presentation of selected articles Classroom discussion 評分方式 (Grading Policy) 評分項目 Assessment Item 配分

11、比例 Percentage 相關說明 Description 1 Attendance5% 2 Classroom discussion20% 3 Summary report20% 4 Midterm25% 5 Final presentation30% 課程其他要求 (Other Requirements) All reports have to be handed in with references cited in APA style. Classroom interaction and discussion is emphasized. Innovation idea and ne

12、w concepts are encouraged in reports and presentation. All presentation has to be in power point form. 教師教材上網網址 (Tunghai Moodle Website or Personal Website) https:/elearning2.thu.edu.tw/moodle2/course/view.php?id=18231 四、課程內涵與學生核心能力之對應 Correspondence Between Course Contents and Core Competency 學生核心能力 (碩) Core Competency 1.具備餐旅研究與發表能力。 2.具備餐旅產業分析與策略性思考能力。 學生核心能力Core Competency 課程內涵Course Contents 12 分析餐旅研究議題 參考文獻搜集及資料整理 熟悉餐旅研究方法 閱讀國際期刊及整合訓練 列印


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