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1、ACRP Problem No. 12-01-03 The Potential for Congestion Pricing Schemes for use of the Airport Roadway System ACRP Staff Comments: No comments offered. TRB Aviation Group Committees Comments: AVIATION ECONOMICS AND FORECASTING CMTE - The topic seems more suited to a synthesis type report that would c

2、atalog existing examples, common rationales, and structures for such pricing schemes, and clarification of any legal issues that may arise in this area (concerning, for example, limitations on uses of the funds generated). Committee supports a scaled back version of the project. AIRPORT TERMINALS AN

3、D GROUND ACCESS CMTE - We recommend approval. The proposal addresses three of the four legs of sustainability as defined in EONS (Economic, Operational, Natural Resources the primary decision revolves around the flight. , to understand at what pricing levels such pricing schemes may be effective in

4、altering user behavior. This would be accomplished through the administration of a stated preference survey to resident air passengers at a sample of U.S. Airports, and development of a model to estimate behavior. This data would provide airport operators that are considering such pricing schemes wi

5、th some initial information on what levels of pricing may be necessary to realize significant reductions in congestion and emissions, as well as what level of revenue such pricing schemes may generate. The work product would be a handbook that would present information on the types of fees, the purp

6、ose of assessing the fees, how to develop strategies for assessing the fees to accomplish the underlying goals, evaluating the feasibility of charging such fees, selection of methodologies and technologies (such as cameras, license plate recognition systems, and transponders linked to regional tolli

7、ng systems) for assessing and collecting the fees, benefits and obstacles to congestion pricing, and how to measure results. IV. RESEARCH PROPOSED The research effort would consist of (a) researching airports in the U.S. and overseas that have applied some form of similar pricing related to the airp

8、ort roadway system or terminal curbside area, (b) providing case studies of congestion pricing methods used for highways and transit that lend themselves to consideration in the airport environment, (c) providing an overview of the types of fees currently charged to airport commercial transportation

9、 operators (circuit fees, trip fees, dwell time fees, permit fees) d) interviews with airport executives from small, medium and large hub airports to gather opinions on the utility (ie, congestion and emissions reduction, improved utilization of roadways and curb space, contribution to sustainabilit

10、y, increased revenue) and obstacles (ie, political, public resistance, startup costs, implementation hurdles) to such applications within their operating environment, as well as any consideration that is being given to congestion pricing (e) development and administration of a stated preference surv

11、ey to resident air passengers at a sample of U.S. airports and subsequent model development to gain a preliminary understanding of potential elasticities between use of the curbside versus parking facilities for short term use or high occupancy vehicle modes, such as transit and shared ride vans (f)

12、 technologies available or being developed that will enable airports to assess fees to a larger group of users than commercial transportation operators, and the compatibility with technologies outside of the airport environment, such as regional tolling systems. This will include contacting a sample

13、 of agencies that are planning or have implemented regional tolling faculties to identify the technology and implementation issues and determine what kind of planning or dialogue is taking place with commercial airport operators in the market area to ensure compatibility in the future (or at least n

14、ot preclude it), (g) input from companies that provide commercial transportation services and are currently assessed fees by the airport operator, and (h) development of a guidebook that will assist airport operators in determining the feasibility of developing and offering a congestion pricing sche

15、me, determining the purpose of assessing such fees, how to develop a pricing scheme, technologies for consideration, benefits and obstacles, and how to measure results. V. ESTIMATE OF THE PROBLEM FUNDING AND RESEARCH PERIOD The estimated funding is $525,000, and the timeframe for conducting the rese

16、arch is 24 months. VI. URGENCY AND PAYOFF POTENTIAL In recent years, with a decline in air passenger traffic at many commercial airports, and airlines seeking ways to reduce their costs, airport operators are interested in additional sources for generating non aeronautical revenue. Additional non ae

17、ronautical revenue from such a pricing scheme has the potential to reduce or slow the growth of fees to two airport customer groups who often voice concerns about cost containment: airlines and commercial transportation operators. Effective methods for traffic management within the airport roadway s

18、ystem and within the terminal curbside areas have the potential to improve customer service, decrease operational costs, eliminate or delay the need for the provision of additional capacity, and reduce emissions within the airport footprint. Additionally, improved vehicle throughput, ie, reduced dwe

19、ll times in the vicinity of the terminal curbside is more desirable from a security perspective. For airports that have adopted the triple bottom line approach to sustainability, pricing schemes considered should be developed to achieve results in accordance with sustainability policies. The explora

20、tion of this topic and development of a guidebook through ACRP would provide airports with a framework for evaluating the practicalities of pursuing such a pricing scheme, well as how to go about adopting one, and provide an indication of the potential pricing levels necessary to achieve results bas

21、ed on development of preliminary air passenger elasticities. This topic is timely since many state highway or regional agencies with roadway jurisdiction are planning or have adopted technologies to bill vehicles, or subtract fees from a prepaid account for using tolling facilities. Airport operator

22、s should be considering how such technologies may be compatible with the airport environment. Collaboration in the planning stages may provide economies of scale to the airport operator on the costs of equipment and technology needed to adopt congestion pricing at a later date. VII. RELATED RESEARCH

23、 Limited research is available related to variations of congestion pricing in the airport environment. Research is available for highways, transit and freight. A recent example is the International Scan: Reducing Congestion and Funding Transportation Using Variable Road Pricing, conducted jointly by

24、 AASHTO, FHWA, FTA through NCHRP. The initial report was submitted in January 2010. Research can be conducted on some of the technologies that could be used to introduce and maintain such a pricing scheme in the airport environment. Research on the technology and implementation issues on tolling and

25、 congestion pricing projects currently being planned in the United States will also inform this project. VIII. PERSON(S) DEVELOPING THE PROBLEM Diane M. Ricard, Principal DMR Consulting 290 S. Oakland Ave., Suite 6 Pasadena, CA 91101 Phone: 626-792-7627 Fax: 626-666-3973 Email: I

26、X. PROCESS USED TO DEVELOPMENT PROBLEM STATEMENT The problem statement was developed by Diane Ricard, and was prompted by how such applications could be useful on projects her firm has been involved in as well as conversations with airport professionals contemplating such pricing in the airport envi

27、ronment. X. DATE AND SUBMITTED BY March 4, 2011 by Diane M. Ricard, Principal DMR Consulting 290 S. Oakland Ave, Suite 6 Pasadena, CA 91101 626-792-7627 Craig Leiner, Chairman TRB Committee AV050 This statement is being submitted by way of TRB AV050, Airport Terminals and Ground Access Committee This problem statement has been endorsed by TRB Committee AV050 and the ACI Environmental Steering Committee


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